adhdheadcanons · 2 years
tappy foot go brrrr
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
putting the calendar month view directly inbetween the days view in my bujo so instead of having to look back at the calendar overview, and having to remember to look back at the calendar overview, I will automatically look at the month view in the middle of the month, making it less likely I will forget appointments in the later half of the month.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
"Wow, I think I'm cured from adhd! I must have grown out of it!" I say as I drink my 2nd cup of coffee.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
I've found lockout apps to be incredibly useful. If I can't get away from the computer, I just shut myself out at certain times. Cold Turkey blocker and Lock Me Out (for android) both are permanent buys and you own the product, instead of subscription models. Although you can do a sub for lock me out, they also offer a buy forever option, which to me is reasonably priced.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
so update on this. I heard captcha works by checking the way your mouse moves, not which pictures you choose. no wonder it didn't work for me for so many years. I started mimicking movements of slower people I know- people I've seen do the captcha thing - and started working for me first time everytime. go figure lol.
when the website says that you're either a robot or you're "moving your mouse at the speed of light"
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
time card calculators for adding up your hours at work are! the! best! i would be lost without them.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
while I can't get treated right now I have a tooth care survival tip for you guys. I floss my molars in the morning and my front/side teeth in the evening or vice versa. sitting there and flossing whole set of teeth is too excruciatingly boring, so I segment them in morning vs evening. that way I at the very least floss all my teeth once a day. usually I end up flossing my whole set of teeth, but if it doesn't happen? no matter. I just floss a couple before bed. Hope this helps someone out there.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
my mom, watching as I calculate my work time from yesterday:
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
If you guys have ADD/ADHD, autism, OCD, or something else that affects your ability to concentrate, I highly recommend the chrome extension Mercury Reader. You just open whatever link you're using, then click on the MR icon (it should look like a rocket) and it'll simplify the page so that it's in a focus-friendly layout. Instead of having random pictures and word boxes all over the screen, it'll be in a vertical format with nothing to distract you so you can focus on what's important. You can also adjust the text size (small, medium, large), font (serif, sans), and theme (light, dark). And the best part is, it's completely free! It's honestly one of the best things I've ever downloaded.
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This is an article without the extension. See that messy format, and how the actual article content only takes up a fraction of the page? It's no wonder it took me 7 hours to write that paper.
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The same article, this time with Mercury. The user-friendly settings are at the top, and the rest of the article is formatted vertically down the middle with no free-roaming pictures or words. How nice.
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adhdheadcanons · 2 years
A suggestion: if you have a thing where you sometimes get sucked into your phone and then when you briefly surface you’re not sure what to do next so you end up diving back in?
Put something on the back of your phone and train yourself to turn your phone over when you notice those moments of confusion. You can give yourself a transition activity (journaling, taking three deep breaths, checking your bullet journal, doing five jumping jacks or a particular sequence of stretches) and/or keep a few “to do next” items on the back of your phone.
I’ve got a thing rigged up with a thin piece of plastic and tape where I swap out half an index card each day with my priorities and it’s worked surprisingly well for the past three months or so; they also sell cases that you can put a credit card or driver’s license in which would work for this if it’s translucent. On the other hand, if you just want to remind yourself to breath or center or stand up and stretch, you can stick something reminding yourself of that underneath a clear cover, between the cover and the phone. (I suppose you could also swap that out every day, but I imagine that would be a lot less convenient.)
I have a scheduling app. I do way better with the “index card under some plastic” approach. Dunno what it is, but I just do better with a non-electronic approach.
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
Still havent worked on it yet but have watched a couple episodes recently so i might as well do it tonight??
gravity falls headcanons analysis coming in the next 1-2 months
i know thats a long time guys, I want to say that it will be sooner but it's just realistic :|
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
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Ron stoppable from kim possible
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
Ok but can we talk about how Howl is PERFECT ADHD REP
I don't know enough about ADHD other than the basics, but I support this headcanon for sure!
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
sewing customizable organizing bag items for my adhd has been the best decision ever. the bags in the stores are not adhd friendly usually and so I have to decide what goes where in order to make it easier to use.... but when sewing my own stuff I can just make what I know I will use and whats easiest for me, so it actually works and I actually use it, + it fits wherever I want to put it, I can change the size, amount of pockets etc. If you have a sewing machine already and a little time to learn + find that your bags could use a little customization, I highly recommend this. there are tons of step by step tutorials that are very easy to follow along with on youtube, that are easy to customize even if you have been sewing just for a couple weeks. plus, you get the added bonus of being able to be creative
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
Flynn Carson from The Librarian TV series at least (only from the episodes I have watched so far; I haven't finished the first movie yet)
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adhdheadcanons · 3 years
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