ayysyah707 · 5 months
Right Person, Unexpected Time (Part 1)
Itachi Uchiha x OC, Modern AU Rating: M MINORS PLEASE DO NOT READ THANK YOU.
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In the heart of the bustling nightclub, nestled in the plush confines of a corner lounge, I found myself perched with a martini in hand. The ambient glow of the club cast a seductive aura over the evening, but it was a night tinged with the weight of impending change.
Tomorrow would mark the closure of my single life, an unavoidable transition imposed by the pen strokes of my father's signature. That old man made a promise with an affluent tycoon, sealing my fate to wed his eldest son. Duty dictated such unions for the sake of our family's legacy, yet the notion of being bartered for the sake of business unsettled me deeply.
As I swirled the contents of my glass, wrestling with a cocktail of frustration and resignation, my gaze wandered the room. It was then that I noticed him—a figure standing tall and arresting amidst the throng. His long, ebony locks framed a striking countenance, and his eyes, intermittently fixed upon me, held an enigmatic allure.
"Hey." I took a daring step into his direction and sat beside him, "what's your name?"
The man's head canted slightly, his gaze holding an intriguing glint as he observed me. "I am Itachi Uchiha. What is your name, young lady?" His lips curved into a reserved smile, revealing none of his teeth.
His surname gave me pause, recognition sparking in my mind. "Uchiha? You must be loaded," I blurted out, unable to suppress my recall of the opulent legacy associated with one of the country's most prominent old-money families.
A smirk crept onto my lips as I leaned back against the plush comfort of the lounge's backrest. "I can't believe a man as handsome as you are, sitting alone here without a partner," I teased, my words accompanied by a playful edge. My attention flitted momentarily to the DJ stationed on the club's elevated stage, where the familiar beats of a particularly popular song began to fill the air.
His smirk held steady as he offered a nonchalant shrug, a faint playfulness in his demeanour. "Is that how it is? So, I can't just be here for a simple drink, I must have a partner with me at all times?" His gaze briefly darted toward the DJ booth, acknowledging the familiar beats resonating through the club. "Ah yes, this particular song. It's quite a popular one," he remarked before returning his focus to me.
I couldn't help but indulge in a touch of provocative banter, my words laced with a mixture of amusement and scepticisms. "Ooh, some personal philosophy. I've heard that kind of life philosophy from the mouths of many spoiled, lame, and stupid rich men from old-money families. They have no sense of the real world yet they spit such words. Ironic, isn't it?" With a subtle shift, I edged myself closer to him, a deliberate move toward intimacy.
"Are you just another spoiled, lame, and stupid rich man, or are you a real, honest, interesting man with a sense of wisdom behind this stupidly handsome face?" My smirk persisted as I leaned in, a whisper teasing the air near his ear, fingers gently tucking a few stray strands of his hair behind his ear.
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ayysyah707 · 7 months
Goodbye, Attack on Titan.
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thank you. I'll moving forward.
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ayysyah707 · 8 months
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sasusaku rkgk
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ayysyah707 · 8 months
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Sakura blank period (specifically when she was travelling with Sasuke)
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
"Our Feelings are Collected" | Blank Period Sakura
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
baby Sarada's knight in a cape | ss family rkgk
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
"Nothing gonna change my love for you" | Sasusaku rkgk
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
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September 15th
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
When are people going to understand that Gaiden was about how Sarada felt about her family and not because Sasuke and Sakura had a problem with each other lol. "Kishimoto hates them together" right, because someone was forcing him to write about them since they were kids. People these days are so obsessed with relationships in manga being "healthy" as if this was not a whole ass manga about ninjas dying and trying to kill each other every second. Minato was not the person who went through hell because his brother murdered his entire clan. It's pretty damn obvious that his relationship with Kushina was going to be "less problematic" with a more beautiful path. Sasuke and Sakura is about unconditional love and trying to understand and forgive each other and grow together as a person, if that is not romance idk what it is anymore. Like how the fuck the sasusaku fandom has to explain the entire series every damn time that these people can't understand shit about a shonen manga that is for 12 year olds. Like how can u make an entire essay about the Uchiha clan or Naruto and Sasuke relationship (that was never romantic anyways) but can't understand a teenage girl trying to save the boy she loves the most?! Lmao
When are people going to understand that Gaiden was about how Sarada felt about her family and not because Sasuke and Sakura had a problem with each other lol.
Very true. People see the beginning of Gaiden, they see Sasuke missing and Sarada upset over it, and they attribute that to Sasuke and Sakura's relationship itself being bad, when that is clearly not the case. Every one of the difficulties that Sasuke and Sakura have had to face together and as a family, have been due to external circumstances. They have never had a problem with each other.
Kishimoto hates them together" right, because someone was forcing him to write about them since they were kids.
Precisely, no one forced Kishi to canonise them. They're canon because he wanted them to be canon, simple as that. Kishi likes drama, especially Uchiha drama. But once all was said and done, this was the final message that Kishi wanted to convey from Gaiden:
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And yet people think that he has some sort of a problem with SS? He wasn't forced to canonise them, and he certainly wasn't forced to end Gaiden by reiterating how the love between the Uchiha family is the real deal. These people believe what they want to believe.
Minato was not the person who went through hell because his brother murdered his entire clan. It's pretty damn obvious that his relationship with Kushina was going to be "less problematic" with a more beautiful path. Sasuke and Sakura is about unconditional love and trying to understand and forgive each other and grow together as a person
Yep, the foundation of Sasuke and Sakura's entire relationship was centred on saving him from a curse which caused him to be consumed with darkness and hatred. This was never gonna be a typical vanilla romance, nor did it need to be. Some of the core themes of the series were forgiveness, redemption and never giving up on a friend/loved one, and SS encapsulated those things to a T.
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ayysyah707 · 9 months
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #3
Before embarking on his atonement journey, Sasuke had to participate in the hospital's week-long rehabilitation program along with Naruto. What he doesn't know is, it was an idea from someone who thinks he's important.
Sasuke usually doesn't like being in a hospital. He dislikes everything about it; the smell of sick people, the equally unpleasant smell of medicine, the families of patients who spilled their tears because of their lost loved ones, and so on. But now, it's a little bit different.
Sasuke was just received a notice from Tsunade about a new program; she even delivered the form in person by herself. It says that Sasuke, along with Naruto and several other veterans, have to participate in a week-long rehabilitation program. The program consisted with group counselling sessions, lots of meditations, and exercise practices. Sasuke raised one eyebrow; it is bizzare that they allowed an ex-convict like him to participate in such "caring" program, even though it is required for him to have one Jonin to supervise him during the program.
Not only that, Tsunade herself also tailored a replacement arm that she herself just experimented in this past 6 weeks; a special arm that made from Hasirama's cells. Apparently Tsunade also only made 2 pieces. One for him and one for Naruto
Sasuke doesn't understand why. He feels like he doesn't deserve any of these excessive treatments. His jail time was cut short. All of his trials were completed without further punishment, even resulted on his release. Now, he's about to receive more.
Is it truly was done because they consider him their "war hero"?
Sasuke can't help but thinking about what exactly a "war hero" means; Naruto deserved that title in every possible ways because his intentions. But him? He was helping Konoha as a part of his chain reactions. His main goal was to honor his late brother's name, and nothing else. He didn't give a fuck about everyone else, and that was why he pulled his Revolution stunt right after defeating Kaguya.
An hour later after his overthinking session, his favorite kunoichi with pink hair brought him the answers he needs.
She said that there's a research going on about post-traumatic stress disorder, a disorder that is common after the war. She also explains about how experiencing family loss can trigger PTSD. Sakura wants the rehabilitation program to be successful as a mean to find a cure for PTSD. Sakura ended her explanation with a conclusion that scientifically, apart from the Uchiha hatred curse and all of the political conflicts that drove him into madness, he has been sick this whole time.
Sasuke's mouth is sealed shut. That means he has been showing symptoms of PTSD since he was 8. The realization struck him like a thunder. Death is always been normalized in the Shinobi world. A part of shinobi occupational risk is they have to endure loss, be it family loss, loss of a friend, and so on. However, it never occurred to him that it has consequences and he has been showing it via his actions; his entire life was about revenge, anger, and hatred.
Sakura spoke again only to reveal that she and Kakashi were the ones who compiled it into his files to guarantee his release. Sasuke gives her a surprised look. Sakura worked all day and night, healing people. Assisting Tsunade. Plus all the paperworks she had done for his trials. Sasuke questioned her why she did all of her efforts, despite her own war hero status. She should've also receive the privileges he has been receiving. He lowered his head as low as he can because he's in the verge of crying.
Sakura's answer is rather simple; she said it's because 1) it's part of her job and 2) she loves him. Now he's more confused of why he deserves this. Turns out all of it was done with love.
She said all the parts of him are important for her. His physical health is obviously important. His mental health is important. His history along with his brother, are also important for her. She said the Uchiha clan was a very important part of Konoha. They were, and are still, important. Sakura said she wishes the village elders can soon return the honor that Uchiha clan deserve.
Nobody had ever care to actually find out about the truth of the massacre, let alone making it the reason to free him, heal him, create special treatments for him. Nobody had also ever speak highly about the Uchiha clan personally to him since the massacre. He can't help but let his tears fell down his cheeks.
Now he had realized team 7 are actually the people who care, especially Sakura. He had the people that care about him, his clan and want to restore Uchiha clan's honor just like him. He had the people who love him.
He let himself rest in Sakura's embrace, crying and repeating his words of gratitude for her. He wants to greedily consume all of her love. He wants to stay in the hospital a little bit longer.
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
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No longer human.
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
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I sat with my anger until it tells me its real name - grief
LMAOO my first time drawing Sasuke. I prromis I would draw him better in the future but for this once bear with me okayy
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #2
As an introvert, Sasuke prefers to keep his thoughts to himself most of the time. that's why he got a travel journaling book. He likes to document his journey while travelling. Although, a large part of it filled with his feelings and and thoughts about Sakura.
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It's not like the complete and complicated journaling book that the healthcare industry is currently developing to improve one's mental health. Sakura told him a bit about those tools, she's a therapy clinic founder after all. However, Sasuke just can't imagine if he has to use all the mental health tools all the time, especially not when he's working. Because he's just used to all of his occupational struggles and pressures.
There's a section in the journal that looks more like a collection of love letters. Sasuke usually just pour his beating heart out without thinking much about grammatical errors. It's filled with thoughts about the people he loved, unfiltered without the worry of getting embarrassed. Unless of course someone caught him writing those, or simply read the content.
There's one night when Sasuke and Sakura had to stop inside of a cave because the weather in the Land of Water mostly consist of rain. They spent a peaceful night there, with Sakura fell asleep fast. Sasuke sat beside her, and after his lone hand brushed over her hair to gesture her good night affectionately, he reached for his travel book.
He flicked open a page where a small pink tab sticked on it. There's a large title called "For Sakura - 1" on the very first page of the section. Sasuke flipped again, to one, two, three, five pages later. He was then marking down the sixth page, a blank page yet to be filled. He wrote down the same title that he wrote 5 times from the previous 5 filled pages. Sasuke then also wrote current date on the top right of the page.
For Sakura - 6
Tuesday, August 16.
Today we have reached the Land of Water. It feels like spring here. The weather somehow always has the hint of humidity and gentle breeze. It's always remind me of you, Sakura. You're such a gentle person. A kind and gentle woman that I took for granted. I can't imagine how much of a fool I was to reject your love. If I could meet the younger version of me, I would scold him and forced him to beg for your forgiveness.
The world is more colorful with you in it, Sakura. It's the same thing with how I will never realized how blue the sky is without looking at usuratonkachi Naruto's eyes. When I look at you, I see a peaceful morning with a little bit of fogs around, I hear the sound of birds chirping, and I could smell the peaceful smell of morning dew. I hope you can imagine what I imagined.
I am stunned of how your eyes reminds me of the majestic crystal cave I once visited near Iwagakure. I should take you there when we reach the Land of Earth. I am also always wondering of how your hair could be a simple reminder that eventually the winter will pass; and the spring will follow suit. The flowers in the Land of Flowers are nothing compared to your beautiful locks. Fuck it sounds so cheesy now.
I want to hold your hand forever. I have planned a wedding proposal for you when we're inside the crystal cave. that would be so memorable for you, would it?
The sea, the mountains, the sky. You're the one who pointed of how beautiful they're, Sakura. I never noticed such things. For me they're just... environmental stuff. But from your perspective, everything seems so beautiful. I guess beautiful eyes can see beautiful things. That's what my Sharingan isn't capable of.
Should I ask your hands right here, right now, Sakura? I could give you the Uchiha crest patch that my mother used to sew on the back of my father's clothes. It's my family heirloom, Sakura. Should I sew it on your spare clothes and surprise you?
Tell me how to propose you, Sakura. If I should kneel down and kiss the ground you walked on to prove my devotion, I would. Tell me, what I can do to show and prove myself to you? Kiss you? Make love to you? Hug you until my hand carved permanently on your back?
Whatever it is, whatever you want, I am here, Sakura. Besides you. I love you.
Sasuke closed his book and tugged it below his bag. He snuggled closer to Sakura and slowly closed his eyes.
Little did Sasuke know, a pair of green eyes opened a few hours after he drifted to the dream world. Sakura opened her eyes, and were surprised because Sasuke's bag nudged a little bit closer to the makeshift campfire. Worried it would burn the bag down, her much slender hands reached for the bag. She didn't know there was a book beneath it so the book fell down near her knees. Out of curiosity, she read the content when her eyes catched her name on one of its pages.
Sakura then tried to muffled her tears after reading it, trying to not wake the light sleeper Sasuke.
I was inspired by this song
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
Sasusaku blank period travelling headcanon #1
Sakura is a very talented medical ninja. Yes, it is true. However, even the best medical ninja can't do anything if the universe decided that it's time for a person to leave this world.
There was one time when Sakura and Sasuke were visited a small settlement in the Land of Lightning, a whole family was pressing Sakura to heal their bed-ridden grandfather when they found out that she's a medical ninja. She was trying to save him, but then it turned out to be a very deadly cancer. The poor, old patient had only estimated of 3 months left to live.
Sakura tried to refer him to the Kumogakure hospital since a large village probably has the necessary equipments for treating patients with cancer. But the patient's family straight up refused.
She's a doctor who beat enemies and diseases,yes, but she can't defeat death. Nobody can. Even if she desperately wants to cast Edo Tensei on her patients, death is just inevitable.
Sasuke patched things up by casted genjutsu upon the family members, especially the grandchildren. He erased their memories so they do not remember Sakura. Sasuke's top priority was to protect his wife and his unborn baby, and he didn't want her to be in the future kill list of those little kids. Who knows, maybe they would thought Sakura was the one who let their grandfather died despite of her efforts.
As Sakura helplessly watched her patient sobbed in pain, she left him a small bag of painkillers on his bedside table. Sasuke grabbed her right shoulder and put his cape over her frame, gave her a little bit of warm that she needed. In the end, Sakura and Sasuke had to leave the small settlement quietly at midnight, leaving no trace about their existence.
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
My Fanfic Masterlist
All of my fanfictions that I wrote with regular text mode or chat-and-social-media mode. Multiple fandoms and pairings, but mostly Sasusaku and Eremika.
Bahasa Indonesia
Let me live in this world of make-believe
Attack on Titan
Crossover with Marvel Cinematic Universe - WandaVision series
Rating: T
Eren Yeager sudah begitu yakin kalau pasangannya, Mikasa, masih hidup dan aman bersamanya. Tapi suatu hal membuat Eren tersadar bahwa itu hanyalah ilusi.
EMA Trio Random Chat
Attack on Titan
Alternate Universe
Rating: T
Hanya kumpulan chat random dari tiga remaja Paradis. CW: OOC, cringe comedy
My Way to Remember You
Canon universe, post-rumbling
⚠️ spoiler manga chapter 139
Mikasa telah beradaptasi dengan kehidupan barunya setelah Eren tiada. Namun ada satu hal yang takkan pernah berubah; cintanya untuk Eren.
Right Person, Unexpected Time (ONGOING)
Naruto (Pairing: Itachi x OC)
Alternate Universe - Modern Setting
Rating: M
Arisa has been thrown into a tricky situation by her father, who has determined that she must be married off in an arranged marriage to the son of a leading conglomerate. What's more, Arisa actually knows her soon-to-be husband from before the formal introduction.
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons (ONGOING)
Canon universe, post-war
Rating: T-M
My collections of Sasusaku travelling headcanons.
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #1
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #2
Sasusaku Blank Period Headcanons #3
My Way to Remember You
Attack on Titan (Pairing: Eremika)
Canon universe, post-rumbling
⚠️ Contains spoiler from manga chapter 139
Rating: K-T
Mikasa finally settled in her new life after the rumbling. A lot of things has changed; but not her feelings for Eren. He is save in her heart.
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ayysyah707 · 10 months
Attack on Titan Fanart Masterlist
Here is the list of my posted aot fanarts. I will post more fanarts in the future, so this list will keep updating! :)
Attack on Titan:
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