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[Image description: Image 1 is the wheelchair symbol or international symbol of access placed over the disability flag. Image 2 is a picture of Barbara Gordon from DC over the disability flag. End description.]
Barbara Gordon aka Oracle from Detective Comics should still have paraplegia.
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[Image description: Image 1 is the sign language interpreter symbol placed over the disability flag. Image 2 is a picture of Jonothon Starsmore from Marvel comics over the disability flag. End description.]
Jonothon Starsmore aka Chamber from Marvel comics shouldn't have been able to speak "orally".
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I've seen some recent posts about Disability Pride Month and I respect them all. I do want to point out however that this (above image: link to wiki) flag is from 2017, created by Eros Recio and uses the colours of the Paralymics medals to denote Physical, Mental, and Sensory Disabilities. This flag doesn't trigger any seizures or cause sensory issues which, unfortunately, the flag by Ann Magill (link here, it's black with zigzag rainbow lines) has been said to cause in some cases. Whilst I respect Magill's flag for the symbolism described by it, there is a jaggeredness to it that is bothersome for myself to see, and for others with sensory disabilities/impairments.
I like the simplicity of Recio's flag more and thus think it important to share. Recio was inspired by the Queer Community's drive to design flags for all of the orientations and identities in the mid-to-late 2010s. His flag reflects that with the simple horizontal banding of gold, silver, and bronze.
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- Fictional characters only
- Please submit the character’s name, what media they’re from, and what disabilities they should’ve had
- I am accepting characters that are not disabled, characters that were disabled but their disability got written out of existence (i.e. Barbara Gordon), and characters that are disabled but are written like they are abled (i.e. Jono Starsmore)
- Feel free to be as specific as you want in your submission, such as what aids the character uses and how frequently or what symptoms they experience and to what degree
- It’s my right to deny any submission based on personal comfort and how problematic the media is
- I'm aware that a lot of Your Fave Is X blogs are comedic but this one, along with many other Your Fave Should've Been X blogs, are meant seriously. The format of the posts may be reminiscent of joke blogs but this is a place of celebration and respect of disability. Please abide by that.
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