auntaveri · 6 years
Me, writing: Oh my gosh, this is absolutely amazing!
Me, looking back on my writing: Oh my gosh this is fucking awful. I thought I was better than this.
Me: *deletes everything*
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auntaveri · 6 years
Reyna was unsure of where she was. More importantly, she was unsure of who she was. The bus jerked along an uneven road to seemingly nowhere, startling her. She sat up quickly, her eyes scanning the faces of the other passengers, none of them seeming familiar.
“Reyna, you okay?” The girl beside her asked, squeezing her hand. Wait, why am I holding this girl’s hand? Reyna thought. Not that she was complaining, the girl was extremely gorgeous, but she didn’t recognize her at all. She searched every inch of the girl’s face, hoping to find something, a memory maybe, but all that did for her was make her dizzy as she stared at the girl’s hypnotic, kaleidoscope eyes.
Mildly scared, Reyna pulled her hand away, shaking her head to clear the daze. “I—uh—I don't—” She frowned.
A man’s voice almost made her jump out of her seat. “All right, cupcakes, listen up!” He shouted and stood up, pulling his baseball cap lower on his brow.
“Stand up, Coach Hedge!” Called a student.
“I heard that!” He snapped back and squinted his eyes, trying to find the offender. His gaze focused on Reyna and she felt as if he was staring straight through her and into her mind, reading her thoughts. Only, she didn’t have much to think about, just the fact that she had no recollection of, well, anything.
“We’ll arrive in five minutes! Stay with your partner. Don’t lose your worksheet. And if any of you precious little cupcakes causes any trouble on this trip, I will personally send you back to campus the hard way.” He said with a final glare at Reyna.
“How dare he—” Reyna started to stand up from her seat but was pulled back down by the girl.
“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” She whispered harshly, “He’s just being his usual self. What has gotten into you? Do you want to reinforce the idea that ‘kids are the animals’?” She joked, punching Reyna’s arm softly.
Reyna stared at her blankly. “I shouldn’t be here.” She looked around the bus again, still not recognizing anybody. The boy in front of them turned around, peeking over the back of the seat.
“Sure, Reyna. We’ve been framed!” He laughed, “I didn’t run away six times, Piper didn’t steal a BMW.”
The girl beside her went tomato-red, “Leo, I didn’t steal that car!” She protested.
“Oh, right, I forgot. What was your story? You ‘talked’ the dealer into lending it to you?” He smirked and the girl, Piper, blushed even more.
Piper reached for Reyna’s hand, but she pulled it away again. “What’s wrong?” She asked, clearly concerned.
“I don’t know you people.” Reyna said simply.
Leo laughed again. “Yeah, I’m not your best friend. I’m his evil clone.”
“No, seriously. What am I doing here?” Reyna shifted in her seat.
“Reyna, are you okay? You look like you’re gonna be sick.” Piper noted, putting her hand on Reyna’s shoulder.
Reyna leaned against the seat, trying to calm herself down. Right, she thought, so I’m on a bus with people that I should know, but I don’t, and I have no idea who I am. Perfect. She sighed, this time letting Piper grab her hand. She ignored every question thrown at her. Leo asked her if she was high, Piper asked if she needed some water, and Coach asked the whole bus for some trivia about the Grand Canyon. Reyna wanted to sleep, maybe this was just some dream and she would wake up completely normal.
Just as she had finally blocked out the noise, the bus stopped, throwing her forward into the back of Leo’s seat. Piper steadied her and asked her if she needed anything.
“So you really don’t know who we are?” She asked.
“I don’t even know who I am.” Reyna said, letting the words sink in.
Ahhh I just wrote that really quick, I tried to not make it just sound like I just put Reyna’s name instead of Jason’s so I took out some stuff and added some. Hope you like it! @joleanart
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auntaveri · 6 years
So we know that with all the constant fighting for survival, demigods have go to be marked with boat loads of scars, right? Imagine whenever they go back to school with regular mortals and there’s all these scars all over their bodies and they look so tired from crossing another friend off the list of living from that Summer’s war or unfortunate monster attack. And a sweet mortal comes over to ask of they’re ok and they reply that, yeah, everything’s fine. But then a counselor calls them in and very quietly asks if they have an abusive family and the demigod leans back and mutters to themselves, “I guess that’s one way of putting it.”
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auntaveri · 6 years
Hey, I’m captide. I’d appreciate it if you’d delete this post, I don’t like my headcanons posted anywhere except instagram. Thanks :)
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Credit: captide
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auntaveri · 6 years
Ok but headcannon that Piper and Drew actually become good friends as time passes and they grow out of their petty feud. Piper learns that Drew comes from a demanding, cold-hearted family that demands so much from her and gains sympathy for her, and Drew learns that just because you had a crappy childhood, doesnt mean that you can be mean to people, and physical beauty is only one of the many types of beauty there are.
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auntaveri · 6 years
Are you mistletide?
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auntaveri · 6 years
do frank and percy ever scam dog shows by having frank turn into a dog and winning them?? what do they do with the money
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auntaveri · 6 years
Everything is the same except every time Percy says something sarcastic, funny or witty in general a laugh track plays.
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auntaveri · 6 years
I was reading through a bunch of your old Blood of Olympus analyses...why did you say that Leo shouldn't have some back to life?
first off i’m so sorry I got to this so late aaah i’ve just been busy and neglecting my askbox
and so. getting to your question.
the pjo/hoo series has always been really great because of the fact that even though this is set in a world of gods and monsters, our main characters are very much mortal. we learn that in the very first book, where chiron explicitly states that the weapons they use can’t hurt normal humans, but can still hurt demigods. monsters can be killed, but they can always come back. demigods can’t. that’s one of the reasons the threat in the books felt so real: because death was like an oppresive cloud hanging over them, and our protagonists were always very aware that it could happen to anyone at any moment. the first series (pjo) does a very good job of this, having important chacters die at regular intervals. the first two books keep things relatively light, but bianca and zoe die in book three, followed by multiple campers (like lee fletcher and castor) in book 4, and luke, ethan, beckendorf, silena, and micheal yew (plus more campers and hunters) in book five. these deaths were really sad and really touching, but also really necessary.
death is important in stories. sure, they’re sad and give you all the feels, but death, especially in stories like pjo, is important and interesting because it inherently changes the dynamics of a story. characters who were once a force to be reckoned with in the narrative now just…aren’t. the arc they might have been going through, the development they might have been getting is all cut short. and, from this point, the writers cannot use their presence to move the story forward or use them for the development of other characters. 
the thing that annoys me is that in hoo, the plot literally called for a sacrifice. it was in the prophecy, nobody had really died up till the last book, save for reyna’s pegasus (i’m not counting bob and damasen, because they’re monsters and will eventually regenerate). they built up to this enormous sacrifice, and then they introduced the physician’s cure.
my point is: you can’t act like death means something in the storyline if you’re just going to introduce a stupid, forced gimmick that reverses the effect of death entirely - and death is supposed to be permanent for demigods. this just reveals that rick was unwilling to sacrifice leo for the sake for potential future plotlines, and i think it was a mistake. trust me, i would have been more okay if someone’s death hadn’t been hinted at at all in the series: there are plenty of ways to make a character suffer without killing them, while still giving them development (case in point: percy and annabeth in tartarus). just. the thing is, adding the physician’s cure to the story rendered the threat of death to the narrative permanently meaningless, and that’s something that shouldn’t have happened.
i’m sorry if i came off a bit strong in this, it’s just my opinion and i didn’t mean for this to expand into a huge rant and i’m sorry: it’s been years but the blood of olympus still makes me so mad lmao
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auntaveri · 6 years
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I am a serious artist
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auntaveri · 7 years
Hear Me Out
I know we’re tired of hearing it, but it will be worth it. We need to save our online freedoms. Even if it means reblogging one post about net neutrality a day, DO IT. WE CANNOT AFFORD TO LOSE THIS BEAUTIFUL DYSFUNCTIONAL FAMILY WE’VE BUILT ON TUMBLR.
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auntaveri · 7 years
We all know Mrs. O’Leary, but you know who we don’t know? Mr. O’Leary. Who is he? Is he okay? Is he dead? Is he non-existent? Will we ever know? Rick give us the answers.
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auntaveri · 7 years
Ngl whenever I see a post about Estelle Blofis I imagine Joey’s agent Estelle from Friends and I laugh every time
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auntaveri · 7 years
What is your opinion on the HoO girls with short hair? 😉
I love my girls with short hair. Obviously, their hair is very dramatic and beautiful when it's long, but I feel like at least one of them would just chop their hair off because it's easier to fight without your hair smacking you in the face every time you turn around.
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auntaveri · 7 years
I thought of this a few months ago, but does anyone else feel really bad for the guy who did the original PJO character art? Like, yeah, it's not my favorite either, but everyone always makes fun of how bad and ugly his art is and I can't help but feel sorry for him, especially now that his art has been replaced with viria's
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auntaveri · 7 years
Isn’t it just wonderful how, in HoO, Rick took everything away from the original characters? Percy’s memory? Daedalus’ laptop? Annabeth’s dagger? The curse of Achilles? The gray streaks in their hair? Grover? All gone! It’s like he was trying to make them lose everything and basically start from scratch in HoO hahHhahhahahHAHAHhahHhahhaha HA ha hA heh
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auntaveri · 7 years
Isn’t it just wonderful how, in HoO, Rick took everything away from the original characters? Percy’s memory? Daedalus’ laptop? Annabeth’s dagger? The curse of Achilles? The gray streaks in their hair? Grover? All gone! It’s like he was trying to make them lose everything and basically start from scratch in HoO hahHhahhahahHAHAHhahHhaha HA ha hA heh
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