chaoticyume · 7 months
Happy Halloween💀🕷🎃
Happy Halloween!! 🦇🦇
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chaoticyume · 10 months
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Sketches depicting Wally's... preferences...
These characters from Welcome Home belong to Clown!
Check out their site https://www.clownillustration.com/welcomehomeyou
Also their thumblr: @partycoffin
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chaoticyume · 11 months
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Managing my own inadequacy...
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chaoticyume · 1 year
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All it took was one short super cool vid.... and I got hooked! I am basically T-oby in this!!
Dr. Phantasmo and T-oby- @fluffffpillow
Charlie - @jencilthepencil
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chaoticyume · 1 year
Whether you have 5 followers or 5,000, reblog this to let them know they’re appreciated.
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chaoticyume · 1 year
Enid is sleeping peacefully when she feels a light tap on her shoulders. Reluctantly opening an eye she sees Thing trying to catch her attention and pointing to the opposite side of her room. Sitting on the bed she rubs her eyes to look in the direction the frantic hand was pointing only to barely stifle a scream at the vision of Wednesday with a flashlight under her own face.
"It's midnight, I suppose we should celebrate your yearly survival ritual."
"My wha-?! OH! It's my birthday!!" - Enid launches her feet up freeing herself from her sheets and runs half-way the room to meet her mysterious roommate. However before she can approach too much Wednesday shoves her an all black package with a matching black ribbon. Enid takes it taking a second to process before jumping excitedly in place and hurriedly opening her present. Inside the somber present box was a handmade and personalized cupon book done none other by Wednesday.
"Awww" - Ebid cooed - "These are soooo-" - upon looking at the drawn spiders and ravens - ".... Cute... Let's see here! A cupon for a free-......" - she gazes at the first cupon and gazes back at Wednesday with a strained smile - "assassination.... Yaay....."
Enid could've sworn she saw Wednesday's lips twitch upward at the word but it happen far too fast, she guessed it could have been an illusion.
"I'd save that one for a member of your family... Your mother perhaps... I saw how sad she can make you."
"haha.... Oooook, let us keep going... A free poisoning lesson, lots of free fencing lessons...."
"The essentials for survival. Surprised you still don't know them."
"You do realize I am a werewolf right?OH!! Free head pats!!! And three free 'attagirl!'s!! I love it" - and then she arrives at the last cupon. She gently and shakily grasps it in her hands as she gasps. - "A FREE HUG FOR 45 SECONDS!!!"
"What?" - exclaimed Wednesday but before she could say anything else, Enid gives her the cupon and pulls Wednesday into a crushing hug. Wednesday inspects the cupon where it was supposed to read "A free hug for 4 to 5 minutes" only for the "to" to be hastily scratched. Wednesday glares at Thing the only responsible for such an act as he waves at her before scurrying off taking advantage at Enid's 45 second hug head start before Wednesday manages to be set free for revenge.
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chaoticyume · 1 year
Bowser x Gn! Reader
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Two random scenarios in which Bowser believes he's gonna lose you.
Warnings: No angst just silly
It was the middle of the night. All was silent in Bowser's castle. The occasional koopa patrol to make sure everything was ok... Until a large screaming roar is heard.
Bowser frantically searches the bed for any sign of you panicking by the second.
Bowser: where are you? *looks under the pillows and under the bed* WHERE?!
The door to the private bathroom opens making way for your still sleepy but startled form as you mutter: Honey!? What's wrong?
Bowser still holding the bed above his head: Ummmm.... *places bed on the ground* I woke up! A-and you weren't here... So I...
You drag your sleeping form over to him: Honey, I just had to go to the bathroom. *you tiptoe and tenderly place your hand on his massive cheek* I'm not running away. Go to sleep now.
Bowser: Uh-Yeah no I know *he clears his throat* Was just um... Worried something happened to you is all... *he begins scratching the back of his neck to try and avoid eye contact*
You: My hero! Now sleep.
A knock to your shared room is heard as the soldiers frantically ask if everything is ok. Bowser dismisses them immediately and quickly opens the sheets for you to go back into. After tucking you in he goes around to his place on the bed and resumes holding you close. As you sleep you fail to notice Bowser's eyes still trained on you as if he'd so much as blink, you wouldn't be there. Only a bit later did your very presence soothe him back to sleep.
It was a party. All were invited. Unfortunately for Bowser, so did a certain Italian plumber. Bowser didn't mind Mario's presence, it wasn't like he had kidnapped Peach so they didn't have anything to fight about but.... In the back of his mind, Mario still presented himself as somewhat of a threat. So the King of the Koopas was very much by your side the entire time, always making sure his eyes knew of Mario's exact location every time.
You raise an eyebrow at this and try to comfort him: Honey, you seem tense. What's wrong?
Bowser snaps out of it and turns to you: Wha-?
You: Sweetie *you place your hand on his arm* Is everything alright?
Bowser scoffs: Of course it is why wouldn't it? *his eyes divert yours to the last Mario known location only to find he isn't there anymore and you notice a visable tension in him, tail slightly thumping the ground*
You: Sweetie you do know you have nothing to fear right?
Bowser: WHAT? I am not afraid of anything!!
You deadpan at this: King Bowser! *he flinches, he hates it when you use his name instead of a nickname but when you use even his honorific he knows he's on thin ice so his eyes meet yours at full attention * Listen to your life partner *you show your wedding ring for effect and point at it deadly serious* I. Am. Not. Leaving!
Bowser smiles sheeply: Yes dear.
You breathed in relief only for the color to drain from your face as soon as the overly friendly Italian plumber comes to you two to strike friendly conversation. Not only do you feel your husband's murderous aura and an increase in the temperature in the spot his tail circles your feet in protection while his hands turn into fists. You place your palm on your husband's arm trying to soothe his protective urges and trying to signal Mario to run with just your expression.
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chaoticyume · 1 year
Like my work?
Help me out if you can:
I shall be forever grateful ❤️
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chaoticyume · 2 years
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Harry teaching the newest offspring about their home planet's culture: And when your bond is sincere enough you.... *looks to see if Asta is in earshot and since she is * "unalive" your potential mates's worst enemy as a tribute.
Asta: I am so glad that wasn't how you proposed.
Harry: No, it was you who proposed to me in such a way! Besides you wouldn't let me.
Asta: What?
Harry: When you "unalived" someone to save me. Don't worry, I did understand it was not completely intentional as a court rite so I had to restrain myself from getting us wed right then and there. *proudly smirks at his own understanding of human culture *
Asta: Oooo.... K. And about that last part?
Harry: I did offer to *looks at the children * "unalive" Jimmy but you always stopped me. One time I even texted you my intentions.
Asta: Wait, that text about what recycling bin would he be fit to throw in?
Harry: The exact one. It was both a proposal and a respectful gesture to your home planet. *turns to their spawn * A romantic yet responsible proposal. Take notes children.
Asta: No, don't take notes kids. I thought that was a joke. A really dark joke, like your usual ones.
Harry: As a member of my species I would never joke about protecting my mate at all times.
Asta thinks for a while: Waiiiit.... So all those times you protected me, were proposals?
Harry: Wow... Took you three years of marriage and offspring to make you finally realise! Thank you! For noticing! Well, if it makes you feel better the first times I saw you... akin to a pet... Then a friend... and then the proposals started as romantic feelings were recognized.
Asta: Omg that explains the increase of violence.
Harry looking at Asta as if she was strange: Of course! It had to match the sincerity of my feelings!
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chaoticyume · 2 years
Harry and Asta watching over their little girl playing with other kids.
Harry with a look of disgust towards the other kids: Our offspring is clearly superior, why must we let her near other... Spawn.
Asta:Not this again.
Harry: I am simply stating the truth. Plus I don't like that boy.
Asta looks on while gently mocking the alien: aaaah so you just don't want our little girl to get a boyfriend~~
Harry: That is not the issue. I am merely stating she deserves superior company regardless of gender as you well know. Also I do not like that boy. If he touches our... child I will kill h-
Asta: Nooo! ~~
Out of the blue the little boy pushes their child a little too roughly and she falls. Harry runs towards the scene but is surpassed by his wife who immediately grabs the little boy.
Asta: Listen here!
Harry grabs their crying daughter and soothes her as he looks at his wife.
Asta: Apologize right now mister!
The child, fearing the adult's anger, does as he is told and scampers away as soon as Asta's grip loosens.
As Asta composes herself, Harry looks at her with heart eyes and a huge grin.
Harry: Well now, if you wanted to be the one to end that snotty offspring first, all you had to do was ask.
Asta slapping Harry's arm: yeah yeah you're a bad influence. Now let's get our baby home.
As Asta fusses over their child's well-being, Harry smiles wider from how he managed to influence Asta just as she did to him: Bad influence indeed. * then he adds suggestively * We will need to discuss this later.
Asta rolls her eyes playfully.
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chaoticyume · 2 years
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Can't speak....can you?
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chaoticyume · 2 years
Hello! I like the way you write so i am here to ask something of you
could you write a Devil x Reader but the reader is generally lazy person, could fall asleep anywhere anytime, etc etc,,,,
Thank you so much. Hope this one goes to your liking.
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The Devil with a lazy S/O.
·        First of all, the Devil tries to find out if you are just lazy or if there is an underlying medical problem. After some tests done by Hell’s finest to reassure you aren’t lacking in protein, vitamin, sugar, salt in your blood and exhaustively checking for other issues where fatigue is a symptom he can only relax if it is all ok (and this is the Devil we are talking about, his attention to detail will come into this, Lord above help you if he finds even the tiiiiiny blood level below or above or any other result not satisfactory).
·        It may seem come out as a bit obsessive on his part but indulge him here. He is not only a demon but he is THE absolute boss of demons and only now he found a sweet being that he loves who just happens to be very….veeeeeeeeeeery fragile/mortal so yes…after your first common cold, Mr. S started realizing just how unbalanced the scales were between you two thanks to your mortality.
·        After you going through all that medical hell and everything is to his standards he can finally declare you are just a human who enjoys the art of Sloth.
·        And as the demon that he is he can and will go about it two ways.
·        One, he indulges it.
·        Want to take a nap? Of course you do! He is demanding every lackey to gather only the finest pillows and blankets and if he finds the time on his schedule, heck, he will join in and cuddle. Do be mindful where you take a nap though. Specially when in Hell. Not that anyone would even dare disturb you or, Heaven forbid, hurt you buuut Hell in itself IS a dangerous place. The Old Scratch himself will try to keep always an eye out for you and keep you at arm’s reach but on the off chance he is not please don’t endanger yourself. It would drive him mad.
·        When you find out there’s a whole Sloth section in Hell you try to go only to be immediately stopped by the Devil’s tail grabbing your waist. He will have to remind you of how things work around his place. Mortals can indulge in sin only so he can take their souls to punish them (for the very sin) to his heart’s content sooooo yeeeeah while the sound of a Sloth section in Hell maaaay sound appealing….it is to torture.
·        But you are his darling so he will let you laze around as much as you like while also teaching you many methods he perfected over millennia. Not only will this be yet another couple activity, as it may ensure your stay in Hell when you pass by your inevitable fate. So, win/win.
·        Nonetheless dear….he is a demon, so naturally his other way to deal with your laziness is to make it as hard as possible for you or to forbid it.
·        Now, as anything, it will really depend on his mood. And every resident in Hell knows how fickle that can be.
·        Want to just sit around watching a show when he wants to go out on a date? Honey PLEASE! You will be yanked out of the couch before the show you want to watch even starts.
·        This isn’t restricted to dating either. One day he is having too much work and he spots you napping on the couch he WILL be an absolute menace in trying to awake you. Sometimes geeently caressing your face with his tail as if it was a fly interrupting your sleep. Other’s by sighing dramatically until you ask him what is wrong and he is immediately pulling you closer as he vents his many dramatic woes.
·        If Cuphead’s soul retrieval situation is being particularly tough expect no rest and relaxation. Henchman will get you away from the Devil’s most dangerous wrath outburst and will only let you see him after he has somewhat calmed down or has asked for you specifically.
·        Try to bargain with him, try to tempt him into lazing around with you and he will only chuckle at how adorable you are trying to play at his own game. Can’t fool this pro, but he will relent if you play your cards right. If anyone can convince him it is you after all. He will still make it challenging though so that you both get ego points.
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chaoticyume · 2 years
Prince Ouken x GN!Reader
Well, there aren’t enough of these yet so here I come to help fill the void.
Ouken deserved better!
Warnings: Spoilers, canon violence
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Just like everyone else you were running in a blind panic. Why? Prince Ouken was on the loose. The Underworld knights were trying to protect the civilians but all they could do was slow him down.
Prince Despa was desperately trying to get the people to safety however none would listen, far too panicked to heed his words.
It was bad enough that you yourself had to jump several wounded and dead, soldiers and civilians alike, on the ground but you also had to be alert to dodge every other person running blindly.
Unfortunately for you, you did take a wrong turn. It was at a distance but you could clearly see armored men fighting. One silver armored in the middle of it, dancing around the golden armored soldiers that surrounded him in a very macabre and gruesome way. You didn’t seem to look away as prince Ouken rasped out a few laughs at the attempts of the soldiers that were growing to be more desperate by the minute and he reveled in each hit he was able to land.
All of the sudden however, he looked at you and stopped. The soldiers immediately took advantage of this distraction but Ouken would not move from his spot. Black ooze repaired every hit he took as he only tilted his head slightly as he stares your way.
Finally retrieving control of your frightened legs you turn around attempting to run when all at once… to your absolute horror… you cease to move completely.  
Your mind begs your legs to move as you seem to be able to sense his movement. With your back turned you can feel he is coming your way all the while hearing the screams of the soldiers as they are beaten and discarded as if mere inconveniences.
Every step he takes you hear the metal of his armor clanking in a torturous slow pace as your mind goes down in a panicked spiral “Oh GOD! Move! Movemovemovemove! Please! Not like this! He is so close! What is he going to do to me? PLEASE LET ME MOVE!!!!”
Tears streamed down your face as he comes to a halt behind you. He remains there for a while before circling you and standing in front of you. He tilts his head to the side again as if studying you. You look from his bloody helmet to his sword wielding hand and he seems to follow. He raises his sword just a bit voicing out a strange rasp as he sees you shiver.
Despa arrives at the scene with the Captain at his side and his face blanches at the sight before him. He cannot call on his brother Desha for his lightning at how close Ouken is to you. You would surely be caught in as well. “OUKEN! Ouken please DON’T!” he begs but his brother remains unresponsive.
You close your eyes bracing for impact and the pain that was sure to come. As if the Fates were taunting you, you notice you can now move your pinky fingers which meant you were recovering mobility all too slowly. The sound of metal assaults your senses and you tremble but nothing hits you.
You keep hearing metal and you open your eyes to find Ouken removing his gauntlets, his sword left forgotten on the floor. When his hands are finally free from his armor he raises one and timidly brought it to your face wiping away tears from your cheek.
You let out a shaky breath you didn’t know you were holding, eyes wide, still not understanding or trusting what was happening.  
Despa and the Captain also look on in awe at this development. To say this was strange was an understatement. When Ouken was himself sure, but as the immortal blood took over he was only known for violence.
Prince Ouken slowly reaches his hands to his helmet and removes it. You are surprised to find his features… human instead of a bloodthirsty monster. Not only that but that of a handsome man. Yet, his eyes… His eyes were…wrong. Void of any emotion. Scaring you as they never leave yours as if he was searching for something. Whatever it was he didn’t seem to find it and his expression changes from blank to confusion.
He raises his hands to your face once more, gently holding it in place as if you weren’t still paralyzed and before you can even guess why he gives you a light chaste kiss.
When he finally parts, his eyes seem to have regained life but before he can explore this further your hand collides harshly with his face. Prince Ouken laughs as he clutches his offended cheek, a normal human laugh and before you can even run away he holds you in his arms twirling you around as he thanks you over and over again.
After this moment, your life was turned upside down.
·        Despa and the Captain approach you cautiously and as Ouken spots them: “Despa? Captain?”
Both of them begin ugly sobbing at this.
·        Despa: “Ouken?” he gently cradles his younger brother’s face “Is it really you?”
·        The brothers share a long and overdue hug. The Captain covering his eyes with his forearm trying to stop the tears.
·        Despa:”But how?” – Ouken looks at you as he answers “I don’t know. I just… Suddenly saw a light and followed it.”
·        Despa takes your hands in his as he thanks you profusely for returning his brother back to him.
·        Then….everything in your life changes….and fast.
·        Despa informed his older brother King Desha about the events as well as plans to heal the injured and compensate the families of those tragically lost.
·        Prince Despa then pleaded with you to go with them to the Underworld as he needed to test a theory regarding this situation. You would be protected as well as tended to your every need in the castle as a most esteemed guest.
·        You were close to deny the request but as your eyes wandered to Prince Ouken he gave you his best pleading look and you relented. How could this man be a menace to your life one second and give the best hurt puppy eyes the next and be the same person?
·        Your family was thoroughly informed about the situation as well as reassured of your well-being and reluctantly let you on this journey. You said your teary goodbyes to family and best friends and followed the princes.
·        The trip to the Underworld was fortunately uneventful. You always got paired up with Ouken since no one wished to figure out what would happen should the prince be separated from you. You couldn’t blame them nor could Ouken albeit he would always look sad when mentioned as he did retain his memories when he was under the curse.
·        As you got to spend time with Ouken and getting to know him a bit, it only increased your confusion at how does such a sweet man turn into a killing machine? And just how unfairly cruel it seemed.
·        Every time there was a problem he was the first to help out. Even if people were still afraid and wary of him, the prince never let that get him down. It was commendable if not downright inspiring.
·        Prince Despa had welcomed his brother with open arms and couldn’t stop taking every moment to remain by his side already discussing a bit of everything he had missed and plans to restore his reputation.
·        On one of the stops before reaching the Underworld, you couldn’t sleep. So you arose from the tent but suddenly stopped as you spot Ouken by the fire. He took a dagger and suddenly jabbed it into his forearm. Your hands flew to your mouth as you saw the wound weeping that same black ooze. It swished around as Ouken removed the dagger and regenerated the wound swiftly as if it was never punctured. The man brought his hands to his face weeping quietly. You may have brought back his sanity but his father’s curse was still there.
·        Despa made his way to his younger brother, placing a reassuring hand on his back “Your soulmate may have not been able to break the curse completely but they have returned you to us. We now have more time to try and solve the rest.”
·        Soulmate? Like in fairy tales? True love’s kiss and all that nonsense? You didn’t know if you believed that or not. It didn’t matter! Your proximity to the young royal seemed to keep him grounded and his heartbreaking sadness right now made you resolute into helping him any way you can.
·        Upon arrival, at the very mouth of the Underworld, there stood King Desha eager to see his younger brother back with his own two eyes.
·        At first, both brothers just stood there facing each other but soon the King pulled the prince into a teary hug.
·        Desha: “You’re back!”
Ouken: “Yeah”
Desha: “You look like crap!”
Ouken: “You too!”
·        The three brothers were back together again. Happiness and relief flooded the atmosphere as you looked on with a smile on your face.
·        Finally noticing you, King Desha awkwardly thanks you and welcomes you to the family.
·        Despa begins to panic at your confused yet flustered expression and proceeds to chastise the King.
·        Desha: “Whaaaaaaat? They are going to stay by his side forever so might as well marry him.”
Despa: “Brother please! They just met! It’s a sensitive subject to discuss so soon!”
Desha: “Whyyyy? Look at him! He doesn’t seem to mind! Quite the opposite really! And this way everybody wins!”
·        As the brothers bicker back and forth Ouken gingerly approaches you fully red faced as you and coughs into his hand: “I’m….I’m sorry about my brothers”.
·        Upon arriving to the castle, King Desha relieved his populace by informing them that “The Sword of the Underworld” – prince Ouken – had returned. The news was received with mixed feelings among the crowd but the King was quick to silence every doubt.
·        Inside the castle, Ouken and Despa gave you the tour. Your quarters were going to obviously be next to Ouken’s – a fact to which he spared you an adorable apologetic look and assured you that if you’d need anything all you had to do was call and he’d be right over.
·        That night you could barely sleep, not only from being in a whole different room and bed but also you could hear screaming and crying in the room next door where the prince surely was having rough nightmares. Plagued by your pity you rise from the bed and you go over the prince’s door and knock gently. You blame the military training the prince has had cause he opens the door almost immediately.
·          Ouken: “Is everything alright?!”
You: “Yes I just….heard crying…like you were having a nightmare….Do you…..want to talk about it?”
Ouken: “Oh! OH! I’m so sorry for awaking you. It’s….It’s nothing please-“
You: “It’s not nothing, prince Ouken. If we are to be in this together then we better start trusting each other a bit, don’t you think?”
Ouken gives you a small tender smile: “Then I suppose it is best you drop the title. Just call me Ouken, please.”
You smile back at him: “Fair enough.”
·        The next day you were bombarded by maids fitting you into several outfits for the upcoming party celebrating the younger prince’s return. Everyone in the castle was nervous about it but the people had insisted.
·        After that, Despa took you and Ouken towards the empty training grounds to test the range of the soulmate influence on Ouken. After several tries, Despa finally settled the maximum comfortable distance between the two of you for Ouken to start…losing. Turns out, if you were to be in the heart of the castle Ouken could travel as far as anywhere in the castle. These were good news but- You weren’t quite so satisfied.
·        Once you catch Despa alone, you beg him to tell you everything he knows about the curse. When he asks you why you want to know, you tell him about what you saw at that campfire and that you don’t want to be Ouken’s personified leash, you want him to be free. Despa thought you were the cutest thing ever and of course he couldn’t say no… Of course, you would owe him one, nothing is free after all (he will “request” to become your child’s Godfather when it comes to it).
·         From that moment on you could be found in the library either alone or with Despa surrounded by books that possibly contained clues as to an end to the curse.
·        Ouken would become a bit jealous over your time being shared with Despa. He was beginning to fear that you would be falling for his famous handsome brother over him till you scoff about the very idea and tell him your quest to help him out. Ashamed for feeling jealous and by being sort of a burden upon you, the prince now makes it his mission to make sure you take plenty of breaks and to stretch your legs by going on walks with him.
·        Actually just wants to spend as much time with you as possible.
·        Sometimes soldiers would come look for you. The reason was because their training with Ouken was getting a tad too serious while sparing and either they were afraid he was snapping or they hoped that your presence would distract him so they could beat him. They were wrong on all accounts as their asses were kicked even harder as, with you there, Ouken was ten times more invested so he can show himself off to you.
·        And you thank whatever deity is true and alive whenever this man trains with his shirt off.
·        You and Ouken could always tell where the other was. Must be one of the whole soulmate perks. So you two usually walk back to your rooms together and every time he gently kisses your knuckles wishing you sweet dreams.
·        Certain things just became rituals between you two. Since his training would start early in the morning you would leave him a handwritten note under his door the night prior. In the morning you would find your note with a written reply or poem by him.
·        One night, Ouken was having one of his worst nightmares and you spent the night by his side. In the morning Despa erupted in the room because he had to speak to Ouken when he notices you two in each other’s arms. A big mischievous grin grows on is face as Ouken whispers to explain that nothing happened while trying to not awake you. Despa and Desha tease him about it for weeks.
·        The dreaded day of the party arrived. Despa taught you basic etiquette and dance but it was still awkward for you. Prince Ouken despite not wearing the crown, is still a very sought out bachelor so he found himself surrounded by quite the crowd.
·        You wanted to help him but you yourself were surrounded by a different kind of crowd, the uptight, nosy kind. They began drilling into you, asking you about your origins, upbringing, any single thing they could learn to try and tear your very existence apart. THANK GOD Despa came to your rescue pulling you to the dance floor.
·        You thanked him for the save and he brushes it off: “I know what is like to be thrown to the vipers.”
You: “Just glad you taught me somethings or their teeth would’ve sunk deeper.”
He laughs: “Now, how about we go save my brother, hm? I mean, again.”
·        With a wink and an expert move Despa trades places with his brother. Surprised, Ouken gives him a thankful nod and looks back at you lovingly.
·        Ouken and you danced together the remainder of the party refusing politely to trade partners.
·        His brothers look at the two of you with a knowing smile.
·        What began to be a terrible party, assaulting you with jealousy, awkwardness and even rage, ended with you in Ouken’s arms. Safest you ever felt.
·        Despa and Desha began to aggressively ship the two of you.
·        Sometimes you two could just be doing something as innocent as hand holding that the King would yell “JUST GET MARRIED ALREADY!!”
·        One time Despa had to restrain his elder sibling from marrying you on the spot.
King Desha: “You know what? I’m the King! I decide you two are now lifelong MARRIED partners! BOOM! Done!”
Prince Despa: “OH MY GOD BROTHER!”
You and Ouken: O//////////O
·        Saying the castle is lively again is an understatement.
·        Should someone have the absolute gall to try and kidnap you… Ouken feels something is wrong immediately. They cannot go far without facing the wrath of the three royal siblings and the knights.
·        You and Despa managed to find somewhat of a cure with the help of Miranjo. However when Ouken received the news he was crestfallen.
·        When asked about it, he will embarrassingly admit he doesn’t want to lose you. And he thought that if he is cured, you would move away from him. You swiftly put his worries to rest assuring him he is not getting rid of you so soon.
·        The cure will not completely cure everything as he is still a very resistant demigod but he is now able to go anywhere without you without losing himself to the curse. The two of you almost don’t get to test that out seeing how inseparable you’ve become.
·        You and Ouken travel more frequently now. Mostly between your homeland (your family adores him) and the Underworld but sometimes other countries as well while helping out and making amends from when he was a sadistic cursed being.
·        You even get to meet Bojji and Kage. The boys didn’t recognize Ouken at first but when they did….whoooooo boy… Kage shielded Bojji immediately while you were trying to explain everything. After Bojji calmed Kage down they listened to the whole story happily.
·        You even visited King Daida and his mother Hiling. During your stay you two were watched by them as if they were hawks. Eventually they eased up and blessed your marriage, resulting in shock when informed that you two are still not married.
Queen Hiling: “Well then you better get to it!”
·        You two eventually do get married much to the relief of all who shipped you two.
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chaoticyume · 2 years
Balan x GN! Reader
Warnings: spoilers?
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·        Welcome to Balan’s theater where even the most complicated emotions are magically dealt with by this therapy maestro!
·        Your first meeting with him wasn’t any different from all his other guests. You came into the theater, he grabs you before you can escape or ask any questions, throws you a Tim, puts on a grand magical musical show and pushes you through a door to the Wonderworld.
·        His interest in you begins as he sees you progressing through the various stages. He looks on as you try your hardest to help others and yet, when he visits your own inner world… it doesn’t get better. In fact, not only it keeps itself in ruin, it even gets worse. Well that just won’t do at all. Balan’s whole job is to heal others becoming an expert at it throughout the millennia. He would have to change his approach.
·        So, as you are resting up in the Tim Island, he approaches you. The Tims disperse and you two get to talk about the whole situation and his concerns for you. And since he is being honest with you, you decide to be honest with him and tell him that you are far more concerned over the other people in need of help than yourself. So you try your hardest to help even if it were to hurt you.
·        Balan’s inner red flags raise full mast at that. And yes while it is a big case of “pot calling the kettle black” he cannot help but tell you of all the ways such a mentality can be detrimental to your health.
·        After this enlightening conversation he decides on a whole new strategy and put you in your own inner world stage. You sadden a bit as you see it in such a state of disrepair but Balan doesn’t let you delve on it as he walks/floats right beside you as you both venture forth to try and fix it.
·        This leads to a series of adventures between you two which creates a wonderful friendship. He helps out without plainly solving your troubles (the maestro is sort of a “Win button” with legs after all, it would defeat the purpose of having you win your own battles). He only fully intervenes in case Lance puts you through a far too dangerous challenge. If Balan does get hurt you are immediately at his side whether is dangerous or not. When Balan protests, you counter that if he is there for you, then you are there for him, no other way. Although Balan is not a human being, instead being a ancient and powerful entity he cannot help but let his heart warm itself with how much you care. Make no mistake however, this maestro is NOT letting you stay in harms way.
·        Eventually you both succeed in fixing your inner world which sadly signifies that you will have to leave the theater and….leave Balan. The goodbyes between you two are painfully awkward as you really don’t want to leave and Balan knows you will forget all about him (the hug you share lasts far more minutes than it should).
·        The awkwardness however returns when just a few days later you step inside the theater again with your memory intact and your inner world a mess.
·        Balan gets quite a mix of emotions from this. For one he is happy with your return and thrilled that you still remember him, however, he is all kinds of confused as to why you still remember as the theater’s magic never fails at erasing one’s memories – when Balan gives the theater a quizzical look the old structure just gives out the sound of wood stretching as if it was trying to shrug to which the maestro just narrows his eyes in suspicion – and extremely worried that your world is again in chaos.
·        He is so worried that he is panicking on the inside. He tries not to show his inner distress to you, after all Balan is supposed to be like sunshine itself - unwavering, joyful, perfect. You however can see right through him with his tight smile and small tremors in his various poses.
·        So, you two get to work all over again. Both of you trying to remain strong and cheerful for the other as your world gets fixed, you exit the theater, you get back again with your full memory and broken world.
·        Balan: “WHAT HAPPENED OUT THERE?!”
·        He doesn’t even hide his emotions from you anymore, the maestro is way too panicked for that. His frustration only halts as he is met with your disheartened gaze and he tries to dig up his last shreds of optimism back. He knows you are suffering as well and he tries to soften things but he can’t help but feel like he is failing YOU! He wants you to be happy like he never wanted anyone else to before.
·        Was the outside world the problem? When you were with him your world fixed itself rapidly. So what was happening out there? When he asked you, you answered that everything outside was better than the first time you set foot into the theater but somehow you weren’t….completely…happy…
·        HOW?? In the millennia that he is alive, in all the experience he has gained – HOW is he not being able to help you? How is all of this not WORKING? He is getting so desperate his anxiousness is radiating off of him.
·        So Lance has to intervene. Balan’s poorly disguised panic was risking the delicate balance of things for something so painfully simple. You two were just too dense to see it.
·        So without ceremony, Lance just pulled Balan by the hair and forced him to sit down for a private conversation. At first he tries to give hints to Balan such as: “So they go out of the theater and come back broken hearted, what do you think that they don’t have out there that they have here?”
·        Or: Lance: “How do you feel every time they leave?”
Balan: “…sad.”
Lance: “…and?”
Balan: “I always get sad when a visitor leaves.”
Lance: “Oh please!! When you cry for this particular guest the Tims get a tummy ache from all the excess crystals!”
·        After being confronted with Balan’s dumb blank stare too many times Lance straight up snaps and yells at him: “YOU ARE IN LOVE WITH THEM YOU IDIOT!!! AND THEY ARE ALSO AN IDIOT CAUSE THEY LOVE YOU BACK!!!!!!”
·        As Lance recovers from his outburst, Balan remains so silent with his eyes blown wide that he begins to worry that he broke him. Just as he leans in to make sure Balan is alright, the said maestro suddenly rises from his seat banging his hands on the table making Lance flinch and back away.
·        Balan gives Lance a crushing thankful hug as if the latter was a genius. Then the older maestro is let go as Balan quickly begins to pace around the room talking to himself on how to go about confessing to you.
·        Balan: “Maybe I’ll ask the Tims to deliver a love letter! Or flowers! Or- OH! Maybe I’ll write them a song and have all the denizens of the Wonderworld dance to it-“
·        Lance: “ JUST TELL THEM ALREADY!!!!!”
·        And so, with Lance’s blessing and a kick to Balan’s behind for encouragement you two begin your loving relationship.
·        The inhabitants of the Wonderworld had only two reactions when informed of your relationship: “weren’t you already?” and “FINALLY!!!”
·        Things finally returned to normal in the theater. Well, as normal as can be of course. Balan finally, and thanks to you, got a healthier work-life balance. Not just that but he also has his partner to help around.
·        Cuddles! So many cuddles! And absolute fun.
·        The Tims are your babies and Balan just melts when he sees them hopping along following you around like baby chicks, you showering each one of them with affection. Some times he gets jealous and begins playfully competing with them over your attention.
·        Whenever Balan cries, instead of just him and the Tims he has you to kiss away the tears, to talk and listen to him, finally never alone.
·        Lance sometimes helps with the relationship but mostly he mocks and teases the both of you. Welcome to the family! Low-key tries to get you fooled into prolonging your mortal life. The theater helps without your knowledge. When you do find out, you hunt Lance down with Balan close behind trying to dissuade you. After all, if you die, Balan would become in risk of losing himself and becoming another Lance. And that cannot happen again.
·        All in all, having this magical maestro therapist in your life was all you needed and you can bet there will never be a dull moment as long as you live….which thanks to Lance and the theater, it will be quite the millennia.
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chaoticyume · 2 years
The Devil (Cuphead) x GN!Reader headcanons
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Warnings: Possible spoilers?
·        SO! You managed to catch the attention of none other than the King of the Underworld – The Devil/ Old Scratch/ The Big “D” himself. Congratulations!
·        While at first he just thinks it’s the novelty of a brand new soul he wishes to collect, he strangely finds himself trying to sabotage his own tricks to get it. As if he actually cares not to get you hurt which is completely strange to him.
·        In one such cases in which he sabotaged purposely his own schemes, he shape shifted into a random person and while pulling you away from his set up, you two got to take a walk and just talk. You find him extremely charming and intelligent while his interest on you just grows. After a little soul searching (and a big help from Henchman) he finally gets it. And as soon as he understands these feelings….Oh boy…. He’s on a mission!
·        Despite being overly confident in himself, he is still The Devil. He cannot do anything just straight on. Which means he is SCHEMING. Every detail as if he was doing a conspiracy board on how to get you to fall for him (both figuratively and literally) and confess your love to him FIRST! (Yes, he IS that prideful. Hey he invented Pride™)
·        I mean, how could you resist him? – he thought
·        As a powerful entity, he would use and abuse every trick up his sleeve. From shapeshifting into others to tell you about how great he is and to know how far along you are into falling for him or just getting to show off how powerful he is as a whole.
·        Fortunately for you, before he can set all these complex and idiotic plans into motion, Henchman intervenes by conveniently placing books on “normal” mortal ways to flirt/date.
·        Henchman does not tell his boss how these books just randomly pop-up at random places. He may be a simple demon but he has an outstanding sense of self-preservation thank you very much.
·        The Devil would try to approach you casually and trying his best to look the least menacing yet fabulous as possible. This would include talking to you in a more private setting because (since his reputation precedes him) people KNOW him. And trying to properly meet you with every denizen screaming and running would not only be less than ideal, it could make you afraid of him as well.
·        If you ARE afraid of him at first, he just applies Cuphead’s philosophy and “DOUBLES DOWN” on his efforts at trying to court you.
·        Same thing happens if you are somehow too oblivious to his advances.
·        He tries to reduce his anger outbursts around you. Can’t have his s/o have third degree burns over his tantrums from not getting a certain cup’s soul.
·        Speaking of Cuphead, he not only roots for the relationship, he and his brother totally take advantage of it by sticking to you.
·        Mugman is obviously more reluctant than his brother to cheer for your relationship, on the account that “IT IS THE DEVIL WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!?” and is overall concerned (like the rest of the friends and family that love you) for your well-being. BUT! If you are both happy, then maybe the Devil will leave Cuphead’s soul alone. Win-win.
·        The Devil will totally NOT leave his goal of getting Cuphead’s soul. However, whenever you are near the boys, he will be at his best behavior, toning down his poorly concealed rage while the brothers make funny faces at him every time your back is turned.
·        If the Devil feels particularly frustrated about the boys you try to soothe him by reminding him they’re just kids – “Just wait till they’re teens, they’ll willingly give their souls to you”. You meant this as a joke. He didn’t get it as such but his mood improved so…..win?
·        His minions appreciate you very much. Whenever the Devil is with you his mood improves and his treatment towards them also gets….a bit tiny little less severe (they know they are in Hell, they take any nano improvement they can get).
·        Usually Henchman acts as the bridge between you two. There are significant differences between you and the Devil, culture or otherwise, so Henchman fills in the gaps and as he advises his boss he is there for you too.
·        In fact, Henchman is the one to tell you to say you love the Devil first cause of his ridiculous pride. Both of you roll your eyes at the Devil’s antics which results in the beginning of your friendship.
·        Whenever a fight erupts between you two all of Hell knows (hard not to when the Devil makes a tantrum so big the walls vibrate and the flames rise). And all of Hell is quick to intervene. Henchman deals with the Devil (only one who can do it without risking major injury or death) while all the others talk/beg/bribe/trick/anything to convince you to forgive their lord.
·        Let’s face it, if they can, they WILL make sure you two get hitched for life. They just got used to a little less torture in their life, they do not want to let that go. Which includes not letting YOU go. Even if you are a kind soul ready to go to Heaven upon death….they are all plotting into making you do any type of crime to make sure you stay in Hell after your end. They can get desperate.
·        Meeting the family….well…. it’s going to be awkward at first. Every family member will keep a great distance while the Devil is on the couch sipping tea. Fortunately the Devil has loads of experience deceiving/convincing mortals with his wits and charm and by the end of the day your family warms up to him. They are still quite wary and they even make threats on his life should he ever hurt you (something he finds simply adorable).
·        Yes, unfortunately for you, many keep their distance should they slight the King of the Underworld in any way, shape or form. Even being too friendly might rub the Devil the wrong way. Or so they believe. In actuality, he doesn’t mind your friends. He thrives on attention so he gets the needs to have friends. But, should anyone be foolish enough to forcefully flirt with you, his mere presence usually deflates the intruder and if not, well his sharp pointy trident can be quite the convincer.
·        He never resorts to violence in your presence unless someone is dumb enough to hurt you.
·        If you defend him in any situation he finds it so adorable he gets literal heart eyes and just tries to place you behind him to protect you.
·        His tail unconsciously makes the shape of a heart sometimes while he’s looking at you. Do not tell him that though, he will actively deny it and try to correct his tail.
·        If you pet his head or massage his shoulders he will purr, but just like a big cat, once he realizes he is purring he will shoo your hand and try to act more dignified.
·        If you happen to have self-esteem issues… Well, that won’t do at all! Have you met him? And his ego? He is THE BEST! And he CHOSE YOU! As soon as he suspects even the tiniest bit of self-deprecation – b*tch, he is seething! Immediately he is by your side to prove how wrong you are. He wants the names of the ones who offended you in any way so he can get their very souls to suffer. If it is just you, he will take things as a challenge. How dare you even think bad things about yourself?! He will do anything to change that mind set. He will read books, introduce you to better self-care rituals, talk to you about it and actively listening while taking notes on his brain on how to “fix it”. “Provoke him” enough and he is setting a whole slide presentation on how amazing you are. You. Will. See yourself. How he sees you dammit!
All in all he is in it for the long haul. Whatever it takes. He just gives you the illusion of a choice in the matter.
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chaoticyume · 2 years
My apologies but the part where the Vatican may deliver you gift wrapped?! Oh this is just too good... Loved it!
I hope you don't mind if I hop along.
His nails beat at an impacient rhythm on his desk. Mephisto was half looking between the documents in his hands and the door to his office. Just what could be taking them so long?
At long last his pointed ears perk up at the sound of steps and wheels approaching his office. His fingers cease and a big smile begins to spread across his features at the sound of a knock. "Come in~~~"
The exorcists proceed to open the double doors to his office carrying a big gift.
His grin is sharp and his eyes widen when he asks: "Is that-?"
One of the men stiffly nods. At this Mephisto springs off his seat rubbing his hands together and with a spring in his step he comes closer to the gift not unlike a child on Christmas.
"Oh boy oh boy ~~~! And I've been such a good boy this yeaaar~~" with his index and thumb he gently grips one of the ends of the bow on top of the gift and tugs it ever so slowly. After making the bow undone he pulls the lid off the present and discards it without any second thought. The gift opens fully revealing you tied up to a chair with your mouth covered in duct tape and the biggest tired glare you can muster.
Upon the revelation of his gift Mephisto spreads his arms wide and delightfully declares: "CUPCAKE!!! There you are!" he taps your nose with his finger with a soft boop " I was so worried you silly human. My! Thinking of you alone out there in this big dangerous world all alone tsk tsk tsk" he wagged his finger in front of you pouting in a mocking worried expression "You naughty little thing!"
"Ahem!" One of the exorcists that brought you in interjected gaining a quick frown from Mephisto for interrupting his practiced speech. "Sir Pheles, if that would be all?"
"Hm? Oh! Yes yes yes, give my regards to the Pope will you. This was a most fantastic gift!" Shooing them away with a bored look and a half effort hand wave "Dismissed!"
The exorcists spared a worried glance your way and with that they were out of Mephisto's office leaving you alone with the demon.
As his gaze returns to you his smile does too. "Now, let us get rid of these ropes shall we?" without any effort at all he simply snaps his fingers and you are free.... fooooor a few seconds before his arms pull you up and into his chest trapping you in his arms. He didn't put too much pressure in the hug but just enough to remind you that even if you were to use all of your strength, there was no getting out of his grasp. Not that you would ever doubt his strength, you know he is a very powerful demon, heck, that was why you went to the Vatican to plead for protection. So much for human loyalty though.
He brought his lips near your ear "I've missed you!" he gave a content sigh and started sniffing your hair only to stop abruptly. He was scenting you and your scent wasn't quite right to his taste. Fortunately he knew how to take care of that.
Removing you a little from his chest so you could gaze at him "Oh! By the way, sweets! I have recorded our favorite anime! And as a true gentleman I didn't watch any of them so we could watch together! Aren't I such a great boyfriend?" He offers you a wink and before you can protest you are being steered to the couch with the big TV.
Before sitting down he looked at the duct tape still covering your mouth and with a semi apologetic look: "Sorry pumpkin, this is gonna hurt a little bit!" And with a wift movement the duct tape is gone from your mouth as you yell at the pain and Mephisto is giving you little kisses all over your face as if it could numb the pain away.
He then grabs you by your middle and plops both of you on the couch with you trapped on his lap as he puts on your favorite show all the while forcefully cuddling you. Fight him and he's not moving an inch, yell at him and he just smiles happily stating how much he missed your voice while rubbing his cheek on yours affectionately.
Only when you fall asleep does he turn the TV off and carry you to your shared bed where he settles close to you and follows you to sleep. He may only need one hour to be fully restored but he will stay by your side till you are awake. He HAS missed you terribly. He cannot even think of what could have possessed you to doubt his earnest intentions towards you but he is determined to show you to stay by his side.
So I have been rereading the blue exorcist manga and I have been reminded that Mesphito is actually a massive player (makes sense, he has lived a long time and wants to have some fun) and even addresses it himself; how do you think he would handle his darling exorcist finding out about his sexual experiences and then just assumes that he is only a pervert that wants them for quick fuck, and that his affections for them is only a ruse or a trick?
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As a yandere, Mephy is the most dangerous of them all. Start to reject or deny his advances? He will snap.
Warnings; Yandere, mention of violence, mention of Mephisto being a player in the past, progression of insanity, stalking, obsessive behavior, get ready for the creepy themes~
§ Can y'all spell 'fucked'? Because that is Mephy if his s/o learns of his escapades.
§ Certainly, he is an ancient demon who has seen the rise and fall of many an empire, it would be foolish to think he hasn't dabbled in anything and everything. But learning he is a player? Oof.
§ Understandably, you'll be upset. Especially if you meet one of his past flings. The things you will hear from them... Well, let's just say that Mephisto had better expect one hell of a slap, if not a bullet between the eyes.
§ He will most likely try to get ahead of the curve and tell you preemptively about his past and at least semi-talk about his 'conquests' throughout the eons. This may soften the pain, but hearing about him and his manipulative ways straight from someone he used, it's gonna hurt.
§ It will hurt the both of you considerably given that this time Mephisto is actually in it for the long-haul, and there is no fucking way you believe a word he says. Once a two-faced demon, always a two-faced demon.
§ He knows you met one of his past flings when you shoot him the next time you see him. Luckily, he was prepared for such an event, but that does not make it easier on him. He will move literal heaven and hell to show you that he's being true with you.
§ Expect small things at first; a gift here or flowers there. If you refuse to forgive or believe him expect it to become progressively more and more overbearing. Gifts of all stripes, texts, letters, random visits, yelling from your lawn, painting your house with his words of love and sorrow. You may even find him under your bed.
§ Run as far and fast as you can, it won't matter. He isn't letting you leave him.
§ He will be in your dreams/nightmares, he will invade your thoughts, he will be everywhere you look, he will be by your side when you sleep, he will walk upon holy ground just to stay with you. You thought Satan was persistent? Mephisto is that level of obsessed x10.
§ Running low on something? It's on the counter or at your door within moments.
§ Throw out his gifts and rip his letters? He will begin methodically killing off his past flings and leaving their heads in your house. Typically on the foot of your bed for you to find in the mornings.
§ Still you refuse him? He isn't above possessing you and forcing you to forgive him and love him.
§ Don't go to the Vattican. They value his loose alliance far more than they value you. He will force the Vatican to turn you over to him practically gift wrapped. If he needs to kill cardinals to prove he is not playing, he will. Hell, he'll go after the Pope. He will destroy cities and level mountains. You are not getting away. Best you turn yourself in quietly lest he destroy all that you care for and value.
§ He won't forgive or forget for the next millennia. Do us all a favor and forgive him long before this happens. Preferably early on in the gift and letters stage.
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chaoticyume · 3 years
Oh Mar-Mar...
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