alisnotnormal · 19 days
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Me in real life be like:
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alisnotnormal · 19 days
As someone who joined in assembly, I love this.
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I didn’t come up with any description, sorry, I just wanted to remind you that I love assembly guys
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alisnotnormal · 21 days
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There’s this bug in the game where the belonging masks eyes don’t shine, giving them a more pearlescent look. I posted this on Sky Reddit and some guys say that they look like they took in too much dark water/ dark plants lol.
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Don’t do dark drugs Sky kids.
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alisnotnormal · 21 days
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The Glow from Below
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chapter 1
Date posted: Friday, may 10, 2024 8:31 pm
404 words
2,154 characters
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POV: Seth
A few years ago, the war broke out. There were two sides, The Rebels and The Worshipers. It was a bloody war. The Rebels lost. I was on that side. As a punishment; our capes were torn, we were then thrown down into the wasteland. The doors to the vault of knowledge and any way out, sealed. The way we came down? The wind was strengthen, we couldn't even make it close to the clouds without almost dying.
"Are you ok Seth?" A rotten and zombie looking sky kid asks. The enchantment symbol on their forehead.
"Yes, just fine. Hitting these narrow walls doesn't hurt as much as it did before." Seth spoke quickly as he stood up.
Seth continued flying. The skykid and him were heading to the town nearby to grab more supplies.
"Lemon, make sure you have your seal hidden." Seth said as he covers his which was on the back of his cape the best he could.
Lemon was a loyal follower of the enchantment guide, along with Seth. Lemon hide her symbol as they headed into town. Lemon was tasked with finding more supplies, while Seth was tasked with checking in on the spies.
He headed to the old house in the row of many wooden and broken houses. he knocked softly. He then said something in a code they created years ago.
"Sla tl pu mvvsz. P ohcl uldz." Seth snapped. (Let me in fools. I have news)
After a raven flew from the window, he was let in. The raven flew back in and landed onto the floor. Black smoked filled the room and the raven became a sky kid. They were wearing the Anubis mask without the ring, the blossom cape, an old witch hat, a yellow suit with a sword, and an enchantment necklace.
"Mhhd rhn ehgz xghnza!" They snapped as Seth entered. ("Took you long enough!")
"Aopunz dlyl ibzf. Dl hyl zapss ayfpun av jslhu bw myvt aol haahjr myvt aolzl budvyaof zrf rpkz. Aolf rpsslk hyvbuk 50 vm bz aopz aptl." Seth said quite annoyed how aggressive they were being after knowing what happened only a few days prior. ("Things were busy. We are still trying to clean up from the attack from these unworthy sky kids. They killed around 50 of us this time.")
"Uvd doha pz aopz 'uldz' fvb zwvrl vm?" Raven asked. ("Now what is this 'news' you spoke of?")
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alisnotnormal · 26 days
Should I post all like 6 chapters here? I'd love to do a Q&A with all the Ocs I've made!
Oc list:
Seth (crazy)
Storm (crazys best friend)
Lantern (traumatized moth)
17 (Elder Killer)
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alisnotnormal · 27 days
Basic premise 👁️👁️
When you travel to far East. You find a boat. As you float along the clouds you see a huge boat that has crashed. As you step off the boat you wander towards what you assume is a skykid. As you get closer, you see it is no skykid, it's a spirit.
The spirit was tall. They had beautiful purple and gold earrings, a nice dark purple turban, and a fluffy neck item that covers their mouth.
As you go to ask who they are they raise their left hand to where their mouth is.
"Shhh young child. I know what you seek. Would you like to make a deal, friend?" The enchantment guide asked.
You were curious and nodded.
"you seek wisdom young sky child. I will give you knowledge. In return you will be loyal to me. Do we have a deal?" The enchantment was now grinning under the fluff.
As you shake his sharp hands you suddenly feel ill. As you collapse onto the sand, the enchantment guide does not help. As you close your eyes you think you're about to die. As you wake up, you're in some sort of box? As you push the lid off you realize you're in a coffin?! As you stand you see things differently now. You now know why the corrupt sky kids were sent down, why the elders are so corrupt, why you made the deal. The only thing you don't know, is what happens now.
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alisnotnormal · 27 days
I am ALisNormal!
I want to introduce my story from the universe, Sky: Children of the light!
I write chapters every so often! I believe I'm on chapter 4? I don't know, I'll have to retrace my steps!
This AU involves the corruption of the realms. After the golden wasteland fell to choas, a group of skykids appeared, the corrupt sky kids. They have some powers and look different from a pure sky kid. If a sky kid is corrupt, they are taken and thrown into the golden wasteland where they can never escape.
There are many towns around the golden wasteland but only one is considered safe.
The enchantment Ark. The enchantment Ark is based off of the enchantment Ark in the game. (I'll draw later) The enchantment guide is considered corrupt and evil. They make deals with the sky kids causing a new corrupt form. They have more powerful abilities.
This was a quick summary! I'll be posting all my Ocs soon lol!
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