2080ldrblog · 8 years
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
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Okay, I know what you’re thinking: Why is Zayn and Gigi looking cute in the header? Well, I definitely ship them, HARD! People tend to forget that, most if not all, celebrities are in a long distance relationship. After hearing the news of “Bradgelina” now just becoming Brad and Angelina, I was a bit heartbroken; a couple that I’ve watched grow over the years were finally splitting up and it as like I felt their pain personally. I can’t say I understand what they are currently going through or if they made the right/wrong decision, but I know that somewhere down the line, they grew apart, and that my friends is what I want to discuss with you today. 
Being in a long distance relationship will mean very long time frames of not seeing each other. Long days where you are waiting to talk to your special person and in the end it doesn’t happen. Many points in time, you will feel hopeless; you will wonder if it is even worth it, to put yourself through so much loneliness. Trust me, it is. 
If you ever feel like your LDR is crumbling apart keep these things in mind:
Understand the other person’s life
You need to realize that before they met you, they had a whole life planned out. It may have been empty without you, but they had a job, a family, and friends, sometimes even school. Understand that they have other things that need their time.
Communicate Whenever
Communication doesn’t always mean texting back and forth and calling each other or Skyping. Communication is leaving voicemails in the middle of the day, not worrying that they will text back (leave a cute little note for them), sending them videos of your day, and even writing a letter. Communicating isn’t always a conversation.
Make The Most Of It
Whenever Tavin comes to visit me, we never worry about the time we have left together, because counting down the days only makes it go by faster and then next thing you know it, he’s gone again. Take the time you have with one another and cherish it before it’s gone.
Send Gifts
Actions may speak louder than words, but gifts, oh they hold a special place in my heart. A few months ago, I sent Tavin a booklet of why I love him so much. It wasn’t a lot and most guys would just throw it away after reading it, but it meant so much to him that he reads it nearly every day! Gifts can light up your S/O’s day, as soon as they see the gift, they’ll think of you!
Relationships don’t run on fairy dust, but they do run on TRUST! Trust is really important in a relationship. Without trust, it won’t thrive and grow. Once you gain trust in one another, the relationship will become even more special than it was before.
You’re not always going to like the decisions your S/O makes and they aren’t going to like the decisions you make. Remember that you are both adults who still want freedom. Even if it isn’t in your comfort zone, compromise, because it makes the other person happy!
So, did you get all of that? Tuck these tips away and remember them when your LDR goes through a rough patch. Being in any type of relationship isn’t easy but it’s not impossible. You will get through the fights and you will forget about the struggles. Work everyday to be with your love one and everything will be okay!
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
Monday - Kaya
Hey everyone! Unfortunately, I’m sick and to top it off my room is the center of hell. It is almost October and it’s nearly 80 degrees outside in San Diego. 
If you haven’t noticed, we have updated our blog a little bit -- new theme, follow and visitor count and so many links! We are really going to start to become more active. In just a few short months, Tavin and I will be in culinary school together which means, hopefully, a YouTube channel in the works! 
The past week, I started a new job and I started a new blog but that blog had to be shut down due to technical difficulties. Once I can open my own domain and buy a WordPress plan, you guys will have access to it. I’m actually trying to convince Tavin to start blogging because it is super fun and he is great at marketing.
Next week is my birthday and Tavin is coming to visit for a few days. We will be taking the streets of LA and maybe I’ll film it for you guys! 
Thank you for sticking around and being super supportive. Remember, you can always ask us for advice about anything. 
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
boyfriend: im so glad we visited hawaii me *disappointed after not seeing Stitch anywhere*: yea it was ok i guess .
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
Happy Tuesday!
Hey everyone! So I’m starting my first real week at work today so I’m super excited. Tavin is home visiting family so he is farther from me than usual. However, this winter we will be attending the same culinary school together which mean this will be the last time we will be separated. 
Today I’m going to queue a bunch of photos and things like that and this Thursday, I’ll be posting some new tips and advice on how to survive a long distance relationship. Have an awesome day everyone!
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
It’s been a while since we had an inbox. Have any questions? Want advice? Want to just talk? Inbox us!
Have any questions?
Want advice?
Want to just talk?
Message us :)
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
girls wearing boxers is such a frickin’ turn on. along with girls wearing beanies. and girls wearing plaid shirts. and girls wearing tank tops. and girls in general.
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
2017 better be like a utopian golden age for everyone to make up for this literal flaming trash pile of a year
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
not many people know about it, but i wanna point everyones attention to the best forum fight i ever saw; some guy getting pissed off cause his friend traded him a duskull called ‘dudeskull’
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
I keep remembering — I keep remembering. My heart has no pity on me.
Henri Barbusse, The Inferno (via coffeepeople)
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
Hello There
Hey guys! Tavin just left from staying for a few days and I already miss him. We had an amazing time this past week and we want to know how you guys are doing :) I had just put up an Ad at the top of our blog. Feel freeto click it, it will help us earn some money. Have an awesome rest of the week and don’t forget to follow our other social media accounts :)
Kaya: Twitter, Instagram, Tumblr
Tavin: Instagram, Tumblr
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
Waking up in a really cuddly mood, but the person you want to cuddle with is miles away.
(via i-love-you-from-a-distance)
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2080ldrblog · 8 years
This is Tavin... The latter part of K&T lol Anyways i was visiting family for 2 weeks and when i got back to my apartment i found she sent me a package. All i will say is it was something she made and it was the best present i had ever gotten. You can buy a person cars and jewelry or clothes but the best gift is something made to represent your love for the other person. Because you took time out of your day for that person. I know it sounds small but its a great way to tell your partner that you are worth the time and worth the wait. P.S don't forget to message us if you have any questions about relationships or LDR'S in general!!
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