achillescumdown · 2 days
Y'all it's June 3rd and I am scared
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achillescumdown · 2 days
I wish tumblr had that recommended search feature that tiktok does to make sense of random vague posts but that would require a decent default search system
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achillescumdown · 4 days
As someone who is in very big support of exploration of morals and the darkest aspects of humanity being expressed in literature, arguing in defense of several writers who their works do not represent their ideals; as I see it to be a safe outlet to see and understand the edges of true cruelty without real inflicted harm in the process and further your creativity—even I find it wrong for this to be similarly done openly in RP.
Literature is for the nuance, where authors do their research on subjects and write to form all of that in an ethically consumable way. They read of real people's experiences of these subjects and how to go about said subject, to get a realistic perspective and put their readers in the shoes of what is being represented. As stated, one can simply not read a book hearing beforehand the contents of it and what it will contain if reaches their discomfort. Literature is a well thought-out analysis you write and lay out for those interested, roleplaying is playing dolls with others and using those subjects as your background prop. Literature, (should, at the very least) takes several precautions for the product to be an adequate representation of it's subject, in respect for those that have actually lived through such. Roleplaying, often dodges any and all of these, and is performed purely for entertainment. Yes, we read books with these subjects out of entertainment; but when it is only with enjoyment in mind, no research or basic respect goes in the process, it often ends up minimizing the real effects of these topics and making light of them in a fashion that is just... plain disrespectful?
Which is exactly what happened here, with Europeans trying to make a stance on a whole other country's, in a whole other continent, history. And then not do adequate research and even openly admit ones issues is not their own—even in the literary field, this is considered beyond disrespectful and horrible behaviour. Comparing global slavery to chattel slavery in America is faulty and overall an unfair comparison. Or having the balls to claim no “slavery abuse” is being roleplayed. Newsflash, Katie, slavery - in general - is abuse. And this all goes exactly as to show why it is absolutely necessary to have an understanding of these subjects. Hell, roleplaying or not!
Something I will also add is the difference between writing of past actions and acting out present actions. Characters lore - or in this case a real human with real actions in their past - are all things that do not actively need to be played out. I think anyone who made it past kindergarten is aware of the founding fathers and knows of their shitty actions, no one is denying that here. You don't even often see professional historical reinactments having white actors demand POC actors around for “the bit”. The issue itself is not the evident history, but how it is being treated. I will not judge someone for respectfully writing a character with a backstory involving SA, but I will judge someone who actively roleplays SA out in the open. Especially out in the public with no tags, nothing. Now, replace SA with slavery. There is a time and place for everything, subjects can be safely kept in your character notes where one can delve into deeper by choice and their own curiosity. Might I even suggest DMs for the more freakish topics? Because allow me to better demonstrate the difference between public and private RP and why it is so, so important when it comes to the more mature topics. A public RP is interactive, it is broadcasted to the entirety of the Internet, it is collaborative with other roleplayers—it is the equivalent of being in a group conversation. Can you imagine busting out deeply inrooted racist systems out in the middle of a conversation for all to witness with no concern for the space of others? Rightfully so, you will receive backlash like. There is a time and place for everything, my guys, and oftentimes that is within the privacy of DMs with two consensual adults who are aware what they are talking about before spouting off on the internet about total misinformation. (Regardless, I believe you to be fucked in the head to still roleplay slavery in particular even if it is in the comforts of your private messages)
And I hate to break this to you, but your little blorbo who is an edge lord murderer does not nearly compare the several centuries in history of racial genocide, enslavement, lynchings, abuse, sexual violence, etc, against innocent real lives that still has it's long lasting effects on present people and descendants.
I think there is a fine line between roleplaying and literature where "Dead Dove: Do Not Eat" no longer stands and some of you all do not get that
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achillescumdown · 4 days
HEARTBREAKING: coworker you had normal casual conversations with reveals their rancid political views one day and you can never look at them the same
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achillescumdown · 1 month
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achillescumdown · 1 month
I hate to say it but a lot of fandoms have lost ability to just appreciate platonic bonds for what they are without feeling the need to either categorize it as romantic or in some familia form. “they are such father and son!” the characters are two years apart. “they explored each other's bodies!” seriously how many of you were just robbed of a heartfelt friendship in your lives? Perhaps this comes with the struggle of not being able to exactly differentiate platonic and romantic relationships irl and so thus in media too, but I can't help but feel like,, it's kinda watering down these friendships?? Like perhaps what makes these bonds significant is that they are just two dudes who care and understand one another and that's all there is. Like you all DO remember that best friends exist, right? You don't need to view every bond in a family/romantic light to make it more palpable, right?
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achillescumdown · 1 month
Marie Sklodowska Curie’s Notebook
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Marie Sklodowska Curie’s notebooks containing her scientific research, which are Radioactive and must be stored in a lead-lined box in the Bibliothèque Nationale. Curie’s corpse is also radioactive. Her coffin is lined in an inch of lead. Both will remain radioactive for 1,500+ years.
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achillescumdown · 1 month
Oda wanted to die. . . . I, above all other men, felt and understood deeply the sadness of Oda. The first time I met him on the Ginza, I thought, "God, what an unhappy man," and I could scarcely bear the pain. He gave the vivid impression that there was across his path nothing but the wall of death. He wanted to die. But there was nothing I could do. A big-brotherly warning - what hateful hypocrisy. There was nothing to do but watch. The "adults" of the world will probably criticize him smugly, saying he didn't have enough self-respect. But how dare they think they have the right! Yesterday I found record in Mr. Tatsuno [Yutaka]'s introductory essay on Senancour the following words: "People say it is a sin to flee by throwing life away. However, these same sophists who forbid me death often expose me to the presence of death, force me to proceed toward death. The various innovations they think up increase the opportunities for death around me, their preaching leads me toward death, and the laws they establish present me with death." You are the ones who killed Oda, aren't you? His recent sudden death was a poem of his final, sorry resistance. Oda! You did well.
Dazai’s published eulogy for Odasaku. I found it in The Saga of Dazai Osamu: A Critical Study and Translation by Phyllis I. Lyons, pages 49-50.
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achillescumdown · 2 months
what the FUCK is bungo stray dogs season 4 even about it's like first 3 seasons were all haha oke dope and then randomly MURDER DESTRUCTION TACHIHARA IS AN IMPORTANT CHARACTER DAZAIS HEART RATE DOES MORSE CODE RAMPOE IS CANON WHAT IS HAPPENING MY POOR BRAIN
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achillescumdown · 2 months
love starting a post with "btw" with no relation to anything i've previously said. this stream of consciousness ends when i'm dead
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achillescumdown · 2 months
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Let him cook
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achillescumdown · 2 months
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Whats the point of owning 19th century natural history books if you dont take pictures of them in the sun?
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achillescumdown · 3 months
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achillescumdown · 3 months
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Athena by Dimitrios Biskinis (Greek, c.1891–1947)
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achillescumdown · 3 months
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(Photograph taken of ten year old, Osamu Dazai, second from the left, alongside his family. Dated: 1. January. 1920)
I have seen three pictures of the man.
The first, a childhood photograph you might call it, shows him about the age of ten, a small boy surrounded by a great many women (his sisters and cousins, no doubt). He stands in brightly checked trousers by the edge of a garden pond. His head is tilted at an angle thirty degrees to the left, and his teeth are bared in an ugly smirk. Ugly? You may well question the word, for insensitive people (that is to say, those indifferent to matters of beauty and ugliness) would mechanically comment with a bland, vacuous expression, "What an adorable little boy!" It is quite true that what commonly passes for "adorable" is sufficiently present in this child's face to give a modicum of meaning to the compliment. But I think that anyone who had ever been subjected to the least exposure to what makes for beauty would most likely toss the photograph to one side with the gesture employed in brushing away a caterpillar, and mutter in profound revulsion, "What a dreadful child!"
Indeed, the more carefully you examine the child's smiling face the more you feel an indescribable, unspeakable horror creeping over you. You see that it is actually not a smiling face at all. The boy has not a suggestion of a smile. Look at his tightly clenched fists if you want proof. No human being can smile with his fists doubled like that. It is a monkey. A grinning monkey-face. The smile is nothing more than a puckering of ugly wrinkles. The photograph reproduces an expression so freakish, and at the same time so unclean and even nauseating, that your impulse is to say, "What a wizened, hideous little boy!" I have never seen a child with such an unaccountable expression.
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(Dazai, Osamu. No Longer Human. United States, New Directions, 1973. Pg. 13)
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achillescumdown · 3 months
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achillescumdown · 3 months
I always assume the train will be so boring and I bring seven things to do but then I’m entranced by the wonderful window the entire time
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