zombieluver · 7 months
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Helping hand
Steve Raglan/William Afton x reader
about: you're new to town, and looking for a job, you end up with help from a man named Steve Raglan, who ends up being more charming than you thought.
tw: nothing for this chapter
authors note: i plan on making about 9 parts for this, i hope people enjoy this! part 2 should be up soon. also there's no use of y/n in this
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You find yourself before a very disinterested older man.
Steve Raglan was the name written on the name placard on his desk.
He hummed softly, sifting through papers. "So, why here?"
"What do you mean?" You ask.
He lays the papers down neat on his desk, and claspes his hands together, resting his chin atop them. "Why this town? Why Minnesota?" He asks, looking curious.
"Oh, um. My mother passed when we lived out of state, so I moved here to get away from the area. Fresh start. I don't know anything about Minnesota, and figured somewhere close but not too close to the cities would be nice."
He hums again, seemingly satisfied. "Well, lucky for you, I know just the job. Given your track record of jobs and a very open and pleasant attitude, there's a store close to here that needs a front secretary."
"Oh! Perfect." You smile.
He matches your smile, and you notice his eyes crinkle at the corners, it making his duller eyes shine a little.
"Perfect? Yeah, that's how I'd describe this, too. Want coffee?"
"What kind?"
He stands and walks behind you, "Well, I got black coffee, but I have sugar and cream."
You pause, then decide what the hell, "Sure, I'll have a cup."
"Fantastic." Steve says.
A minute later, you have a warm cup in your hands, "So, what do I need to do to apply for the job?"
Steve shuffles through some papers, "Well, I'll fill out the paperwork, and you tell me your answers, alright? Then we can send you on your way."
You nod, taking a sip of coffee.
Steve asks you typical questions for an application, and you answer each with ease. Only pausing to struggle to remember phone numbers for reference.
He asks about an emergency contact, and you frown, "Why would I need that for an application?"
"Some places want one. In case anything happens during an interview, they're able to get a hold of someone."
You lean back, sighing and nervously push your hair back, "Well, I don't have anyone. Only people I know are states away."
Steve pauses, then jots something down on the paper, "For now, we can list myself as your emergency contact."
"Do you do this for everyone?"
"Not usually, normally I'd put down the secretary, but I can make an exception for someone like you."
"Someone like me?"
"Y'know, new to town and a very positively polite person. I can't not want to help out if I'm able."
You blush a little and try to cover it with your coffee.
All too soon, your application is finished, and your coffee has been long gone.
Steve smiles and slips the papers into a folder with your name on it. "Well, it was very pleasant to chat with you today."
"Likewise." You say, smiling back.
"Is there a number I'm able to reach you at? In case this place has any questions?"
You nod, jot down the number for your tiny brick of a mobile, and pass the sticky note to him. "Here, it's my personal cellphone."
Steve's smile widens, and you wonder if he was totally honest about his intentions with wanting your number.
"It was pleasant to meet you.." He pauses before going to look at your file.
You laugh softly and repeat your name to him as you stand up.
He repeats your name softly to himself, almost as if he were committing it to memory, then smiles softly, "Right, well have a good day, I'll contact you in the future with any updates."
You smile back, "Thank you, Mr. Raglan."
"Steve," He corrects, "Just call me Steve."
"Alright then, Steve. I'll look forward to your call."
He waves a little, and you exit his office, door clicking softly behind him. You stand there for a moment, feeling slightly ridiculous by how charming he was.
Then, you walk away, realizing there's still other people here waiting to meet with him, and you still need to get home.
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zombieluver · 7 months
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Adam in the bathroom.
about: Adam stuck in the bathroom, maybe he has a different ending.
triggers: saw typical mentions of violence and bodies
a/n: i might write another part for this if there's interest in it :) i love saw so much id be happy to write more
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He thought the silence was the worst part of this.
Adam can handle the dark, he's lived long enough with all the lights out or in a dimly lit room, that he was used enough to it.
But, the silence was threatening to drive him insane.
Then the ringing started.
The first ring got a startled sound from him, the chain clattering in his scared jump. He quickly realized what it was.
The screen lights up, showing a call, and Adam blinks a few times, adjusting to the new light.
It's too far from him. Hell, it was too far for Lawrence, and he cut his foot off to get to it, and he was closer than Adam is now.
Not that Adam was that desperate... yet.
He did still have a sizeable amount of the saw left, although... he's not entirely sure where it is and he's not entirely sure he could stomach sawing his foot off like Lawerence could.
It's a softer jingle than he realized earlier, though he supposes he wasn't really paying attention to how it sounded. Moreso that it was sounding at all, and Lawerence answered it quickly anyway.
He huffs, leaning against the wall, better it soft than chirpy and grating.
He might've used that saw piece to kill himself to escape an annoying ringtune.
It rings until it stops, and the phone screen goes dark.
Adam sighs, fully back in the dark. He prods Zep's side with his foot, "Just you and me now... again."
He frowns, "For a corpse you're pretty fucking annoying, you know that?"
The corpse, as expected, doesn't reply. Adam clears his throat and pitches his voice up, "You're so mean, Adam! I'm dead, dead as hell! I can't do shit to entertain you!"
He sighs, rubbing at an eye, "It's been thirty minutes, and I'm already losing it. Talking out loud to myself."
He lets his head knock against the wall, "Lawrence, you better hurry with the reinforcem-"
The phone rings again, blue screen glowing again.
Adam swallows, more nervous than previous. "C'mon, it can't take that long to trace a call." He ignores the slight panicked whine in his voice.
The phone, a non-living object, doesn't respond and keeps playing its soft cheery tune.
"Zep, pretend I didn't just bash your head in a bit ago and crawl over and pick the phone up."
The corpse doesn't reply either.
Adam draws his knees to his chest and lets out a breath, eyes trained on the phone. At least it's a calm jingle.
He lets his head drop onto his knees. Maybe he can at least rest. Covered in blood from multiple people, dirt and grime, he can't say this is the best place he's slept but... probably not the worst, either.
The phone stops, leaving him in the dark again. Except a few moments later, it starts up again.
Adam clenches his jaw, but continues listening.
On the 7th call, he finally moves.
His shoulder aches, but the curled up sitting position he was in is starting to hurt his shoulder.
Zep's thigh isn't comfortable and he feels kinda gross using a corpse as a pillow, but it's better than nothing, he supposes.
The phone starts up again and Adam feels like he's going to go insane.
"If this is Alison calling, just know that I think your husband is attempting to get me help." He says, "Or maybe not. For all I fucking know he could be dead outside this room."
The realization that Lawrence could be dead hits him hard, and he feels nauseous.
He rolls onto his side, facing the door and the little light. "Please, please, find a way out of here, Lawrence. At least one of us needs to survive today."
The jingle stops, and the phone turns off after a few seconds.
Every time it happens now, Adam fears it'll die. Then it starts up a few moments later, driving Adam insane all over again before it descends into despair.
Adam thinks over the events of the day and comes to a realization.
If he had enough of a throw, he could use his clothes to drag the phone over to him like he did with the tape recorder earlier.
Quickly, he grabs his shirt and the drain stopper, and on the phones next ring, he throws and comes up short.
Multiple tries happen until the phone go dark.
It's not long enough.
"No, no, has to be another way."
He puts a hand to his shoulder wound, trying to help with whatever pain is there. Then, get it.
With much pain from the gunshot, he pulls his shirt off and ties it to the end of his jacket and throws.
It catches, and Adam shouts in excitement.
The phone catches on Zep's brains but Adam doesn't care, he just climbs over and grabs the phone.
He flips it open and waits.
A call comes in, and he immediately hits the answer.
"Lawrence? Lawrence, is that you?"
A choked sob escapes Adam, and he shakes his head, then realizes he needs to speak. "No, shit, it's Adam. I-I was stuck in here with him. He's out now. I don't know where he is. He.. shit, you need to send help. I don't know if he's okay."
There's chatter besides Alison, and quickly, her panicked questions give way to a new voice, "This is Officer Spenceman, may I ask who you are."
"A-Adam." He says, shaky, "Adam Faulkner Stanheight."
"Do you know where you are right now?"
"I'm in a bathroom. I don't know where this bathroom is, but it seems like a warehouse. Please, you need to send help. I'm still chained up and can't get to him. I don't want to die here."
"Is there anything you can use to identify where you are? Any clues?"
Adam shakes his head, "No, nothing shows me where I am, and I'm in the dark anyway. I can't see shit."
"Okay, stay on the line. We're using the call to track where your location is. Can you talk to me about something pleasant?"
Adam sputters for a moment, "I'm sorry?"
"Talk to me about something positive you remember."
Adam pauses and then talks, "There's a black cat that roams my apartment complex. I don't know who owns her or who the fuck lets their cat roam a place like that. But, I carry treats on me to feed to her, and I pet her whenever I see her. She's visited my apartment a few times."
"Did you name her?"
Adam wonders why he's talking about this, "I just called her cat. She felt more like a person to me than most people I actually knew."
"Can you-"
Adam blinks, suddenly plunged into darkness again.
He pulls the phone away and sees the little screen had gone dark.
"No, nonono. FUCK! NO!" He screams, throwing the phone.
He hears the device shatter and break.
He's once again left in the dark.
Maybe he'll die here.
He looks up to the ceiling, into the black abyss that surrounds him in this hell of a bathroom.
"God, I've never been your biggest fan, and I know you're definitely not mine. But, if there's anything you could do for me, it'd be letting me live past this. Please, I'm not your favorite son but I'll do whatever you need to survive."
A loud bang startles Adam awake.
He opens his eyes and reflexively covers them from the light.
Wait, light?
"H-Hello?" He calls weakly.
"Adam?" Comes a soft voice.
He recognizes it but can't remember where.
"Yes! Yes, that's me!" He scrambles up, ignoring the pain searing through his body, "Please, please get me out of here!"
He hears a soft choked cry, and he blinks, trying to get the woman's face in view. "Adam, you're supposed to be dead."
"I'm not, just, get me out. Please, I'll do anything, just please." He whines, pulling himself up and closer.
A woman's face is what greets him behind the flashlight. The lady from his apartment.
"Rockstar?" He says weakly.
"Y-yeah, that's me. The rockstar in the hallway. The photo you never developed." She sits in front of him, flashlight clattering to the ground.
Adam blinks, confused beyond reason. 
Did she bring him here? No, she's saving him.
With his leftover strength, he crawls over to her, chain just barely catching him from moving closer. He heaves himself to sit up.
"Rockstar, please, I need help out of here. I'll do anything you need."
"You survived the part of your test, and he didn't yet he lived, and you were left to die." Rockstar wipes at her face, mascara trailing down her face, "I didn't want that. I wanted you to live."
"I'm alive now. You can get me out of here, can't you?"
Rockstar nods weakly, hands fumbling around a key.
"Please, Rockstar. Help me out."
Rockstar looks to him, brown eyes watery and weak, "Will you help me live?"
Adam nods, "I have a place you can stay at. Just let me recover, and I'll clean it and do anything you need."
She shakes her head, "No, I have a place to live. I just..." She takes a shaky breath, "Be my friend?"
Adam pauses, "I wouldn't have hoped to see you at my buddy's concert if I didn't want to get to know you."
"Okay," Rockstar says softly, "You'll be helping me with more of this. Part of my family."
Rockstar moves the light closer to his foot and unlocks the chain.
Adam doesn't move, doesn't want to scare her.
For someone who put him into a death trap, he's surprisingly calm around her.
"Come on, Adam." She says softly, helping him to his feet.
Adam sways, feeling extremely weak. "Hospital?"
"Something like it." She mumbles.
Adam nods lamely, "Yea, sounds like every rock show I've gone to."
She laughs weakly, and Adam follows.
It's the last sound that echoes in the bathroom's walls. The sound of survival.
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zombieluver · 7 months
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The doll's hunter.
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The Hunter. 
The good hunter as she called him.
Covered in blood and viscera of the beasts he kills, lays by the gentle dolls side. She's unfazed by his gorey appearance, smiles kindly at him even.
She takes his hat off and gently cards her fingers through his hair.
He sighs, the touch relaxing him.
"Oh, Hunter." She says softly, "You mustn't push yourself so hard."
He mumbles something softly, pushing his head further into her side, seeking whatever comfort he can from her.
She wraps an arm around him, pulling him closer, seemingly not caring of dirting her delicate clothes.
"My Hunter, please take care for yourself when I am unable to." She says.
He tightens his hand around her side, balling up in her clothes, throat closing up. He can't stay here forever, but he would if he could.
"You will have to wake up eventually... You cannot live in this dream forever."
He knows that.
That soon he will wake, weapons in hand, prepared to hunt again.
But for now, he lies close to the Doll.
"Sleep now, my good hunter." The Doll says quietly, "I will protect your form here while you rest."
The Hunter nods slightly, sinking into her kindness. Her layers of clothes masking the hard body of the porcelain, and creating something of a nice cushion for when he awakes.
He awakes by a lamp.
The small souls hold his free hand, while his other hand rests atop the lamp itself.
His head hung, looking as if he were silently praying.
He lifts his head with a frown, he's no one to pray to. Cept maybe the Doll.
She'd hear his prayers and respond in kind. Unlike the Great Ones the Church prays to.
He stands, the small souls releasing his hand with groans as they sink into the ground.
He grabs at his Saw Cleaver, whipping it out into its second form.
He wants blood, he wants gore, he wants revenge for whatever thing woke him here and not in his Doll's comfort.
The Hunter wants the beating heart of a beast, still beating in his hand, to be crushed between his fingers. The blood splattering against his face.
He craves their flesh to be stripped from their tainted bodies.
He needs to hunt.
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zombieluver · 7 months
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☆ navigation ☆
ayo, im ichor and welcome to my lil hellzone of writings. I'm glad you're taking the time to view my page. Below you'll find your way through my acc and can search to your hearts content of the things I've made. Hope you enjoy your time here and feel free to shoot me a message.
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get to know me : just a little about section for me
master list : all my works
rules : as it says
tags : how i tag my things
do not repost my works on any other platform
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zombieluver · 7 months
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My main tag is # ichor flows . it's a pun off ichor being blood and flowing lol.
# ichor brews is for my casual posts that aren't for my writings
Individual characters and warnings will be tagged!
# asks , # anon , # friends will be used for response posts with the tag # ichor replies
If you want a specific tag lmk! (example # 💗 anon or # ghost anon)
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zombieluver · 7 months
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> Rules
☆ This is an 18+ blog, I'm not comfortable with minors looking at my works. I will tag my posts with nsfw works if you're 18+ and want to avoid it
☆ I do enjoy writing darker content, I will tag these posts, don't worry.
☆ I always take requests! I can't promise that I'll get to them asap though.
☆ no negativity on my posts please. it's one thing to critique or make commentary, but outright hateful/mean things will be ignored and deleted. you'd just be wasting your time lol.
☆ if you have any other questions, please ask!
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zombieluver · 7 months
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- the doll's hunter : here
- adam in the bathroom : here
- love händel hcs
x readers;
five nights at freddy's;
- william afton
- helping hand: one ,
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zombieluver · 7 months
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hey hey hey! the names ichor, im a 22 yr old dude living in the good ole state of Minnesota. I'm happily taken by my lovely girlfriend, and i promise you i will brag about her if asked, i love her so much.
i suffer from a few different disorders, which makes consistency a little difficult on my end, the important ones are DID, Autism and Schizophrenia. I include those in my works sometimes. And sometimes my alters will post their own works, I'll make sure they make their own tags.
some of my favorite series are; devil may cry, doctor who, dead by daylight, constantine/hellblazer, spy vs spy, five nights at freddys, literally 99.99% of horror media, resident evil, silent hill, death note, metal gear solid, castlevania, marvel, DC, danganronpa, genshin impact, honkai star rail, and more
i absolutely love emo / scene culture and am stuck in 2007 with my fashion, and it affects my writing just a little bit. fall out boy, three days grace and ice nine kills are my fav bands.
I'll try and post as often as i think about it! thank you!
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0 notes
zombieluver · 4 years
Just a ton of Love Händel headcanons because I have them on the brain rn
At the height of the band's popularity, Swampy dyed his hair blond. Not wanting to be left out as the only one with his natural hair colour, Danny decided to dye his hair red. Turns out they messed it up and his hair came out bright pink. For like two minutes he was mad then realized he loved it and redyed his hair twice before letting it go natural again.
They all met in their freshman year of highschool. Danny moved from Illinois to a different school in a neighbouring state and quickly befriended Bobbi, who was surprisingly a loner at the time. They eventually met Swampy who was just chilling in a swamp and they started calling him Swampy.
They didn't become a band until 11th grade when Swampy started to play drums and Bobbi kept "borrowing" Danny's bass guitar.
Since Bobbi is Linda's hairstylist, whenever he's not on tour he asks her how Phineas and Ferb are doing. He's still surprised two kids are able to do all that they do and is a lil curious about their adventures.
The Flynn-Flecters always get free access to any Love Händel concert since the band appreciates them bringing them back as a band.
Swampy is trans and his crop top is actually his binder. He wore it on stage because he didn't want to wear that and another piece of clothing because it'd get too hot. Plus it fit with his outfit.
This band is in a poly relationship and you can't tell me otherwise.
Bobbi used to be very insecure about being gay. Danny and Swampy didn't know (or at least weren't avidly aware) about Bobbi's issues with his sexuality until one night they were all smoking and Bobbi started talking and ended up telling them he's gay and feels awful about it. It was then that Swampy confessed to being trans and gay along with Danny saying he was questioning if he was bisexual or not. That night brought them closer together and definitely built a ton of trust between them all.
Swampy actually hadn't picked out a new name that he liked and just accepted Swampy as his name. It wasn't until after Love Händel broke up that he decided to change his name to Sherman as he couldn't see himself living the rest of his life with a nickname his former best friends gave him. Even after Love Händel got back together he didn't go back to being called Swampy, though everyone (including himself) started calling him Sherm since he did have a schtick for being the nickname one in the band.
Danny has fortnite danced once on stage and never again. No one knows why he did that but he did. (Bobbi was very disappointed abt it)
Swampy never had a rat tail, in reality it was a hair extension that he wore after losing a bet to Danny.
They all love to joke about how different their music is from before they broke up. They used to sing about love and the meaning of rock and now they use two kids and their friends adventures for inspiration for music.
They're all very good at coming up with music on the spot that sounds good.
They all know Perry is a secret agent and have covered his theme once but only sent it to OWCA and didn't release it. It was a birthday gift for Perry.
Bobbi designed all their outfits and keeps a theme with them. (Pre hiatus they all wore something pink related, post hiatus they all wear something with orange/red/yellow)
Bobbi and Danny have replicas of everyone's instruments. Bobbi also owns replicas of everyones outfits.
Sherman's very anxious about losing his rhythm again and Bobbi n Danny always hype him up and reassure him that he's just as good of a drummer as he's ever been.
Bobbi's reason for leaving Love Händel was because he felt like he wasn't important to the band as a bass player. When rejoining, he decided that he'd just have to accept being sidelined as a bass player. But then was very surprised by Danny actually remembering why he left and Danny started writing songs for Bobbi himself to sing and be center stage for. Danny also has Bobbi closer to center with him and they often share a mic.
Danny knew how to play bass, guitar and harmonica before the band's hiatus. During the hiatus he learned to play drums so he could write solo music but his passion for learning fell flat when he realized he felt like he was trying to replace Swampy. So he stopped and never made a solo career for himself and instead opened up a music store.
Love Händel covered Gitchee Gitchee Goo once because they all really liked the song.
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