dalek-nota · 13 hours
Muse Wishlist
I decided to create a wishlist of Canon Characters that I would love to write with for my muse, they will be categorised by ally and enemy.
Disclaimer: This does not mean that I won't write with your Muse if they aren't any of the characters listed, you can refer to my pairings post for pairings I like.
Supreme Dalek (red and gold, family to her)
Cult of Skaro
Emperor of the Daleks
9th Doctor
10th Doctor
11th Doctor
12th Doctor
13th Doctor
14th Doctor
15th Doctor
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dalek-nota · 17 days
Here is a list of pairings I'll have for Nota:
/ - Familial (Platonic).
X - Romantic.
Bold - Pairing(s) I'm most interested in (but will do others if asked)
Nota / Dalek!Muse
Nota X Enemy!Muse (a Muse that is depicted as an antagonist in a fandom)
Nota / Red & Gold Supreme Dalek (from the 10th and 12th Doctor era)
Nota / Dalek Emperor (9th Doctor era or during the Time War)
Nota / Supreme Paradigm Dalek (from the 11th Doctor era)
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dalek-nota · 28 days
Doctor Who — Dalek   {Sentence Starters}
“No, it just looks silly.”
“And the coward survived.“
“Really, though, that’s wrong.”
“Why should I? You never did.“
“Screaming. Is that any good?“
“Release me if you want to live.“
“They’re all dead because of you.“
“The killing stops. Have you got that?“
“What, you in a fight? I’d like to see that.“
“What’s the point of you? You’re nothing.“
“What for? What’re you going to do to me?“
“I won’t let that happen. Have you got that?“
“I demand that you surrender. Is that clear?“
“I’m the only one left. I win. How about that?“
“If you can’t kill, then what are you good for?”
“Well, you’re never going to get any. Not ever.“
“The last guy that touched it burst into flames.”
“Well then, good thing I’m not going anywhere.“
“God, it’s been years since I had to work this fast.”
“Thank you so much for your opinion. You’re fired.“
“I’m begging you, don’t kill them. You didn’t kill me.“
“I don’t need to make claims, I know how good I am.“ 
“There’s you. The only one of your kind in existence.“
“What about you? What the hell are you changing into?“
“They torture me, but still they fear me. Do you fear me?“
“I saved your life. Now talk to me. Goddamn it, talk to me!“
“I don’t think it’s ever going to happen. Not in our lifetimes.“
“The signal’s alive. Something’s reaching out, calling for help.“
“I wanted to help you. I just… I don’t know, I was trying to help.“
“It wasn’t your fault. Remember that, okay? It wasn’t your fault.“
“And do you know what? I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.“
“And let’s just keep the whole world thinking that way, right, kids?“
“What use are emotions if you will not save the woman you love?“
“Someone’s got a hobby. They must have spent a fortune on this.“
“Listen to me! That thing downstairs is going to kill every last one of us!“
“But, I am glad that, before I die, I have met a human who was not afraid.“
“Well, you should’ve been there just to see them running about. Fantastic!“
“I wanted you better. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry! I swear, I just wanted you to talk!“
“Imagine if you could get out there… travel among the stars and see it for real.“
“Poor little thing. But there’s no one else coming ‘cause there’s no one else left.”
“Thought of it myself. Good, isn’t it? Although I’d much to prefer to find out it’s real name.“
“I know it sounds incredible, but I honestly believe the whole universe is just teeming with life.“
“An old friend of mine. Well, enemy. The stuff of nightmares reduced to an exhibit. I’m getting old.”
“What for? What’s the point? Don’t you see it’s all gone? Everything you were, everything you stood for.“
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dalek-nota · 1 month
Dancing//Reblog to Roleplay
Ever since Nota had discovered music, it wasn't too uncommon for her to be spotted listening to music via her helmet or even in her room, the other Daleks on the ship either ignored it or made what sounded like a gripe about her music being just noise, but she would just be amused by the comments.
Currently, she was in her room on the Dalek ship, having returned from a successful mission and had already given her report to her father, the Supreme Dalek, and was now taking the chance to unwind by listening to music, she turned on the speaker system for her room and started dancing to the song playing.
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dalek-nota · 1 month
Reblog this if you’re okay with people sending unexpected IC asks to your muse at any time! No meme prompts needed!
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dalek-nota · 1 month
Name: Nota.
Age: Looks 27 years old, but is a lot older.
Height: 5'5.
Birthplace: Birmingham, United Kingdom.
Accent: British.
Birthday: 24th November.
Gender: Female.
Pronouns: She/Her.
Sexuality: Straight.
Species: Human-Dalek Hybrid, formerly a full human.
Rank: Dalek Soldier.
Family: Red and Gold Supreme Dalek (Father).
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Weapon(s): A Dalek gun stick on her right forearm that can be retracted, it is capable of stunning, scrambling the internals of someone and complete disintegration.
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Personality: She is quiet and reserved most of the time, but she will follow orders from her superiors when necessary, she is honest but does have more of a filter compared to how straight-talking the other Daleks are. When around other Daleks she is friendly and can even be cheeky, even though she does share the same anger as a Dalek can, she doesn't get angry very often, but one would know about it if she was. She has a sinister side towards those that are not a Dalek, since she can pull off looking like a normal human and fool them into following her to their inevitable demise or capture, depending on what her superiors would want her to do, she can be especially sinister towards The Doctor because he/she is their mortal enemy. She is serious during a battle or mission, but she also lacks the confidence to be a commander, so she is more comfortable following orders than giving them.
Face Claim: Natalie Alyn Lind.
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Distinguishing feature(s):
A scar on the right side of her face from the Time War.
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Her right arm, up to her shoulder, is bionic. This is due to recieving a bad injury during the Time War in which her right arm had to be amputated because it was too damaged to fix, it is also where her Dalek gunstick is stored.
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When she has to go out to battle, she can activate her helmet that will protect her from injuries, it was added to her systems after gaining the scar down the right side of her face.
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Casual outfit:
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Battle outfit:
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Background: Nota was born in Birmingham, United Kingdom, to loving parents, with the original name of Rebecca. However, when she was four months old she was involved in a car accident, her parents didn't survive but she did and was sent to an orphanage. She was taken from said orphanage by the Daleks and brought to the Daleks' creator, Davros, the Dalek creator injected her with Dalek DNA from the Supreme Dalek which caused her to have the appearance she has today. She was saved from having her emotions removed by the Supreme Dalek and was given a new name by him, Nota, she was raised by him and was never aware of the Time War until she was old enough to understand. She was given training and was on the front lines of the Time War when she was eighteen years old, when the Time War was reaching the end there was a large explosion from The Moment, it caused a tear through time and the ship that she was on with her father, along with a few other Daleks, fell through time. Because of this, it is possible that they could be the only survivors of the Time War.
Spending time with her father and other Daleks.
A successful battle.
Practicing her skills.
The Doctor.
Seeing her father or other Daleks hurt or worse.
Other alien races.
Losing her father.
Pitch black darkness.
Good flier.
Accurate shooter.
Good at following orders.
Creative when she puts her mind to it
Is formidable in battle.
Can sometimes think of ideas outside the box.
Blind in her right eye, so has no depth perception.
Can sometimes have trouble understanding something.
Cannot hold eye contact for very long.
Sometimes her mind can pull a blank when a sudden change happens, so she would have to be given guidance by her superiors.
She doesn't have an emergency temporal shift function, so the only way she would be able to get away from somewhere during dire straits would be to have at least her hand on a Dalek's casing.
Other info:
When she is angry, her irises glow to express it, or she can willingly make them glow even when she isn't angry.
She has Autism.
She is able to project a holographic map of anywhere in the universe.
She can scan things, but she can no longer zoom in on things because she is blind in her right eye. But her helmet can make up for it by being able to zoom in on things.
She has flight mechanisms on the soles of her trainers so she can fly.
She doesn't have to eat and drink as a necessity.
She has the same shielding system as the Daleks.
She has the ability to growl, which she does to either express growing anger or as an intimidation technique.
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dalek-nota · 1 month
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Nota made a 'tsk' sound of amusement "Live in peace? Have you even seen the history of the race that you so passionately protect? The wars, the near genocides they could've caused with the weapons they created, weapons that you wouldn't approve of, you try to teach them with compassion and yet they never learn, they still create conflict" she replied.
Fury of the Doctor//Open
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"You just hurt someone I care for. And you had NO right to do that!" The Doctor roared out in anger towards the other. This person thought they were powerful, so they would attack someone who couldn't defend for themselves. "I'm warning you now. Leave this planet and it's people alone. Because you don't want to see my bad side of me."
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dalek-nota · 1 month
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Nota raised an eyebrow, a brief look of confusion on her face, despite the fact she had been born on Earth, she had only spent the first four months of her life on the planet before being taken from the orphanage by Daleks, it had been Davros that gave her Dalek DNA from the Supreme Dalek, and she had been raised with Dalek 'values' ever since, so she wasn't too familiar with something as meaningless as knitting, she got over her confusion and made a small scoff of amusement "This planet has really influenced you hasn't it? A superior race like the Time Lords, reduced to protecting a race that is just a blip of existence" she said as she started circling the Doctor, she was playing mind games with the Time Lady.
Fury of the Doctor//Open
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"You just hurt someone I care for. And you had NO right to do that!" The Doctor roared out in anger towards the other. This person thought they were powerful, so they would attack someone who couldn't defend for themselves. "I'm warning you now. Leave this planet and it's people alone. Because you don't want to see my bad side of me."
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dalek-nota · 2 months
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Nota gave a scoff, shaking her head like The Doctor's threat was somehow amusing to her, her irises had a faint glow to them, like that of a Dalek's optic sensor "All this time you haven't changed have you? Compassion, you hold so much fondness and compassion for this planet and its people, it's almost sweet, but it doesn't get you what you want does it? Sometimes you have to do what's necessary, you'd know that better than anyone" she said, her lips showing a slight sneer.
Fury of the Doctor//Open
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"You just hurt someone I care for. And you had NO right to do that!" The Doctor roared out in anger towards the other. This person thought they were powerful, so they would attack someone who couldn't defend for themselves. "I'm warning you now. Leave this planet and it's people alone. Because you don't want to see my bad side of me."
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dalek-nota · 2 months
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So I heard about something called 'aesthetics' that represent you, so I gave it a go, it's probably not the best one out there but I feel that these things do represent me pretty well.
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dalek-nota · 4 months
// Just a test! Reblog it if my muse can jump in your askbox without annoying the mun!
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dalek-nota · 4 months
Send a ✨ if you want to RP with me but don’t know how to approach me.
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dalek-nota · 5 months
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Nota took a step back, looking slightly concerned "I just told you, I'm the Supreme Dalek's daughter" she replied "Davros was the one that gave me DNA from the Supreme Dalek when I was still a baby, I grew up on the Emperor's Flagship" she looked to the Supreme Dalek for some help here.
Welcome Home//Reblog To Roleplay
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Set before the episode The Magician's Appreciate
Nota couldn't help but feel excited, they were going to Skaro! She had heard so much about it growing up but had never been because it had been too toxic to be on the surface without protection, the risk would be mutation, which was why the Supreme Dalek, her father, hadn't allowed her to go. But that changed, Daleks had been sent ahead a while back, maybe a year or so ago? To do a clean up of the nuclear waste so the planet would be habitable, and while it had taken some time, it was habitable and she would finally get to see it, she looked out the window and was just beginning to make out a bright red planet that she almost mistook for Mars, but they were nowhere near the Solar System that Earth resided in, she realised it was Skaro, she looked to where her father was on the command platform "Dad I can see Skaro! That's Skaro right?" she asked as she pointed to the red planet.
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dalek-nota · 5 months
Nota looked to the Dalek that had demanded that she identify herself, this could happen sometimes due to the Daleks' natural instincts when it came to someone that wasn't a pure Dalek, even if she did have Dalek DNA in her, her appearance was more humanoid since she never went through a full conversion, so these kind of conversations could happen from time to time "I'm Nota, his daughter" she replied as she nodded briefly in the Supreme Dalek's direction.
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Welcome Home//Reblog To Roleplay
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Set before the episode The Magician's Appreciate
Nota couldn't help but feel excited, they were going to Skaro! She had heard so much about it growing up but had never been because it had been too toxic to be on the surface without protection, the risk would be mutation, which was why the Supreme Dalek, her father, hadn't allowed her to go. But that changed, Daleks had been sent ahead a while back, maybe a year or so ago? To do a clean up of the nuclear waste so the planet would be habitable, and while it had taken some time, it was habitable and she would finally get to see it, she looked out the window and was just beginning to make out a bright red planet that she almost mistook for Mars, but they were nowhere near the Solar System that Earth resided in, she realised it was Skaro, she looked to where her father was on the command platform "Dad I can see Skaro! That's Skaro right?" she asked as she pointed to the red planet.
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dalek-nota · 5 months
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"My origins may be from Earth, but my home is amongst the Daleks"
Independent single OC muse blog for Doctor Who
Human-Dalek Hybrid
AU & Crossover friendly
Rules | Bio | Pinned Post
Blog run by @bluenotegaming
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dalek-nota · 5 months
Welcome Home//Reblog To Roleplay
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Set before the episode The Magician's Appreciate
Nota couldn't help but feel excited, they were going to Skaro! She had heard so much about it growing up but had never been because it had been too toxic to be on the surface without protection, the risk would be mutation, which was why the Supreme Dalek, her father, hadn't allowed her to go. But that changed, Daleks had been sent ahead a while back, maybe a year or so ago? To do a clean up of the nuclear waste so the planet would be habitable, and while it had taken some time, it was habitable and she would finally get to see it, she looked out the window and was just beginning to make out a bright red planet that she almost mistook for Mars, but they were nowhere near the Solar System that Earth resided in, she realised it was Skaro, she looked to where her father was on the command platform "Dad I can see Skaro! That's Skaro right?" she asked as she pointed to the red planet.
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dalek-nota · 5 months
Panic//Re-blog To RP
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Everything was going so well, Davros had managed to trick The Doctor by using his compassion against him, and now the Daleks were rejuvenated with regeneration energy that would make them practically indestructible. But there had been one fatal flaw that Davros hadn't accounted for, the sewers. Nota stumbled, ending up on the ground when there was a rumble, it felt like an Earthquake, she looked a bit panicked as she looked around before she saw the ground beginning to crack "The ground is cracking!" she exclaimed and scrambled to her feet, stumbling a little before looking a bit horrified when she saw tar seeping through the cracks "what is that?!" she did not want to be near it and got onto the circular platform her father was on, ending up on her hands and knees from the ground shaking before she clung to his casing "what's happening?!"
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