aspelladay · 1 year
Alphabet Divination Spells
Books are formed from words; words are formed from letters. One school of Kabbalah suggests that the Creator formed the entire world from Hebrew letters. Individual letters, of any alphabet, may be used to provide an oracle.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Divination Spells
Before you can choose a spell, sometimes you need to choose a course of action. In order to do that, sometimes you need more information than you already have---or than seems humanly available. That’s where divination comes in. Divination is the magical art of receiving information about future events right now in the present. (It is also used to achieve greater understanding of past and present happenings.) Diviners, also known as readers, use tools, rituals, spells, and systems to reveal hidden information. Diviners thus practice prophetic arts, the mantic arts, after the Greek word “mantikos,” meaning “prophet.” Words concluding with the suffix -mancy indicate some form of divination.
Once upon a time, as with shamans, every town had a respected professional diviner or two providing these prophetic services. Persecuted, driven underground, forced to practice secretly in back rooms or not at all, the loss of professional readers didn’t stop people from requiring their services. People learned to provide those services for themselves, sometimes as highly structured ritual, sometimes in the guise of party games.
The divinatory methods included here descend from those homemade arts. They do not require special texts, years of study or, in theory at least, a professional reader: in other words, complex systems like tarot, playing cards, runes, the I-Ching, and similar are not included. Some systems are obviously more suitable for some households and individuals than others, but theoretically all can be reproduced by the magical layperson.
Methods included offer the opportunity to access other realms, other beings, and other people in order to receive needed information. Some offer a source of divine inspiration; others encourage you to discover your own hidden fonts of psychic or subconscious knowledge.
Systems of divination and fortune-telling operate according to the principle of synchronicity, as do magic spells in general. Synchronicity rejects the concept of coincidence. Events occurring at exactly the same moment share something in common and may be used to reveal something about each other. The trick is learning how to recognize and understand these revelations.
As its name indicates, divination puts you in direct contact with the divine. There is a sacred, magical aspect to even the most raucous party method. Divination should be treated with the respect shown to other spells. Appropriate cleansing and protection rituals should be considered. Divination tools, even the simplest pebbles, shells, or dice, are ritual tools and should be treated with similar care and respect.
How do you choose the right system for you? In some cases, the choice is obvious: certain spells were designed for specific situations. The very question needing answers, the very information required, determines the method. In some cases, your own abilities set directions: it takes a different kind of personality to scry patiently in a pan of black ink than it does to pierce a bible passage with a needle. In other cases, let the choice choose you: the desire the spell awakens within you is its invitation to perform.
It goes without saying that every method and every incident of divination begins with a question. The most difficult part of divination may come in formulating the question. Don’t leave it vague: oracles delight in tricks, especially puns and word games. Take the time to formulate exactly what it is you wish revealed in clear, lucid, precise language. Write down the question, so that you can later compare it to the response, better interpret its nuances and implications and also eliminate arguments if performing group divination!
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
The Operation for Drawing Out Life
Collect peach wood and “prime” it by concealing it in or near the home of a pregnant woman. It must remain until the baby is born and, for reasons that will become obvious, the mother cannot know of the wood’s existence.
When the baby is born, the wood is removed and the practitioner uses it to create a doll made to resemble this new baby as closely as possible. All the while, incantations are chanted, beseeching a spirit to come and enter the doll.
When complete, the doll is placed discreetly behind or underneath and altar. The practitioner will continue to invite a spirit to reside within the doll.
The baby’s spirit may thus be lured into the doll. Unfortunately, as it gradually enters the doll, it is gradually leaving the baby, leaving a weakened, listless child who fails to thrive. Should the body die, the spirit will come entirely under the practitioner’s power.
The sorcerer desires such a doll because it can be used to serve [them]. It can especially be called upon as an agent of divination.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Special Vampires: Sorcerers
There is yet another kind of vampire, also resolutely human. However, unlike the psychic vampire, this type of vampirism is not inadvertent but construes a category of sorcerer.
Although the phenomenon occurs elsewhere, the fullest analysis of this type of vampire comes from Chinese magical and alchemical traditions. Vampires figure prominently in Chinese magic, although they rarely have anything to do with blood. These practitioners of malevolent magic are known as soul stealers. The goal of the vampire-sorcerer is to extend personal power, health, and longevity by tapping into another’s life force. Someone whose chi or soul force was stolen would waste away, eventually falling ill and dying prematurely, their life literally stolen to enhance that of the vampire.
There are various methods of soul stealing, some explicitly sexual, although the most common technique involves absconding with some of the victim’s hair. This, combined with proper technique and incantation, makes soul extraction possible. In this circumstance, the victim may be saved by getting the hair back, combined with shamanic intervention.
Another method targets a child, and also demonstrates why there is such a profusion of children’s protective spells.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Special Vampires: Accessing Healing Energy
There is one other kind of unintentional vampirism: the victim doesn’t necessarily “leak” energy nor does the stimulus to drain vitality originate in the vampire. Psychic energy and vitality are offered. This type of vampirism possesses no inherent malevolence, selfishness, or diabolism; instead it may be necessary for Earth’s proper functioning and one way magic power, heka, is transmitted. That said, this type of vampirism is not without dangers.
Those with plentiful magic power and a strong life-force feed others with their own energy and essence, although they may be unaware that they do so. These include healers and counselors of all varieties, psychic practitioners, soul singers, and assorted individual caregivers. These individuals may forget or not realize how crucial it is to replenish their energies.
The flower essence remedies recommended [here] may be used, as well as Leafless orchid (Living/Australia), suggested for those in service to others who suffer feelings of depletion. Others should not be encouraged to feed at will but as invited and permitted.
If you suffer from this type of vampirism, create boundaries essentially determining when the pump is open and when it’s closed.
Wear black tourmaline
Wear dark sunglasses and headphones as needed to demarcate private space.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Psychic Vampire Protective Shield
Black tourmalines and labradorite crystal gemstones provide a shield of protection against psychic vampires. Wear them or carry them in a pocket so that they are close at hand, rather than tucked in a mojo bag.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Psychic Vampire Defense Spell
Rosemary provides emergency relief. Drink rosemary tea. Or create strong infusions by pouring boiling water over fresh or dried rosemary, and add substantial  quantities to your bath for aura repair and to relieve psychic exhaustion.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Special Vampires: Psychic Vampires
There is also another type of vampire, perhaps the most common of all. This one neither graves your blood, nor haunts your dreams. this vampire enhances its own personal power by absorbing that of another. This may be deliberate or completely inadvertent. This vampire is a living person and typically means no harm. You will know these vampires by their effect upon you: no matter how  much you like the person, no matter how much you enjoy their company and conversation, you are always exhausted and drained after spending time in their presence. Perhaps every individual has moments of unconscious psychic vampirism, in times of stress and need. However, if this is a consistent reaction to someone’s presence, protection must be taken. One doesn’t necessarily have to avoid the other person; instead one needs to learn how to shield and protection one’s own energy.
It is crucial not to leak psychic energy, which subliminally attracts these vampires like a bleeding wound summons sharks, or those other kinds of vampires. A weak or damaged aura signals your psychic vulnerability. If you are in contact with a psychic vampire, check the Protection and Psychic Power Spells. and immediately begin to fortify your defenses.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
The Sukuyan
In Trinidad and elsewhere in the Caribbean special vampire spirits are known as sukuyan. During the day, the sukuyan appears as an innocuous, frequently charming or even beautiful person; at night however she is transformed into a dangerous, bloodthirsty spirit. To determine her true identity, empty 100 pounds (45 kg) of rice at a crossroads. The sukuyan, an [arithmomaniac] like so many low-level spirits, will feel compelled to pick it up grain by grain, leaving herself vulnerable to identification.
She (and the sukuyan seems inevitably to be a “she”) gains admittance to a home by coming to the door and requesting the loan of matches or salt. If you give them to her, you are at her mercy. To escape the sukuyan’s clutches:
Murmur “Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday” three times.
Mark a cross over every door or window in your home.
Hang a mirror on the outside of entrance doors.
Leave it there until all danger has passed.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Fox Spirit Exposure Spell
In general, fox spirits can only retain their power over an individual as long as their victim refuses to recognize the potential danger. Once exposed, the malicious spirit generally flees in search of another victim.
Fox spirits love wine and crave intoxication. Given the opportunity, they tend to over-indulge but just like any other drunk, this causes them to be sloppy and careless.
When drunk the fox spirit will reveal their true identity, breaking their spell.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Dreams of the Dead Incense
This incense blend allegedly allows you to contact those who have gone on ahead in your dreams.
Burn dried powdered acacia, althea, and star anise before bedtime. Permeate the room with the aroma. As you go to sleep, visualize the dream that you need. Try to “begin” the dream before you fall asleep and see what happens.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Law Keep Away Spell (3) Conjure Bag Spell
Fennel seeds ward off authority: police and other law enforcement officials, immigration authorities, tax collectors, etc.
Place a handful of fennel seeds inside a small bag.
Hang it discreetly inside your home, just over the entrance door.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Vampire Prevention Spell (3)
Spindles are an ancient symbol of life and death. The Fates traditionally wield a spindle with which they spin the thread of life---and a pair of shears to cut that thread. Three days after a burial, stab nine spindles into the grave to prevent a vampire from rising.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Rest in Peace Aloe Vera Spell
Plant aloe vera on the gravesite in order to soothe the deceased, ease any sense of loneliness or abandonment, and prevent their longing for the living.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Seance Protection Candle Spell
This candle provides protection during seance proceedings.
Slice off the top of a small white votive candle.
Carve the bottom of the candle so that the wick is exposed and may be lit.
Fill a glass half-full of spring water.
Place a saucer on top and quickly flip it over so that the glass rests on the saucer but no water is spilled. (This becomes easier with practice.)
Place this on the floor, behind the door.
Place the reversed candle on top of the glass and light it.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Eloquence Spell (1)
Deer’s tongue allegedly provides eloquence. It’s nicknamed the lawyer’s friend.
Ask your attorney to carry a little, as a special request. If you will be called upon to testify, place deer’s tongue in a conjure bag and carry it in your pocket.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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aspelladay · 1 year
Technically necromancy is divination system that exploits the special powers of the dead. It has come to encompass contacting the dead by various means to extract information, about the future or otherwise. Necromancy is a word frequently misused and misunderstood: it’s been used as a catch-all label for any sort of cemetery desecration. Although desecration may occur in the name of communication (and one person’s ritual is another person’s desecration), vandalism and desecration for its own sake or for destructive purposes is not necromancy under any definition, and there are many methods of contact and speaking with dead souls that do not involve a trip to the graveyard, nor require any contact with a corpse at all.
Necromancy exists because the end of life doesn’t necessarily end the need for one person to talk to another. Necromancy also exists because some metaphysical systems believe that dead souls are the only ones privy to certain information and able to share that information in a lucid manner with the living.
Because it’s believed that the dead are no longer bound by the limitations of the mortal physical realm, they are able to foresee events, understand the past and be either persuaded or compelled to reveal these details. Necromancy may be used to reveal the future or to gain understanding of a past or current situation.
Two kinds of souls may be summoned:
Those with ties of love and loyalty to you, who are probably inclined to be helpful
Those who must be compelled to appear and provide assistance
Different methods of summoning exist for different souls. Whether there must be contact with the corpse depends upon the method chosen.
The ancient Greeks believed that the recently deceased were more coherent than those who had been dead for a while. In essence, the long-deceased are out of practice. The longer one has been dead, the further away from the land of the living one has drifted. It becomes harder for the living to understand the dead and likewise for the dead to comprehend the living person’s needs, desires, and even language. Hence, the Greeks’ inclination to use fresh corpses in necromantic ritual.
Of course, all of this depends upon whether you believe that love, loyalty, and consciousness transcend death. For some cultures, all semblance of human feelings and memory immediately ceases at death, therefore there can be nothing benevolent about contacting the dead. Any contact with the dead is thus, by definition, malevolent sorcery.
The most famous modern necromantic device is the ouija board, available at toy stores amongst the board games, and its relative, the planchette. This begs another point of consideration. Some philosophies consider that wisdom and foresight are acquired during the death process. Others believe that nature and intelligence after death remains what it was during life. In other words, if Aunt Sophie never gave you good advice while she was alive, what makes you think she’ll do any better now that she’s dead?
Be cautious whose advice is relied upon, whether it derives from living sources or those beyond the grave. The ouija board is considered something of a portal to the next realm: an open telephone line, as it were. Consider who speaks with you before continuing and maintaining any conversations.
These are all remnants of shamanic rites, out of context. When shamans are banished, people attempt to do needed jobs themselves, as best as they are able, whether or not they have been extensively trained.
Necromancy should be preceded by intensive cleansing and protective spells. Fasting probably wouldn’t hurt and may make the process more successful to boot. Wear or carry protective amulets and charms.
(from The Element Encyclopedia of 5,000 Spells by Judika Illes)
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