delusionalmortal · 10 months
A Deals, a Deal
Nightmare x reader
Word Count: 567 (omg lol)
You couldn't sleep so you make a deal, with a very tired nightmare.
You sat awake, in the living room, staring at your phone when you felt the aura of the room shift. You look up glancing in the dark. But seeing nothing, you go back to scrolling on pinterest. A tentacle then grips your throat pinning you to the couch. "What on earth are you doing awake," Nightmare demanded.
Blushing your reply, "I couldn't sleep and I didn't want to wake you." He crooked his head to the side, before placing a kiss on cheek.
"Oh darling, were you worried about me?" He teased. You looked to the side not wanting to face him. "Don't be mad my dear, I was only teasing you." He leaves another kiss on the jaw, "Tell you want, we could go to sleep together on this couch, or the bed, then I'll take you to anywhere you want."
Your eyes widened at the arrangement. "Why are you being so sweet?" You ask.
"Because, you seem so dull and emotionless, y'know how much i hate that, don't you?" You let out a small sigh and pull him down next to you. He wraps his arms around you, useing some of his tentivles to wrap you both in a blanket. It was so warm and cozy, you felt your eyes slowly close. "See that wasn't very hard, was it?" Nightmare voice trails off into the distance.  
After many good hours of slumber, you awoke. Nightmare was still sleeping. His arms were hooked around you. You tried to wiggle out of his arms but it was no use. After some a momment of sitting there, You wiggled your way out of Nightmare's suffocating cuddles. Although after you stood up, Nightmares eyes fluttered open. "Darling where are you going?"
"To go change silly, after all, I say we're going to The Tree Of Feelings!" You cheered. 
He grumbled, "Out of all the places, I could have taken you too, you chose the old stump?" 
You rolled your eyes, "Well I thought a picnic there would be lovly. So I'm gonna go make sandwiches, and other snacks while you go get changed." You ripped the blanket, off of him and heard him groan. 
"Ugh, fine, only because I promised you this." 
After a few hours, both of you were changed into nice, but casuel clothes. You grasped his free hand, becuase you made him hold the basket, as they teleported away.
You both sat down, on a  picnic blakent, next the tree, "So what now?" Nightmare asks confused. 
"Now we eat, and talk, while enjoying eachother's company," You reply opening the basket. You took out a charcuterie board and fruit salad, then offered some to Nightmare. He plucked at strawberry from his plate and fed it to you. "What was that for?" you asked blushinly
 "I don't know, I saw it book once," he blushed. Smiling you placed a blueberry in his mouth. He scooted closer to you, and pulled out a bottle of wine from the basket. "Would you care for some, My Love?" Finishing your club sandwich, (If you don't like it, choose a different sandwhich) you nod your head. He pours you glass and hands it to you. 
After you had clinked your second glass you saw nightmare tensen up. "Is, something wrong babe?" You question. 
"I just saw Dream teleport into the distant, Do you want to cut this picnic short?"
Nightmare belongs Jokublog
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delusionalmortal · 10 months
So this is semi-canon,
⚠️slight abuse⚠️
Word count: 384
Nightmare x reader
Y/n woke up next to Nightmare, and gingerly slipped out. She went downstairs to cook breakfast for everyone. She finished setting up the table and brought a tray to Nightmare's office. She opened the door to see an agitated Nightmare. “Did I say you come in,” He growled.
“No but I just thought.” He cut her off by slapping her with his tentacles. 
“I can’t believe how pathetic this looks, you’ve been doing this for years, and it always looks awful,” He spat. “Take this out of here, I’m not even hungry.” She nodded, grabbed everything and left. Only after she was completely away from him did she let herself cry. 
She went back to the dinning hall to see the Dark Papyruses cleaning up.  “Hey, thanks for breakfast, or whatever,” Horror blurted. 
“I’m not supposed to talk to you, we’ll both get in trouble, and I don’t know about you, but I just started to heal,”Y/n mumbled. 
“Jeez, can’t even be thankful in this house,” He said walking away. Y/n heard a whistle, then headed up to Nightmare’s Office. Right before she walked in she made sure to knock. “Come in.” and so she did. “I heard you talking to Horror, why?” He demanded. 
“He wanted to thank me for the breakfast I made,” She replied with her head down. Nightmare stared at her, loving all of her negative emotions. 
“Is that so?” He whispered. “ I don’t get why he said thank you, just looking at it caused me to lose my appetite,” Nightmare claimed. “Did you check the trash yet, he probably threw it away.” 
“No, besides I don’t care what he thinks, all I devote my energy towards is you,” Y/n proclaimed.
“Good, that’s exactly what you're supposed to do,” He slithered. “After all you’re mine, and only mine, got it.” He gripped her face with his hand, hard enough to leave a bruise.
“Yes, Nightmare,” She cried out, hoping for him to stop.
“Good, now get out.” Nightmare threatened. 
Nightmare belongs to JokuBlog
soo sorry I forgot to do that on the last ones
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delusionalmortal · 10 months
Is This Really Goodbye?
Word count: 257
Kinda angst, idk I tried
Summery: You and Nightmare breakup,
⚠️Cringe warning⚠️
(E/C= Eyecolor)
“Nightmare, why are you doing this,” Y/n shouted. He doesn’t respond though, he only looks into their E/C eyes and sighs.
“Believe me Y/n, I would never forgive myself if you got hurt because of me. And because of that, I’m going to have to say goodbye.” 
She felt tears piling in her eyes, “No,no, no, no!” she shouted. “I’m not going to lose you!”She uttered. She caressed his cheek, “I love you." 
He removed her hand and held it, “I do too but, I’m only trying to protect you.”
They both looked at their home. “I picked out an au for you, I promise to never let anything happen to it, okay?” He held out his pinky, and gasped, for a second she saw Passive Nightmare. 
“Alright, I guess,” mumbled somberly, tears falling down her cheeks. After looking deeply in his eyes, she buried herself in his arms. “I’m going to miss you.”
“I’ll miss you too Darling, but we’ll meet again, just you wait,” He vowed. She stepped through the portal still holding nightmare in her arms . She looked around and saw all of her stuff in a cozy cabin-looking home.
“Goodbye Nightmare, I’ll cherish every moment I had with you,” Y/n  whispered.He placed a kiss on her forehead, then said “ I will too, but Goodbye.” Nightmare teleported back to his bedroom, he refused to let himself cry infront of her. So he locked his door, and then and only then, did he shed tears for a mortal.
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delusionalmortal · 11 months
So this is my first posted one shot so be easy on my. Sorry for any grammer mistakes and this is PASSIVE NIGHTMARE anyways, I present...
A Good Book and Cuddles:
Y/n walked up to the tree of feeling, hoping for their best friend, Nightmare. As she circled the tree she stopped seeing exactly who she was looking for. “Oh hello Y/n, I was waiting for you. I got a new book called,Inferno.” He said. 
“Oh really? It can’t be that good ” She answered 
“Yes it can! I was just reading the back and it’s delightful.It says it’s supposed to be about a man traveling the nine circles of hell.” She nodded her head and sat down next to him. Nightmare then flipped to the first page and began, “When half way through the journey of our life I found that I was in a gloomy wood,because the path which led aright was lost.And ah, how hard it is to say just what this wild and rough and stubborn woodland was,the very thought of which renews my fear!” (Alighieri 1)
” As she leaned in on his shoulder, He suddenly stopped reading. 
“Hey keep going,” Y/n cried but as she looked up she saw Nightmare blushing.
“Heh, okay, sorry.” He smiled then continued , “When I had somewhat eased my weary body, o’er the lone slope I so resumed my way, that e’er the lower was my steady foot.” (Alighieri 1) “Um sorry about this strange request but do you mind if we, how do i say this, cuddle while we read. Acuelly, y’know what sorry, forget about it anyways!” Nightmare said blushing a stuttering mess. But without words Y/n embraced him from the side.
 “There, is that better?” She asked. Nightmare placed his arm around her smiling,
“Why it’s perfect,” Then he proceeded to read and only stopped when he saw his brother dream walking up the hill at dusk. “Hello Brother how are you?” Nightmare asked
Dream smiled, “Doing great, my friends and I went to this restaurant, oh I brought both of you some food!”  Y/n smiled hearing that dream had food.
“Oh thank you Dream you didn’t have to!” She gushed.
“Any friend of my brother only deserves the best!” Nightmare graciously grabbed the plates of food, and handed one to Y/n. They ate while chatting about their book and dream talked about his tales, he and his other friends shared. Thanks for reading ig
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