agcntsimmons · 4 years
Hello Agents of SHIELD tumblr!
I’ve posted my recaps of Elizabeth’s youtube lives on my Instagram!
Episodes 1, 3, 4 and 5 are up on the acc! They’re basically compilations of all the behind the scenes facts from each episode, so if you’re up for some new info, check it out HERE !
I’m doing this so that fans who don’t have time to watch the hour-long videos still have the chance to learn more fun bts facts. I would really appreciate the reshare so it could reach more fans! :)
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agcntsimmons · 4 years
Max Osinski answering The Zephyr as his favorite Agents of SHIELD “ship” is honestly one of the best things I have ever heard.
Bonus: Jeff Ward’s reaction, screaming off camera is *chef’s kiss*
watch here: x
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agcntsimmons · 4 years
bus kids being forever my ride or die.
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#Bus kids being actual kids
(gif request by @genderfluid-and-confuzled)
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agcntsimmons · 4 years
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agcntsimmons · 4 years
i don't want to be the one making all the noise (fs, maysimmons)
post 2.06. may takes care of her own. 
“Do you want to tell me what happened?”
Jemma shakes her head, but May sits all the way down on the floor anyway.
a/n: so i started writing this in reaction to the mack thing in ep 6 and then i never finished it. until just now. but i’m posting it anyway because who really gives a fuck if it’s late tbh
Keep reading
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agcntsimmons · 5 years
honestly Jemma is so good at pretending to hold it together. but all bets are off when it comes to fitz. on maveth she broke down for a number of reasons, but particularly talking to fitz kept her going. in 4x15 she broke down but pulled it together to fight for fitz. in 5x14, she broke apart but kept going for fitz. and honestly, she’ll work herself to the bone to find fitz now. 
but once she gets him back, i think fitz won’t be the only ghost walking around in a skeleton. and jemma will try to hide the way she died inside, but I can see her mental exhaustion setting in deep. I could already see her spiraling in The Honeymoon, but honestly… poor Jemma. And I kinda want to see the writers actually put a focus on HER.
She always puts on a good face, and the viewer knows she’s just processing. But the writers don’t often fully explore her side of the feelings. But I could honestly see her having a deeper storyline next season. It just feels right.
Daisy ran away after Lincoln, but Jemma doesn’t have that choice, unless she tries to make Fitz leave SHIELD with her. May shut down emotionally after Bahrain… I could see Jemma doing something like that, maybe not willing to let people get close to her? But I think her thing would be developing unhealthy coping mechanisms… keeping herself awake non-stop to find fitz, then snapping at people who try to make her eat, being super on edge even after they find fitz… and then when they do find him, maybe she has panic attacks? maybe she slips into deep depression? All I know is both of them need a proper rest before they face anymore catastrophes.
As much as I can cry over “poor Fitz” for all that he has suffered… and will suffer again when he awakens… Jemma lived through seeing him die. Jemma has to live knowing he’s at the edge of a mental breakdown if he’s under too much stress (@writers SEE WHAT YOU HAVE DONE???)
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agcntsimmons · 6 years
Let’s talk about Fitz.
First of all, I am no psychologist nor an expert in human behavior or development. This is merely an analysis.
Real World Fitz grew up with his mother, and eventually separated with her willingly when he was sixteen to go to SHIELD Academy. We’ll call this Fitz: RWFitz.
Framework Fitz grew up with his father, who was a high position Hydra member and spent his whole life in a Hydra-based morality and environment. We’ll call this Fitz: FFitz. This Fitz does not have the memories of RWFitz.
When RWFitz was connected to the FFitz, two separate sets of memories from two different lives merged, and like Coulson said, it’s not like waking up from a dream, but waking up from a life. Their real brains treated what they experienced in the Framework as if it really, actually happened. Radcliffe even said it himself, “To the human mind, there’s no difference between the perception of the Framework and the physical world.”
The worst thing is, AIDA completely changed Fitz’ childhood by making him grow up with his father. His twisted, Hydra father. Well, okay why is this bad? According to some psychological theory, the ‘unconscious thoughts’ of our adult selves are heavily influenced by events and conflicts happening at one’s childhood stage. So basically, by changing FFitz’ childhood to be Hydra-based, AIDA created a whole new evil adult FFitz whose unconscious are naturally determined and driven to align with Hydra morality. He’s literally a whole new person because of this.
One good thing though, there’s no way we could ever know for sure that our RWFitz would become FFitz if he was actually raised by his father, in real life. The Framework world was heavily manipulated by AIDA, remember? She could have changed so many things about our Fitz for him to become that FFitz version, because it’s code and Darkhold magic that affected his nature and nurture.
To sum up, in the end, Fitz still did not choose to have that experience. It was not consensual. He didn’t want to deal with anything that relates to his father, let alone living a possible life with him. AIDA took that choice away when she plugged him into the Framework. Now, since both sets of memories are then built-in, accepted and hardwired into Fitz’ post-Framework brain, it automatically plays a part in his unconscious decision-making process, which is a huge problem because then it would lead to RWFitz making extremely questionable decisions like what we saw in “The Devil Complex”.
However, even though the decisions he made after the Framework are still by him, it does not necessarily mean that the RWFitz we previously know was the one unconsciously backing up the decision, since there are now two possibilities of where these thoughts may come from: RWFitz (which we can see in S1 up to pre-framework Fitz) and FFitz’ influence (from his experience in the Framework). Simply put, everything Fitz does after the Framework could be based off of the Doctor’s thoughts and we wouldn’t know because he pretty much lives in RWFitz’ brain the moment he got out of the Framework.
Another example of post-framework Fitz with FFitz decision-making happened in “Rewind”, where he slammed Enoch’s head to a table, forcing and threatening him to do what he says. That’s probably not something RWFitz would’ve done or had experience with, something we could clearly see.
The main point is, Fitz never asked or consent to have a background life in which he lived with his father. He knows it would change him completely, influenced from a world where ethical lines are totally blurred and flipped, to understand things that aren’t morally accepted. This probably explained his feeling of ‘I still think it’s the right thing to do’. How would Fitz himself know that this thought came from his old self? 
He’s scared. Everything now is a dangerous thread, a new concept to him with his new and blurred moral lines, making decisions that alienated his true self without knowing it. The constant mental bullying from his Doctor self definitely did not help with the stress.
It was not his choice. To be hooked to the Framework. To suddenly have a second life.
And no one in the team could have understood. Jemma and Daisy weren’t properly connected. Coulson and Mack lived a not so morally different life. May was Hydra, but she was still ‘mostly herself’. But Fitz? He went to the other side of the wheel, hit the mud and got back up again to be someone completely stained.
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agcntsimmons · 6 years
don’t you just love it when you’re scrolling down people’s posts about the hype of the new episode and still manage to find hateful people who are so good at spewing out negativity and ‘flaws’ about the episode.
i mean, if it’s that bad then stop watching.
some of us over here is trying to be grateful and actually enjoy it
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agcntsimmons · 6 years
I’d pay for a show where Agents of SHIELD characters literally does daily activities at a home with occasional drama ‘Keeping Up With the Kardashians’ style that includes Coulson and May as the parents, the Bus Kids as the children and Mack and Yo-Yo as everyone’s favorite uncle and aunt couple. No kidding.
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agcntsimmons · 6 years
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hey aos writers, why don’t you give us some more mama may moments, yeah? she totally deserves it oh and maybe you could feature her in Captain Marvel? this is not for personal gain, cz literally EVERYONE wants it too, right?
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agcntsimmons · 6 years
5x12: Fitz and Coulson fluff
Of course, there’s that elevator moment with Coulson and him literally accompanying Fitz down the aisle and wed them. People notice that.
Fitz has never had a good father figure.
In the Framework he had a father, a biological one, whom completely changed him as a person that now we can see is starting to leak into his real-world self. We can safely assume that he’s trying to overcome whatever memories he gained in the Framework, but knowing that Coulson is dying made him realise how much he shaped him. That he is the only father figure he actually wanted, needed, cared for, and have.
First off, “You can’t blame yourself, Fitz.” + a parental Philinda scene at the beginning that we get for like, 2 minutes.
Second, he chased Coulson and tried to change his mind about actually going down to the basement. Moments after that, he reasoned that there must be someone else that can do the job and when it’s turned down he then said that he should find another safer way to do it.
Third, that scene with them infront of the elevator. Just both of them. The hand-on-the-shoulder thing that Coulson gave, that he also gave when he told Fitz he needed to go to Sheffield to inform Jemma’s family of her disappearance and when he got scared that Jemma’s missing while he was trapped in another dimension.
Fourth, the elevator scene, of course. That is just pure fluff right there. “It’s gonna be great.” + that little body turn and fixing the non-existant tie and buttoning the suit. It’s just so parental and cute. It’s a perfect scene at the right time.
Mostly when the term father and Coulson is brought together the result ends with Daisy, but in this episode I think it adds to one more person. We had yet to see any Coulson and Jemma, but the amount of May and Jemma that can be seen in previous seasons is promising enough.
In AoS I’m very deeply and emotionally attached to almost every character and every time there’s a familial scent to a scene or moment, a bell just rings in my head. This particular episode, however is just an emotional roller coaster. Sad, very sad, cool, shocked, happy, very happy.
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