crrrynowcrrrylater · 1 month
If you ever find yourself looking at another thinking, "gah, they've got it so together," remember that everyone is made up of many pieces and parts... and, someone may look as though they've got all their pieces and parts together, but, the reality is they are 'holding' it together, which requires action and does not imply ease... You will never know how hard that "hold" has to be for this someone to grit their teeth and grasp, their palms pained and bllistered, for how long they've attempted to hold fast.... Remember that everything that's comprised of 'many' in order to become 'one' is bound to fall apart (not once, nor twice, but multiple times) along the ever-changing landscape of Life, upon which living is the Art.
And, I know it can be deceiving, you're unable to believe what you're eyes are seeing... but, i've got a suspicion sneaking, you're maybe not there yet, but you'll be there someday, too. And, someone will sit there thinking, "gahhh...", when they turn and look at you.
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crrrynowcrrrylater · 1 month
"The surest way to remember is in trying to forget." -RileyK
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