annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
I'm sure she's wonderful. My mum is usually good as well, but she will go off on the occasional tangent if it's something about muggles or how Arabella was a much easier child than I was. America seems so foreign to me. And cities make me anxious. Most things make me anxious.
I refuse to be shushed! And they'll like anyone who makes me happy. Even my mum will like you once she gets to know you. That's me, the daredevil. Taming and riding beasts for recreation.
I can't wait!
James said I could invite you, under the condition that he is able to get you drunk.
- Annie
Owl to Jason
She’s pretty good, most of the time. I’m the same, with the exception of Care of Magical Creatures-esque books. I know exactly how you feel, for instance America is fascinating to me. The less city-filled places. That sounds like an excellent idea.
Oh, shush you. I sure hope they will. You are some sort of adrenaline junkie, aren’t you? There’s mystery to you still, Antoinette!
Great! Come by any time, I can’t wait to give you your presents! I want to give them to you face to face.
Oh, I’d love to. I’m not sure I’d be particularly welcome, though.
- Jason
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
I'd love to meet her, your mum. I don't often read textbooks cover to cover, but rather skim through the more interesting passages. If I ever got the chance to travel around Europe, it would be a dream. At the moment, France appeals most to me, along with Scotland. We need to combine our stashes, or at least trade between them.
Oh, Merlin. Your only flaw is that you think you have so many flaws! But no, I haven't mentioned your nonexistent imperfections. And I'm sure that my family will love you, when the time comes to meet them. I've been bitten, bucked, and stomped on in my lifetime. It's not too bad!
My mum says that I can go. I can't wait to see you!
P.S. Potter invited me to a shindig at the manor. Want to be my plus one?
- Annie
Owl to Jason
My mum loves her. I’ve read a few and I enjoyed them, but I haven’t read more than 5, I don’t think. Lately I’ve just been reading Scamander text books in all honesty. Fascinating. I’d love to travel to Bulgaria at some point. There might be a whole undiscovered species of pixies. I really want to be the one to find them. Ah, yes! There’s always that. I keep mine at the  moment in a very large cardboard box; I have a smaller one under my bed in Hogwarts.
That’s what she likes to think, and you should! I’m sure you haven’t mentioned my many, many flaws? I want to seem at least half polite to your family (geddit?). When my mother was a child her parents took her horse riding and the horse she was on bit her. It was 30 years ago, and she mentions it on a daily basis. I’ve gone off them because of that.
And you’re welcome here! My mum’s desperate to hear about your opinion on Christie.
- Jason
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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Mary and Annie lost in the Forbidden Forest.
“Where exactly are we?”
“How should I know? I don’t have a bloody map of the entire forest that I’ve memorized.”
“What’s got your knickers in a twist?”
“Just shut up and walk.”
Taken by Sirius and James, who were hidden safely under the invisibility cloak, when they tried to prank the girls, but the plan backfired on them because they forgot the way out of the forest. Circa 1976. 
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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Annie after a fight with her mum.
“Annie, what are you doing?”
“Painting my emotions. Can’t you tell? I swear, the bread you bake is smarter than you at times.”
Taken by a worried Jason. Circa 1977.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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Annie and Greta taking advantage of the beautiful summer day. 
Taken by Ted. Circa 1976.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
I've also been getting into Agatha Christie lately. Our neighbors had an estate sale and they had her entire collection of works. I think I'll bring them to Hogwarts; there's no way I can read all of this before winter break ends. I didn't have to get you anything, but I did anyway (in which I blush over parchment). And a briefcase? At least you have something to store your books in.
Oh my gosh, she's adorable. I'll take that as a compliment! Anthony and Arabella are out playing in the snow as I write. They've been prodding me endlessly about you since I mentioned you over dinner. Older siblings, always mature. Really? I grew up with them around, so my love for them just came naturally. I can understand why they would be frightening to some people, though.
I'd love to see you. You're always welcome over here!
- Annie
Owl to Jason
Ah, he’s great. It’s one of my favourites. Although every book is my favourite after I finish it, but there you go. And there’s LOTS more! I’m so glad you enjoyed it, and you didn’t have to get me anything! I’m completely content with what I have (in which I wink over parchment). Although dad gave me a briefcase for Christmas. Hint much?
She is, and she told me, I quote, “TELL HER YOU THINK HER HAIR IS SUNSHINE.” the kid thinks she’s psychic or something. She totally is. There’s been a little snow, but not much. Wow! I’ll be honest, I am completely terrified of horses. I can’t go near the things.
Maybe we could see each other at some point?
- Jason
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Jason, Jason, Jason! I'm glad you liked the book. I finished Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy last night. I liked it so much that I'm about to go to the library and find more books written by Carre. Also, I finally finished reading that Superman graphic novel. Are there any more? It was such a fun way to read. I have something for you as well, and I think you'll like it.
Ruth sounds so cute. I can't wait to meet her either! Tell her I said hello, and that I hope we can meet soon. How are things going at home, by the way? It's been snowing around here, but I've gotten a few good rides in with Halle. Did I ever tell you that I horseback ride? I can't believe that's never come up before.
I miss you, too. More than you know.
- Annie
Owl to Jason
Annie, Annie, Annie! I finished that Plath book you gave me, it’s simply brilliant. How’s your holiday coming? I have your present for when we’re back in school. It’s not much, but I saw it and it just… It was you.
I’ve told Ruth about you, and she is absolutely dying to meet you. She’s forever asking questions about the blonde with the cheesecake. It’s very cute…
I just thought I’d send you a letter, let you know I was thinking about you.
I miss you. A lot.
- Jason
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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Annie and Jason being cute.
Taken by Arabella. Circa 1977.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Just posted! Hope it wasn't horrible! XDXD
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Hello || Bellatrix
Annie had been wandering about the castle for at least an hour now, desperately trying to find Ravenclaw Tower. The staircases seemed to be playing tricks on her, and they were forcing her into dead end after dead end. Curfew had to be soon. To relieve her intense feelings of vertigo from the endless climbing, Annie searched for somewhere, anywhere that she could rest her aching legs for just a moment. Her eyes glimpsed a dark hallway to her left, and the air grew colder as she ventured inside. The hall was uncomfortably narrow, and Annie couldn't decide whether she disliked her previous vertigo or the impending claustrophobia more. The ancient walls surrounding her had been built with large stones.
Torches lined the walls, providing a dim light, but they seemed to appear less often as Annie progressed. Soon, she walked in complete darkness. Knocked back by an unseen force, she landed bum-first on the cold castle floor. "Ouch!" A few moments passed before Annie realized the voice that had yelled out wasn't her own. She must have bumped into someone. Or something. Annie shuddered at the thought of creatures lurking in the shadows, unbeknownst to those who actually arrived on time for curfew. "Who's there?" she asked, getting back on her feet and dusting herself off.
There was some shuffling beneath her, and if Annie squinted hard enough, she could make out a dark figure. "Bellatrix Black. You may have heard of me."
"Can't say that I have," Annie said.
The shadow, who now had a name, cleared her throat. "Well then," Bellatrix said. "You must be a first year. Full name, house, and blood status." Annie stood silently, dumbfounded by how brash the girl seemed. "Get on with it, then."
"Um. Antoinette Elise Fawcett, Ravenclaw, and pureblood. Though I don't see why that matters," she answered.
Bellatrix scoffed. "Antoinette... that's a mouthful. I'll call you... Annie." Never had her nickname made Annie feel so small. It was almost condescending, the way Bellatrix said it. "You have much to learn. There are many things that the professors here cannot teach, and one of them is the importance of blood purity." Annie decided to keep her mouth shut regarding the subject. "Lumos," the girl said. The tip of her wand illuminated a large section of the hallway. "Have you learned this spell yet?" Annie shook her head. "Get your wand out, and follow my lead. You want to make sort of a loop with your wand, while you say Lumos. And just say Nox to extinguish it." Following Bellatrix's intructions, the tip of her want glowed brightly by her second attempt at the spell. "Now, why are you in the dungeons?"
Annie gulped. She would not cry, especially not in front of this girl. "I've lost my way." Something in Bellatrix's eyes flickered. Maybe it was sympathy, but Annie couldn't be sure. Was this girl even capable of something like sympathy? Annie convinced herself that she must have been seeing things. "I just want to get back to my bed and go to sleep."
"...Follow me," Bellatrix said, surprising Annie with her kindness. "Quickly now, we don't have much time before curfew." Annie made an effort to walk briskly behind her, not daring to say a word unless spoken to. "If you tell anyone about this, I'll-"
"I won't. Trust me."
Bellatrix scoffed once more. "I trust no one," she sneered.
The rest of their journey was uninterrupted, as neither of them were much for small conversation. Bellatrix led Annie to the entrance of Ravenclaw tower. "Where do vanished objects go?" the eagle knocker boomed. A wave of anxiety came over Annie. She didn't know.
"Into nonbeing," Bellatrix told her.
"...Into nonbeing," Annie said to the knocker, waving goodbye to Bellatrix as she slipped inside.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Send me one of these:
Hello: And I will write our characters' first ever meeting.
Kiss: My character will kiss yours.
Comfort: My character will hug yours.
Date: I will write an account of what would happen if our characters went on a date.
Truth: My character will tell you what they think of yours in all honesty.
Tender: I will write some sweet fluff between our characters.
Run!: I will write some action with our characters involved.
Break: My character will greatly upset yours.
Oops: I will write our characters getting into some trouble.
Morning: What my character would say if they woke up in bed next to yours.
AU: I will write an AU drabble with my character and yours.
Marry: My character will propose to yours.
Drafts: For unsent texts
Wine: For the drunken phone-call/text
Night: For the two am text/call
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
"Don't think that I won't, Glover," Annie said, mocking his look of rage for a moment before bursting into laughter. "I'm pretty sure Madame Pince considers dog-earing the eighth deadly sin." It was true- the woman had a fit whenever a book was returned with the unforgivable creases from folding corners of the pages. Annie looked Jason over again, stopping at the top of his head. "Well, of course it did. I have no doubt that it took you hours to get that perfectly tousled hair." She laughed while sounds of crackling butter on a hot pan met her ears. The gentle brush of Jason's arm against hers gave her goosebumps. Annie grabbed a nearby mixing bowl, poured the butter and crushed biscuits into it, and then used a wooden spoon to mix them thoroughly. "Like this?"
"I still can't believe the age difference between you two. It must be tough at times." The way in which he spoke of Ruth made Annie wish for a better relationship with her own siblings. She grinned at the idea of one day meeting her. "Maybe one day I'll be able to." Admittedly, the thought of Jason meeting her family made Annie nervous. "I have to warn you, if you ever meet my mother. She's a bit... old-fashioned, with blood purity and all that. It's nothing serious, but she definitely carries around the common stereotypes of half-bloods and muggle-borns. My grandfather instilled the pure-blood ideal in her very early. The rest of my family if far better about it," she confessed. "Light conversation and small talk are not my forte, as you may have noticed." The only thing that mattered to Annie was that she said things worth saying, which was the reason why she had grown to loathe meaningless, small conversation.
Ask and You Shall Receive || Jason and Annie
Jason laughed, “I promise if you ever give me something I have read, it’ll be even better. I love rereading books.” He fought the urge to run his hands through his hair, he didn’t want to wash his hands again, much too much effort. Jason shot a look to Annie with fake outrage and spoke with as much seriousness as he could muster, “If I ever, and I mean ever, Fawcett, dog ear a book you have personal permission to end my sorry life.” He bristled before his act fell apart, and he chuckled as he watched Annie crush the biscuits while the butter in the pan started to bubble and pop. “Why thank you, dear Annie, it took me a lot longer than I’m willing to admit.” He grinned and stirred the pot a little, before he deemed it worthy. “I think we’re ready for the next step.” He turned off the heater and brought the pan next to Annie, brushing his arm next to hers. “That seems… smushed.” He told her. “We need to mix these together now, then we can put it into the tin that’s over on the other table.”
“I love her. She’s got the better deal with dad, but I still helped raise her when dad was at work or on business trips and stuff.” He smiled fondly at the thought of his sister. “You should meet her, she’d love you to bits.” He looked over to her, his smile reaching his eyes. “Now’s the time to do it, I suppose.” He sighed, “I think everyone feels sentimental around this time.” He concentrated on his baking while he tried to block out the thoughts of the future. Not to much success. “If you ever feel… I don’t know… stifled, you’re welcome in our house, by the way. Mum’s a great host and Ruth’s got her own little playhouse I’m not allowed in, but I’m sure you will be. I just know what family’s like and I know I don’t know yours but all families have got some similarities.” He let out a huff “Let’s keep it light, shall we?” He chuckled a little.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Annie was relieved to discover Jason hadn't already read the book she gave him. "Oh good, I was worried that you might have read it before. I can never be sure with you." She and Jason both were voracious readers, and it was difficult finding a book they hadn't already devoured. "Just promise me that you'll take good care of it. No dog earing nor spine cracking," Annie grinned. It pained her to see a book being mistreated, and she shuddered at sight of library books that had long been abused. The way Jason described the comics made her laugh. The language he used was onomatopoeic, with words that sounded just like their meaning, like pow and zoom. She mimicked him in rolling up the baggy sleeves of her sweater and blushed when he complimented her. "Thanks; you're not too bad yourself."
Annie, who lived by the principle that anything chocolate must be tasty, knew that anything doubly chocolate had to be absolutely delicious. Jason briefly took her hand and gave her the rolling pin, sending warmth throughout her body. She followed his instructions, taking the biscuits into a sandwich bag and crushing them beneath the rolling pin. "It sounds like you two are really close." He mentioned his sister often, and Annie thought it was kind of sweet how much he cared about her. "Yeah, I'm going home. I have to patch a few things up with my family as well." It had to be difficult for Jason's family, what with the upcoming war. Aware that Jason was a halfblood, Annie knew that he could be considered a disgrace to many pureblood witches and wizards. Though she herself had never been targeted, as she was a pureblood witch, the tension and hatefulness over blood purity made her anxious.
Ask and You Shall Receive || Jason and Annie
Jason returned Annie’s hug with a smile. “Wow, I’ve been meaning to pick a Sylvia Plath book for ages, I’ve just never gotten around to it.” He laughed as he took the book from her hands and scanned the back cover.  It seemed like his type of book; but to be honest, all books were his type of book. “Superman will be like something you’ve never read before, seriously. It’s all comics and violence and pow, zoom type of language.” He grinned at her as he walked over to the kitchen, rolling up his shirt. “You look really nice, by the way.” He noted as warm water came out of the faucet. She really did look beautiful, as always.
“I’ve brought stuff for a double chocolate cheesecake. It’s easy and it’s so good, I can’t even begin to describe it.”{http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/330617/double-chocolate-cheesecake} He took from his bag the various bags and wrappers that they needed. “First we need to crush the biscuits and melt the butter, which is easy enough.” He took Annie’s hand with a smile and grabbed a rolling pin. “Just put them in one of those sandwich bags and keep hitting them until they’re crushed.” He laughed and started measuring the butter. “I am, I just want to see my sister.” He sighed. “I want to try and fix things with Dad, too. I just… I can’t let us carry on the way we are with all the stuff happening right now.” He ducked his head, then looked back to her. “Are you?”
As time passed and it got closer to Christmas, he had really been thinking about what he was going to do (if he did anything) in this obviously brewing War. He obviously was completely against Voldemort’s plan, but he never thought himself as a fighter. He starts to think about maybe working on finding a hiding place for his family, but then he thinks of Ruth and how her life would be growing under Voldemort’s ruling. He hated the thought of her growing up without a father (his father was head over heels for the girl) and maybe not a mother. It made him so angry at the war, and he was ready to leap into it. He was unsure about his plans to say the least.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Last time you were embarrassed?
The other day, when I realized that I had been under the influence of a love potion the entire previous day. Poor James, he must have been mortified with me clinging to him like some sort of leech.
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
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annie-fawcett-blog · 12 years
Far from stupid! I think there's no one smarter! Except possibly me and Dumbledore. I'm smarter than Dumbledore, though don't tell him that. He's got a jealous streak twice the side of his beard! Besides, I'm sure if you did drink a love potion, and hey, maybe you didn't, you wouldn't be able to taste it. It wouldn't be your fault. It's just something to consider.
-cleans herself up- Really? -laughs- Everything feels so real, though. What if I did drink one? What should I do?
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