yet again begging and pleading that at least once in the coming seasons, if for no more than a mere moment, we are allowed a glimpse, an echo of Aegon singing. Tom's voice is too beautiful, too full of sorrow and hope not to be granted a jenny-of-oldstones-style song and accompanying scene. just imagine being consumed by flashes of Aemond's guilt-ridden wrath and Helaena's devastating despair while Aegon's slow song drifts over us, aching and angry and searching for answers he cannot hope to find. such agony, such horror, and all for a throne he did not want.
I might write the fic, if only to soothe and injure my heart. in the meantime, this will be playing endlessly. (rossignol translates to nightingale - yeah, I'm sobbing). there's something so heart-wrenching about their composition, another absolute masterwork from one of my favourites ✨
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Navhalla Tarith - the last Shadowborn. An elite warrior before becoming undead, he's even more dangerous now. Half orc, half human, he preferred books to fighting for a number of years. When the dragons attacked, he enlisted in the Warhammer Division, the Orcish special forces. At the Battle of the Red Sky, he died at the hands of Dragon soldiers, but was revived by a dying Shadowborn who passed his magic to him. After the war, he roams the Twelve Kingdoms as a monster hunter and watchful protector, waiting for the return of the Dragons.
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"The dragons came, spewing blackfire all around them and burning the cities of elves and men alike to the ground. The dragons did not discriminate, they killed all, regardless of heritage. The ruled the Twelve Kingdoms for centuries, until the 'lesser peoples' united and drove them north into the Great Chasm, where they have been contained for far longer than was intended. And the seal which has held so steadfast for so long, is now beginning to crack."
I'm finally working on my book again, and gods it feels good. Thank you @theobjectofyourire for helping me get back into writing.
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Okay but let's just appreciate seeing Matt Smith in the daddy role that the Doctor Who Fandom knew he was capable of.
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Bruce Wayne's Accent
So, I had this epiphany the other day that I'm not sure if other people have had. Everyone knows that Bruce Wayne was raised by a British dude (Alfred), but nobody ever mentions that Bruce himself probably has a slight British accent due to his upbringing. Not nearly as strong as Alfred's, but still noticeable. Like that would help with his identity concealment as well. Because Bruce Wayne has an accent, but Batman with his angry, gravelly voice doesn't. I just think that would be really cool. #batman #alfred #gotham
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Dean Winchester Feels
So, you know how a bunch of people say Dean is the nerd with his Star Trek and Lord of the Rings references? Well, what if while growing up, Sam really was the nerd, and Dean wasn't allowed to be because John was training him to be a soldier. But when John would go away for long trips, Dean would read books to Sammy or watch movies with him. First of all, so that Sammy could have a childhood, and also so that in a way, Dean could too. Just another reason to love Dean and hate John. #supernatural #deanwinchesteristhebest #johnwinchestersucks
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Adulting Sucks
So, I was told there would be days like this. What I wasn't told was that there would be so many. And that I'd always be tired. And never have any money. And no friends. And always falling. Adulting sucks!
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