carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
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Mocha Magic Café~
Are you feeling low on spoons? Uninspired? Lonely? Come to the Mocha Magic Café! We have the right tools to serve up steaming bouts of magical inspiration! Not a witch? Well that’s just fine! Our sever is an inclusive space for past life experiencers and kin related ventures! This is a space you can share and gather for fun and friends! We promise a safe space with attentive waiters (mods) and baristas (admins) who care about your journey and experience.
Right now we have three waiter/waitress positions open! If you are interested please message me and I will send you an application! We look forward to meeting you!
All other members must submit a blog or some sort of social media before you become a member. You can send applications by messaging me or @blake-langermann !
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
What To Keep In Mind When Looking At Shops
When first looking for a shop, regardless of feeling called to a spirit or not, it can be hard deciding on what shop to choose! Here are some questions I made to keep in mind when looking at any spirit companion shop (last updated 4/2/2019).
​How long they’ve been conjuring and how do they do conjures? How long has their shop been open for?
Are they over 18? Do they allow people under 18 to work in their shop? Do they offer services to minors (and if so, do they have some sort of parental permission form)?
How knowledgeable are they on the species they work with? What info do they provide on the species? Do they have information about the species readily available on their page or website?
How long have they been working with the spirit and/or species? Do they get to know the species first before listing spirits from it?
How long do they vet? What is their vetting process?
What complaints are there against the shop? How have they responded to them?
What are their beliefs around bindings/conjuring/vetting/etc?
How many reviews do they have? Are the reviews reliable? (I made this post on what to look for when reading reviews!)
Do I get along with them? Do I feel like I agree with what they say?
Do they have basic information available to newbies?
Do they market specifically towards newbies? Do they attempt to only offer their spirits as “beginner friendly” in order to profit off those who are starting out?
Do they offer spirits that are from other shops or companions? Did they contact the previous conjuror before listing the spirit? Did they confirm that it was a mutual separation between spirit and companion? Do they still vet the spirits being rehomed?
Do they offer out spirits that have been previously abused?
Do they offer out children spirits? (I would not recommend working with any shop that offers child spirits)
Do they have many spirits listed? Ask them how they are able to vet so many at the same time, and how much time is spent with each individual spirit.
Do they interact with the spirit while waiting for a companion, or do they ignore the spirit until someone applies to the listing?
Do they make outlandish claims, often saying that they are the only ones able to work with deity type spirits or claim to have the most experience?
Do they put down others in attempts to make themselves and their shop sound better?
How do they interact with their potential customers? Are they easy to communicate with? Do they make sure to answer your questions?
How do they interact with their former customers? Are they willing to help out after the binding is done?
What is their pricing system? What is their reasoning behind the prices?
What information do they send to the companion? How long/detailed are their profiles?
Ask them how their practices have changed throughout the years. What is something they feel they can improve upon?
How do they interact with the community and other shops?
What methods do they use for payment? Do they allow payment plans?
How long does it take for them to complete a binding after payment? How long does it take them to ship out vessels or send the spirit’s profile?
How do they respond to questions? How do they deal with people who doubt their services? How do they deal with criticism?
Are they consistent with their information? Do they seem to contradict themselves often?
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
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I did a Honey Jar for myself the night of the Virgo Moon. A jar for self love, money, protection and abundance.
- Dried Rose Petals
- Pink Himalayan Salt
- Lavendar
- 3 small Tigers Eye Gems
- Cintrine
- Rose Quartz
- Drops of Attraction Oil
- 1 Black Tourmaline
- Organic Honey
• I wrote my petition with my Full Name 5 times. I wrote around my name what I wanted for myself in cursive WITHOUT LETTING MY PEN LEAVE THE PAPER. I then added all of my ingredients and the honey. I shook the jar a bit to let the honey then I self it be.
• I dripped some red and orange candle wax on my pink candle for boosts of strength and creativity. Then I let it burn down completely. After that I meditated with crystals of my choice about the things I want in my life and what I want to leave behind, this is because of the Moon in Virgo and Sun in Pisces.
This is my first BIG spell I’m sharing and I’m very proud of myself 😭 the baby witch is sprouting.
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
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While it is definitely not necessary to be a witch, some witches will join a coven. For those who want a community of like-minded witches to practice with a form a great bond with, it can be an amazing idea. But sometimes, you can (usually accidentally) join a coven that is toxic and perhaps even dangerous. When reading this list, please understand that this isn’t a definitive guideline to live by. Please use your own judgement when joining or leaving covens.If you feel that you or others are in danger, please contact authorities immediately.
Here are some warning signs that you have joined a potentially toxic Coven:
The coven leader (if there is one) establishes themselves of a god-like figure that needs worshiping and absolute obedience.
You are strongly encouraged/required to cut off relations with your loved ones
You are encouraged/required to harm living things including animals* and/or people
It is encouraged to grave-rob or acquire bones from illegal/unethical sources
You are pushed into situations or rituals situations that you are uncomfortable and, upon making this apparent, you are belittled or punished
You generally feel unsafe in the presence of those in the coven or you feel unsafe in trying to leave the coven
The coven engages in illegal and/or unethical activities
You are encouraged to ingest an unknown substance
You are pressured to ingest intoxicating substances such as drugs or alcohol, especially if you are unwilling
You are pressured into sexual situations when you are unwilling
Like previously mentioned, this list is not absolute. Some toxic covens might only have some or none of the warning signs mentioned. Trust your gut feeling and ask yourself if you would be comfortable with a loved one joining a coven like such. 
*It is worth mentioning that some closed religions, such as Santeria, incorporate aspects of animal sacrifice. Because I am not a member of those closed religions, I am unable to say how this might be damning or not. If you are members of those closed religions, please feel free to add your input on such a topic!
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
using athames // ritual daggers
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the athame (typically pronounced ah-tha-mey) is a blade used for ritual purposes both in traditional witchcraft and in neopagan practices like wicca. it is considered one of the four elemental tools in modern occultism, along with the wand, pentacle, and chalice. a typical athame is a small double-edged blade with a black handle (which sometimes features symbolic carvings).
purposes of the athame
contrary to naive assumptions, athames are not traditionally used for sacrifice or blood magick. they are used to direct energy during rituals, to represent the element of fire (though other practices associate it with air), for banishment rituals, and rituals involving fertility when accompanied with the chalice.
some practitioners strongly believe that the athame is not meant for any kind of physical cutting, while others will use its blade to cut plants, fabric, cord, and other things pertinent to a spell or ritual. keep in mind that the athame absorbs and channels the energy of what it interacts with, so avoid letting others use your athame and be mindful of what items you cut with it, if at all.
consecrating and blessing a new athame before use
when you get a new athame, it’s important to cleanse it and properly declare it your own. gather two candles, one white and one black. 
⤏ pass the athame’s blade over the white candleflame, which cleanses it of its previously held energies and purifies its intentions. 
⤏ pass the blade over the black candleflame, to endow it with protective properties.
⤏ finally, stick the blade into rich soil, to bless it with earth magick. wash the blade off with water, and it is ready to use.
ways to incorporate the athame into your craft
⤏ cast a circle by outlining it with the blade, channeling protective energy
⤏ cut open and re-close circles you’ve already cast by slicing and redrawing
⤏ use the blade to cut and harvest herbs for spellwork or kitchen witchcraft
⤏ carve sigils and other symbols into candles for candle magick
⤏ use the blade in banishing rituals to cut negative energy away
⤏ use in place of a wand during house exorcisms/protection spells
⤏ use in place of a wand during rituals involving fire
a few easy rituals you can perform with just an athame
love ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and visualize the kind of relationship you want to have, or your ideal partner. trace a large heart in the air in front of you with the athame and walk through the energy-heart.
protection ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and say “may your blade protect me from harm and ill will.” hover the blade over your body, starting at the head and moving down to your feet.
banishing ritual: hold the athame in your dominant hand and reflect on what you want to banish, whether it be a person, bad habit, spirit, negative energy, or otherwise. say with confidence “i banish you and cast you away” and extend your arm quickly, sweeping the blade away from you and pointing it outward. do this three times, or until you feel satisfied.
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Hi there! Do you have any resources regarding the use of hand movements and gestures in casting? I feel very drawn to doing so but so far I'm not really doing anything specific. I know yoga has mudras, but I feel as though using those for my craft may be disrespectful.
While I don’t have any resources, as someone who uses her own hands to move energy and cast, I just kind of go with what feels right? If that makes sense. I use hand movements in the sense of energy manipulation or building energy, or drawing energy, but you can use them really however feels right to you. You could incorporate sign language as well! Also would be a good chance to learn sign language if you decide to do that, because knowing another language is never a bad thing! And don’t be afraid to make shit up as you go along because half the time when I was starting to use hand movements, thats what I did and just… figured out what works for me. 
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Japanese tea bag maker Ocean-Teabag has been making waves by creating little parcels of aroma in the shape of marine animals. Luckily for us, their wide range of tea bags are available at online Japanese novelty retailer Village Vanguard, maker of such fine products as Space Tea and cat-shaped kitchen utensils.
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Ocean-Teabag’s earliest designs included beautiful dolphin tea bags filled with blue mallow tea leaves. Steeping them turns your otherwise normal pot of water into a tranquil ocean. Proving to be a hit among tea lovers, Ocean-Teabag expanded their repertoire to many other sea creatures including the sea turtle (butterfly pea jasmine tea)…
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the distinctive ocean sunfish (Japanese hojicha — roasted green tea)…
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the graceful manta ray (tropical mango tea)…
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and even a blood-thirsty shark (blended herb tea).
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The newest addition to their robust series of marine creatures is a tea bag shaped like an innocuous sea cucumber. This little parcel is filled with jasmine tea, as well as a smidgen of sea cucumber powder to lend some authenticity. Ocean-Teabag warns that some people who have a sensitive tongue may find it tasting a little fishy.
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The company also crafted a deep sea series that will satisfy even the most adventurous of tea drinkers out there. A few such examples are the anglerfish (earl grey tea)…
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the creepy giant isopod (Eastern Beauty oolong tea)…
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the horseshoe crab (white apricot tea)…
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…and lastly the king of them all, the enormous giant oarfish. ( Delicious Assam tea of epic proportions! ) Just like its namesake, it measures a whopping 19 centimeters (7.5 inches). Drinking tea becomes an art when half of your tea bag hangs out of your cup.
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 While the notion of turning your cup of tea into fish-inhabiting waters is not new, these tea bags will hopefully conjure up images of gentle ocean waves in your mind. 
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
No need to choose between things just because of labels too! It’s your own journey!
Sometimes I wonder why I used to feel so inclined to “choose” between the sun and the moon. I felt like I only needed to be drawn to one energy but in reality, I love both!! I appreciate both! I embrace both! The sun? Radiant. The moon? Stunning. Both? Beautiful.
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
I don’t always create circles, but when I do sometimes I find myself being in one for like an hour or more cause that sense of time is GONE baby!! You’re like in another pocket of space you created yourself or wtv! Definitely go to the bathroom first
Witch tip:
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
spirit/energy work, some green witchcraft, i dont post about it much but im LGBT+, witch tips, and etc! I don’t really post/reblog aesthetic posts, as this is more of an archival blog full of information! I’m trying to get a lot of everything so people can easily search what they’re looking for! 
In search of blogs!
So, I recently deactivated my original witchcraft blog (@hexereiwitch) and I need some new witchy blogs to follow! Please reblog if you post/are the following:
Spirit work
Hellenic polytheism
Energy work
Solar / lunar work
Green witchcraft
Cottage / hearth witchraft
Paranormal things in general
LGBT+ witch /witchcraft
Urban witchcraft
Low budget witchcraft/tips
Death magic
And don't be afraid to shoot me a message! I love making friends :)
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Tea drinkers read this!!!
If you buy pre-made herbal tea blends (usually have names like Bedtime, Calm, etc) check the ingredients. I just saw a Nighttime blend that had St. Johns Wort in it, which can be dangerous when mixed with some medications. Talk to you doctor what herbs you should avoid. (Especially when you want to ingest st. Johns wort or mugwort) 
 A simple hint to remember is just because its in a food store, doesn’t mean its safe. 
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
DIY Witchy Supplies
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- Need runes? Go on a walk and collect stones, write the runic alphabet on them and use for divination and in spells.
- Need herbs? Cut open tea bags and use!
- Need a wand?  Pencils, sticks, rods, and other long-oblong objects can be used. You don’t need to go all out.
- Need a pentagram necklace? Use wires made out of safety pins,  clothes hangers, etc. shape and then use a chain or string to thread through the necklace.
-Need a regular pentagram? Like the picture shown above, weighted pentagrams can be drawn on flat stones, slabs of woods, plates, even pieces of cardboard.
- Don’t have a cauldron but need one to cast spells? You can use- and I know this isn’t very dignified or aesthetic- but frying pans were made for a reason; preferably ones that are stainless steal.  Set your charcoal/ spell products/etc inside. Most frying pans will not be damaged by fire.
- need poppets? You can make and sew poppets out of felt, scraps of old fabric, etc. and stuffed with pillow stuffing, cut up string, etc. Just remember to think before hexing. 
- need an altar cloth? Something is better then nothing. Pillowcases, napkins, towels, etc. can be used. You can dress them up with tie-dye, embroidery, fabric paint, real paint, etc.
- need tarot cards but cant for some reason purchase a set? Use regular playing cards. Yes you heard that right. You can use the cards for correspondences.
- want to do scrying? use  hand mirror / any other type of mirror and paint over with black paint. You can use this for scrying.
-want a pendulum? all you really need is a weight and a string/ chain/ etc. You can use anything for these weights, however I highly encourage you to use stones as they have a higher vibration then other objects.
-Got anymore ideas? Let me know!!!
happy crafting witches!
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
To beginner witches…and maybe some not so beginners!
If Tumblr is your only exposure to witchcraft and the witchcraft community – please branch out.
Join Facebook groups!
Go to your local apothecaries and metaphysical shops!
Participate in meet ups!
Buy books by a good variety of authors! (Google the authors beforehand)
You don’t have to do all of the above, but as someone who, when it came to witchcraft, had very limited exposure outside of Tumblr for a while (back in my teens) – actively seeking other places for information really helped me.
The most important thing here is to use discernment. I feel like expanding your resources can only improve your discernment skill. It may also make you second guess what you thought you knew – which might not be a bad thing!
As always though – STAY SAFE
Don’t go to meet ups if they don’t feel safe. Don’t join groups you don’t feel comfortable in. SAFELY explore other witchcraft sources.
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Are you overcomplicating astral travel?
Here’s the thing: By far the most common question I get from people is “how do I astral?” Which is, well, a big question. It begs other questions, like:
>Why do you want to travel
>WHERE do you want to travel
>Do you have jobs you need to do over there or are you gonna hang out
etc etc
But here’s the thing: Often people decide to travel, and then they get stuck. They try a method they maybe heard about once, and it doesn’t work, so maybe they research another method. Maybe they pick up a book on the topic, maybe the book tells them “you’ll know you’re astral traveling when you can rise out of your body and see it on your bed.”
BOOM. Imma stop you for a minute.
There it is. This is the moment the Gold Standard™ for the new person gets set in stone. The mind now says “If I’m not hovering above my body with full range of vision, I’m not Traveling, with a capital T.”
So now we have this goal. The person may feel a little more confident because there is a road map in front of them, and that map may have steps, often detailed by a book author, or maybe even a blogger here on tumblr. Maybe the person tries the steps, and fails. Maybe it takes months. Maybe it takes years, but eventually, maybe the person gets frustrated, and they give up.
“I just can’t travel”, they say, truly discouraged, or “I’m just not meant for this, if I was, I would have been hovering outside my body by now.” They maybe pack up the books and leave it be.
Perhaps you see people on tumblr or blogs that talk about full blown OBE or extreme situations, and then you internalize THEIR gold standard, and then you fail to achieve the standard. Same situation applies.
Imma stop you right here. What happened?
Person decided they wanted to travel
Person researched or was told what “authentic” travel looks like
Person attempted to reach the “authentic” standard
Person failed, and then
Assumed they were not meant to travel, due to their failure to reach “Authentic Travel”.
Here’s the secret, my bros:
1. There is no one form of “authentic” astral travel. You will find this is an epidemic with older books on the astral, when astral “travel” or astral living was equated on a wide scale with your classic OBE, or Out Of Body Experience. So in reality, what many people are trying to achieve, when they want to travel, is an OBE. Based on what books/people tell them. But that is FAR from the only way to astral–in my case, for example, I’ve never achieved full OBE–and not for lack of years of trying. (Because I thought that was How One Astral Traveled)
1-A. THERE ARE MANY FORMS OF ASTRALING BESIDES “TRAVEL”. I don’t travel because I lead an astral double-life–I “tune in”. An OBE is wrong for my circumstances, and if I would have learned that sooner, it would have helped me a lot. There are people that astral-trip only in dreams! People that astral-trip only while DAYDREAMING! People that mentally trip but never leave awareness of their body, people who can’t “see” anything there but hear everything perfectly, people who can only see the astral in black and white, people without a “form” or a body, people with only a bizarre pinprick field of vision! HONESTLY IT’S ENDLESS. Learn your style!
2. Because there is no one form of “authentic” astraling–there is no ONE WAY to achieve the travel! If you fail at going OBE, there may be a perfectly good reason you aren’t suited to that route! The failure here also lies on authors and books that imply there IS one way of authentic travel, and therefore, the user is set up for a failure situation a lot of the time. (And for example, OBE LEAVES your body open for attack or walk-ins in a lot of cases–did you ever think this was your natural energy defense system preventing you from leaving yourself a shell?)
3. Your way of travel is probably NOT going to match someone else’s, so you absolutely need to drop the gold standard now. I am NOT telling you to give up on discernment, because that will keep you alive when you reach the astral. I am telling you that if you have lofty expectations of what the astral is going to be like for you based on someone you’ve read (including me!) you need to drop it before you go, because it’s likely to fuck you up. I have listened to hundreds of different astral experiences, and I co-run the astral atlas–it’s all remarkably different for each individual based on your needs and jobs.
4. Your ideas of the astral are probably going to get blown out of the water when you get there anyway. Know this. Expect it. It will constantly surprise you and remind you that this isn’t In Your Head, and in doing so it will shatter your ideas of what it is, over and over again. 
5. Stop complicating things. If I had a nickel for every time person that came to me and asked why they can’t astral, and I gave them the idea of “Well, did you try opening a door?” and then the look of revelation descended, I’d be rich. This is not a blame on you, because I don’t blame you for this over-complication thing. We’re humans, we like to complicate everything, it makes us happy and whatnot. It makes me almost tremendously happy to shroud things in pomp and circumstance. But seriously–have you tried opening a door? Like. Visualize a door, and then open it, and then walk through. That’s how I first got to the astral.
After weeks of trying and doing all this complex shit, eventually I was told to visualize a door, and walk through. And then I was fucking there.
(Can you imagine how pissed I was, though. Like wtf I WAS TOLD MY ENTRANCE WAS TO BE GRANDIOSE AND MAGNIFICENT, not a fucking shitty wooden-ass door with nobody around to see me. Harumph, I said. I ended up in an empty field in fuck-all nowhere, if you wanted to know.)
I’m not saying it’s always easy to get to the astral. It has ways of keeping you out (or in) inside mental spaces or white rooms until you’re ready to be out on your own. This is where discernment and patience come in. But I AM saying if you find yourself failing over and over again at this thing, ask: Is it because you have an unconscious Gold Standard? Analyze why. And then, let it go. Because it’s not going to help you, it’s just going to make you anxious and perpetuate the failure cycle, trust me. And then ask: Am I overcomplicating my approach/expectations because of my gold standard? Analyze that, let it go.
Then, try an amazingly simple thing like opening a door, and stop cutting yourself off at the pass, and just let it happen.
You might be surprised at the results.
(This post is aimed at people who a) WANT to astral and b) have a hard time doing so for unknown reasons. It is not suggesting everyone should astral if they don’t want to or have no interest, if that wasn’t self-evident.)
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Tarot: Mistakes I Made as a Beginner
As I mentioned before, my first deck was gifted to me by my crazy step-grandmother, which I had for several years. When my parents moved us into a new house, the cards got ruined by some essential oils that smashed. So…here comes my first mistake:
1. Buying an artsy, pretty, complicated deck
Yep. The first deck I bought about 2 years after this happened was the Witches Tarot. Didn’t connect with it, so I bought the Shadowscapes Tarot, as my original deck was from the 1990′s. While the Shadowscapes deck is beautiful, its also very distracting with how much art is in the cards. It took me away from the actual meanings of the cards, and it made it so, so difficult for me, as a beginner, to properly study. Once I moved onto a new deck, the Every Day Witches Tarot, it was SO much easier!! The cards were like, “Bam! Super easy to read!” 
2. Being impatient
This is a constant flaw of mine. I am a very impatient person and my SO is constantly teasing me about how much I have to practice patience. I didn’t realize that studying tarot was a practice. It wouldn’t take a month for me to master the cards - it would take YEARS. So don’t be hard on yourself if you’ve been practicing for 6 months and still struggle with a suit, or a particular card. There are people who have been studying for 20-30 years and sometimes still struggle. That’s why tarot is a practice. (I’m currently patting my younger self on the head for this).
3. Relying on books
Don’t do it. Sure, once you get a new deck, go through its guide book, but then set it aside. Don’t teach yourself to rely on the deck - teach yourself to rely on your intuition. That’s where the readings come from. I literally, to this day, still find myself wanting to reach for my book when I get stuck. So, I close my eyes, rub them a few times, take a breath, and look at the cards I am reading again. When I first started, that book was glued to my right hand. 
4. Not reading the right books enough
I would always read the guide books to my tarot decks, which is great. BUT, I would get frustrated because this guide book would say one thing and this other guide book would say another. It was so frustrating and confusing! Instead, I put the guide books up for collector’s items in my hutch, and I started reading books like “Reading Tarot Intuitively” or “Kitchen Table Tarot”. I now read whatever tarot book I can get my hands on
5. Realizing there is no “one way” when it comes to tarot
There are so many old wives tales about tarot - like you have to be gifted your decks. Wrong. I now have 15 decks and I have bought every single one of them, or traded. I also realized that the “meanings” for each card are guidelines, not sticky rules. This helped me in my readings because what I saw in a card was not always what it’s “true interpretation” was in a book. I learned to base my readings AROUND those studies rather than strictly on them
6. Starting out with complicated spreads
I understand getting excited, but start with small spreads. Work your way up. I would get SO overwhelmed and frustrated because here I was, an 18 year-old beginner with my Shadowscapes deck, with 12 cards spread out on my bed. Start out small, work your way up. 
7. Letting tarot dictate my life
Tarot does not dictate your life. Just because the cards say something doesn’t mean its always going to happen. You have the ability to change the outcomes of your life and your future - not your cards. They are there for guidance. 
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
any advice on how to see dragons? (preferably in the same layout as your post on faerie sight, as someone with adhd I really like how the post looks)
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(However, there seems to be less information and sources regarding seeing dragons than there is around faeries…)
Dragons are known to assist in protection and healing magick if they wish to do so. 
How to see dragons:
Dragons no longer exist within the material world and therefore can now only be seen with the third eye, if your third eye is not open, I would suggest doing regular meditation.
A general way of seeing them is to invite them (although this comes with a warning of opening a beast gate, so it is advised to do a protection spell, shield, or a protective talisman). 
Do not give off an impression of dominance or command over a dragon.
Put yourself in a state between consciousness and unconsciousness (this can be done through meditation/yoga nidra) when inviting/requesting a dragon, the speech can be simple if you wish to do so.
Dragons are not within our world anymore, and so like the fae, are in a different dimension, and crossing into their dimension can be dangerous if you are inexperienced - however, they can cross into our dimension but they will not have a solid material form, and will appear quite ethereal.
There is a general dragon guide on which dragon you would be able to draw more easily towards you according to your element:
Capricorn - Earth
Aquarius - Air
Pisces - Water
Aries - Fire
Taurus - Earth
Gemini - Air
Cancer - Water
Leo - Fire
Virgo - Earth
Libra - Air
Scorpio - Water
Sagittarius - Fire
The second means of determining which Elementals you have the best connection with is through your first name (your birth-name is, like your astrological chart, an energy centre, reflecting the play of certain energies within your life). The vowels of your first name are the keys to determining with which elemental you are most harmonious. The primary vowel in your first name indicates which group of Elementals you can align with most easily. The primary vowel is the one most strongly pronounced. 
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If the astrological element and the name element are the same, it can indicate that you have come to double your work with that group of Elemental Beings and the energies that they work with. If they are opposite, they do not cancel each other out, it means that it is up to you to find a balance between them when you are working with them. 
The elemental dragons:
Air - They are known to be pure yellow, grey, light blue, silver, and white. Air dragons tend to be peaceful and share powerful knowledge once they trust you. They have ability to control the winds and manipulate air in all forms. These dragons are long and slender, have gauzy wings, and may have feather-like qualities instead of scales, as well as actual feathers around their bodies and features. They are associated with the east. Other dragons that may fall under this category include storm dragons, weather dragons, lightening dragons, and wind dragons.
Fire - They are known to be pure red, amber, orange, and all shades of flames. These dragons have an obvious fiery nature, but can also be gentle and understand (however, dragons are not predictable). These dragons are thick and heavy and have snake-like necks and tails, as well as wicked horns. Their presence may invoke a sense of warmth. They are associated with the south. Other dragons that may fall under this category include lava dragons, desert dragons, steam dragons, and heat dragons.
Water - They are known to be pure blue, dark blue, blue-green, and turquoise. These dragons have a very soothing influence and are attracted to people who have strong emotions, and will not contact those who are not respectful towards their emotions. The dragon’s presence may bring humidity or a colder temperature within the room. These dragons are long and serpentine, and rarely have wings and legs. Their scales have a shimmery hue to them and they often have a feathery fringe around their mouth, they tend to have glowing eyes. They are associated with the west. Other dragons that may fall under this category include ice dragons, mist dragons, and rain dragons.
Earth - They are known to be pure green, and every shade of brown and black. These dragons are very quiet beings, and will often observe from a distance before they wish to approach you. They are blunt/honest but are also very nurturing. They tend to have a ridge of sharp scales down their legs and back, and their scales are often reminiscent of armour. They tend to have an enormous wing span and four legs. These dragons love treasure, and in order to have a relationship with them, you should have a jar or a dish of coins. They are associated with the north. Other dragons that may fall under this category include stone dragons, nature dragons, mountain dragons, and forest dragons.
Chaos - Their colour is pure black. These dragons are always of dark colour and can blend into darkness, often it will look like they have stars caught in their scales. They tend to be the largest of dragons, have large wedge-shaped heads, and often have spiked tails. Chaos dragons have huge wings that will blend into the night sky and may be hard to make out. They are rarely seen if they do not wish it. Chaos dragons may seem threatening, although they are not completely malicious. They do not act as guardians or guides. They are powerful aids in divination.
Dragons and their colour meanings:
Purple - embody the highest level of dragon wisdom, ancient, very judgemental, will often test you; never call upon a purple dragon, they will only visit you - and their visits are random.
Silver - they see every perspective and reflections between beings, and inhabit the meridians of the universe.
Orange - bring strength, confidence, and bravery. They are quick by nature.
Green - will bring lessons and qualities of the material.
Brown - masters of physics, shapeshifting, gravity, and the physical form.
Blue - intricately linked with illusion, mental awareness, and consciousness. They have a great insight into the etheric plane.
Red - they literally eat darkness and transmute it into light.
White - pure and graceful, they are often guardians; these dragons can be channelled for healing.
Gold - they bring art and music, and speak the language of the heart.
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carrotwitch-blog · 5 years
Working with Air
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I love working with the element air, it’s my personal favorite out of all the elements for a few different reasons that I won’t get into (I could make pages upon pages on why I love the wind but that isn’t what this is about) This post is about how to work more closely with the wind. Enjoy dearies!
Here are a few ideas on how to work with the element Air:
Conjure up the wind by singing a sweet melody from the heart (like your all time favorite songs), whistle, or use a singing bowl. 
Go to a park or trail and walk around for as much as you would like and just feel the wind wrap around you. If leaves/flowers happen to fall upon you, collect them. NOTE: Make sure you do your research if you collect. Never pull or cut leaves/flowers unless you know what you are doing. Also, make sure you don’t collect anything that is harmful to your health. 
Go to a park/field/backyard and practice yoga. Allow the wind to help form your body while the earth keeps you steady. Stretch, relax, breathe.
On a windy day go outside and just sit there. Close your eyes and feel the air. Breathe in and out deeply, let it fill your soul. 
Burn a loose incense containing herbs that relate to air. (ex. lavender, lemongrass, pine, star anise, sage, etc) Meditate and connect to the element as the fragrance fills the room. You can burn an oil using essential oils for the same purpose. NOTE: Be careful burning anything; use a fireproof bowl, make sure it won’t fall, make sure the room is well ventilated, and most importantly, make sure you do your research. Do not burn herbs/oils that are harmful to your/others/and pets health. 
Make a sigil that means “I am protected by the winds.” or something along the lines (Personally I am not a sigil maker but I see others make damn cool ones so I’m adding it, haha) Wear it on you wherever you’d like while you are out and about so your always protected.  
Make a special air altar underneath a window, preferably facing East. Fill it with feathers, incenses, athame, a music player, your favorite books, colors of yellow and pale blues, whatever you’d like! 
Paint, dance, read, draw, sing, play an instrument, etc, Be creative. 
Learn. Do research. Gain as much knowledge about subjects you love.
Talk to the wind, communicate with it. Tell the air your problems, the joys you have felt, the pain you endured. No matter what, always your message is heard. 
Research fairies. Most fairies are related to element of air but there are some that live within the other elements. Find the fairy folk who live in the clouds, in the winds, and fly with the birds; work with them if you would like. NOTE: Be careful with working with fairies as you would with any spirit. There are so many different kinds of posts on how to communicate with them so I will list sources. (This is a very small list of sources regarding fairies but ones that I found informative.)  
On Fae and Spirit Work, source.
Faerie Sight, source.
Fae Tip #1: Offerings, source.
On the Fae, source.
Water  Earth Fire
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