Gay son or thug son
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Gay (Flumpty is his "dad" after all)
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Indeed I am. Had to babysit him.
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Grunkfuss, you are honestly terrifying. I mean this as a compliment.
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Scary, you say...?
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Hello everyone. I am aware I have a lot of asks in my box, but lately I've been mentally not well. It's kinda hard keeping up with everyone and I do feel horrible for anyone not having their questions answered. Everything's been hard and I may need a small break. Thank you.
Love from, Grunkfuss.
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One question does blam ever called you "grunk grunk" for no reason-
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I think so? He calls me a lot of names.
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Happy Pride Month everyone. As a bisexual clown: I support everyone in the community.
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So how do those holes you come out of work anyways?
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It's like a dog digging a hole. That is, when i'm feeling feral. (Those holes are hard to cover up too)
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What are everybody's roles in the "family"?
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Flumpty Bumpty: The Dad. Birthday Boy Blam: The runt of the family. (The son) Me: The Uncle. Redman: The... The Maid. Eyesaur: The family dog. Beaver: Blam's older brother. The Stoner. The Owl: He's.. He's just the Owl. Golden Flumpty: He's the Grandpa. (Despite the fact he's Flumpty's older brother. Don't ask.)
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i would like to know the length of everyone's criminal history. what crimes have they done. out of curiosity of course
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Oh boy, this will be long. Well for me, it's child murder.
This little shit has murdered and stabbed plenty of people.
Redman has caused fraud, a million dollars worth of damage by just trojans alone. Oh, and murder. Everyone else has murdered, stabbed, probably stalked too, no need to really go further in detail. As for Flumpty, he's done. NOTHING. wrong. I swear. Hahah. hah.
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Can your jaw naturally stretch that wide or is it something you could only do post-Flumpty?
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It's a natural thing I can do. People think it's like this. (Honestly, stretching it that far now will give me lockjaw. It's more painful now that I'm older.)
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Does the funhouse have WiFi?
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Yeah. That's how I'm able to create my Tumblr. (You wouldn't believe how much Flumpty has changed the password every damn day.)
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I love ur suit grunkfuss !
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(sparkly sound effect)
It's way more better than that weird strawberry suit, it gotten rotten anyways..
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What would you be doing with your life if you weren't apart of flumptys "family"?
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I would for sure still be in that hospital... (And I wouldn't have a stupid "nephew" like Birthday Boy Blam.)
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[first of all, I just wanna say I'm really happy seeing content like this in the fandom! Keep up the good work, Second]
May I see my son.... (Birthday boy blam)
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Here ya go. Blam likes to wear just like his "dad". Flumpty Bumpty. He's a bitch too.
(I am shocked you guys like my blog secondly, but thanks.)
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How long have you been putting up with my same really good friendship with Flumpty?
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I've been in this "family" with Flumpty since I was in my 50's.
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"Eep! Waaaaa!"
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Are they gone?? (Please tell me they're gone.)
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How did you end up in the fun house to begin with?
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He kidnapped me from the asylum I was staying at.
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