drpepperobsessed · 10 months
Not my friends all in their own relationships, and I’m here stuck talking to character.ai 💀
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drpepperobsessed · 1 year
This fucking thread about JK Rowling's shit world building.
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
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New official art for “Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness”
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Y’all I just watched Thor: Love and Thunder, and I think this is my bi awakening, as in Bisexual
I’m attracted to Natalie Portman’s biceps in Thor: Love and Thunder 🛐
Jokes aside I think it is my bi awakening 🤪
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Chapter 1 - Need 4 - Maki Zenin x F!Reader
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Chapter 1 – A Decision
Word count: 2.2 k
Chapter warning: Gojo being Gojo.
“Place it a little to the left” Choso kindly asked Nanami, who was placing a “Welcome back (Y/N)!” Banner, you could see Gojo running around placing the last decorations. “How are you so sure she will stop by?” Nanami asked as he climbed down the ladder.
“I´m her older brother, I know she will come” Choso said with a firm tone. “Besides, with the gift we left her, she´s gonna stop by to say what an amazing older brother I am!” Gojo commented now beside them, all the decorations were ready.
Gojo´s phone rang, seeing who was calling, he answered “Hey Ijichi, what´s up?” Gojo walked to the office inside the workshop. “A 2011 model? Let me see what we have in storage” Gojo winked at Nanami and Choso and got inside the office.
“Any word about the guys?” Nanami asked Choso, referring to Yuuji, Sukuna, Nobara and Megumi, they were supposed to go to the workshop after school for your party. “Yuuji sent me a picture of the 4 of them on their way, but that was a while ago, they should´ve come by already” Choso started to get worried.
“Maybe they stopped on the way, you know how Nobara drags them around when she sees something she wants to buy” Nanami reassured Choso as he stopped him from calling Yuuji “How long do we have until (Y/N) arrives here?”
“She called me an hour and thirty minutes ago when she got home” Choso checked his watch “So I´ll say we have 30 minutes to go” Gojo came out of the office with a manila folder in hand “Oi, Ino can you take this to the shop? Ijichi will receive it”
Ino who was taking a break, nodded, took the folder, and left to the main store. “Why couldn´t you just send it by mail?” Nanami asked Gojo, seeing him walk their way. “They needed a signature to authorize the sale.” Gojo answered while fixing his glasses.
“You know? I´m not a 100% sure to trust you guys” A female voice could be heard outside of the workshop “Not that I don´t trust you Megumi, but I don´t believe the arcade story”
“I don´t believe it either, especially since the arcade has been under maintenance the last week” Another voice answered, “Besides they both went together so if one of them gets in trouble, the other one can save their ass” Two bodies could be seen coming inside the workshop, one taller than the other. The taller one with messed up hair. The smaller one with straight hair. Both were wearing school uniforms, as they just came out of school.
Megumi and Nobara greeted Choso, Nanami and Gojo. Gojo quickly going over them to greet them with a hug, which both Megumi and Nobara tried to evade to the best of their abilities, but Gojo was faster and accomplished his goal.
Nanami just nodded his head at them, and Choso was the one who decided to speak “Kugisaki, Fushiguro, it´s nice to see you both stop by” Megumi rubbed the back of his neck “Well, you guys did say that there was going to be an important meeting today” Nobara added “And that we should come after school as fast as possible”
Nobara noticed something behind Choso, which made her gaze stop directly on it, it was the banner. “Welcome back (Y/N)?” Nobara read confused, but then it clicked in “Eh!? (Y/N) is back already!?” She asked surprised, to which Megumi turned his gaze to the banner too “Wasn´t she supposed to come back next week?”.
“For you guys, she was coming back next week” Gojo said excited, pointing at the two of them. “But actually, she was always going to come today. It was part of my plan to surprise the four of you!” Gojo realized something, something that both Choso and Nanami realized too.
“Where are the twins?” Choso asked, seeing that his little brothers weren´t with their friends. “That´s actually what we were talking about on the way here” Nobara crossed her arms “While I was looking for a dress, both Itadori and Sukuna ran off to, and I quote” Nobara made the quote sign “ ”The Arcade” or that´s what they told Fushiguro”
“We both know they didn´t go there, probably Sukuna had something in mind already and Itadori went with him to help if things escalated” Megumi explained. Choso hearing this moved his hand to his face and sighed “We´re sorry Choso” Megumi and Nobara apologized “Don´t be, you aren´t their nanny to be following them around, I´m not mad at either of you, I´m just thinking how to bring them back before (Y/N) gets here.”
A motorcycle engine could be heard from the distance “I think it’s a bit too late for that” Nanami said while checking his watch “She actually arrived fifteen minutes earlier than you thought Choso” Gojo commented “Well with that bike I´m surprised she didn´t arrive faster.” Gojo placed both of his hands on Choso´s shoulder shaking him a bit “Now loosen up racoon, our little-“
Choso interrupted him “my little” but Gojo decided to ignore him “Our little sister is coming here after four years of being away, let´s not receive her with a stressful aura alright? I´ll take care of Yuuji and Sukuna” Choso once again sighed “Thank you Gojo” Gojo slapped him in the back “No need, besides I think I know where they are” Gojo took out his phone and texted someone “He´s gonna check for us and bring them here” Gojo placed his phone back in his pocket “With that settled, let´s all greet our dear (Y/N)”
You could see the workshop entrance getting bigger as you got closer to it, excited at the thought of seeing part of your family after four years. You started to break and made a perfect parking in the entrance, seeing the number of cars being worked you thought ´Business is going as strong as ever´. You turned off the bike and took of your helmet, placing it in the seat of the bike, and seeing the main door open, you being you, decided to be sneaky and come in through the back door. ´Let´s see if the keys still work´
They did work, you mentally celebrated, and came inside the workshop, being amazed at how much it had changed, but at the same time it kept that familiarity you used to remember. You kept making your way inside the workshop, trying to locate your brother and his friends. When you saw that none of them were in their usual spots you though ´Did they change the office to a new place?´ you then heard Nanami´s voice and started to walk over there, and what you saw surprised you.
You saw your brother and his friends, Megumi and Nobara, the last one with her cellphone on hand, probably recording something, the five of them with their backs to you and their gaze stuck on the main door. You made your way over to them and stood beside Choso, looking at the main door too, and decided to ask out loud “What are we looking at?” Gojo, Nanami, Nobara and Megumi turned to you with smile on their faces, already knowing what you were going to do.
“We´re waiting for (Y/N) to come through the door so that we can surprise her” Choso answered, “Oh really? Hold on, let me just” You passed in front of them, went out the door, and instantly came back with a smile “Hello everyone!” you said with a big smile on your face. Nobara and Gojo started laughing, while Megumi and Nanami stood there with smiles on their faces. Meanwhile Choso started crying.
“(Y/N)!” Nobara ran over to hug you, you hug her back “Nobara! It´s been so long! How are you? Did you already got scouted?” You asked her excited, since you didn´t have a lot of time to keep in contact with her. You and Nobara talked for a bit, and your gaze turned to Choso and you noticed that he was crying,
“Choso don´t cry, I´m already here and I´m not going anywhere, you aren´t getting rid of me anymore!” You told him as you hugged him, Choso hugged you back and lifted you a bit from the ground “I know, its just that I´m happy that you´re back already”.
Gojo came over “Oi, oi, its my turn, don´t hog our little sister” Gojo pushed Choso and he hugged you, lifting you completely from the ground and turning around “Our amazing (Y/N) is back, although she isn´t as amazing as me” and thus began the small surprise party they made for your return.
You greeted Nanami who gave you a brief hug and expressed how happy he is that you were back, you also greeted Megumi, and ruffled his hair like you used to do when he was younger. You kept talking with them especially with Nobara and Megumi which you can´t see as much as the three adults, after a while, both Nanami and Gojo wanted to talk with you. The three of you excused yourselves and took a seat in Nanami´s office.
“I think you already know why we want to talk with you” Nanami commented, seeing you look at the pictures hanging on the wall, your vision stuck in a particular one “I do” you turned around to look at them, Nanami was sitting in his chair, while Gojo was leaning against the wall. “You want to know if I´m going to keep racing”
You sighed “Actually I had that thought running through my mind for a while” Both Gojo and Nanami looked at you “We know how much you must have though about it” Gojo said “Specially after what happened on your last race” Gojo said and Nanami grunted at the memory.
You frowned as flashes of the race ran through your mind, your fist tightening on itself “And we want to tell you that whatever your choice is, you will have our full support” Nanami said. The two of them looked at you, waiting for your answer, not rushing you as they knew that this was going to be a hard decision on yourself, since you´ve been part of the street racing world since you had memory.
Thanks to Choso, who has been part of that world since his teenage days, everything you know, its thanks to his teachings along with Gojo´s. When they were on their twenties. Gojo formed a crew called “Jujutsu Tech”, a crew he formed alongside your brother, and someone else, who up to this day you don´t know who it is. Nanami came to be part of the crew a few years later and became one of the three leaders.
The main point of the crew was to form part of Tokyo´s street racing life, getting to be on top of the street racing hierarchy, and being the greatest crew out there. Which they succeeded to do a few years down the road.
Having Gojo´s natural talent of being a pro racer, drifting, on road, off road, you tell it, the man could run anywhere anytime, got them to be on top of the charts for a long time, and up to this day they still are, thanks to his teachings to other members of the crew, with Choso´s ability to fix and tune any car, all the cars the crew used for a race were always perfect, and with Nanami´s mind on managing the crew, monitoring their races, and always keeping in mind the Tokyo Police Department, “Jujutsu Tech” came to be the top crew of Tokyo.
And you being the younger and only sister of Choso, learned to love everything about races while growing up, and when you were old enough, Choso gave you your first car. A Mitsubishi Lancer with the main coat being black, the secondary one being blue, and the details were coated in silver, that was fixed and tuned only by Choso, since it was going to be your first car, he wanted it to be special. And with that car you got the title of “The Flash Ninja”.
Which you got thanks to the speed you took during the races, and your ability to hide and confuse the police. Being part of the Street Racing world wasn´t easy, usually most of the races ended with the police chasing the participants. Some of the crew members have been caught by the police, but Gojo, Choso and you have never been caught by the police, Nanami doesn´t participate in the races, although he does have the ability to do so.
Only once you were almost caught by the police, and that was during your last race, but you got to run away from them on time and were never caught.
You sighed and looked at Gojo and Nanami “I went to Kyoto to get that university degree, so that I can run the motorcycle shop in a better way and keep the business growing” you started to explain “and after what happened last time, I don´t want to get caught and sent to prison, being unable to achieve what I want to”
The two of them look at you as you open your mouth to answer their question “I´m not going to keep racing.”
A/N: I´m sorry for the late update, for those who don´t follow me, allow me to explain, my computer died on me a few days ago, but everything is fixed, I hope... Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter! The draft came out being almost 5.5K words long, the original plan was for Maki to appear again in this chapter, but I had to cut it in half, in the next one our queen herself will appear! Next update will be coming tomorrow or the day after, Hope y'all enjoyed the chapter!
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Gonna check if everything is in order, and if all the changes I made are still there, so the next update gonna come today!
My laptop just broke down, nice 🤡, and just when I was finishing editing the draft to post the next part of Need 4 💀, Imma go and perform sudoku on myself brb
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
My laptop just broke down, nice 🤡, and just when I was finishing editing the draft to post the next part of Need 4 💀, Imma go and perform sudoku on myself brb
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Need 4 Masterlist - Officer!Maki Zenin x F!Street Racer!Reader
Need for Speed!AU
A/N: Its a work in progress! I suck at summaries just so you know, the number of chapters and the title of them may be subtled to change, hope y'all enjoy it!
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Summary: (Y/N) comes back to Tokyo after being away for 4 years, leaving behind her title as 'The Flash Ninja' thanks to her speed and ability to disappear through the night. Thinking that everything's the same as she left it, she comes to realize how wrong she was. The High Task Force is stronger than ever, going all the way to stop the street races and her crew might be in trouble. Accompany her on her story to save her crew, and meet a certain officer on the way.
Story warning: It may have some manga spoilers, read at your own risk!
Prologue - Welcome Home
Chapter 1 - A Decision
Chapter 2 - Hello There
Chapter 3 - To The Rescue
Chapter 4 - Revoke
Chapter 5 - We Meet Again
Chapter 6 - A Mistake
Chapter 7 - In Progress
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Prologue - Need 4 - Maki Zenin x F!Reader
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Prologue - Welcome Home
Word count: 1.3 k
Chapter warning: Slight angst if you squint enough, slight manga spoiler, beware! Read at your own risk!
“How was the ride from Kyoto?” You heard someone ask you through the phone as you made your way to the exit. “The train ride was okay, you know how it is, you don´t feel the actual speed inside the bullet train” You answered, walking out of the Tokyo Train Station.
“Did you bring everything over? Or do you need me to take the ride back to your university to pick up anything you left behind?” You lightly chuckled at your big brother´s worry. “Yeah, I have everything Choso, I´m not that forgetful like you and Yuuji” Choso laughed at that comment.
“Haha, very funny (Y/N)” Choso said “I know, I know” You joked back “Do you want me to pick you up? I can ask Nanami to cover for me” You shook your head as you heard the engines on the background “Don´t worry about it, by the sound of it there´s a lot of work over there, I´ll see what I can do” You reassured your brother, then you heard a crash and someone screaming a curse word. “FUCK!”
“Oh shit” Choso said, realizing who that scream belonged you asked, “Was that Gojo?”
“Not again!”
“Great, back to being 0 days since an accident occurred”
“Hey! It wasn´t my fault!”
“Yeah, now I have to stop Nanami from strangling him” Choso said, you laughed “Say hello to them from me” You could hear the chaos in the background “I´ll talk with you at home”
“Aren´t you gonna stop by later?” Choso asked “Maybe, if I´m bored enough I´ll stop by” You answered
“Oi, Choso, are you talking to (Y/N)? Is she already here?” You could hear Gojo´s voice in the background “Lemme talk to her!” For some reason Gojo´s voice could be heard closer “I have to go, see you later, remember to text me when you get home” Choso said quickly “I will, bye!” You ended the call
´It feels good to be back after 4 years´ You thought to yourself as you made your way to the subway station, you didn´t carry a lot of package since most of it was already sent a few days before you came back, courtesy of your brother and his friends, or as Gojo likes to call himself and Nanami “Honorary amazing and cooler older brothers” but if you ask Nanami about it he will deny some part of the title.
‘I wonder how the rest of the guys are’ you thought, as memories from a few years ago came back to your mind, especially of your younger brothers Yuuji and Sukuna, and their friends Megumi and Nobara. At the though of Sukuna your train of thought got a bit sad, remembering how your last encounter with him went.
“Why did you ever think about it!?” …
“What would you have told Choso?” …
“You didn’t have to interrupt!” …
“It was your fault” …
“You are not mom!” …
You shook your head, trying to clear your mind of the discussion that stranded your relationship with Sukuna, you still care about him, after all he’s your brother. ‘They’re still at school anyway, so I probably won’t see them until tonight’
You got inside the elevator to get to the subway station, as you didn’t want to walk down the stairs with your luggage, having in mind that the doors could close in any minute, but just as you crossed them you heard a voice say, “Hold the door!”
You turned to see who said that, seeing a beautiful woman with green hair tied in a ponytail and glasses, with a case in hand, you got stunned by the looks of this woman and didn’t move from where you were.
Luckily, she thought you were just holding the door like she asked, “Thank you” You heard her say to you as you got out of your trance and got inside the elevator, you just nodded at her “No problem” you mumbled back.
‘Thank god the elevator isn’t empty’ you thought as you kept sneaking glances at her through the reflection on the mirror in the elevator, your mind trying to say something to you everytime you looked at her ‘Do I know her from somewhere?’
You got off in your floor, a bit sad that the beautiful green-haired woman didn’t get off in the same floor as you, but you still made your way to the subway, getting in just in time.
“Next stop, Shibuya station”
You got ready and walked out of the wagon, making your way out of the station, and taking the usual bus that you already knew by memory at what hour it would pass by, this bus being the one that you used to take everyday when you lived in Tokyo.
‘Nothing has changed much in the area’ You thought as you looked at the scenery through the bus window, just some buildings that looked a bit older, the trees in the park got bigger, but you didn’t see any big changes.
You got up and made your way to the exit, pressing the button on the way to inform the driver to stop in the next one. seeing that it was yours. You thanked the driver as you got out and started the 5-minute walk to your family home.
“I’m home” you said as you opened the door, closing it behind you, knowing that the house was empty, you looked at the time “They should be making their way home know” you said aloud, knowing that the twins already finished their classes for the day ‘Oh no right, they should be staying for their club activities’.
You remembered of a conversation you had with Choso about them, that Yuuji somehow was in the ‘Occult Research Club’ and in the Track Team, and that Sukuna was in the Football Team, Choso joked that Sukuna was following your steps, remembering that you used to be the keeper and the captain of football team back when you still were a high school student.
‘Oh, yeah, the good old days, man I feel old now’ you sweat dropped, realizing that no-one was going to come by in a while, you went to your room, and started to unpack your stuff. “Damn, Choso, let me do some stuff by myself” you commented out loud when you saw most of your things already unpacked and placed where they used to be. You finished unpacking and took a bath after the long trip, when you finished and got dressed, you sat on your bed, not feeling comfortable as you felt something pocking your back, you turned around and saw a pair of keys and a note
“A welcome home gift, don’t crash it okay?
From your favorite older brothers brother
- Choso, Gojo and Nanami”
“No way!” You said as you saw the word Kawasaki on the keys, “There’s no way” you got excited as you, again, changed your clothes, grabbed your wallet, the keys and got to the garage. There, you saw it in front of you, your dream motorcycle.
Kawasaki Ninja 650, in your favorite color, and with black and white details. “I can’t believe it” you took your hands to your head, still not believing what your eyes were seeing “How dare them have a beast like you locked here?” you asked to the motorcycle, if someone outside heard you talking, they would think you’re crazy. Screw them, they didn’t see what you were seeing.
You looked around the garage and saw your old helmet on the wall. “Time to take you for a ride baby” you passed your hand through the motorcycle handle, as you practically ran to the wall to grab your helmet.
You opened the garage door as you placed your helmet on and took the motorcycle out. You closed the garage door and got on the bike. “Time to hear you roar” you said to the motorcycle as you placed the key in and turned on the engine.
‘Oh, yes’ You thought as you revved the engine, hearing the sound, you took off and made your way to your family workshop.
Chapter 1
A/N: Welcome! Welcome! I know, I know, our queen doesn't show up much at the beginning, but trust me in this one, its for story building, and yes! You're the middle sibling, Choso being the older, Yuuji and Sukuna being twins, and the youngest out of the four of you. Nanami, Gojo and Choso are close friends in this one. The rest of the gang will be showing up in the next chapters, hope you'all enjoyed it! <3. Lemme know about it, see ya in the next chapter!
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
I’m gonna be posting it in a few minutes so, enjoy? I guess, if it gets enough attention I’ll keep it up lol. 
Just got the idea of writing a Officer!Maki x Racer!Reader Need For Speed AU 😩🤚 just the thought of Maki on a uniform 🛐🔥
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drpepperobsessed · 2 years
Just got the idea of writing a Officer!Maki x Racer!Reader Need For Speed AU 😩🤚 just the thought of Maki on a uniform 🛐🔥
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drpepperobsessed · 3 years
thank you
May I be added to the “on the wall” taglist please? 🥺🥺 OO and if you could do the thing Baji did with the 👠👠 when he found out that Pah wasn’t going to the dinner that would be amazing thank you very much
yes, you may be added. see u on the next update
nd here u go😤
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drpepperobsessed · 3 years
Ngl it was the first thing that came to my mind after the chapter😂
Everyone after Chapter 7 of New Hope Club:
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The love for Jean Grey (or literally anyone but Wanda) to end up with Reader is insane lol
I love that you took the time to make this 😭💞
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drpepperobsessed · 3 years
day by day | masterpost
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banner done by the iconic @dnrequests​/ @dee-ehn​
[하루 하루, haru haru] is the Korean word for ‘day by day’ summary; a series of drabbles about two best friends raising a child together pairing; dilf!jungkook x best friend!reader (f) genre/warnings; angst, longing, pining, mc is a homebody, unrequited love (or is it?), potential idiots 2 lovers, best friends 2 lovers, but there’s a poopy ex-girlfriend, potential toxic relationship, alcohol use, explicit language, eventual fluff, eventual smut [taglist is OPEN]
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part 1; year one
01. the m-word jungkook’s baby calls you the m-word just as he and his ex-girlfriend return from a night out 
02. dr. feel good  you and the doctor in-house have a conversation about life 
03. my bestie jungkook feels guilty for holding you back 
04. awkward ohs you don’t understand why jungkook is suddenly so pissy
05. one year, my love  celebrating the first of many of haru’s birthday with jungkook (and sena)
06. champagne lane you and jungkook have your own little celebration by the lake
part 2; year 3 
07. common law marriage you and jungkook finally do the thing you’ve been talking about since haru’s first birthday
08. so this is love you and jungkook get the full disney experience, cliche love story included
09. back to reality  all you and haru want to do is go back home and take a nice long rest
10. silent night while you wait, unexpected closure finds their way to you
11. day by day jungkook makes a decision for his family
final; and many more — aka, your family wraps up a decade of love
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drpepperobsessed · 3 years
seems like busting into people’s houses runs in the agreste blood first chat in mari’s balcony and now gabriel in the middle of alya’s living room
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drpepperobsessed · 3 years
They are going to pass all of their finals
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