allmyplants · 4 years
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allmyplants · 4 years
Hey, I recently bought a creeping fig and was wondering if you had any tips on care and such? What kind of pot is best, how often to water, that sort of thing. I'm currently misting him twice a day with warm water and he seems to be doing well, but I'm just being cautious.
Congrats on your new plant baby!! Full disclosure, I’ve never actually owned a creeping fig. However, they do like to be kept lightly moist during the growing season, so he definitely likes the misting. For retaining soil moisture, a glazed ceramic or plastic pot is ideal. It seems they do well in indirect light indoors. Also everything on the internet says they’re pretty hardy, so don’t worry too much. If it shows any signs of distress (yellowing/dropping a lot of leaves) try experimenting with light/watering, it can handle it. Good luck!🌿💜
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allmyplants · 4 years
Hi! I just discovered your blog and your plants are amazing. I struggle to keep just my african violet and orchid alive, and I was wondering how you remember to water them all at the right time. They all probably need different amounts of water and such. I'm amazed and wondering if you have any tips. Thanks!
Thank you so much! 💜🌿 Really with both I go by sight. For orchids, I water when their roots become silvery as opposed to green- a good way to gauge this is to look at the roots right after you water them and take note of the color (best to have the classic clear orchid container most are sold with). For my African violet (I only have one, and it’s a wee little guy) I water when the leaves start to droop, and bottom water by letting it sit in a little cup of water until the soil on top is wet; I do this because African violets realllly don’t like to get their leaves wet.
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allmyplants · 4 years
Hey so I really wanna get a house plant for my room but the lighting is really funky and I have two rambunctious cats so I'm worried they'd get into them and get poisoned/kill the plant. Any suggestions?? 😘💚😘💚
Oo, yes! I’d probably recommend a spider plant, they’re safe for cats and I’ve had success with them in low-light situations (I have several in my north-facing windowsills that don’t get any direct light). Although, I will say they are very tempting to my cats, so they may try to nibble 😂 if you have a space with more light elsewhere I’d recommend growing some cat grass (or even buying the stuff from big box pet stores although I find it doesn’t last long for me) to keep your kitties from nibbling on other things.
Depending on the light exposure in your room (if it’s north/east, or obscured by trees or buildings) is try to put the plant as close to the window as possible. Spider plants are also hardy enough to adapt to grow under fluorescent lights, if you’re talking real funky lighting/no windows.
You could also potentially try hanging plants that are not pet safe out of reach of your kitties, if you want to experiment with more options 🌿
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allmyplants · 4 years
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Baby toes showing off with four (count ‘em, FOUR) blooms at once 🥰
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allmyplants · 4 years
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Realized I never posted these baby toes updates 🌱
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allmyplants · 5 years
Hi! Im gonna start gardening soon because it really intrigues me. I was wondering how do I even start? Can u give me some tips and perspectives on how to go about starting ANY of this?
Hey!! This is so wonderful! I think the first thing to decide is whether you’re more interested in traditional gardening outside (annuals, perennials, fruit & veg) or house plants, then start learning about whatever you’re intrigued by! YouTube was my main resource (and still is, really) starting out with plants. If you’re leaning towards the more traditional route, Garden Answer on YouTube is super knowledgeable, and for house plants I definitely recommend Nick Pileggi and Summer Rayne Oaks (she has a series about house plant care basics that’s great) for tons of info, but there are SO many great knowledgeable channels there to explore.
I’d also recommend starting with some hardy plants- sansevieria, pothos, and zz plants are great beginner house plants, and readily available and cheap at big box stores.
And I think the biggest thing personally is to not be too hard on yourself or give up when you kill a plant!! There’s a huge tendency to just be like, “well I killed this plant guess I have a black thumb.” The first plant I ever killed was a little succulent from Trader Joe’s and it took me almost a year to find the courage to try again. Don’t be like me!
I heard this quote one time that stuck with me that was, “Behind every green thumb is hundreds of dead plants.” I think this is so true; with every loss we learn something and can hopefully take that knowledge and use it to succeed the next time.
TLDR; YouTube is a great resource, and don’t give up if you kill a plant or 10 🌿
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allmyplants · 5 years
Hey I'm currently having a hard time with my begonia, think she's got a disease :( any help?
Hey! It’s hard to say without a picture or more info of what’s going on, unfortunately. I know begonias are prone to root rot and powdery mildew. If you send a pic I can get a better idea!
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allmyplants · 5 years
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@turretangel it is amazing!! It’s essentially just trading plants between people. It can be done with as few as 2 people or as many as 100 (or more!). Typically they’re advertised on plant community pages on Facebook (highly recommend finding and joining yours!) which is how I found out about this one. But, they can also be done via mail between friends if you don’t live near a big city 🌿
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Ok but I HAVE to talk about my lil baby alocasia gageana var. I got at a plant swap on Friday. 😍😱
I’m highkey nervous af about it because I’ve only had one alocasia, which I promptly killed. That was early on in my plant journey, though, and I’m determined to keep this baby alive 💪🏻🌱
Currently, it has a new little leaf popping out!! Send good vibes for this little one 💜
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Ok but I HAVE to talk about my lil baby alocasia gageana var. I got at a plant swap on Friday. 😍😱
I’m highkey nervous af about it because I’ve only had one alocasia, which I promptly killed. That was early on in my plant journey, though, and I’m determined to keep this baby alive 💪🏻🌱
Currently, it has a new little leaf popping out!! Send good vibes for this little one 💜
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allmyplants · 5 years
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allmyplants · 5 years
!!! This is still a thing:
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New baby whale fins popping out 😏
Instagram: @all_myplants
🌱Plant Giveaway🌱
Once I get 500 followers on my Instagram (@all_myplants) I’m going to do a giveaway!!
I’m going to pick a handful of winners, and have a bunch of awesome choices to pick from including:
Pick from this bunch of whalefin sansevieria (the largest two are almost 2 feet long!)
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A cutting from my giant ZZ:
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A cutting from my drimiopsis kirkii:
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Pilea and spider plant babies:
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I’m also open to ideas of other plants you’d like to see from my collection in the giveaway!!
Go follow my Instagram to make this giveaway happen! 🌱
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allmyplants · 5 years
Want more plant content?
Follow my Instagram: @all_myplants ‼️
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Just some glamour shots of my rhipsalis paradoxa
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Ok I’m just obsessed with my windowsills
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allmyplants · 5 years
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Pterodactyl and monstera adansonii round form 🌿
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