cosplayinabox · 9 years
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HAPPY HOLIDAYS FROM TEAM AVATAR! (ALSO HAPPY FINALE?!) We wanted to share pictures from our annual squad Secret Santa/Christmas party. We dressed up as Korra, Mako, Bolin, and Asami (really we just wore Christmas-y clothes with some of our cosplay pieces), and, unfortunately, never got around to posting these. Hope y'all enjoy! Korra | Kitt Mako | Heath Bolin | Alicia Asami | Megan
- Kitt
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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Fanime '14 Landon and Alicia - Bioshock Infinite - photos by Eurobeat Kasumi
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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And once again the day was saved by the Fire Ferrets!
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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Fave selfie 🍁🍃🍂🌿🍀🌷🌸💐 #cosplay #sylvari
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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Some con photos of Heather and Alicia's Guild Wars 2 cosplays from AX '14.
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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More of my DmC: Devil May Cry cosplay! I’ll eventually make a master photoset of my Kat cosplay once I’ve uploaded more pictures, but for now - since I can’t wait - here you go! (Photo 1)(Photo 2)
Kat | Kitt Photographer | Jason Luc of Project Bokeh
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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We may look really serious in photos sometimes but may I just say BEHOLD OUR TRUE FORM - Kitt
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
Legend of Korra Bending Tutorial: DON’T FORGET TO TURN YOUR ANNOTATIONS ON!! Of course the natural order of things would be to make videos while you’re sick -___-; Anyway, here’s the bending prop tutorial you guys have been requesting! Feel free to ask me any questions and I’ll try to answer them as best I can.
Tumblr // Facebook // YouTube What You’ll Need for a single prop:
1 Dog Collar Chain
2 Loops (What are they really called?)
1 Fishing Swivel
1 Eyebolt, 1 Nut
1 small Practice Tennis Ball or Racquet Ball
2.5-3 yards of silk or 100% polyester lining (whatever fabric drapes well)
Setasilk Paint from Dharma Trading Co.
Paint matching the color of your veil
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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Batman the Caped Crusader and Robin the Boy Wonder
Megan and I have always connected with Batman and Robin, and we wanted to make costumes dedicated to them! So here's the female versions of the 1960's Batman and Robin TV show. Batman | Megan  Robin | Alicia
Photo by Eurobeat Kasumi 
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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Ouran Cosplay: Tamaki and Haruhi Finale by Cosplay In A Box
Presenting our Ouran High School Host Club cosplays of Tamaki Suoh (Heather) and Haruhi Fujioka (Kitt)! It's been so many months since the shoot, but the photos are finally done! I've meant to do a proper shoot for Haruhi's Finale dress for the last 4 years but just never got around to it. Ouran High School Host Club means a lot to us as a group and I dare say it's one of our favorite animes out of sentimentality with plenty of good memories. Thank you to Heather for putting together a last minute Tamaki cosplay to go with my Haruhi, and thank you to Mel and Alicia for getting these wonderful shots! It's so much more fun to do shoots with friends and much more dynamic. - Kitt
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
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DmC: Devil May Cry Kat Cosplay by Cosplay In A Box
Kat | Kitt
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cosplayinabox · 10 years
How far we've come. 
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Hangin out with my nephews Heather as Kili
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cosplayinabox · 11 years
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Earthbending Bolin | Alicia
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cosplayinabox · 11 years
Just a tiny dumb little baby Halloween 2013 Vlog! Hope you had a spo0py Halloween, potatoes! Korra // Bolin
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cosplayinabox · 11 years
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Peasant Belle at the Renaissance Faire!  Belle - Alicia Photography - People Of Cosplay on Facebook
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cosplayinabox · 11 years
Hello potatoes! This is Kitt. Above are examples of our bending props. The Avatar universe is a beautiful world. From the backgrounds, the animation, the character designs, the music, the writing, and the sheer amount of research and thought put into it. We wanted to capture some of that beauty and transform it into something physical and tangible in the real world. And thus, our bending was born. It's such great fun that us Fire Ferrets fantasize about it often in our day to day lives. I've been getting a lot of asks about our bending props. Admittedly, at first I wanted to hold onto these because Alicia, Heather, and I worked very hard on making them and had quite a few prototypes. It was something we all bonded over and we got unbelievably closer together because of it, which was just the strangest and most unexpected thing because of how close we already were. For the longest time, I felt that if I gave it away, it would feel like giving away a part of our bond as a group, like a secret and sacred part of our friendship. It was, and still is, a very special and dear thing to us. Perhaps that's a strange thing to feel, but that's how I felt. But then we discussed how great it would be if the cosplay community, too, was able to develop special bonds with the people around them through bending. I'm always talking about friendship and how fantastic it is and how I wish everyone had the friendship I have with my cosplay group, and I realized, "This is such a perfect way to share that with people. Imagine how great it would be if every Avatar and Korra cosplayer could feel as happy and beautiful as I feel when I bend with my very best friends." We love our community very much, and we want to share our love for cosplay as well as share the feeling of camaraderie/love/friendship with the rest of you guys, because friendship and cosplay are beautiful things and we'd love for this to impact the cosplay community in a positive way. So we'll be making a guide of sorts on our bending props in the near future (we're all very busy with school at the moment, so maybe after the semester is over)! I hope that you and your friends may bond over this in a special way, too. Please spread the love! - Kitt
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