bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
They always stole her blood. As if there was something special about the fluid, something innate that wasn't found in simple hair, flesh, or bone.
They were surprised when it hurt, too—back when pain still mattered to her. It felt as bad as the vivisection would, but they assumed that bleeding wouldn't hurt, that this part of her could be stolen with ease.
It took ages for her to learn how to control it, that first time, but the pain had spurred her on. Every moment it was apart from her had been ongoing agony. She needed it back.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Nimona was free. No one could contain her, or him, or them. She could grow wings and sail over the wall. He dared anyone to try to stop him. They weren't bound by shape or laws.
But even her freedom changed after the wall came down. It wasn't in spite of anymore, it was freedom alongside. After he'd fought and bit and clawed for that freedom, being able to step outside the wall with just a wave felt too easy.
They looked at the cars overhead and smiled. It helped that she wasn't the only one who was free anymore.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
She was fine. Sure, it hurt, but she healed fast. Humans weren't that lucky: exhibit A, arm chopping.
She got why Boss was panicking and Nemesis was about to pass out but it was fine. It was an accident. "Told you, I've had worse."
"Nimona, your arm—"
"I know." She braced herself. "Much as I might want to join the cool robot arm club, that one's not in the cards for me." One shift, two shifts, then she sat down, breathing hard. Reintegration sucked. "Sorry about making a scene—"
Ballister hugged her tight. Nimona awkwardly patted his back.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Nimona flared her wings. "Come on, Nemesis. It'll be fun!"
"I'm sure it will. You...you go ahead."
"It'd be good for you."
"I'd rather not."
"You don't get it. Flying is like—" She waved her hands through the air, felt feathers catch the breeze and flew to his shoulder. "Like breathing. You fly up, into the sky and when you look, everything is so much smaller. You're in control, and so alive, and even if you do mess up, you've got plenty of time to recover. It's all...calm, for a moment."
"You really love it."
She shrugged. "Like breathing."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Nimona stared at the plant.
The plant did not stare back, as it was boring. It didn't seem to do anything.
"What is it?" Ambrosius asked.
Nimona pointed at the plant.
"You're...communing with it?" he tried.
She gave him a flat stare. "I'm trying to understand why you like flowers. They're so boring. Herbs I get—use them to cook. Trees I get—for fruit, or climbing, or making things, but this? It's just...there."
"I think it's nice, helping something grow."
"Hm." She thought of Ballister. "Fair enough."
"Want to see my venus fly trap?"
"Uh, yeah? That sounds sick."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Board Games
Nimona liked board games, to a point. That point was usually when Ballister started cleaning up. Didn't matter what game it was, if there was a strategy to win he would find it. Then she didn't have fun, and if she didn't have fun no one had fun, because fire.
When Boss brought home a new board game, she was understandably wary.
"You'll like it, I promise."
"You say that every time! Yeah right. It says 'strategy' right on the box—"
"It's based on us, Nimona," he interrupted. "Players work together to take down the director."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Gloreth drew her sword, scanning the forest. Her knight's armour shone in the light, but Nimona could see the scratches and dents.
"Show yourself, creature!" her one time friend shouted.
Nimona looked at her, an imposing warrior, then down at her child body. She clenched her hands and shifted. "Why should I?" she asked, fur rippling, striped tail lashing. "You'll just stab me."
Gloreth spun on her heel. "Nimona?"
She stared through the undergrowth at Gloreth's exposed neck. Nimona sheathed her tiger's claws. "No," she said, bitter. "Just a shadow."
When Gloreth turned to face her, she was already gone.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Nimona woke up, looking down from her roost. There was unfamiliar music playing.
Ambrosius was up, making up a tray with toast and cereal for the Boss—domestic.
She unfurled her wings and dropped into his hair. Ambrosius yelped. "...Nimona?" he asked.
"That's me."
"Are you a bat in my hair?"
She chittered at him.
He slumped. "You scared me."
"What's this new weird stuff?"
"Modern jazz. I like it—"
"Never heard you play it before."
"—but not often. Bal hates it. Oh!" He popped the toast, a little too dark.
Nimona listened a moment. "Chaotic. I like."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
"—Safe within these Walls, built by the hand of Gloreth herself—"
Nimona rolled her eyes, shaking her can of spray paint. It was stupid to think Gloreth had laid a single brick. Nimona had seen the "walls" get made out of wooden fencing, first. Seen them bolstered with stones. Seen them grow tall enough to need mortar. Seen them broken down and rebuilt farther out, claiming more land, trapping more people inside them. Did they really believe that Gloreth was responsible for their ridiculous walls?
She sized up the side of the building. She was feeling bird cage.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
"I made breakfast tacos!" Nimona paused. "You're not too sick for breakfast tacos, are you? I know a couple days ago—"
Ballister's voice was rough. "Tacos sound good."
"And I got you that part you were looking for, too, for the grappling hook, but you can do something with that when you're better. And I was thinking that I could hang out with you today and play board games if you're up for it, or watch zombie movies—"
Ballister smiled, ruffled her hair. "Love you too, kid." He stifled a yawn. "Maybe we can stick with movies today."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Found Family
Nimona held up his hands. "Carry me!"
Ballister sighed but picked him up. "This shape is nostalgic," he said, tugging a lock of his hair. "Demon baby, really?"
Nimona grinned "I felt like being cute."
"You felt like being full of mischief."
"And crime. Don't forget the crime."
"How could I forget the crime?" Boss bought some bread with a distracted smile.
"Oh, what a darling! Such a kind father," the shopkeeper cooed.
They froze, glancing at each other. "Uh, thanks," Boss managed, and they left. "I'm not your father. Am I?"
Nimona shrugged, blushing. "You're not not my dad."
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Some knights were terrible people. Big shock there. But some of them were also stupid. That could be fun.
Nimona watched as a rat in an alley as one such knight drove away someone who wasn’t into creeps. "She'll be back," he assured himself.
"Why would she come back to a loser like you?" Nimona asked.
The knight spun around, scowling. "Who said that? Show yourself!"
"What, can't you see me? I'm a ghost!"
"Y-you show yourself right now, or—or I'll kill you!"
How could he stab something he couldn't see? Nimona cackled, and the knight bravely ran away.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
3, 13, 21 from this ask game
3. I am not entirely sure I can pin down what my style is so that does make this harder. I'm sure I could come up with a different answer every time. This is from "This Flame That Burns Inside of Me" from my Immortal!Leverage series. It contains reference to Nate's alcoholism.
Nate didn't have a problem. He didn't. He didn't know what Sophie was playing at, saying he had withdrawal symptoms. Immortals didn't get withdrawal symptoms. It was this place, these people, getting put under a microscope and picked at by the one person who should have understood— "We're in the middle of a con!" Sophie demanded. "What the hell were you thinking, Nate?" "Just—" stop pushing. "Just—" understand. "Tell me about our guy. What do we know about Hurley?" "We need to talk about this." "No, we don't need to talk. You need to talk. I'm fine. Now read me in." Sophie set a hand on her hip. "You want me to read you in?" she asked sweetly. Nate hesitated, self-preservation kicking in a few moments too late. "Uh—"
13. This is from "Love Like a Sorrow" (wip) and helped me pin down exactly what variety of complicated I wanted to make Ambrosius' mother.
His mother tipped her head in that of course you know way that always frustrated him, because no, Mom, he really didn't. If Bal's flower hadn't been in his hand, he would have balled it into a fist. "Becoming director of the Institute," she said. "I'm not sure why the royal family hasn't sorted out succession yet, but the Kingdom needs the bloodline of Gloreth in this trying time." Ambrosius stared at her. She scoffed. "The nobles haven't even managed to start on repairs to the wall yet, can you imagine? The unrest in the Kingdom—" Ambrosius thought about the lake. He wanted to go there. "Does it...need to be repaired?" he asked. His mother frowned at him, eyes flicking over him in concern. "Ambrosius, you do remember what—" "Yes, I remember almost dying—" "Ambrosius!" she scolded, looking legitimately scared. "Don't say things like that, Sunflower."
21. I don't generally save lines that I cut and I edit as I go, so they're all gone now. But I do have this! It's part of a deleted scene from "Wheat with the Chaff" from my Above Board series that I cut to maintain tension, but enjoyed too much to get rid of entirely.
“Nice to see you, Admiral. Now we can have this whole situation handled and get back to work.” Raner smiled slightly and folded her hands in front of her. “Pressman,” she greeted him. “What is my one rule?” He paused, watching her. He forced a laugh. “Admiral, I will be released, won't I? Just think of all the good I've done you!”
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
with writer ask games i'm usually just trying to coyly share snippets, so allow me to introduce a new one:
send me a number and i'll share an excerpt of my writing...
that makes me smile
that makes me laugh
that encompasses my style
with dialogue i'm proud of
with description i'm proud of
that i struggled with, but triumphed over
that i nursed in a daydream before finally writing
that hurt my own feelings to write
with characters i love
with characters i struggle with
with characters i want to write more in the future
that has a particularly good bit of characterization
that helped me understand a character better
that was out of my comfort zone
from an old piece that i like
from a recent piece i want to brag about
from an unpublished WIP
from that one WIP everyone has that has no plot, just vibes
from that project that was SUPPOSED to be short but then i kept writing and now it is very long
from a scrapped project
that i liked, but had to cut
that is so blissfully self-indulgent
that was inspired by a work from another medium (music, visual art, dance, etc.)
that makes me go "huh...i wrote that?!"
that i consider a favorite
please feel free to rb <3
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
In the beginning was a shark.
Or maybe she was a girl, a cat. Maybe she was actually a boy, or had purple hair instead of pink, but this—thing, became a sidekick.
She was evil and she knew it.
She was bad at being what people wanted her to be. She was good at killing people—especially ones who hurt her.
In the beginning was a little girl in a pit.
In the end was a little girl in a monster. But even when he turned on her, Blackheart couldn't understand that she'd been like that from the beginning.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
The trouble was, when Nimona watched from a distance, they could still see pieces of their friend.
Gloreth liked to run and shout and laugh at jokes. She liked to eat apples and climb trees. She liked to pet dogs, ride horses, and some nights she still howled at the moon. Nimona had heard her. She liked to go into the woods, swim in the river, and with Nimona gone she roughhoused with the boys instead. Every time she won, she grinned at her opponent smugly.
She still liked to carry around that wooden sword.
They didn't risk getting seen.
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bleezebrew-writes · 2 months
Downside of fame—people still mobbed her, but she couldn't fight them. They gave her no space. The noise made her twitchy. She itched but knew if she shifted she'd end up small, trapped, drowning.
She hated Ambrosius' cloying fake happy voice, but she couldn’t help being glad that it was getting closer. He cut through with a "pardon me," and guided her out with a "very busy, have to go."
He brought her to Ballister. The moment Nimona got close he swept her into a hug—Nimona relaxed.
"Keep moving," Ambrosius said.
"How'd you do that?" Nimona demanded.
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