ask-multiverse · 5 years
(( Eridanus: Your favorite myth or legend?))
// Ooh- definitely will have to be some Greek ones or general ones honestly. I have a soft spot for them. Odyssey wasn’t so bad/off either. I’d have to go with that one for right now.
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Apus for Maraposa?
(( Apus: Describe your version of a perfect world?))
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“A perfect world...?”
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[ The female thought for a moment to herself. That’s an interesting question. She could answer this in a variety of ways. ]
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“Well, as embarrassing and what the modern people call ‘cliche’ these days... I believe a perfect world for me would be a world where humans don’t have to go against their own kind. We lose so many mothers, fathers, s-sisters... brothers... in so many different circumstances. War, greed, power, the lust and thrill it awakens in some... it’s why I have been so reluctant to have my people go near any weapon of the sorts. I fear having a crime rate in my kingdom. So many, of all genders alone, face such harsh criticism for their skin color, race, religion, gender, and so much more. Some people turn violent for their causes. Of course, I got backlash for leaving my people defenseless, especially with the consequences that followed after due to my army... my poor army... Ah- nevermind that! But I’m afraid of war itself. I never wanted to go against lord Keki and lady Elizabeth...”
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“They were family. I was taught under lord Keki too. I’d like a perfect world to be at a time of peace where no one has to hurt each other or fall victim to such a dark thing again. He just wanted to have a child chosen by an angel or to prove worthy. I’m sure he didn’t... he maybe didn’t want all this deep down. I refuse to believe that much. It might have been my fault for being Rilinna’s ‘perfect’ princess. As a role model to my country, I know what the position can do to a person. It’s also why I’ve been so afraid of this responsibility. I’m afraid I’ll change- right to a tyrant. I want a perfect world where no one has to fight anymore and we won’t have to undergo harsh circumstances. I would want to be able to tell my own children they could be what they wanted without the people trying to tell me how to be a parent. I want the sin of lust to stop causing the men and women alike to do such horrible things to other humans against their will. I want the willpower to flourish in this perfect world. I just want everyone to get along happily, no matter our class or circumstances. I don’t even want to kill anyone. It upsets me that this world is still such a harsh and terrible place... yet we can only do so much as well. I want the expectations of others and the pressure to vanish. I’m sure it’s not only me who suffers from that. A perfect world where everyone can fit in and not have to worry about whats going to happen to one of us that night... That’s my idea of it.”
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Also a note
I know there’s a handful of parts, but unless you specify which (part) Eriko you want to ask, I’m going to assume you want part 1/2.
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
// Another ask event? Wowie! You can ask any of the girls these questions or maybe make it a rp if you so want to? I won’t restrict you there.
💫 Put A Constellation In My Inbox! 💫
Cetus: Have you been to the ocean?
Circinus: What’s your dream career?
Sagitta: How do you handle conflict?
Virgo: Relationship status?
Apus: Describe your version of a perfect world?
Caelum: Are you crafty, as in arts and crafts?
Carina: Do you obsess over the past?
Eridanus: Your favorite myth or legend?
Fornax: How do you keep warm in the winter?
Horologium: Favorite time of day?
Grus: Are you an introvert or an extrovert?
Lacerta: What element do you connect with most? (Earth, air, fire, etc.)
Aquila: What are your strengths?
Ara: What’s your fondest childhood memory?
Cepheus: Do you want children someday?
Delphinus: Do you have any siblings? How many?
Draco: Opinion on dragons?
Lepus: Do you like to dance?
Orion: Play any sports?
Pavo: What’s your favorite color?
Vela: Describe your musical taste?
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Breaking News
// Local Kaguya spawn needs education on how to be a proper kid whether she likes it or not as well as the knowledge on how to play video games.
Eriko : “Hey! I’m an outdoors person and prefer books and looking at real life nature, what’s wrong with that?” [ Crosses arms ]
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Evelyn : “To be fair... I didn’t even know what a computer was until Shadow made this ask blog, but we do have a gamer for a mun. It would likely be inevitable that she’d allow us to continue being ignorant to her era’s existence of such powerful technology with the wonders only the gods could create from my own universe. To think some of them could lead you through a portal where only some worlds exist and the people truly seem like real people you could get attached to... it sounds interesting. I wish they worked like real portals. I would like to see some of the example techniques myself.”
Eriko : “........” [ Blink. ] “Can you say that again but in English?” [ Jabbing, are you Eriko? ]
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Evelyn : “.....”
Maraposa : [ Sigh- ]
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Cinnabon, make sure Cheese knows that the song 'My First Kiss' by Ke$ha and who ever else sings it goes to Sage and, as Cheese calls him, Susan for a thing. It just needs to happen. Make it happen for m e
// *Snort* W o w . I mean I can try, but who knows how it’ll go? But I’ll do this then.
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
I guess this is my life now?
//When you’re playing with an icon maker because you don’t know what else to do with your life- 
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
[ Mar glances at the use before slowly starting to use her abilities to summon the one and only Joker, also knows in this case as Mak possessing/being channeled through Mar. A weird change of voice is done as the other laid back but otherwise seemingly chill spirit is finally present. ]
“OH B U D D Y ! Did someone call for me?”
(There’s a question for you, the disir.)
[ Joker reads over the question, now placing a few fingers on her temples while remembering some of said things. ] 
“Honestly, you’re right. I would normally eat the people that insult my son but you’re actually right about that. Just the other day he tried to give the viking princess some flowers. Flowers. I kid you not! Everyone knows a girl likes her pointy stabby things! Sometimes I question if he really is my son.”
[ The deity giggle snorts a bit, their white and rather void of iris eyes likely just staring into the anon’s soul. ]
“Nah, I know he is. He just... I don’t know what happened to the smarts. I think they got yeeted somewhere.”
(What does yeeted mean?)
“Ah- sorry Mar. Confusing words. I forgot you’re modern but don’t know slang.”
[ Ahem- ]
“Anyway, it depends on what he’s doing. Either that ‘teddy bear’ father of his will teach him properly, or I do it. That or he’ll get in deep trouble. We don’t talk about those times with the animal based struggles. That’s not exactly appropriate for this blog thingie now is it?”
“I’m just teasing, don’t worry your little head in there.”
[ It looks like shes talking to no one, but it’s Mar talking to her through her thoughts while Mak is the physical voice current for obvious reasons. ]
“Anyway! I’m hoping with time he gets those brain cells back from wherever they went to, because at this point I’m either gonna have to discipline him the old Norse way, or little Norse princess herself is going to end up hitting him. Whatever comes first honestly. But... I deal with it with a lot of patience I don’t always have.”
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
white for evelyn?
White - what are your biggest fears?
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[ She starts trembling a bit ]
[ her voice cracks a bit as she spoke. ]
“T-this is... about to get touchy isn’t it?”
“...... failing the lords and ladies of Nohr in protecting them as one of their elites. Having my illness end up causing everything I love to leave me alone again- gods... I swear, I’m a good soldier. It doesn’t define me. I’m perfect now. It’s improved. I’m not flawed anymore. I’m mommies, bubbies, and daddies little perfect soldier now. I overcame those challenges. I’m the perfect soldier. Right? I’m admired for this talent. They don’t see everything that.. No- that’s not the question. Get back to it, Evelyn. You’re failing the task. Ahh... Failure is one too, speaking of it.”
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“I’m sorry, I failed to simply answer this with no problem; I rambled about nonsense. I’ll be sure to discipline myself for this outburst and lack of structure. This is unfitting of a soldier of my kind. I have to stay strong. For them...”
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
// New event? You can send one of these for myself, the mun, or any of my other girlies here? I don’t know I’m tired today so no original ideas for an event- but this looks fun? Just give me a color and name? (If not I may assume Mun or someone otherwise?)
Colours Ask Game
Red - describe your dream home
Blue - what are your favourite flowers/plants?
Green - describe your dream garden
Yellow - what are your favourite animals?
Orange - do you have any prized possessions/treasured items?
Purple - what does your room look like?
Grey - do you have any pets?
White - what are your biggest fears?
Black - where are your favourite places to shop?
Mint - what are you currently wearing?
Turquoise- who are some of your closest friends?
Silver - do you have any hobbies?
Bronze - are there any hobbies you’d like to pick up?
Gold - how would you describe your personality?
Brown - describe yourself in aesthetic things
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
how many shrimps do you have to eat before you make your skin turn pink?
// Ha ha-
// eat too much and you'll get sick
// shrimps are pretty rich
Evelyn and Eriko : “Nande aitsura wa pinku?
Doubutsu-en de omou to pinku
Tabemono de, sou nanda
Jitsu wa watashi wa tarako ga daisuki
Purasu ebi kani tabeyo
Pinku iro ni naru no
Dakara minna chigau iro
Ningen-de kanchigai
Shiteru yo ne”
Maraposa : “Black, white, green or blue
show off your natural hue
flamingo, oh oh owoah
if you're multicouloured that's cool too
You, dont, need to change
it's boring being the same
flamingo, oh oh oh
You're pretty either way”
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Sakura: You lost a lot of blood and passed out. Do you remember anything?
Sasuke: I remember the ambulance ride to the hospital.
Kakashi: That wasn't an ambulance, I drove us.
Sasuke: But I heard a siren.
Sakura: That was Naruto.
Naruto: Sorry! I was nervous!
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Evelyn What's your thoughts on the pinapple prince of Hoshido?
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“Are you sure you’re willing to hear my answer?”
[ The knight’s composure quickly changes to a rather venomous one, almost like she would be spitting venom at the asker. She sighs softly, trying to calm herself before she tries to avoid giving a very biased answer. ]
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“It’s not that I don’t understand where he’s coming from to some extent. I’ve has my own issues with my home country and kingdom myself. I’ve been striving to be seen as an elite that beat the medical odds against her instead of just being cast aside, and I know what it’s like to lose someone and even feel even a bit envious of anothers success. I get it. Completely. I sympathize with him for that.”
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“But that is no excuse for him to behave in such a manner! That boy of a prince has no respect for Nohrians! He needs to understand we’re all people too, and it’s not like we all planned everything out, with kidnapping Lord Corrin and then everything else in that war. I’ve seen those Hoshidans slaughter my brothers and sisters in arms, not to mention they retaliated by taking Lady Azura which is no better act on their end, and you don’t see me calling them ‘Hoshidan Dogs’! So until he cools down, stops calling my brothers and sisters ‘Nohrian Scum’ as if Garon died and made him king, stop calling us scum as if we were nothing and we were all to blame for our king’s actions, for obeying with some out of fear, I refuse to associate with him! As far as I know first impression wise, he’s already left a bad taste in my mouth. I’m sorry, but that really gets on my nerves. Maybe one day I’ll be able to strive for better, yet minor, connections with the Hoshidan royalty during an era of peace. I hope one day he comes to understand we are not all quite as bad as he thinks. Maybe my opinion will change overtime that way... I can only hope.”
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Ask Roster
I need the actual list so- I’m going to put everyone you can ask here and just- organization.
Nara Eriko (Naruto)
Evelyn (FE Fates)
Maraposa(Mariposa) Perez (Oracles Enigma)
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Hi hon, force Cheese to ship Sage with Takeru please and thank you.
// I’m cackling in this chair right now- I’m the one that suggested it at one point for a possible pair for reasons (alongside irl stuff but i’m not posting that for the internet to see) since I was the one that got her into Kamigami No Asobi hell with me and rambled about it to her for a good while and how he would be a character she would so need to yeet someone at or herself if things happen. Cheese is concerned and ‘blowing up’ my phone as we speak and asking if she needs to get the whapping spoon. 
// But I will gladly do the best I can! Thanks for supporting it with me!
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Cinnabon, what do you think of the Arcana?
// Ah, The Arcana! The forgotten obsession- I’m kidding, I’m kidding.
// It’s actually quite surprising how fast it pulled me in (even though that in itself was still a challenge). Usually I delete games like that after a while from lack of interest or don’t even try it at all, but it kept me hooked. Love the stories, the routes, the characters, literally all of it. Except for the existence of a few select characters and certain behaviors that make me want to smack a human being at times. I haven’t really finished a route yet though. With my health issues combined with motivation, it’s all been on hold for quite some time. So I am well aware of it and have known it just about as long as Mak has and a lot of stuff too, I’m still really far behind more than I care to admit.
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ask-multiverse · 5 years
Tell me, good lady, how do you keep track of all your husbands? [[I really hope you find out who this is. Because mY LADY, CINNABON YOU ARE PURE]]
// giggle snort Hello Junie-petunie. <3 Nice to see you. Cinnabon thanks you for your questions and your appearance.
//You know, though, that’s a good question. To be real honest with you, I’m not sure if I even have that many fictional husbands. I guess that means your guess is as good as mine because not even I know how many I have. I can only remember around 4-5 main ones right now. I’m working on a list though off screen rofl. It’s actually quite hard for me to even consider one a husband at first though. I’m not sure if Mak ever mentioned that or what, but it’s just not easy at all for me. At times it can be frustrating, I can admit that much. Mostly because there are days where it feels abnormal.
// Whoops I rambled a bit too much! Sorry! I hope this somehow satisfies you though! Basically it’s only not that hard when you don’t have many in the first place. Even though... I make even that look difficult with only remember a handful right now.
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