For @furutaweek because my baby deserved better He made all of this for her-all for her- the love of his life But she didn't love him back. She just wanted to become free and live the life she never had. He couldn't accept that he has endured everything for her, and she has rejected him.  “I guess I’ve just got to do everything I want to in the time I have, huh?” He knew that he would die in his 30s. At first, he didn't know how to react. He didn't wanted his live to slip from his powerless hands how his beautiful dream with her he had. His life will leave a trace in history like a pencil on a white sheet. And he knew it.
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For the start...
Mystic Messenger Jumin headcanons
♤ Jumin LOVES to spoil you. He gonna do it everytime he can
♤ Hates that he has to leave you alone when he leaves for work
♤ But he feels even worse when he has to skip his meals with you because of his job
♤ You understand his position and that be is an important man, but ... it hurts
♤ You can't be mad at him, but sometimes you just can't help and be sad to see all those happy couples
♤ But you know that he loves you sooooooo much
♡ He could buy you anything anytime
♡ And he is romantic too
♡ Long dinners at a prestigious restaurant are every Sunday
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