( Petra's mun here. Soooo... we have been inactive for about 5,000 years. And we're super duper sorry! We probably won't be using this ask blog anymore, because of inactivity, college starting soon, and we're both extremely exhausted from the con last weekend, plus multiple other things. >.< ;; It was fun to have an ask blog for the short while we did and we love our followers, asks, and kind words all of you sent to us. You're all oh so very awesome! <333 )
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Day 2 of Anime Zing! My boyfriend and I went as Petra and Auruo from Attack on Titan. Then we started doing poses from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure. Ha… » ;;
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Auruo is blind without his glasses. lololol.
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i bet auruo is gay -ymir
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What's the worst thing Petra has done?
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OOC ;; I'd just like to say thank you to those who have left such sweet words and asks for us. You're all so kind and we truly appreciate it! Thank you for the likes, reblogs, and follows! Or even if you're just a lurker out there, then we thank you, too! <3333 
You are all so amazing! 
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our brave warrior
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are you roleplaying around at home or do you get dressed only when you're gonna post something?
OOC ;; Haha! If only! It would be nice to randomly role-play/cosplay for no reason around the house, but noooo. xD Whenever we hang out together, we set aside some time to just take pictures and answer asks and we'll change into our cosplay. Which means like only changing the upper half of our outfit.
We have an entire AoT Scouting Legion uniform with the harness thingy, pants, boots, etc. But it is a pain to change completely into that when it sometimes takes at least 15 minutes to get all the gear on. ;; ;; I DON'T KNOW HOW THOSE CHARACTERS CAN PUT IT ALL ON SO FAST! Goodness. Lol. 
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He was prolly being a jerk earlier so his team’s putting him in his place.
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Fanart: SnK neko-heichou [ねこ兵長] 05 “a clean freak” - Aug. 10, 2013
Some scripts, in English: Pamel nine - Eren says “expel.” Panel eighteen - Auruo says “not bad.” The last sentence, “ended happily.”
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megillien replied to your post:A picture of your real you?(?) with out wigs and cosplay
RL Petruo. You’re both so adorable! 
OOC ;; Whaaaa?! Th-thank you so much! <333 
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A picture of your real you?(?) with out wigs and cosplay
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OOC ;; We actually aren’t too different outside of cosplay, considering in all the pictures that is our real hair. (This is an older picture before I colored the sides of my boyfriend’s hair for a Jean cosplay in January.) >.
That, and he wears glasses on a daily basis, because he’s practically blind without them. Lolololol. 
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Yeaaaaah… not oh so different. LOL. 
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(( Hello everyone, this is Bryce/Auruo. I wanted to post and say "Wow!" to hitting 300 followers. Ashley/Petra and I are by no means the best or even close to the best Ask blog or cosplayers out there, but you all take the time out of your days to look at our silly posts anyways. Truly, we are grateful for any and all of your Asks, and all of you who read our posts, even more so if you took the effort to reblog, follow, or like our posts. Even though we don't get to post nearly as much as we would like and we take awhile to answer your Asks, take heart that we are constantly thinking of the greatest ways to answer them. Also, considering I have contributed little to the blog personally, I will be trying much harder to take part in it. So once again, thank you one and all who have joined us for this hopefully long journey. We love and appreciate you all. Sorry this was so long. xD //end essay))
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You guys are so cute! What are some of the things you two like about each other? (Because obviously Auruo is sooooo charming)
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Actually, Auruo can be charming when he wants to be. It just depends on how you define 'charming'. But he has many good qualities! He's very loyal to his fellow squad mates and takes his job seriously. We're fighting titans after all! There is no time to goof around...
And he's brave. Sometimes to the point of stupidity, but I admire him for his abilities on and off duty. Even if he can be a bit obnoxious at times, and impatient, rude, sarcastic, but... I guess, that's what makes Auruo who he is. It would be unfair of me to try and change him.
I guess even with all of his annoying attributes, Auruo isn't all bad. He's just very... unique. 
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Has auruo proposed to you yet Petra?
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Well, does being proposed to with a ring pop count? Because if so, I guess I am halfway there. 
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So, Auruo decided to make a 'lovely' commercial for all of you this Valentine's Day. Ummm... yeah. 
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i’m lame as hell goodbye
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