So I Went To A Live Screening Of Chamber Of Secrets....
So yeah, first ACTUAL post, I'm just gonna ramble on about crap I really don't know a lot about, but here goes. So yeah, like the title says, I went to a live screening of CoS that had live orchestral music, and I was blown away. By the movie and orchestra, of course, but also by the fandom presence. Where we went and where we live aren't really that big of places, yet still the teather was packed with Potterheads. Granted, that was only with the nature of the screening, but we had seen TS'sS the year before and there wasn't a lot of them, yet this year they were abput 90% of the people there. And the best part is that they weren't really disruptive AT ALL. I'm not a Potterhead, I'm a music nerd (which is why I went and seen it, as I'm VERY impressed with the accuracy of the live themes) and I saw plenty of cosplayers, heck, seated just to the left and right in front of me was THE KINDEST OLD MAN EVER DRESSED AS THE MAGE HIMSELF ALBUS FECKING DUMBLEDORE LETTING PEOPLE TAKE SO MANY PICTURES WITH HIM. And the applause was great. I was expecting over-applause about 1/5 in, yet there really wasn't. Everyone clapped and cheered at the suitably heroic moments, yet didn't over-do it. Probably the best moment was when the near the ending scene wear the Malfoy bastard was sarcastically saying that Hogwarts will always be safe with Harry around, and then right after Harry's rebuttal someone yells at the top of their lungs, "YAAASSS QUEEEN." And then literally everyone clapped. I'm not making this shit up. I couldn't if I tried. I swear this isn't just some long shitpost, I swear LITERALLY EVERYONE CLAPPED. But what hit me the most is that the moments where they hissed during the "Bad Guy" scenes, I had to think to myself, "Is this what fandoms look like from the outside looking in?"
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I'm going to use this at the first chance I get.
Every second beat of Megalovania, by Toby Fox.
More songs like this.
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i just don't
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cute berb
more people need to appreciate dovekies
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this has been a dovekie appreciation post
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where are those startups that are disrupting the glasses industry
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do you have any tips for someone just starting to draw? like how to start learning to draw in general and develop an art style?
For someone just starting to draw… let’s see
• don’t be afraid to start, there is probably no such thing as “preparing to start”. People always ask me how should they start out, but there’s really no one right way. Or one that is easier. It’s just it, one day you start;
• try to not get upset if you aren’t great at the beginning, and most likely you won’t be. No one is. Your hand might not listen to you the way you want it to and the pictures you see in your head and on the paper or monitor are going to be different. Remind yourself it’s okay and you’ll get better at it;
• don’t give up straight away. If you really want to draw - go for it, whether you’re bad at it or a bit better than average, keep going or you will just stay as it is. It’s fine if you’re content with current skill, but if you wanna go greater and bigger - you’ll need to work;
• try to not compare yourself to other artists, people who draw better than you, and most certainly, people your age who draw better than you or people who are younger but better. It’s your journey, and the person you admire might have worked so so much for where they are now. It’s okay if you’re a bit behind, you’ll get a hand for it;
• don’t push youself into something like “I need to develop my own artstyle! I need to do it asap so people know it’s from me!”. Developing an artstyle, and developing a skill in general takes a whole journey, and it never really ends. Once you start out it’s not much you know about art and styles and young artists often get so confused and jealous at such a thing as style. But creating a unique artstyle is an experience, and it takes your own experiences and translates them into paper, tablet, wherever. The more you draw, the more you notice about anatomy or nature or shadows, all those little details that go through you and your own understanding of them, and then get translated into the paper. At the beginning people often start out by copying someone’s style, but I’d suggest to at least try to not get inspired by only one artist. Most of us don’t really want to be a second someone and once you get used to draw a certain (other artist’s) way it’s very hard and nerve wrenching to branch off. Take something you like from one artist, translate into your version of it, then take something you love from another, add to it and so so so on. Eventually it will transform into something quite unique, and the more you draw the more of your experiences and little notes get added to it. Once again, it’s neverending;
• it will not hurt to look up other artists’ tutorials just to get on the basics. It’s very hard at the beginning if you just try to draw, you know? Starting drawing, for example, a face just as it is with no real udnerstanding of how things work is very hard, but once you know a face - is just a combination of lines and circles and (it’s hard to get right at first) a proportion, it’s much easier. Because most of us can draw some kind of circle and then add a line or two on it. Even if you aren’t great at drawing features yet, it’s going to be looking similar to a human, even if stylized. Same with anatomy really. Look up the basics!
• it’s okay to use references, since they develop your eye more. I don’t speak of tracing now, but to re-draw things is fine and can be very helpful. Especially if you take them for a study, like first drawing something using a reference, and the next step is drawing the same thing but with no reference,
• don’t view other artists who draw better as any kind of…enemies? Try seeing them being better as a healthy rivalry. Strive to be like them, but don’t try to be THEM. You are you and you are going to be amazing if you push through all the struggles. Amazing artists can be amazing motivators without even knowing they are running and you’re running behind trying so much to catch up,
• sometimes you’ll feel sad and unsatisfied and it’s okay. It’s hard, but it’s okay. whenever an artblock and a drawing sadness happens, remind yourself it’s going to pass. Usually any kind of an artblock is a way for your hand to catch up to your vision, and afterwards you’re going to improve. Don’t give up before improving, and push through it over and over again, after all the artblocks, imagine how great you’re gonna be:”D
• most importantly, draw what your heart desires. Don’t draw solely for likes, or reblogs, of people who want a thing from you. If you don’t want to draw it - then don’t. Art with all the struggles and artblocks and all that is supposed to be fun, and to bring joy to you. If people share this joy with you - it’s amazing, it feels motivating and moves you to be better; but if you try bringing joy for people without feeling it - it’s going to be noticed, and it’s not good for anyone. draw for your joy;)
• take a sketchbook with you and draw people around you! Like try to get their poses or features with as little lines as possible. The more you do of these the more flow of body and anatomy you’ll understand, the more of anatomy details you’ll notice. They don’t have to be humans, if you want to draw nature - go for it, animals - go for those. Do quick doodles and sketches of things you like around you;
• try looking at artists you admire critically. I know some of them seem like gods, but they are people like you and they can make mistakes in anatomy, or anything really.  Don’t glorify anyone especially if with that comes bringing yourself down;
• no success of any artist deminishes your effort and worth. If someone is great - it doesn’t mean you aren’t and that you aren’t worthy. Take your time.
It’s probably an obvious mess, but I tried. Start out, you’ll figure it out along the way
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thanks haiku bot.
Dear friends of Tumblr,
Today at my school we had an assembly about internet predators and when I had said that most of my true friends are over the internet and they gave me a lecture about how “I don’t know who I’m talking to” blah blah. So please, if you aren’t a predator in any way, please reblog so i can prove a point.
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Honk 4 Crab.
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i think this sums up most of what vaska does
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sir I think no one can help you.
a duck walks up to the lemonade stand
what hapens next? click HERE to find out……….
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cheer up
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Once more for old time’s sake
🔥 With your help, we passed Title II net neutrality protections. Now we need to defend it.🔥
On December 14 the FCC will vote on Commissioner Pai’s plan to repeal Title II rules. This week he tried to justify that decision with a “myth busting” explainer where he makes a lot of sweeping claims he doesn’t think you’ll fact check. 
So let’s go through his big points:
❌ Mr. Pai claims ISPs won’t block access or throttle content
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These are the real facts. Before Title II, the internet was so “free and open” that… 
Comcast blocked P2P file sharing services (EFF).
AT&T blocked Skype from iPhones (Fortune) and, later, wanted FaceTime users to pay for a more expensive plan (Freepress).
MetroPCS blocked all streaming video except YouTube (Wired).
In today’s media market where the same huge companies make and deliver content, Commissioner Pai wants us to trust that corporations won’t use their dominance to bury competitive content or services. 
❌ Mr. Pai claims Title II keeps ISPs from building new networks
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Here’s another claim Commissioner Pai doesn’t want you to fact check, but:
AT&T’s own CEO told investors that the company would deploy more fiber optic networks in 2016 than 2015 when the FCC passed Title II protections (Investor call transcript). 
Charter’s CEO said “Title II, it didn’t really hurt us; it hasn’t hurt us” (Ars Technica).  
And Comcast actually increased investment in their network by 10% in Q1 of this year (Ars). 
❌ Mr. Pai claims repealing Title II won’t hurt competition
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As we mentioned above, ISPs tried to interfere with the services their customers could access and courts had to step in to stop them.
The FCC tried to craft net neutrality rules in 2010 called the Open Internet Order but the ISPs sued and won. The courts told the FCC that the only way to guarantee a free and open internet was using their Title II authority. Without those protections, any of these things would be legal:
Your ISP launches a streaming video service and starts throttling other streaming services until they’re unusable.
Your phone company cuts a deal with a popular music streaming service so it doesn’t count towards your data cap but lowers your overall data limit. If a better service comes along (or your favorite artist releases new tracks somewhere else) you can’t use it without incurring huge data fees.
A billionaire buys your ISP and blocks access to news sites that challenge their ideology. 
Repealing Title II would be like letting a car company own the roads and banning a competitor from the highways.
❌ Mr. Pai claims there won’t be fast lanes and slow lanes
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Let’s break this down: We won’t have fast lanes and slow lanes, we’ll have “priority access” and…non-priority access? Well gosh.
🚨 Please help us protect Title II one more time! 🚨
This week we co-signed a letter with more than 300 other companies—businesses Mr. Pai gleefully ignores—urging the FCC to retain the Title II internet protections. Now we need you.
Go to 👉 Battle For The Net 👈  to start a call with your representatives in Congress. Tell them to publicly support Title II protections. 
The FCC votes on December 14.
We’re only powerful when we work together.
Oh, also: that post about automatically unfollowing the #net neutrality tag—it’s not true. It’s really not. That’s not who we are. Whatever happened, we haven’t been able to reproduce it. We tried. A lot.
But if it were true—which it’s not, we feel compelled to say again—THAT’S EXACTLY WHY YOU SHOULD CALL YOUR REPRESENTATIVES and demand a free, open, and neutral internet.
We can do this one more time, guys! ❤️
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while this IS a nice design, no. just no. stop this. get help. what are you doing.
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Hey everybody! My first pillow design officially went through! Go support me please and thank you yes!!!!
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Tumblr Flame War: International Politic Tactics Edition.
swords? sexy
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Biker Dude = Fucking Saint.
I mean he could have been an asshole and just swore at him the whole time, or kicked him in the dick, but he's smarter than that, and provided slight amusement for all around him.
Let us pray in the holy light of St B.D, Saint Biker Dude.
One of my friends in the Boston area took this video and gave me permission to post it. She writes: “ I stood there for twenty minutes, easily. Hitler Youth kept trying to preach about “the evils of the Jews” and the big guy barely let him get a word in edgewise. At one point, the big guy yelled, “I will be here ALL DAY” and the crowd cheered.”
I promise this will be the best thing you see today.
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I am very confused as to the correlation and thought process of this post.
do you think straight people understand what a mammal is
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please end his suffering. also please end my suffering for making that fucking joke.
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I honestly don’t know who I hate more. You for suggesting this; Or me for being dumb enough to actually fucking do it.
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