zerosagitary · 6 years
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Este es un pequeño tributo a una página muy especial para la comunidad, Touhou no Sekai (TnS) el cual cerró actividades poco antes de su décimo aniversario. (el 26 de Abril)... Esta fue la primera comunidad la cual fui parte, y el sitio donde conocí grandes amistades gracias a la obra de ZUN, Touhou Project. 
Aya: Representa sus inicios, el personaje favorito de su fundador Sax, cuando la gente comenzó a reunirse y crear una comunidad.
Suika: Representa la expansión y el crecimiento, la etapa donde salieron muchos blogs inspirados en TnS, uno de ellos, The Oriental Zero, el blog hermano de TnS. La etapa donde la comunidad creció aún más y se expandió a nuevos horizontes
Cirno: Representa la etapa final de éste apreciado portal, donde viejos conocidos estuvieron hasta el final, ya sea en el chat o aportando con entradas. Cirno fue la cara que representó TnS en ésta fase final. 
Link para descargar estos poster en Alta calidad para imprimir: https://mega.nz/#!O1FyBRiR!HHGri7RSPkFMI-HllhrxwTGnhE216MzT8XThDRnZM3c
Gracias por tanto, Touhou no Sekai... ¡La nueva generación de touheros y touheras conocerán tu legado!
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zerosagitary · 7 years
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That’s how she rolls...
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zerosagitary · 7 years
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Let's NOT do that again.... shall we?
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zerosagitary · 7 years
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I’ve just created a Facebook fanpage if you’re interested to follow my comics in this language there~
Pls like and share~.... pls....... pls?
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zerosagitary · 7 years
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Meet ojou-sama~
She’s cold.... And the world need to know about it.
I know it could be weird, but i’ll try to start a English Facebook fan-page... to reach outher countries~... I’ll update this post with the link when I get it.
PD: This is an OLD idea I did on sketch long time ago, so if you follow me on my Spanish social media, you’ve probably seen this already~
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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And then... this is my LAST COMMISSION!!!! (For this first round (?))... A Chibi Utsuho for Ayuss!!! I hope she likes it. ^^
I really enjoyed doing this Utsuho for some reason, it was like “I wanted to do this and it’s getting how it was in my mind! YAY”...you know what i mean?
But well... I have to say something, I’m SO lucky to have had this commissioners, because they knew very well my situation, and why I’d opened these commissions... so they’ve had a LOT of patience waiting for their drawings... Thank you from the bottom of my heart.... seriously, you’re the BEST! ( ; w ;)
I don’t know when I’m going to open new commissions again, because a have to figure out how I make those PayPal money to cash in Colombia... (yeah, now I’m in other country, that’s why these commissions took me so long ;^^)
Again, THANK YOU!!!
Now I have to practice some feet drawing and prepare myself for an abomination (?)
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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Here it is a Chibi Shou Toramaru for @j15camilo​ !!!
These months have been madness for me because... I moved... so... I barely have time to do the remain commissions, I’m very sorry for the people who were waiting for their commissions, but I haven’t forgotten these...
There is one more left.. asd
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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Hello there~ It’s been a while since my last commission, Isn’t it?
I’ve been busy with a lot of paperwork, but I’m finally back!
This commission is about a “male” Youmu Konpaku, this is probably my 2nd attempt doing a genderswap 2hu, and during my research, I found out the most GenderSwap arts of touhou are too “Shojo like”... The male characters were “too handsome” or “Too fake”... at least that’s how I see them, like a model that you can see in a Magazine, and I don’t like that, because I feel it lacks personality on those characters. So that’s why I wanted to represent Youmu like a credible male character that you can see and say “Hey, he looks cool, I want to be like him”, instead of “uhhh I’m a fuckboy hur hur look at my muscles, and my mysterious sight... i’m so hot, let me pose like a shojo male”... =___= You know what i mean?
Of course~ The person who paid this commission also paid for a speed paint video! YAAAAAAY!!!!
Thank you!!!! I hope you like it~
And... that’s it, if you want to make a “male 2ho” please, do it with personality, not just “hadsome”... that’s empty.
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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It’s Time for STREAM! 
(Trying to finish commissions once for all!)
LINK: https://picarto.tv/ZeroSagitary
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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Well, this is a series of chibis i’ll be doing for my “Dark Souls” let’s play (yeah, they are in spanish... sorry)... every 4 episodes I’ll be posting this drawing to show my improvement every time I must have to drawn one of these mini-me.
Here are the links to those videos~
EP1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1bHTsII9uoQ
EP2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q8URlv8xOw0
EP3: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_kcWY8zTso
EP4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DQYjMLkPZ9c
Hope you like it~
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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Well, this is my first time:
1) Doing a Touhou drawing Collab
2) Drawing Digital Backgrounds
3) Drawings without lineart
What a trip... And I did really enjoy the process of drawing this piece, august was a very productive month and i met too many wonderful artist friends!
On this occasion, i’ve participated in the “Twitta Collab” with other of these great artists like @memefo​ @nesarts​ @oneirichaven​ @j15camilo​ @yulipo​ @rnarch-hare​ @raenbowartist​ and other awesome people!! (sorry for not mention everyone (;^ ^))
You can Download the PDF with the rest of the arts by this link: https://twitter.com/TheULiLCollab/status/773189029504442372?lang=es
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/q3r87aft82x97tq/The+Urban+Legend+in+Limbo+Twitter+Collab+PDF.pdf
Some of them have known about this collab thanks to my post in the fanpage of facebook of The Oriental Zero!!!! TTwTT... That makes me incredible happy!
Now I have to continue doing the commission I have left.... And please, follow all the artists who made this possible
4) And this my first time doing a gif of the process in the making of this Marisa~
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I hadn’t planned to do this at the beginning but... I did it by improvisation... so... yeah... cool isn’t it? (?)
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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Sooo~ I made this for my ojou-sama’s birthday~
I gave these “little chancletas” to all our friends to print them and take them photos at the place they'd like... These are some of those photo we gave to Monii that day~ =3
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This last one is mine~ <3
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If you want to print your own “Monii_chan” here is the link to download the high quality image (In color or black and white version)
The last one is special and it’s not included. 
If you like to take some funny photo of her, please send them to me by facebook or twitter~
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/zerosagitary/?ref=bookmarks
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ZeroSagitary?lang=es
Very special thanks to all our friends who took those photos~
@elhusardegaia  , @CanaryEMF ,  @blackstar654 ,  @ManuelaBrand ,  @ShinzouKamu ,  @Rlz_6969 ,  @LecheGenialosa ,  @RyuWoo_88 ,  @Squirral_ ,  @Fetandry ,  @Richards_20 and Rosa... No, I don’t know her twitter, lol... Sorry~
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zerosagitary · 8 years
HE’S BACK!!!! 
Yeah, it was epic and so quick! Hope this happen again soon
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For an epic streaming~
Thanks to @zerosagitary @memefo and @nesarts for the time and sorry for the inconveniences of my explosive pc~ 
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zerosagitary · 8 years
It was a VERY FUN Stream!!! I hope we can do it again~
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a tribute to the last nigth stream with @memefo @zerosagitary and @oneirichaven
my first fill @memefo i hope you will enjoy 
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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My Second commission!!! I really like to drawn other's people OC, don't get me wrong, I love to draw 2hus, but there is something charming doing "not well know Original Character"... This character was made for Shadnick, a fellow who makes Touhou podcast called "Nuez de Chocolate"
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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My very first paid commission YAY!!!! Currently ALL the commissions were bought, yeah, the 5 slots!!!! lañksdfjalñskgjaslñ Thanks ALL of you for sharing my “commission post”, that helped me a LOT!!! ; w ; <3
I promise when I finish these commission will open other 5 more!!! I haven’t reach the goal to at leas buy a ticket, but this is a good start!!! Thank you so much again!!!
This commission was bought by Ricardo!, Thank you for be my first client~ 
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zerosagitary · 8 years
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It’s happening RIGHT NOW!!!! I’m streaming with the great @memefo and @oneirichaven @nesarts on Picarto!!!.. googogogogogog!!!
Sadly Alfynith had a serious computer problem, so... #Prey4Alfy #SendHimTacos 
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