argotalks · 10 months
This is disturbing to see, please share everyone.
@stranger-rants Sorry if it's weird I'm tagging you, you have a decently sized audience and I just want this to be shared as much as possible.
There's something called a KOSA Bill in the US. It's a project planning to cut off internet access to ALL CHILDREN WORLDWIDE. This means they are banning Chai/C.AI, Wattpad, AO3, Discord, Tumblr, Tiktok, etc.
To make matters worse, parents will have access to their children's internet activity, meaning chats, websites visited, apps opened, etc. Giving them NO privacy whatsoever. Esp. children who are LGBTQIA+, because in the US, it is deemed "inappropriate".
There is a solution to this, however only to people who have Tiktok, there is a user named omarsbigsister, if you check their profile, you can see in their bio it says "STOP KOSA!! ⬇️⬇️"
Below the text, there's a link. Now before you click on the link, there's a video you need to see, giving you instructions on what to do.
This is the video.
Plz do WHATEVER you can to boost this, tag friends, reblog, share, anything will do.
Tags: @randomweebhub @blankdemslate @raymett @donkeybro @corvid-steven @pookie-pie-12 @ipostmyhyperfixationsnshit @ask-the-anonymous-army @fandomsandwriting1 @myclutteredmess-but-reblogs PLS BOOST!!
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argotalks · 11 months
A lot of my favorite characters in fiction are bad people. In fact, I'd say absolute shitheels are much more likely to be interesting and developed than the good guys most of the time. I've seen a lot of people, both online and IRL, who act like liking certain characters is a "red flag" or that characters are bad for doing bad things. I see this a lot in anime fanbases as well, where people just have absolutely rabid takes like thinking it's "toxic" to like certain characters, especially ones that display traits that (understandably) really personally hurt and upset people IRL. People are 100% allowed to be uncomfortable with things. People however are not allowed to harass me over what I like, write or ship, especially if it's tagged properly.
This is 100% true. On Tumblr there is a feature where you can block tags so you can't see any post with that tag (unless they got rid of it and I haven't realized). When something makes you uncomfortable, feel free to block the tag. When someone tags something correctly, don't harass them for it.
I try to tag my posts as thoroughly as possible, just so if anyone sees something they don't like/I post something they don't like they can block the tag.
Horror movie fans commonly like the killer/the slasher. It's very common to like characters that were written to be bad people. We all have our reasons for who/what we like.
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argotalks · 11 months
Even when you get hate for the 'Byler vs Harringrove' post you still stay so calm and collected. Even when people are flat out accusing you of things you don't react negatively and try to understand their perspective 😭
I don't think I was ever accused of anything, it was more of someone thinking that I shipped something. I try to get each side of an argument, and in my posts I try to be as neutral as possible.
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argotalks · 11 months
It’s funny seeing some Billy Hargrove fans give Mike wheeler fans shit and vice versa.
What about the % of the fandom that likes both characters? I like Billy because I can relate to him, I also like Mike because I can relate to him as well.
You shouldn’t give someone shit simply for liking a character. You can say you don’t like it, but you shouldn’t bash people over it; unless they are actively ignoring and or defending the characters actions. Like I said, I like Billy because I relate to him (Ab-sive father) but I will not stand by and justify his actions and say he isn’t toxic and Ab-sive; because he is. Yes, he grew up with those views but he can actively choose to change, just like how Steve actively chose to change over the course of the show.
This goes for Mileven and Blyer (I think I spelt that right idk) fans as well, just because someone does not like the same ship as you; does not make them the scum of the earth, unless they are actively using that ship to belittle everyone around them. I don’t ship Blyer, I ship Mileven but I will be the first to admit; I fucking love all the Blyer fanarts, especially considering how homophobic the 80s were. It’s literally that simple, just say in a nice, calm manner that you do not like a ship and move on, maybe leave a compliment or two while you’re at it.
Sorry if none of this made sense.
It made perfect sense, you made many valid points. You can acknowledge what's wrong with something and still like it. The problem only rises when you harass, belittle, or generally treat people badly for a harmless opinion.
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argotalks · 11 months
I am so sick and tired of Billy Hargrove fans saying to "stop harassing us for the character we like" but then turn around and give Mike Wheeler fans so much shit. I'm SOOOO sorry that I was neglected as a child and relate to Mike Wheeler that way. Is Mike perfect? Nope. Is he still a very human character that people relate to? YES!! If Billy fans get to like Billy because of his relatable trauma, but I'm not allowed to like Mike Wheeler because of our shared trauma, that is such HYPOCRITICAL BULLSHIT!!! I am so sick of this argument! Also if Mike is confirmed gay/bi/whatever next season that is going to be so amazing for me! If he is confirmed lgbt next season then a lot of his problems could be traced back to being closeted or having internalized homophobia. But I'm also autistic and me and Mike share a lot of traits, so excuse me if I headcanon him! A lot of my traits I share with Mike are what people use as why he's a bad person. I AM SICK AND TIRED OF IT!!!
Your anger and reasons for liking Mike are valid. It can be hard seeing other people being allowed to do things, but when you try you can't.
Mike is very queer-coded, I'm a gay man and can confirm that. So you being excited to see if he comes out and possibly gets a boyfriend (in the show it would most likely be Will due to how close they are).
And I'm 99% sure that I'm autistic (I still doubt myself, but that's normal) and I agree when you say Mike displays traits. No autistic representation is relatable to everyone because not all autistic people are the same, but someone getting their representation is amazing to see.
Neither Mike nor Billy are perfect and their relationships aren't either. But no character in the show is perfect, and no relationship is perfect.
If you ever want to talk or vent, I'm here to listen.
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argotalks · 11 months
What are your thoughts on @noahsworld96 ?
I don't know who he is? I went to his profile, and I'm not trying to sound rude when I say this, he definitely acts like a 15 year old on the internet. Did he do something?
Tumblr media
Here's his side of things, if this wasn't all of it let me know.
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argotalks · 11 months
If I ever respond to every comment, I'm not trying to be obsessive. It just bothers me when I don't respond to a comment.
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argotalks · 11 months
Have you ever had any romantic relationships? (Sorry if this is invasive)
This isn't invasive for me at all! I had a boyfriend in college but we broke up due to differences and I am planning on going out with someone on Friday.
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argotalks · 11 months
Do you believe in spirituality or any other religion?
I personally am an atheist, but one of my favorite hobbies is researching religions. I find it really fascinating.
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argotalks · 11 months
Did you ever intend to have your account be Billy Hargrove based?
I intended for this account to be about topics people are interested in, so I can't complain that people are interested in Billy Hargrove.
I respond to any topics really.
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argotalks · 11 months
i ship byler but haven't harassed people for shipping harringrove. it isn't hard to leave people alone :)
This is great to see (positivity). As you said in the comments of one of my posts "the ship isn't the problem, people harassing people over what they ship is".
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argotalks · 11 months
Billy Hargrove's trauma isn't comparable to anyone else in the show in my opinoin.
This is complicated to respond to. Billy received the most extreme physical abuse, yes. But the comparison of trauma isn't good, and can be harmful. It could potentially imply "my trauma means more than yours" or "I relate to this character, the character you relate to hasn't gone through enough to deserve trauma". It could also be as simple as a characters abuse shouldn't be ignored on how much it impacted the character.
A lot of people relate to different characters trauma. For example Jonathan. His response to his abuse, which from my memory was more mental/emotional than physical, is very real for some people. And implying that that trauma is less than, is harmful.
Another example is Mike Wheeler. His neglect from his parents was obvious. And childhood neglect can be seriously harmful. Implying that that trauma is less than, is harmful.
Or Will who was called slurs from such a young age. I'm a gay man and can't imagine how it would feel if that were to happen to me. I'd say I hid my homosexuality pretty well due to my homophobic environment. It was mentally damaging pretending to be someone that I wasn't. Implying that was less than is harmful.
Eleven went through things that people can relate to with how it left her mentally. Asocial and antisocial people could relate to her behaviors after the life she went through. Implying that is less than is harmful.
Trauma is trauma, it is never a competition.
If I misinterpreted this ask I deeply apologize, and if I came of as condescending I deeply apologize. My intent doesn't matter though, my impact does.
Tell me more if you would like. And please be considerate of other people's experiences if someone chooses to share theirs.
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argotalks · 11 months
Ships and fic don’t normalize abuse, incest, or any other taboo any more than Agatha Christie normalized murder. Fiction is how we can safely and harmlessly access and explore the darker sides of human nature. To only allow for morally pure fic isn’t just a recipe for boring stories, it’s a rejection of reality because the world is not morally pure and perfect either. If you don’t like that stuff you don’t have to engage with it. Personal discomfort or disgust is not, and will never, be a good metric for what should or shouldn’t be allowed to exist. Something more people (especially Bylers) should learn to create a less abusive fandom.
I have nothing to add, you said it perfectly. Human nature is intriguing and fiction allows people to safely explore it.
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argotalks · 11 months
This has gained some attention, I don't ship either of the ships. This was just something I noticed and I missed half of the argument. I apologize for that.
I noticed a fight between people who ship Byler (Will x Mike) and people who ship Harringrove (Steve x Billy). And I have a theory why.
Byler fans are commonly against Mileven (Mike x Eleven). It's usually seen as a toxic and/or emotionally abusive relationship. It's quite easy to glance at Harringrove and think it's a similar case.
Steve and Billy didn't really have any 100% positive scenes together, and their fight really didn't help their case. Mix that with not understanding the ship, it can easily be mistaken as an abusive ship that people only like because of the two conventionally attractive men in the relationship.
Byler fans are typically against any abusive relationship (emotional or physical) and the argument boils down to lack of understanding from both sides.
But feel free to tell me more.
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argotalks · 11 months
Wishing racism on people is never okay. And generalizing people is never okay. It's horrible what people go through over a character in a show, if you experienced that I am so truly sorry.
I noticed a fight between people who ship Byler (Will x Mike) and people who ship Harringrove (Steve x Billy). And I have a theory why.
Byler fans are commonly against Mileven (Mike x Eleven). It's usually seen as a toxic and/or emotionally abusive relationship. It's quite easy to glance at Harringrove and think it's a similar case.
Steve and Billy didn't really have any 100% positive scenes together, and their fight really didn't help their case. Mix that with not understanding the ship, it can easily be mistaken as an abusive ship that people only like because of the two conventionally attractive men in the relationship.
Byler fans are typically against any abusive relationship (emotional or physical) and the argument boils down to lack of understanding from both sides.
But feel free to tell me more.
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argotalks · 11 months
I can see your point. The relationship ship would definitely have problems. I can agree with you on that. And most of what you said is sadly true about a lot of gay/mlm relationships in media.
I noticed a fight between people who ship Byler (Will x Mike) and people who ship Harringrove (Steve x Billy). And I have a theory why.
Byler fans are commonly against Mileven (Mike x Eleven). It's usually seen as a toxic and/or emotionally abusive relationship. It's quite easy to glance at Harringrove and think it's a similar case.
Steve and Billy didn't really have any 100% positive scenes together, and their fight really didn't help their case. Mix that with not understanding the ship, it can easily be mistaken as an abusive ship that people only like because of the two conventionally attractive men in the relationship.
Byler fans are typically against any abusive relationship (emotional or physical) and the argument boils down to lack of understanding from both sides.
But feel free to tell me more.
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argotalks · 11 months
I noticed a fight between people who ship Byler (Will x Mike) and people who ship Harringrove (Steve x Billy). And I have a theory why.
Byler fans are commonly against Mileven (Mike x Eleven). It's usually seen as a toxic and/or emotionally abusive relationship. It's quite easy to glance at Harringrove and think it's a similar case.
Steve and Billy didn't really have any 100% positive scenes together, and their fight really didn't help their case. Mix that with not understanding the ship, it can easily be mistaken as an abusive ship that people only like because of the two conventionally attractive men in the relationship.
Byler fans are typically against any abusive relationship (emotional or physical) and the argument boils down to lack of understanding from both sides.
But feel free to tell me more.
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