dissentabsolute · 23 hours
It could probably be argued that Artemis's adults have child supervision. Artemis is definitely supervising things in those books.
Rereading Artemis fowl is so delightful. That child is committing atrocities but it's okay he has adult supervision
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dissentabsolute · 18 days
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Omg this is like 800 metaphors rolled into one megaphor
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dissentabsolute · 28 days
Opening up my own fanfiction document on my personal laptop to find out that the author already updated and just needs to finish editing before posting, but has no memory of actually writing this chapter.
opening up my own fanfiction document on my personal laptop to see if the author has updated it yet
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dissentabsolute · 2 months
i think it's fucked up that there are plants that decided they wanted to eat meat
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dissentabsolute · 2 months
Ao3 is actually massively culturally important and very very good at being what it is. I’m so serious when I say that ao3 needs to be protected as the anti censorship, by fans for fans, nonprofit, volunteer run, expertly designed archival site that it is. You don’t have to read or like fanfiction to understand that on principle, ao3 is a site that should be defended.
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dissentabsolute · 3 months
So I've had to have this conversation a lot with people, so i'm writing it out here. Reformism, in politics is a lot like palliative care. Is that morphine going to cure someone's broken leg, no it isn't, but that doesn't mean you should just leave them in agonising pain while you reset the leg. In the same way reformist measures to lets say improve working conditions, or provide housing for the poor, or provide universal healthcare, probably aren't going to solve the underlying structural causes of injustice under capitalism, and yes those underlying structural causes are important and need to be addressed. But they sure as hell will make a lot of people's lives better, will ease an incredible amount of human suffering, and to say that doesn't matter and isn't worth fighting for is just as fundamentally immoral as denying someone painkillers because it won't fix their injury.
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dissentabsolute · 5 months
I'm gonna be honest I really think the all time prize for fucked up shit happening to the moon has to go to Naruto doesn't it. I mean, the shit they did to the moon in that show is so fucked up it still isn't clear exactly what the fuck went down, but it involved a plan to use the moon to brainwash the entire world only for the moon to turn out to be the corpse of an ancient alien god. And somehow eyeballs are involved.
List Of Media Where Something Fucked Up Happens To The Moon
despicable me (moon theft)
miraculous ladybug (moon split in half)
hermitcraft (moon big)
feel free to add
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dissentabsolute · 5 months
Look, look I see what your saying here but you've got to understand that in Catholicism the parasocial relationships are a feature not a bug.
The thing is that parasocial relationships are one of the major foundational elements of the Catholic Church's operating procedure. Like you're supposed to pick a patron saint that you have a deep and spiritual connection with. Your relationship with them is super special and meaningful and if you ever met you'd be besties. You carry their symbol with you wherever you go. They'll even talk to God on your behalf if you fuck up. You'll never meet them. They may or may not be real. They almost definitely didn't do all the things you read about in their autobiography. When you do your confirmation you should add their name to your own. If people talk shit about your saint you should burn them for heresy. If they leave a footprint near your village you should build a shrine and charge admission. There are dubious salesmen by the roadside on major pilgrimage routes selling merch that may or may not be made of your saint's body parts. You buy some and carry it in a little bag around your neck always. They can do anything. They can probably do magic. They are the most specialist person ever to live. You rearrange your life to be more like them. You throw a party on their birthday/death day. You comission the greatest artists of the day to draw them mostly naked and hang the pictures up in your home. This is considered completely normal and admirable behaviour by the Church.
The Catholic church fully endorses the kind of unhinged fan behaviour that under any other circumstances would probably result in some kind of restraining order, and they've been doing it for centuries and, they're still the single largest sect of the single largest religion in the world. So what we're seeing really is that the Catholic church really understand the value of a rabid fanbase and aren't stupid enough to alienate them. Kind of a social engineering masterstroke really.
if the catholic church was so smart why didn’t they make Parasocial Relationships a SIN. Marks failed to consider this
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dissentabsolute · 6 months
So I had this dream about a dystopian future where various looming villainous corporations had trademarked all the pronouns. To use a set of pronouns you had to pay a subscription fee, which fluctuated based on demand and the whims of hedgefund managers. Some corporations also required you to pass an interview and background check to make sure you were the right fit for their brand.
People who couldn't afford to buy pronouns were constantly making up and trading new bootleg pronouns between each other,in darkened chatrooms and cyberpunk speakeasies, but as soon as corporate caught on they'd jump on them and the people who had been using them, created them, poured their energy and individuality into them had to move on.
So yeah. I'm pretty sure I know where my subconcious was going with that one, something something, anxieties about commodification of identity, something something your art is not your own, something something terrifying power of big business in late stage capitalism. But, I also feel like thats actually a pretty cool premise for a short story.
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dissentabsolute · 6 months
It occurs to me that deep down, most people who oppose abortion rights probably aren't mad keen on womens suffrage either. If someone can't even bear the thought of a woman deciding what to do with her body then do you really think they are happy about women making decisions about how the country is run.
So you know, today it's abortion rights and thats bad enough, but tomorrow it'll be the vote they come for. Because it always has been and always will be about who holds power.
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dissentabsolute · 6 months
i think that killing a dragon should have catastrophic nuclear-fallout level environmental consequences tbh. their blood should scorch and wither the earth with fire and poison, the toxic fumes released as they decay should choke the land and all nearby living creatures, and the entire landscape where they fell should be transformed into a blighted wasteland where bleached leviathan bones loom upwards out of the ground as a warning that can be seen from miles away, the boundary markers of an exclusion zone.
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dissentabsolute · 7 months
ftr I am forever going to be bitter that the post I wanted to be "let's talk about extinct ecosystems and how cool they are!" got derailed into yet another post just talking about a single taxon like the millions of other posts on palaeoblr
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dissentabsolute · 7 months
“The eyes of the world and, particularly, the eyes of labor are upon us,” Fran Drescher, the president of SAG-AFTRA, said. “What happens to us is important. What’s happening to us is happening across all fields of labor.  When employers make Wall Street and greed their priority and they forget about the essential contributors who make the machine run, we have a problem.” - New York Times, Hollywood Actors Strike
say it!! louder!!!
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dissentabsolute · 7 months
So capitalists be like "communism can never work because humans can never create a perfect society blah blah." And I just can't help responding "The goal here isn't to create a perfect society, the goal is to create a society that is a reasonable amount better than the one provided by capitalism and you know what, the bar is Pretty Fucking Low."
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dissentabsolute · 7 months
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dissentabsolute · 7 months
Ok no, I refuse to stay quiet on this.
You talk about this like the lawnification of English agriculture wasn't the end result of a fucking five century long deliberate campaign of enclosure. You talk like deforestation, and land clearances, and the draining of wetlands, and fucking sheep farming weren't at every turn used as weapons against the poor, weren't used deliberately to disenfranchise the peasantry and drive them ever further into dependency on food sources controllable by the landed aristocracy, and then later off of the land entirely and into the factories.
From the point of the Norman conquest onwards, the process of enclosure has stripped the country bare, those manor house lawns were watered in the blood of the poor. People in england died fighting to maintain their rights over the forests and wetlands and marginal land that they relied on for food and firewood in hard times, and that were then razed by the aristocracy for sheep farming and other profit making agricultural endevours. Those people weren't stupid, or disdainful of nature, they relied on nature and they knew who was to blame for destroying it. They deserve better than to be mocked for the actions of their opressors.
And the people who destroyed it, well they knew what they were doing too, they were ensuring that the peasantry were dependent on farmland that they had to pey rent on, on the forms of agriculture that could be taxed, and they were at the same time making profit hand over fist. It was a wildly sucessful project with a few hiccups along the way (see the history of peasant revolt and the english civil war), and so when they built an empire they happily shipped the perfected process overseas to all corners of the globe, but make no mistake they test ran all of it in their own back garden. Those pheasant hunting forests are a symbol and the culmination of five hundred years worth of ever increasing restrictions on the common peoples right to hunt and gather their own food, to collect firewood, to interact at all with wild spaces, until, finally, the forests and wildrenesses became nothing more than playgrounds for the rich, purged of anything that didn't support their sport animals.
The island wasn't worn down to a nub for nothing, it was worn down to a nub deliberately, by a very specific class of people the descendents of whom still to this day own nearly all the land and make up most of the government.
So no, I wouldn't say it was right to laugh at english people for the utter desolation that the ruling class succeeded in turning the island they live on into. After all, it's not like your ruling classes aren't trying to achieve exactly the same thing, and well on their way to suceeding.
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Actually your society is the freaks for shooting everything that moves and burning half your "nature reserves" every year so that upperclass dandies can eat leaded pheasant. North Americans are the well adjusted ones here, your country has become a desolate suburban lawn in island form
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