ytmhellothere · 3 years
Dealing with the groupers
First thing to remember that are not the sharpest knives in the drawer (there's a reason Peta Credlin was an advisor to a PM & later 'Sky News After Dark' commentator but never a pollie.
Also, groupers are following a tradition where they DO NOT put themselves forward for political office (grouper former-PM Tony Abbott is a good example of why - ultimately no-one likes them)
Be wary of them - they will use every form of surveillance legal & illegal.
They always have.
They are monsters given a green light by the media & political elite - in return for not publishing what they know. (They know it because they don't keep to agreements.)
Good night & good luck.
(I'll keep on fighting. Anything less would be dishonorable.)
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Its appears this little experiment has worked....
It was really only about thing - confirming the (local) connections between the parties involved. And one goose has just served it up on a platter.
In an evening (8 o'clock-ish) flurry of activity a few neighbours, absolutely full of themselves, had a telling exchange outside my unit.
One who attempts to effect an American rapper accent let fly with a rambling 'I should break in here... the old lady... where's my bin?'
The usual suspect added 'fat' (her favoured insult, although she clearly hasn't looked in a mirror lately) & 'a bitch'.
Another, male, cut in 'No, I'm the only bitch around here...'
Thank you.
No-one knows this is me. It is confirmation my internet is monitored & that there is direct contact between who is doing that & their locally acquired harassers.
The 'bin' ref was particularly amusing given my recent post.
Thank you again!
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Gotta admit what's going on...
supports my theory on a scam -a.k.a corruption going on befitting those who have cleaning, painting etc contractions with equally corrupt Victorian Department of Housing contractors.
The more often these flats are broken into then the more often have to be repaired.
Having a niece of a local housing worker - who is happy to use information to bully residents makes this a lot easier.
-Secondary scam seems to be forcing decent residents out & taking over the block. Why? Set in the late 70s/80's & worth mega money now to are relative/company who buys it.
Its a money maker for the ALL the companies & governments involved.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Music as harassment
Its 12c here. Neighbour has their door open at 12.22am. Music blaring...
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Working for hardcore Aussie racists
The most extraordinary thing about whats gone on lately if the 'grouper' adoption of First Nation people.
It isn't too much of a shock. Back 20 years ago in the small town where myself & the vilest cockmonsters lived they'd co-opted the son of a Pacific Islander as one of their own. With their notorious respect they nicknamed him, around the town, as 'Jungle'.
Their particular anger & dislike was for First Nation Australians (FNA).
Because of that they manipulated them into situations where they could make absolute fools of them, film it (secretly) & laugh about it later.
Many FNA's I knew in that small town didn't fall for it & quietly resisted in ways I will always appreciate.
More broadly, the manipulation is & continues to be a case of hardcore, racist, misogynist (*) 'groupers' abusing the vulnerable.
*'groupers' have always acted under a madonna/whore delusion. Women who are independent & sexually active are whores compared to married (unlike 'intentionally barren' Peta Credlin (*)).
* Childless PM Julia Gillard (of whom I have little time for) was described as such by a prominent National.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
My late Dad was a bad influence... apparently
He introduced me to a drug that he'd become familiar with & the highs are like nothing else. But you need to work to handle it - it is that potent.
But once you truly feel that rush you'll never value any other high again.
Its called *Shhhhhhh*....
Yep, dudes, we're going there...
So I get allocated to the arse whipe of Victorian Department of Housing units a decade ago while still being stalked by the creepy Government & union connected 'groupers' (historically a thing - try Trove - the National Library of Australia's newspaper archive).
Everything bad follows me as if I have a well connected obsessional stalker with a vendetta because I walked away & they are a decades old group of well known misogynist pigs & their enablers.
To now....
Victorian Department of Housing resident. Next door flat was broken into during tenant's absence. I pushed for it to be locked down again. Last month or so various tradies visit & bring it back up to scratch.
They leave a 'key holder' on the front security door (holding the keys with a passcode.
Flat is broken into via a window & squatted. Squatter is mates with other residents including one who declared her Aunt is a housing worker at the local office.
Would you break into a flat, make noise & trouble unless you'd been assured (via a local housing worker) that tradies who left the 'key holder' on the door wouldn't be back for quite a while?
Logic, like corruption, can be a bitch but you can;t deny she's onto something.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Bin night - the waste up
As expected (late last night) no more that 4 bins (2 by me) were out for collection.
Was slightly surprised when I took my rubbish out that someone had taken in all four (good job!).
But the rest are all already starting to overflow. And the bin area in general has items that could be recycled but were just left there.
(#protip - you can recycle boxes from those containing mattresses to tea-bags. But you need to squash them - not that hard, lay on ground, jump, fold, jump.... And the local council has posted visual guides to all residents more than once.)
Its hard living around royalty...
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Tabloid media
Having got NOWHERE contacting the Department of Housing or MPs I really wonder if the next step is tabloid TV & media - 'A Current Affair' & the 'Daily Mail'.
Its not as if corruption isn't an issue around here - Darebin Council was suspended for it.
And, oooh, the stories I could tell (& might) about the similarly compromised Darebin Community Health!!!
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Oh yeah...
Just like the trash out situation...
Every time Jaidyn's, or another flat is occupied by squatters it has to be re-furbished.
That's glaziers, painters, plumbers etc....
All on the taxpayers coin. Quite a lucrative reason to encourage break-ins & squatting if you're part of the local 'network'.
Every break-in & squatter leads to a new tax-payer funded community (of thieves) ka-ching!
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Bin Night
Usually an uncontroversial & obvious thing.
Not here.
I dodged the rain & put out the two bins I'm required to (in conjunction with the neighbor I share bins with - lulz! Aint ever going to happen).
You see royalty lives here. The best of the best. And while they will take rubbish out to the communal bin area - because they'd never want such waste near them - do they ever put bins out?
Um, no.
There's a few surviving old Public Housing stalwarts here among a sea of royalty.
4 bins put out while the bin area starts to overflow.
I had to kick rubbish out of the way to do what I did.
Of course, with bins overflowing, next week will be even worse.
Royalty even throw bin bags from the upper floor into the bin area.
I take my rubbish out when I take the bins in then I can (almost) be guaranteed bin space
It doesn't always work as royalty get to the empty bins before me & dump bags of rubbish because all the ones they didn't bother taking out the day before are overflowing.
We're that point again.
With only 4 bins out & rubbish already collecting in the bin area it will start piling up.
When you can't even walk in there, royalty makes a call, & with taxpayer funds, the whole lot is emptied by a private company making a profit.
Corruption... 'cause mismanagement doesn't even begin to cover it.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
You're probably thinking...
... everything I'm blogging, in real time, is impossible. If so, like me you were probably a respectable longtime middle class taxpayer.
No, it IS true. Public housing is a lottery decided by un-named public servants & usually no-one gives a damn politically.
But everything I have seen, heard & experienced in more than a decade should be a pox on both the houses of the Australian Labor Party & the Liberal national Party.
Its a feral & abusive environment. Attempt to counter those who are illegally breaking into, accessing & occupying private property & you'll be screamed down with foul mouth threats.
(In their defense, the 'underclass' only has this way of behaving - be the bully or you are the bullied).
But it IS happening... again & again... & the victims of it, like Jaidyn (because he's spent time in jail) might not be those you'd normally stand up fore but there is a reason Unit 14 is so attractive - the rent is paid & so is the electricity.
I wouldn't be listening to booming music without it.
There is a process, however flawed, to transition from homeless to permanent housing (I've been through it). But it takes time & it weeds out those who need re-rehabilitation.
That's what's going on here. There's an eager local dealer looking for new clients. Some questionable & potentially corrupt Victorian Department of Housing & worker involvement that is exploiting individuals who need further help from a broken 'system'.
That's what I've learned over the years.
The stench of corruption around all of this is heavy.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Poor Jaidyn & Unit 14
Its passed 1 am & the music is pumping from Unit 14 as it has for much of the night & day prior.
This was always a problematic Depart of Housing block but then Jaimie moved in. An insecure bully who laughs loudly at her own jokes (*rollyeyes* ...you know them don't you?) she works on the 'if you're not bulling then you're being bullied basis.
There wasn't much that could be done during the Victorian Covid-19 Eviction moratorium, when Jamie moved into monetizing empty DHS flats. During it she was even stupid enough, in an attempt to bully, bragged about her Aunt being a Preston DHS Office worker - Julie Neale/Neil.
Much more I could say on that but poor Jaidyn...
He was allocated Unit 14 after another resident following the good value longterm 'Di' (Donda Yizaz).
He's has some stints in jail & every time he's come out he's found the flat broken into & occupied by squatters.
That's where the noise is coming from...
And its always friends of Jamie & her circle
Jamie usually charges 'rent' as well - pretty rich given that Jaidyn pays the official rent & the electricity bill that makes the Unit so attractive. (That 'free' electricity is powering the current loud music.)
The link between Jamie & her Aunt opens up the corruption issue - how could squatters be there for so long & know when to leave just before DHS maintenance visits?
As Jaidyn's unit falls into that category as he rightly refused to move back in until the whole place was fixed & re-painted after previous squatters & even now has the 'key holder' padlock on the front door for DHS maintenance to return, how can they be so confident (blaring music right now as I type).
Because Jamie - via Aunt Julie - checks the DHS maintenance database & warns the squatters when the maintenance workers will visit.
Corruption at its finest.... Victoria you've done it again!
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Peta Credlin
If you're wondering why I expanded the hashtags to the LNP - Peta Credlin, stalwart of Sky After Dark & former chief of staff for Former LNP PM Tony Abbott was raised as a grouper. Abbott chose to be a grouper (as did many Sky After Dark & 'The Australian' contributors).
There's grouper dirt on both sides - it needs to be confronted & acknowledged.
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
You think I'd take advice from you?!
So the crazy ALP Grouper misogynist have been stalking, filming & harassing me for a decade or so.
I've been going grey since I was 13 & I loathed showering knowing those chronic masturbators were watching. (Aside from with - who's want to be attractive to those braindead neanderthals?). So I decided to stop dyeing my hair & eyebrows.
I was into my late 40s by this time & 50 (around menopause for women in my family) seemed as good a time to do it as ever.
The grouper crazies, convinced that (a) their advice is good & (b) that anyone harassed, stalked & abused by them for a decade would even want to take said advice created 'Street theatre'.
This is them, in their arrogance, believing as misogynistic 'masters of the universe' that their whims matter to anyone - let alone me.
So as I came back from the shops they had an older woman depart local public housing unit #3 with dyed black eyebrows & purple dyed grey hair.
It took all my self control not to vomit.
(And as usual the acting was appalling.)
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
I should probably tell you about it.
I know even if my sisters have mentioned it they will NOT have been honest
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
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ytmhellothere · 3 years
Not it isn’t the end... just the start...
#CC #ALPDespite all internet ‘DRAMA!!!’ to the contrary, no, I am not suicidal & have no intention of killing myself.
I’ll keep checking in here to make that clear.
Also... *rolleyes* I did not have an anueysm as much as some on those who would have profited off such an event in another Department of Housing unit to rent out (^waves to niece of local housing working who bragged about the connection to Housing & Police in late March 2020 when I was Covid-19 positive),
No, it was just proof positive that the #groupers have cameras in all of these flats.
My ‘aneurysm’ was my ankle giving way ( typical thing as I’m a disproportionate dwarf - my joints are weak) but the illegal camera in my public housing flats led to them jumping to (the wrong) conclusions.
And Jamie to Chris ‘its an aneurysm!
The latter, triumphantly as it would mean, along with her corrupt Aunt in the local public housing office she’d have more (illegal) sub-lets to offer,
Someone should really tell ‘Loudmoth Lardarse’ & Chris that there were cameras in their flats before they arrived here.
Have a nice day! ;p
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