addicted--insomniac · 6 years
I want to kill myself
no I shouldn't say that
I don't want to die
but I do wish, sometimes, I wasn't here
like I don't want to end my life, I just wish it never started
I don't think the world would be that different without me, I want so terribly to put good into the world, but I reach out and I grasp at nothing, i just always feel so isolated and trapped
Like nothing I do matters to anyone or anything
and when I feel like this I get so frustrated with myself because, I know it could be worse. People have it way worse than me, but that just makes me feel even more like a failure, that there must be something so wrong with me that I can't even handle life at this level of difficulty
I wish the gameplay setting wasn't set to be so hard, I can't keep up, every step I faulter leaves me trailing farther and farther behind everyone else
and the worst part
I might be doing fine but some destructive part of my brain has led me to believe otherwise
and I can't tell the difference
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addicted--insomniac · 6 years
Home by Midnight
Kate Stew
A sudden sigh of relief
The light of day is in the past
I cant believe the stillness
The world has stopped turning fast
Oh how my soul is sighing
As I watch the gentle falling snow
I wish I could stay in this moment
But it goes against everything I know
I find I am not mourning
the sudden loss of heat
Icicles drop from my cheeks
I’m slowly melding to my seat
I am stuck in this moment
I’d only leave if I dared
The daily grind has left my mind
this kind of moment is rare
Don’t you see that I am careful
To tend the fire of my desires
Yet the snow piles on me
I’m preaching to the choir
My heart is aching
As I leave the scene
I was content to stay there
And let myself freeze
I must go
I must forget
Tomorrow is another big day
I just hope leaving won’t be a regret
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
I feel like life isn’t worth living, yet I am not suicidal. I just feel worthless, pointless, and lifeless
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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The Darkest Nights (Collection of Poetry) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/rf1xRqgw0G
A collection of poetry that focuses around depression and anxiety.
They say time heals all wounds, but really all time does is leave you with scars.
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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The Darkest Nights (Collection of Poetry) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/ixc5uHDv0G
A collection of poetry I have written that focuses around my depression and anxiety.
They say time heals all wounds, but really all time does is leave you with scars.
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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The Darkest Nights (Collection of Poetry) (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/UiNb/EBqNVzku0G
A collection of poetry I have written that focuses around my depression and anxiety.
They say time heals all wounds, but really all time does is leave you with scars.
writing from highschool….
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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The Darkest Nights (Collection of Poetry) (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/auutt9FqDG A collection of poetry I have written that focuses around my depression and anxiety. They say time heals all wounds, but really all time does is leave you with scars.
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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The Darkest Nights (Collection of Poetry) (on Wattpad) http://my.w.tt/UiNb/auutt9FqDG A collection of poetry I have written that focuses around my depression and anxiety. They say time heals all wounds, but really all time does is leave you with scars.
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
When life gives you lemons make lemonade. So I’ve been told. But what if life doesn’t give you lemons and it gives you apples? Do you make applesauce? or what if you don’t like lemonade? Or you have an odd lemon allergy? What then? So far ive just had lemon juice squirted in my eye and it burns - when do they just hand me the lemons on a silver platter?
(via addicted--insomniac)
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
Why do people feel the need to label everything? I am me Me is me You are you but to yourself You say I am me Myself I say I am me You see we are both labeled me while still being different Stop making it apparent people are different! Me already knows me different!
(via addicted--insomniac)
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
I really like girls… I love the way they are, the way they think. every single one is just so beautiful and unique I love short haired girls and long haired ones. ones with freckles, dimples, beauty marks, scars, any imperfection really. the more imperfect the better because its amazing to me how each human being can be so unique in that way. height weight it doesn’t matter. the most beautiful thing i like about a girl is her laugh whether it be a snort or a wheezy intake of air. haha. I love the way people laugh. and someone who can really laugh no matter how they do it, but someone who has the ability to see life for what it is even when its painful or sad and still laugh.. thats beautiful
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
I feel like a ball of fire an orb of ember burnt and burned out A swirling whirlpool of water I am struggling against its current drowning in my sorrow I feel the breeze send a shiver down my spine The wind rips away my identity turning me to dust I am a lump of earth slowly fading and turning to stone unable to move unable to exist I am darkness no i am nothing Surrounded by everything and nothing at all alone in a universe full of people how is it we are made of stardust yet I feel I am made up of no hope at all
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
No one cares about your depression until you’re dead.
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
I have traveled through madness to find me.
Danny Alexander (via asking-jude)
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
my therapist: how are you feeling?
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addicted--insomniac · 7 years
I am so harsh with my body; I tell her she’s ugly, That she takes up too much space. I tell her to shut up if she talks to much, That nobody cares about her; I tell her that she is not worthy of love. I tell her all of these things because before When I used to love her, These rumors came from other people’s mouths and I believed them.
(via mortal-poems)
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