"I'm Damiano and when I grow up I want to be a rock star" ❤️
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“Hey baby, I miss you and-”
“Wrong number says a familiar voice.”
“Oh crap, hi mum. I was trying to call my ex you see. And I just clicked on the contact named "The Bitch” thinking I was calling her. Turns out it was just you. I’ll come visit this week okay?“
"Yeah okay…wait Why am I labelled as "The Bitch” on your phone?! Matthew Williams I-“
"Uh…love you, see you, bye!”
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The Six Deaths of Six Captains: 1
Name: Bokuto Koutarou Cause of death: Natural causes, a peaceful death
When Bokuto felt the pain in his heart return for the third time that day as he turned his head from his bed to greet his grandchildren, he knew he didn’t have much time left. The way his knees kept giving way was proof that he was no longer the bouncy and energetic boy who was captain of Fukurodani.
//Fukurodani. Man, I miss those days. I wonder how my old teammates and friends are doing. Even that ball of sunshine Hinata must be quite old too.// He smiled at the thought. Someone shaking his arm brought him back to reality. Looking up, he saw his two favourite grandchildren staring at him intensely. “What are you thinking of Ojīchan? You seem happy.” The eldest, Himeko, asked. She was smiling girl of sixteen,with a grin just like her brother’s.
Bokuto smiled as he patted a spot on the bed for them to sit. “Me? I was just thinking of my teenage life. Cherish it Himeko, it’ll disappear before you know it.” He chuckled. “Ojīchan?” “Yes Yukio?” The youngest of  the two tilted his head with a confused expression.
“Papa says you don’t have much time left before you go. What does that mean? Where are you going? Can I visit you? Is the place nice? Will there be snacks? Can I take the train there? Will there-” “Okay calm down Yukio.” Bokuto chuckled. “I’m leaving to meet some of my best friends, and one very special person. My best friends, their names are Kuroo and Kenma. You were too young to remember meeting them or their families, but I’m sure your sister doesn’t. “
“Right, I remember! “ Himeko giggled. “Their grandson Shiro is in my class at school. All he does is play games and be a joker, yet he keeps getting straight A’s!” “That’s Kuroo’s genes alright. You seem to know a lot about him…do you like him maybe?“ “Huh?! No way! Well maybe a little bit.” She blushed as Bokuto couldn’t hide his amusement. //Kuroo would bust a rib if he could see this. Our grandchildren, having crushes on each other!//
“Ojīchan? Why haven’t I met any of your friends yet?” Yukio looked slightly distraught as he spoke. “Nee-San tells me the stories you told her, and she shows me the pictures too, but why don’t you ever let me meet your friends like you let nee-san? “ He pouted. “I want to meet them! I want to meet the ‘Third Gym Squad’ too! And see who is this Kuroo, and Kenma and Tsukishima and all of them!”
The poor child looked close to tears when Bokuto placed a hand on his head. “You can’t meet them my dear Yukio. They already live in the place where everyone is happy and no one gets sick. I’m going to join them soon. Hopefully they didn’t grow tired of waiting for me.” The smile lines he had around his eyes and mouth crinkled up as he spoke. “But that’s not fair! Why does she get to meet them and I don’t?” “Because I was just born earlier genius.” “Now now you two, don’t start fighting.” Bokuto seemed amused by how lively his grandchildren were
“So, so you don’t see your friends anymore? “ “Not for a long time actually. “ “Well do you miss them?” “Of course I do, after all they were my best-” “Like how you miss grandpa Akaashi?”
Bokuto’s smile faltered as he watched as his youngest grandchild speak with pure innocence while his big sister hit his forehead gently. “Don’t ask questions like that Yukio. Papa said not to mention that anymore.” “But but but…don’t you feel sad Ojīchan? You don’t get to see them anymore. I’d definitely feel sad if the person I loved passed away.” “Yukio! ” “No, don’t worry Himeko my dear. I’m fine.” Bokuto took a deep breath before continuing.
“Now listen Yukio, it’s true I miss my friends and your grandfather very much. They were the lights of my life before you two popped up. But your grandfather held a very special place in my heart, and ever since he left I’ve been missing him dearly. But I’m not sad.” he smiled, ruffling Yukio’s hair. “Because I know that I’ll join them soon enough, in a place where no disease or sadness can enter. And when that happens, do you know what will happen?”
The little boy nodded. “It’s going to be just like my storybooks! You and grandpa Akaashi will live happily ever after in your own castle right!” “Right.” Bokuto chuckled as he ruffled Yukio’s hair once more. “Now I you two better get going before your mother gets mad at me for keeping you up past midnight!” “She won’t know! We’re ninja siblings, right nee-san?”
His sister sighed and shook her head. “Don’t worry Ojīchan. I’ll get him to bed before mama finds out and skins us both. Goodnight Ojīchan. “ “Goodnight Ojīchan! And tell grandpa Akaashi I said goodnight too!” Yukio smiled and waved as the door was shut, Leaving Bokuto staring at the ceiling with a serendipitous look.
“Hear that Akaashi? Your grandson wishes you goodnight. Don’t be sad anymore. I’m coming soon, I can feel it.” He smiled. It was almost as if Akaashi was reaching out to touch him. “I can feel it. I can feel…”
The next thing Bokuto knew, he woke up in front of a large golden gate. “What the-” He wondered out loud as the gates opened by themselves. “Did I sleepwalk again?” “You dumb goof, get in here already!”
A pair of strong arms pulled him inside and crushed his bones with a back-breaking hug. “Hey that hurts- Kuroo?” The familiar face of his best friend smiled back at him brightly
“Kuroo! Bro!” He hugged him back with renewed vigor, soon realizing that he looked like his younger self through the reflection in his best friend’s eyes. “Bro! You made it! And I thought I’d lose that bet with Tsukki for sure. Also, side note; your granddaughter isn’t allowed to break my grandson’s heart you understand? I nearly broke a rib when I heard about it.” “I knew it. Jokes aside, where am I?” “You don’t know? You’re in, what did you call it ‘The a place where no disease or sadness can enter’? Yeah, that’s where you are.”
“Long story short, you’re in heaven.” Came another voice behind Kuroo, as Bokuto grinned even wider. “Kenma! You’re here too!” “Yes I am.” The setter gave a curt wave with his PSP in hand. “Kuroo put him down. Come on Bokuto. There’s someone you need to meet.”
As Kenma and Kuroo led Bokuto to this person, Bokuto looked around in awe. He saw old friends and teammates, and though he felt sad for leaving Himeko and Yukio, he couldn’t of been more happy to be reunited with his best friends. Speaking of reunions…
“We’re here.” Kenma said, stopping in front of a quaint looking house and knocking on the door. “He should be out in a minute.” Kenma said, giving Bokuto a pat on the back. By now, Bokuto could already guess who he was meeting. And it was only a little while before he could finally be reunited with his-
The door opened. A boy with jet black hair and a relaxed expression peeked his head out before he sighed and stepped out. “Took you long enough. Now what are you waiting for?” “Akaashi!!!”
He ran up to his lover and picked him up, peppering his face with kisses as he couldn’t stop grinning. “You’re here! I’m finally here! You have no idea Akaashi I- I missed you so much!” “So did I Bokuto-san. But not anymore. Welcome to heaven.”
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The only words to live by
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New quote comic!
Be a sadist. No matter how sweet and innocent your leading characters, make awful things happen to them- in order that the reader may see what they are made of.
-Kurt Vonnegut
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Just another day in Servamp High.
Chapter 1- Introductions It all began on a bright, Monday morning. The students of Servamp High had just arrived to class, starting with the servamps themselves. All seven of them entered the class and immediately every students left the classroom vacant for them. Why? Because they weren’t just any Servamps. They were the Seven Deadly Sins. Most of them called the seven students that out of fear. God bless the few who dared challenge any of the seven. Each had a title after a cardinal sin. There was Sloth, the leader, and his second in command Pride. Then came the muscle of the group, the mysterious Envy and the lovely looking Miss Wrath. Next were Greed and Gluttony. The former was quick and sharp-tongued, good for getting out of sticky situations while the latter...well he just terrified everyone. Sort of acted as their bodyguard over an actual member of the group. Finally, there was Lust. He looked beautiful and knew how to use that beautiful body of his to get people to talk. One way or the other, whether it was giving someone head or smashing their head in. I guess you could call him the ultimate good cop/bad cop. These seven terrified everyone who crossed their paths. Unfortunately for our story, Miss Wrath sensed trouble was brewing and scrowled. She couldn’t be bothered enough to deal with the amount of bullshit the others caused, or would soon cause in this case. Being the only girl in the group, the most sensible and having absolutely zero patience for idiocracy plus a massive temper that gained her the nickname “Wrath”, she left a soon as the others settled down to go do something more worthwhile. Soon, Gluttony left too but not because of anger, nor annoyance or disdain, but because he was hungry again. He truly had an insatiable appetite for food and good food at that. And so, this left the remaining five to go about their own things. Who were the remaining five you ask? Allow me to introduce them. The leader, Kuro. The goddamn laziest guy in the entire school. I should know, I was his lab partner once. He slept through the entire project. He probably doesn’t even remember me anymore...thank god. Then there was Hugh. That guy had more pride than a group of lions -and God forbid you mention his height-That guaranteed you an early death. But would he deliver the punishment himself? Nope. A bit of a clean-freak. Next came Jeje. A mysterious and moody guy. And when I say moody, I don’t mean “woke up on the wrong side of the bed” moody, I mean “I’m on my period and haven’t eaten in 12 hours or slept since two weeks ago” That kind of moody. Hell, the guy wore paper bags and a long, dark cloak to add to his moody attitude and demeanour. On to Hyde. Words to describe Hyde...Talkative, loud-mouthed, headstrong, stubborn, the list is infinite. That, and you could say he was still a little angsty over his ex girlfriend. And a certain affiliation for theatre. Finally, we come to Snow Lily- I shit you not, that is his actual name. On his first day he was mocked by others, calling him a male stripper and asking for lap dances. His answer to that? Stripping in the middle of class. And grinding on the teacher. Turns out, he actually is a male stripper and has zero shame. Once he joined the gang he taught everyone how to use their mouths for good use. And is the only one in history to shut Hyde up. I’d rather not mention how… Did I forget to mention his weird fascination for butterflies? Come to think of it...each of this five had a small obsession on a certain kind of animal. Kuro loved cats, called them lazy and relaxed like himself. Hugh; bats. Jeje adored snakes and called them misunderstood like himself. Hyde adored hedgehogs to an unhealthy level. And Lily had his butterflies. These five were the main quintet of the “Seven Deadly Sins”. The second most feared group in Servamp High history. Why second? Because there was a group far worse than them. Far more merciless and unforgiving. The day was going absolutely fine, but there was trouble in the air. The quintet were about to face their worst nightmare. And that came in the form of a former gang member. The forgotten member, Melancholy. He burst into the class with a wide grin. “Missed me suckers?” The class was dead silent at his question. “ No? Well too bad. Oh right. I almost forgot. I brought company. “ He beamed. Great. Now, let me introduce you to Melancholy’s Devils. Seriously, who chooses these names? We’ll start with Tsubaki himself. Sadistic is one way to describe him. At the same time, so would confusing. I’ve seen the guy laugh at nothing like it was the most hilarious thing on earth, then get bored three seconds later. Even stranger, is the amount of two-tailed fox themed stuff he has. Next, Higan. How to describe him, how about “Needs a bath”. That sounds fitting due to his looks, messy and unkempt hair. Plus I’m surprised the guy doesn’t have lung cancer yet after how many cigarettes he goes through each day.   Then we have Belkia. I’m starting to grow weary of all these weird names but whatever. The guy is as weird as his name. Pink hair, extreme vanity, to the extent of cutting someone else’s hair off because he thought they looked prettier than him. Collects dolls. Do I need to continue? At least his girlfriend seems somewhat normal Then comes-God not another stripper name- Shamrock. Okay, who named their child like a male stripper? At least he’s not actually one like Snow Lily. Instead, he has a fascination for bombs and considers his boss to own him. Okay, who’s next….wait is that Sakuya? Right, almost forgot about that day… Sakuya Watanuki. He has green hair, is a huge jokester, the only one with an actual normal name, and uh...he is one of my best friends. We used to be so close but now...we don’t talk anymore after I refused to join him with Tsubaki. He’s still a bit confused over who’s loyal to who and absolutely hates liars. Who am I you ask? You’ll see soon enough.
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How Tsukishima messed up and then fixed everything within four hours and one Suga [Part 2 ] (Tsukkiyama )
(On the last episode of this story…)
“She’s in there. Go say hi. ” Tsukishima said as Yamaguchi braced himself for the worst, cursing Tsukishima with colourful names in his head as he pushed the door open. He didn’t expect to see what he saw.
He expected to see a girl sitting on their bed. He didn’t expect to see a puppy sniffing away at their laundry basket and acting like it was the enemy. “Is that a…” “Go say hi.”
Approaching the puppy cautiously before crouching on the ground, Yamaguchi was about to pet it when the puppy turned around and saw him, running towards him and barking happily. Meanwhile Yamaguchi felt his soul melt a little while he carried the puppy, who started licking his face like no tomorrow.
Looking back to the door, Yamaguchi noticed his boyfriend standing there with a slight smile on his lips. “Do you like her? I realised you might be lonely when I’m off on business trips so I got you a little companion to keep you company while I’m away. I named her Twilight. You know because of the black fur, like the real twilight we see every night? But not the movies, those were horrible.”
“ Surprised?” He asked as he made his way over to Yamaguchi, who simply nodded. “Yes, I mean, what? How? Wait, this is the girl you were talking about?” “Yup. ” “The one you were supposed to pick up this weekend?” “True.” “And it’s a dog.” “Certainly looks like one. ” “And not some hot chick because my boyfriend deserves only The best and I know that I can be hard to deal with sometimes and I jump to conclusions too fast and I’m a little paranoid and-mmph! ” Shutting his currently red faced boyfriend up with a kiss, Tsukishima nodded. “Why would I want to leave the greatest thing that’s ever happened to me? But, do you like it? Do you like her?” “Oh Tsukki,” he hugged his boyfriend tight as he pretty much sobbed.
“I guessed as much. Happy anniversary.” Tsukishima whispered, placing a soft kiss on Yamaguchi’s head as he heard a squeal and saw a few camera flashes go off. “Okay, thank you Suga-san. You can leave now. Don’t you have something, or someone else to do? ” He deadpanned before focusing mainly on how happy Yamaguchi looked playing with their new addition to their household.
~~~Flash forward an hour~~~
“So everything was just a big misunderstanding?” Yamaguchi asked as he fed some of the cake to Tsukishima. “Exactly. I would never cheat on you anyway.” “Well that’s all fine and everything, but who were you calling last night? ” “…Akiteru…He helped me get her here in time…so in return for the help I had to say that…well I loved him…” He seemed a little embarrassed by this as Yamaguchi smiled. “Well that doesn’t matter anymore because I have you.” A bark interrupted the moment. “Right, and a new cute little puppy!” He picked Twilight off the ground and cuddled her in his arms, just as Tsukishima closed the gap between them with a kiss. “Happy anniversary Tadashi.” “Happy anniversary Tsukki.” “I love you.” They both chorused at the same time as Twilight barked.
So in the end, everything turned out fine. Yamaguchi and Tsukishima settled the misunderstanding they had, Twilight won Yamaguchi’s heart immediately, and Sugawara had lots and lots of pictures.
The end.
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How Tsukishima messed up and then fixed everything within four hours and one Suga(Tsukkiyama)
“Do you remember our third year anniversary Tsukki? You seemed a little worried, no very worried actually. I thought you might pass out that night.” Yamaguchi laughed softly from where he was seated on their bed. “Tch. Yes I remember. How could I forget when I, Tsukishima Kei messed up more than the “Blueberry Sunshine Duo” can. I remember, don’t worry. “ Tsukishima rolled his eyes as he recounted that fateful day.
~A year ago~ It was two years since Suga helped Yamaguchi drunkenly confessed his love for his childhood best friend over the phone. Two years since Tsukishima asked him out. Two years since they officially became a couple. Everything couldn’t of been better.
But there was just one problem. Tsukishima, now a successful businessman, was rarely at home anymore. And he knew this was taking a toll on his boyfriend. Suga had mentioned it to him too many times. He too could sense the loneliness and longing for company in Yamaguchi’s voice. So with the words of Sugawara spurring him on, Tsukishima decided to take matters into his own hands.
A week after Tsukishima had returned from his most recent business trip to Paris, Yamaguchi was busy cleaning up their shared apartment when he found something he wanted to show his boyfriend.
Rushing to his room, he was about to knock when he accidentally caught wind of Tsukishima’s conversation with someone. "Yes, yes I know. She’s absolutely beautiful. Yes I’ve seen the pictures, they looked fine. When will she arrive again? This weekend huh? Perfect. I’ll send Yamaguchi out for a few hours. It’ll be the perfect time for me to pick her up.”
Yamaguchi nearly dropped the box he was holding, rushing away from the room and straight to the guest room where he could panic without worry. //What did Tsukki mean? Who is this “she” he keeps talking about? A-Am I not good enough for him? Did I do something wrong? How do I fix this, what do I do?!//
He chewed his bottom lip nervously when a voice interrupted him from his thoughts. “Yamaguchi? I’m leaving now. Something came up, work I guess. I’ll see you tonight for dinner okay?” No response. Yamaguchi was practically shaking at the thought of his boyfriend leaving him that he was speechless.
//Tsukki always told me he was bi. So what if now he’s leaving me for a girl? She’s probably better than me anyway.// Emerging from the room, he found out that Tsukishima had already left and sunk to the floor next to the box he found. “Maybe I should just give up first.” He wondered out loud. “Maybe that way he won’t have to think of how to break up with me. I guess it’s for the best. Oh look, the box i wanted to show Tsukki earlier. I wonder what’s inside…”
Opening the box, Yamaguchi found little mementos of all the dates they had been on together. Ticket stubs from movies they watched as a couple, pictures from all their dates of course, and the notes they wrote to each other over the years. Reading them, Yamaguchi felt a surge of confidence! “If this new girl wants Tsukki so bad, she’ll have to go through me first! I’ll prove to him that he shouldn’t leave me.” He exclaimed, his mind already racing on what to do. He knew he had until the weekend to change his boyfriend’s mind, and already began planning the next three days out.
The next three days after that, however, were an absolute and utter mess on Yamaguchi’s side. He looked like he was trying too hard and everything he tried proved to be futile. Every time he proposed they do something together, Tsukishima would either turn him down or say he was busy. When that didn’t happen, things just went wrong. Burnt cakes, extreme mishaps, everything that just made Tsukishima look annoyed and made Yamaguchi want to crawl into a hole and die.
Yamaguchi was so caught up in all of this that he didn’t realise what Saturday was. It was only when he woke up the next morning to find Tsukishima missing did it click. //Oh God. Today’s our anniversary. He’s going to leave me on our anniversary I can’t- no no. Be strong Tadashi. He still loves you. //
He psyched himself up for the day and jumped out of bed, running into his said boyfriend on the way out who greeted him with a kiss. “Good morning Tadashi. Did you sleep well?” “I did Tsukki. Do, do you know what day Today is by any chance? ” “Our anniversary, why?” “Just checking!” He called out before rushing away. //He remembered. Of course he remembered, he’s your Boyfriend for God’s sake Tadashi! Why wouldn’t he remember? Wait, am I forgetting something? Right, the cake!// Yamaguchi spent the entire day baking a special cake for Tsukishima, while his boyfriend seemed to be too busy to bother about him. At one point close to the night he left, only to come back quickly with a large bag and a few more. "What are those Tsukki?” “None of your concerns. ” was the sharp reply as Yamaguchi concentrated on baking his cake.
Once it was ready, Yamaguchi happily trotted up to their bedroom, ready to surprise his boyfriend with his favourite cake. What he heard however, was enough to break his fragile heart. “Yes, yes I got everything you asked for. Mhm. Yeah, sure.” His face seemed stressed as he continued. “Yamaguchi will never find out. I’ll just ask him to buy something extremely hard to find and by the time he comes home you’ll be gone. I know it’s risky, but what’s a man got to do? Alright, I’ll meet you there in five minutes. Got it, love you too.” He said into the phone as Yamaguchi covered his mouth in shock.
He was so in shock that he didn’t even realise that Tsukishima had come out of the room, surprised to see him standing there in a trance. “Yamaguchi, what are you doing here?” “Ah? ” he said, snapping out of his trance and faking a smile. “Just came to call you for something Tsukki. Where are you going? You look like you’re going to meet someone, is something wrong?” “No, nothing is wrong.” Tsukishima replied in a monotonous tone as he grabbed his jacket.
“I just need to go and meet someone really quick.” “Can’t it wait? Today is our anniversary after all.” “No, it’s urgent.” “More urgent than this?” “Yes more urgent than this!” He snapped as Yamaguchi clenched his fist. “Then fine! Go see that girl you were talking on the phone to! Go see whoever it is you care about more than me! And you know what, I’ll even make things easier. I’m leaving.” He spat, rushing past a very shocked Tsukishima and out onto the streets.
Tsukishima immediately began worrying. //This wasn’t supposed to happen! Ah, stupid misunderstandings! Who can I call to get Yams back to his senses… right…// Dialling Suga’s number, he ignored how post-frottage Suga sounded and explained the situation. After a through lecturing by the Crow Mama, Tsukishima was told that Suga would help, but he needed to make sure everything was ready before hand. “No problem. You’re a Godsend Suga-san.” “And you owe us both a lot. Now go.”
Yamaguchi walked the streets in absolute tears over what just happened. Sure he felt bad for yelling at Tsukishima, but at the same time he had every reason to be mad. His beloved boyfriend and childhood friend was leaving him for someone obviously ten times better than him, and that made Yamaguchi’s heart ache even more.
A loud honk startled Yamaguchi as he noticed Daichi’s car pulling up next to him. It had to be his car, no one else would have “Papa crow” as their license plate besides him.
He watched as the car stopped beside him and Suga stepped out, placing a hand on Yamaguchi’s shoulder. “We need to talk.”
//God bless Suga. // Tsukishima thought as He got the message saying the exact words of, “You’re lucky Suga can sweet talk anyone to do anything. You owe us meat buns.” Waiting impatiently for them, he jumped up when he heard the door unlock and watched as a reluctant Yamaguchi was shoved inside. “We’re not letting either of you out until you settle this!~” came the tell-tale voice of Sugawara Koushi himself as Yamaguchi turned around to face Tsukishima with a grimace.
Approaching him, Tsukishima reached out to touch him but found his hand being quickly swatted away. “Don’t touch me.” Yamaguchi hissed, obviously still angry over everything. “I don’t hear any making up!” “Thanks Mama Crow but please keep it down. Tadashi listen I-” “Don’t Tadashi me! ” he snapped. “Where’s that girl you were talking to on the phone? Why aren’t you spending your night with her instead?” “Well I want to, but I want you to meet her first. Come on.” He said, dragging a slightly shocked and close to tears Yamaguchi to their shared bedroom door.
“She’s in there. Go say hi. ” Tsukishima said as Yamaguchi braced himself for the worst, cursing Tsukishima with colourful names in his head as he pushed the door open. He didn’t expect to see what he saw.
(What happens next??? Stay tuned because this is getting too long! )
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Would you guys mind doing a yakunoya one shot ;;;;;;) ♡♡♡♡♡♡ ily
Please just call me your kitten one last time…
2:00am- Y: Noya, where are you? It’s too early to be up anyway.
2:01am- Y: Besides, isn’t today your day off?
2:10am- N: Good morning Morisuke-kun!!! And sorry my grumpy kitten. I should’ve left a note.
2:10am- Y: Where are you again?
2:10am- Y: And don’t call me a kitten.
2:11am- N: Isn’t someone awfully catty today? ;)
2:11am- Y: -_-’ Seriously…
2:11am- N: I’ll be home soon. It’s just a routine check-up at the agency. Nothing out of the ordinary.
2:11am- N: Just need to check up on my darling Kouhai and then I’ll be home to deal with your hangover.
2:14am- Y: You better. It was your idea to drink twenty cups of sake after all.
2:16am- N: Of course!!! And yet I didn’t drink a drop! Anyway, I’m about five minutes away from the agency. I’ll see you soon. Love you my kitten from Tokyo!!!
2:17am- Y: Again, don’t call me a kitten.
4:25am- N: Morisuke-kun!!! I’m on my way home now, how’s your headache?
4:27am- Y: Still like hell. How far away are you again?
4:29am- N: I should be home in under an hour kitten!! See you then!!! Love you!!
4:31am- Y: Ugh, I’m going to take a nap. Wake me up when you get home. Love you too. And for the last time, don’t call me kitten.
3:15pm- Y: Noya where are you?
3:15pm- Y: It’s definitely been more than an hour, why aren’t you home yet???
3:16pm- Y: And pick up your damn phone dammit. I’ve called you three times already.
5:39pm- Y: Noya, I just got the call from Daichi. He told me about the crash now where are you???
5:40pm- Y: Come on, pick up your phone your hyperactive lightning bolt!
6:56pm- Y: Noya I’m serious, please call me back. Please.
6:57pm- Y: Please. Just tell me you’re okay.
2:09pm- Y: You always used to tell me you hated funerals. Well, now I know why.
2:10pm- Y: I just can’t believe you’re gone. You’re actually gone.
2:11pm- Y: You should’ve seen it though. Everyone was crying, even that blonde saltshaker on your team.
2:12pm- Y: There were so many people packed into one parlour that some had to stand outside. That’s how many people came. That’s how many lives you touched.
2:15pm- Y: Daichi gave me your badge, said a few words of comfort, you know. Normal things. He also told me that he and his team won’t stop working until they find who did this to you. To us.
4:24pm- Y: They did it Noya. They caught the guy who did all this and put him behind bars.
4:24pm- Y: A new law was issued, protects those on the road from reckless endangerment by those under the influence.
4:25pm- Y: Sure, it doesn’t change the past but at least now no one else will suffer at the hands of people like this like I have.
5:16pm- Y: Happy Valentine’s Day Noya. I wish you were here to see this. Everyone at Karasuno sent flowers to our door in memory of your name.
3:00am- Y: Dammit, why did it have to be you???
3:00am- Y: Why did that drunkard have to be driving when you were???
3:00am- Y: Why did he have to swerve into you and knock you off the overpass???
3:05am- Y: Why did you have to die???
3:05am- Y: You promised Noya!
3:06am- Y: You promised you wouldn’t just leave me like that! Why of all people did you have to die?
10:19am- Y: I’m still paying your bill, to this date, solely so I can still hear your voice I-
10:24am- Y: God I miss you so much. Please tell me this is a dream.
00:00am- Y: Happy Birthday you bouncy ball of lightning.
00:00am- Y: They say that time heals all wounds, but I don’t think I’ll heal from this one.
10:15am- Y: You wouldn’t believe it Noya. Everyone you’ve ever played against sent flowers to our doorstep in memory of you.
10:16am- Y: There’s some from Aoba Johsai, Fukurodani, too many from Karasuno and Nekoma, and even some from Shiratorizawa. And many many more.
10:17am- Y: Who would’ve guessed you impacted so many lives in your short one huh?
1:17pm- Y: Noya please tell me you’re okay.
1:18pm- Y: Please tell me this is all a dream. No, a nightmare. Let me wake up now and see you snoring next to me and let me cry in relief.
1:19pm- Y: Please don’t let this be true. Please Noya, I’ll do anything!
4:15pm- Y: You made me a promise the day we got together and that was to never leave me! So where are you now?!
4:16pm- Y: Why haven’t you come home yet and attacked me with the showers of kisses that I never got the chance to tell you I adored?
4:17pm- Y: Why haven’t you come home and gave a half assed excuse to why this is all a big misunderstanding?
4:18pm- Y: Why haven’t you come back and told me that everything is okay, and that I didn’t just lose everything?
4:28pm- Y: Please, just come back and say you’re okay.
4:30pm- Y: Noya please. I’ll do anything.
4:30pm- Y: Please, I’m practically begging here! Say you love me again! Say that I’m your sunshine and the reason you wake up every morning happy!
4:31pm- Y: And oh God. Please just call me your kitten one last time.
(Whew! Super long angst Time! Or at least I tried to. We tried to. Did it work?)
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