blossoming-sun · 3 days
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more ocs idk
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blossoming-sun · 9 days
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My pj mask oc!! Her name is Coral/Catahoula :D
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blossoming-sun · 9 days
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another one!
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blossoming-sun · 10 days
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oc ref sheet I made!
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blossoming-sun · 14 days
Certified Best pj masks post ever. The part about the pj masks really moved me to tears
Evidence of Exodus
Many often wonder if there is any factual evidence proving the Bible being true.   What if I told you that not only can I point you to strong evidence of the old testament Exodus being real, I can point you to a person in Exodus who has a real life replica of himself. Being possibly the only person mentioned in the Bible that we can truly see how they appeared.  (With the exception of Vladimir Putin's recent 2024 claim that he has an original painting of Jesus Christ that has been in Russia).
bNow, if you're not familiar with the book of Exodus (chapters 1-14), I suggest you taking a moment to read it. Otherwise, what I'm about to say may not make much Sense. Or, read this and then read Exodus, and things might make more sense to you as it's being read.  Either way, I highly recommend reading it.
Archeologically, we're able to prove many things within the Bible, however, Exodus is not one of them. Matter of fact, some of the things are extremely questionable.  For example, where are all these Israelites coming from mentioned? There are no records of a man named Moses in Egypt. Many movies depict the enslaved Israelites were building the pyramids, however, The pyramids were built long before the Israelites were enslaved. There are many things that people question in the book of Exodus, you might as well. Maybe I can help with any doubt that you may have. In hopes to open your eyes as to the possibility that these things really could have, and did indeed happen.
Let's go back to the story of  Joseph. Joseph is one of the 12 sons of Jacob, also named Israel. (Remember God changed his name to Israel because of his faith in willing to sacrifice his son). They fell into a Great famine Aunt resources grew very slim, so they went searching for a better life elsewhere. Can you guess where they ended up? That's right, Egypt! This is where we get "The children of Israel", also known as, the Israelites.
Joseph's gift from God was the ability to interpret dreams. In doing so, he was able to interpret the Pharaoh's dream which ultimately helped save Egypt from a great famine.  So how did his people, his family, end up in bondage?  Answer is, the Israelites were living and the delta and we're living a pretty prosperous existence. Up until the moment a new pharaoh becomes in charge. This Pharaoh knows nothing about Joseph.  For none other than narcissistic  reasons, the new pharaoh is upset that the Israelites are living such a lavish life.  He ordered task masters to watch over them, which is when they became enslaved.  This Pharaoh is historically documented saying  to his midwives, "watch the two stones." Meaning, Egyptian women often give birth while sitting straight up to let gravity help them with the birthing process. Often, they would sit on two stones to help assist them during  labor. This correlates with the Bible when pharaoh ordered the death of all the Israelite males that were being born.  This is around the time that Moses was born. With Moses's mom afraid of him being murdered, she sent him away, down the river, for a chance at life.
Another questionable biblical text says that the pharaohs daughter finds Moses and the river and takes him in as her own. An Egyptian naming their child Moses, which is Hebrew is not very likely. Leaving some skepticism. Let me push that skepticism aside. 
Remember, Moses is sent down river, so when he's found, he's found in the reeds. Now the Hebrew word massa (משא) means brought out.  However Moses, Moses is actually a pure Egyptian name, which means Born. Just think about Ra-Moses, Ra means God and Moses means birth in Egyptian, God is Born. Another common Egyptian term is  Toth-Moses.  So therefore, just because the name Moses doesn't appear as someone's name being an actual person, it does not mean he did not exist. Moses literally means birth and Egyptian. Something someone would say or call a newborn baby. 
Moses later has an encounter with God through a burning bush. God tells Moses that he is going to be the one to help set the Israelites free and lead them into the promised land. Moses, brings his brother Aaron with him to go speak to the pharaoh. Moses performs many miraculous wonders and so do the pharaohs magic wielders. So it's like they're in competition for a moment. Moses has a staff and he throws it down and it turns into a snake. Then Pharaoh has his people throw a staff and they also turn into snakes.  It was almost like this was something that they've seen before, and we're unimpressed.  Now you can take it exactly how it was written and think that a staff was thrown down and turned into a snake and both parties were able to do so. What I think happened is, the staff happened to be a cobra snake that was stiff like a staff with the head as the handle. When you throw the snake down onto the ground it then is able to slither away. This is a known practice and Egypt then and even today which would explain why people wouldn't be impressed.  Moses and Aaron came back time and time again with  9 different plagues. Trying to convince Pharaoh to let his people go. Pharaoh gets annoyed and Now orders that the Israelites are no longer going to be given prepared straw to mix with their bricks. Leaving them to cut their own straw to mix with clay in order to make their own bricks. Giving double work with the same deadline. None of the plagues presented so far didn't seem to phase the Egyptians whatsoever. By this point, God says enough is enough and lets the pharaoh know that if he does not cooperate, he will take all the firstborns of families who do not have a blood sacrifice over their door frame.  Of course Pharaoh did not take this threat seriously, so there was no blood sacrifice and he ended up losing his son. This is what makes pharaoh say okay, You can have your freedom, you can go.
When the Israelites leave, the Egyptians are all mourning the deaths of their firstborns. So, when the Israelites asked for gold and silver upon leaving, they just handed it over with no issues. So the Israelites are able to leave rich with gold and silver.  Rightfully so in my opinion. They just spent approximately 430 years, in slavery and are now heading to the promised lands.
As the Israelites were on their way, Pharaoh quickly changed his mind and decided to go after the Israelites and bring them back. This is when the famous part of Exodus happens that most people are familiar with. Did the Israelites really cross the Red Sea on dry land? While the Egyptians get swallowed whole by the water? There is a lot of skepticism about rather or not they truly did part the Red Sea.
Here the Israelites are leaving on foot with all this gold and silver. We know that they lived in the Delta part of Egypt so we can kind of figure out the route that they took. They don't take the Philistine route because Palestine is highly guarded with watchtowers. So what they do is go through the marsh. Now the misconception lies with where exactly they crossed at. Which they actually crossed through the Sea of Reeds and not the Red Sea. Now in the Bible it says that  Pharaoh's chariots were clogged. Sounds like they were going through mud. If you ask me. Which if I'm on foot I can get through but if I'm in a chariot I cannot. So Pharaoh's men ended up perishing while God helped the Israelites make it through safely.
In playing devil's advocate, if this story is true then why is there no record other than what is mentioned in the Bible of this particular situation? The answer is Egyptians were horrible at record keeping in general. Their record keeping is mainly made up of what is written in tombs or on Stella's. Which never mentioned anything about any of their defeats. Egyptians only kept records of victories. Honestly, this entire situation only really mattered to the Israelites. No one else really cared. But this was the beginning of their entire religion.
Biblically they never say who the pharaoh actually was. Historically, Egypt didn't even have a pharaoh at this time. Who ever was in charge would technically be a king. So where does the Bible get Pharaoh from?  It's actually a conjunction of 2 Egyptian words, that meant house, great. Which Pharaoh meant the one who lived in a great house. Fitting for someone living in a palace.
A clue in the Bible as to who this pharaoh may be is when they speak of the Israelites building the store cities  with bricks. Is it a coincidence that one of the cities names is Pi-Ramess?  They are using bricks, which historically we can narrow down the time frame in which bricks began being used to build the storehouse in these 2 cities mentioned.
i'm going to agree with Bob Brier, an egyptologist who suggested the Pharaoh in the book of Exodus is...... Ramesses the Great. Why?
Ramesses' built his capitol right beside the Delta, which would be close enough to the Israelites. Especially during the times Moses and Aaron were traveling back and forth trying to convince him to let his people go. The Israelite slaves built the city of Ramesses out of brick and he was the one who built these cities.  There is a sentence written on a Papyrus that explains grain ratios to be handed out to the soldiers and apperu (now I know I butchered inthe spelling of this word, but I spelled it the way it sounded).  Which The translation is thought to mean Hebrew. Many scholars believe that this is our Israelites. Other scholars believe that Merneptah was the ruler over The Exodus. They believe this because the first time Israel is mentioned is during the reign of Merneptah, which is Rameses 13th son and his successor. However, when Merneptah mentions Israel on his Stella. It is referred to as a people and not a country or a foreign land. Meaning around this time the Israelites were still wondering. Therefore, if they are wandering at this time, that means they must have left right before he began his reign.  Biblical scholars believe The Exodus happened in year 20 of rameses reign.  Guess what else happens right around this time? Ramesses loses his firstborn son, Amonhirkhopshef.
In the Egyptian museum, you can now see the mummy of Ramesses the Great. Which very well may be the only face you can look upon that is a real biblical figure.  I love it when science, history and the Bible correlate. 
Brier, Bob. The history of ancient Egypt. (2013). The great courses.
Exodus 1+14
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blossoming-sun · 20 days
i have 2 hc requests if youre still doing them!
1. how do you think romeo feels about the other villains? i like to wonder about his true opinions about other villains, particularly nn and luna girl, but you can answer for as many villains as you want ofc ^_^
2. whats your hc for how newton star got his powers? i know its from asteriods but like HOW XD
ty ty 💖💖
omg omg omg yipee an ask
Also oops I meant to answer this ages ago but forgot 😭😭😭 I’m so sorry I promise I wasn’t ignoring you
Okay so I've always headcanoned that Romeo, Luna and NN are frenemies, like off screen they get along pretty well but they're also incredibly spiteful to each other. Also occasionally they'll just show up at the flying factory and annoy Romeo while he's working until he stops and hangs out with them. They probably also play super smash or mario kart or something together. And they do art together: romeo sketches designs for inventions, Luna paints, and NN does whatever hobby he's picked up in the last week (usually sculpting or drawing) they also sometimes let motsuki and orticia join in but its mostly just the three of them. They're awful to each each other (affectionately) they're besties but won't admit it
Okay so: he was just doing normal stuff (camping) when he went for a walk one night and discovered an asteroid that had fallen to earth. The asteroid was connected to the group of asteroids that he gets his powers from, and when he grabbed it it kind of bonded with him not giving him powers exactly but definitely changing him in some way. It also connected him to the other asteroids by extension, and the power of all of them combined was what gave him his powers :D
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blossoming-sun · 20 days
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hey so i drew pharaoh boy as a horse wanna see more
(i have headcanons too this is a whole au ask me about them)
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blossoming-sun · 1 month
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YOOO I’m popular omg thanks guys!!!!
I redesigned owlette!!! Hope you guys like her :D
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blossoming-sun · 1 month
I redesigned owlette!!! Hope you guys like her :D
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blossoming-sun · 1 month
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heartstruck kevin i've got nothing else to post idk
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blossoming-sun · 1 month
Pirate Robot Headcanons if you’re still doing hc asks??
you know how humans have comfort foods? He has a comfort charger
he hates NN and Romeo, but the ninjalinos are nice to him so he sometimes lets them come for rides on the spanner of the sky and be his honorary crew
after hearing that pirates like alcohol, he tried to drink some rum to become a real pirate. He forgot he can't drink stuff
he goes to the beach a lot. He never goes in the water because thats basically the same as walking the plank, but he and flybot sally make sandcastles together
ima be real he probably watches one piece in his spare time
I really like headcanoning him as aroace
If you hurt hornswaggle he WILL break every bone in your body
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blossoming-sun · 1 month
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I drew Motsuki :D
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blossoming-sun · 2 months
i wrote some more stuff
y'all better watch out 2 more months and half of the pj masks tag will just be my madness
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blossoming-sun · 2 months
I love them rrrrrrrrrrr
Phastet for angels&demons au!!
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From: ⬇⬇⬇
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blossoming-sun · 2 months
another pj masks au (villain swap au)
I'm not changing anything except the villains motives for hating the pj masks, so the villains powers and stuff will stay the same.
NN: orticias motives. Night Ninja was new to the city and didn't have any ninjalinos (yet). Ready to begin his career as a ninja, he started making sticky splats in the park one night. An Yu, who had already been released from the gong by the PJ masks at that point, went to go stop him, remembering how the ninjas in her time acted. NN was attacked by an yu for seemingly no reason, making him hate her and her allies.
Luna: Octobellas motives. Since she's from the moon with no way to return (motsuki isn't her sister in this au, and therefore she can't teleport) everything that comes from the moon is as precious as gold to her. When she left her moon crystals unprotected for a night to go and steal a smoothie, gekko (without knowing it was hers) took it back to HQ, where PJ robot found a way to feed its energy into the PJ crystals, draining it of its power. Luna has never forgiven gekko for this, and vows to make him pay.
Romeo: Speedy twins motives. He's still a scientist, but is less obsessed with taking over the world and more obsessed with making his lab the best lab on the planet, so everyone will recognise him as the greatest scientist of all time. In order to do this, he needs to steal equipment, which makes the PJs his enemies as they try to stop him.
Wolfy kids: Muki Gu's motives. The wolfies aren't evil, they just love pranks (which is canon), and sometimes take things a bit too far. They don't care about becoming full wolfy, they just want to have fun at night to get away from the boringness of daytime, even if its at the expense of others.
Motsuki: Night Ninjas (s1) motivation. She was romeo's lab experiment in this AU, and similar to her canon counterpart, struggles with being told she's not as good as he is. Although the duo live together, she spends most of her time alone, and wants to prove she's the best at everything to spite romeo. She does this mostly by stealing stuff from school: if nobody else can paint/play sport/read comics, then she'll have to be the best at it by default.
Munki Gu: Luna's motivation. After being trapped in a statue for 1000 years, he's pretty bored. He steals toys, books, games, anything he wants, just for fun. He hates being bored, and will do literally anything to not be bored. He's fairly friendly with the PJ masks, due to gekko being th one to free him, but that doesn't mean he's willing to not steal things when they ask.
Octobella: wolfy kids motivation (hear me out) after reading stories about cthulu, krakens, and other octopus-style mythical creatures, she decided that they were cool as hell and wanted to figure out how she too could become giant and scare sailors. She hasn't found a way too yet, but this hasn't stopped her from stealing many crystals and other magical artifacts from the museum in the hopes that they will magically turn her into a much cooler version of herself.
Pharaoh boy: gloops motivation, or part of it, at least. After 4000 years, he is shocked and annoyed that the world is nothing like the one he's used to, and thinks that he could make it way better if he restored it to the glory of the ancient egyptian days. He still wants to rule until the end of time, but he's also pretty fond of redecorating- aka, using magic to create sandstorms and make the city much hotter. He's also built a night ninja statue-esque pyramid in the park one time.
Orticia: Motsukis motivation. When octobella was messing around with stuff from the museum, she accidentally messed with orticias seed, creating her. Orticia is now Octobella's self-proclaimed little sister, and wants to help her achieve her goals no matter what. The two fight occassionally, but octobella is happy for the extra help and they have a pretty good relationship for the most part
Pirate Robot: Romeo's motivation. He wants to take over the world, believing that robots are superior to humans. He is actually terrible at starting the robot uprising, as most of his plans involve attacking the museum with pudding or putting robot propaganda posters up at the school, but the pj masks have to stop him anyway. they still think he's silly and kind of like him, just like in canon though. He's just that bad at taking over the world.
Speedy twins: Pharaoh boy's motivation, but instead of wanting to rule the world, they want to rule the racing world. They tend to cause destruction with their reckless driving, and refuse to stop no matter how much damage they cause. They have stolen the PJ vehicles before, not to take their parts, but so that the PJ masks couldn't have any vehicles that could possibly stand a chance in a race against the flashcar
Gloop the third: pirate robots motivation. He loves shiny things, and wants to collect cool treasure from earth to decorate his home back on planet gloop with. He has no other motivations, he just flies around in the gloopster looking for earth treasure
did you know that this post is almost 900 words. Thanks for getting through the whole thing (:
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blossoming-sun · 2 months
So.... I made some pj mask AUs based off the prompt/trope people on pjmcord gave me (school au, angels and demons au, fae au)
School AU:
Premise: I know you probably meant just a normal school AU, but I'm actually incapable of writing something without fantasy elements, so its a school au: but they all still have their powers. In this au, the government knows about monsters and magic and stuff, and although the general population doesn't know about them, its not exactly "keep secret at all costs" information. So that nobody dies when the magical kids are too young to fully control their magic, they're kept seperated from ordinary kids in the education system until a certain age. So basically all the nighttime kids are in a class, and teacher is a new, human, teacher fresh out of uni and teaching his first class. These kids are a nightmare for him (/pos) and he struggles not to be killed every night.
Other stuff: There is a lot of drama between the villains and heroes, especially at lunch break. The main friend groups are the terrible trio and the pj trio, but the other characters have friend groups as well, and its not uncommon for everyone to just play nicely as one big group some nights and then all hate each other the next. The sidekicks do exist in this AU, but they're not allowed in the classroom because they're not students. This does not stop any of them: the ninjalinos sneak in to play with night ninja at break, Romeo is always making a machine of some sort, its very hard to keep moths out of the outdoor playground, octobella hides Percival in her bag, etc. The whole au would probably just be teacher being like: "Apophis, I'll put you in detention until the end of time if you try to trap bastet in a pyramid again!" "Kevin, don't put that in your mouth! No, I don't care what Howler dared you do to!" "Romeo, what did I say about stealing stuff from the maintenance room? You can't take over the world with the wifi router!"
Also, the heroes are monsters in this au, so owlette is a harpy, an yu has more dragon features, etc
Angels and Demons AU
Lore: Angels and demons usually hide which one they are, their wings and stuff can dissapear at will and they don't have to use their powers. Furthermore, its a contemporary!angels and demons au, so while everyone has angel or demon blood, some have the full features (horns, slitted pupils, angel wings, halos, etc) when they show their true forms, others merely contain some angel or demon blood and no affects from this (which is most common). There are also powers, which can be pretty much anything. Physical features aren't required to have powers, but they're usually hand in hand.
Other stuff: Amaya is the only one with wings and a few extra eyes, while connor has a halo, and greg has a few small feathers (not enough to fly with or form wings), but has the power of strength. The villains are all demons. Luna has wings, NN has horns (like an oni) and romeo hasn't shown his true form yet. However, Armadylan and An Yu are also demons! The PJs didn't trust armadylan at all at first because they're racist you can't trust demons, but after they met an yu, realised that maybe not all demons are bad and didn't choose to be like this. Also: pharaoh boy is a fallen angel, but bastet refuses to talk about what happened to make him lose his light. The rest of the power heroes are all angels. And for the characters I haven't talked about yet:
Wolfies: no features or powers, except their werewolf powers(werewolf blood dominated the demon genes)
Armadylan: 4 horns on his head that stick out from his helmet, as well as a tail beneath the armadillo tail on his suit. Canon powers
An Yu: Black and red scales, slitted red eyes, fangs, claws. Canon powers
Ice Cub: Has three halos, no powers until his exposure to the asteroid though
Newton: two sets of wings, four eyes (haha), canon powers
Speedy twins: demon tails
Bastet: small wings behind her ears
Octobella: gekko swears she's a demon, but she's not (she's a cecaelia)
feel feee to ask me about the other characters, i was too lazy to write them all (rip)
Fae AU
So, in this AU lilyfay is the only fae. She's from an alien race of space fae, idk. The problem is, she's the first of her kind to visit earth in hundreds of years, and nobody really remembers the rules of the fay anymore, or that they exist. Which means that there are many shenanigans.
Lilyfay loves to clean, but unfortunately power Q is already pretty clean because of PJ robot, so except for when gloop attacks, she needs to find other places to clean. She occasionally just shows up at the flying factory to clean it (romeo is not good at keeping his lab tidy). And Romeo freaked out the first time but he got intrigued after that. When Romeo disrespected her the first time she refused to take that shit and turned him into a fawn (fae will sometimes transform humans into creatures if they don't like them), but only for one night so that he would learn his lesson. After this, Romeo takes up some of the Creideamh Sí so that he won't get deer'd again, which starts with giving Lilyfay milk when she shows up and progresses to the two of them having tea parties together. The duo kind of become friends, but lilyfay will not hesitate to kick his ass if he lies to her or offends her in some other way. Nobody else knows about their secret.
Lilyfay also has a garden in power Q, that has a ton of hawthorn saplings among other things. She and An Yu tend to the garden, but An Yu isn't allowed to touch the hawthorn. Lilyfay would love to drag the gang back to the land of the fay, but she's enjoying earth a lot and figures that she'll stay, for now at least. Also, her true fae form is hidden behind a human disguise (I don't think that lilyfay would be a changeling, but i'm going to incorporate some elements of changelings in for funsies) she can also play instruments and loves to dance, but she and her friends only ever play just dance and take turns so that she doesn't have to (by law) drag them away forever.
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blossoming-sun · 2 months
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decided to post the first 6 troll au pj masks characters I did!!! I'm going to do all of them, so stay tuned (:
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