your-cave-too-small · 5 years
The human is talking to someone, Aaarrrgghh realises as he ducks under yet another branch making his way deeper into the forest away from the human child. He hadn't noticed the talking to now but as the wind changes it gets carried to his ears even as he rushes on.
" -... - th..k...-.. g.. bl..s-"
He tries to pick out what she's saying as he continues, only to nearly trip as he realises one word.
oh dear.... His night is just getting better and better.
As he goes Aaarrrgghh starts to slow down a little, not enough to ge caught but enough to peer threw the foliage of the forest, slow enough to spot shining yellow eyes, "oh no."
His eyes widening the troll looks round at the girl chancing him, the one now trying to keep away from the many goblins that are materialising between the trees.
If they grab her, if enough get to her, she would stand a chance, even a fully grown troll is weary of this many goblins.
He can't let that happen.
Cartion would loose sight of the troll as he disappears into the forest ahead of her, the green of his fur merging with the dark green of the leaves. She would be alone with the goblin hord chasing her.
At least she would think that, up until the Troll once again appears. Quite suddenly, directly to her right.
She wouldn't need to worry about keeping track of him though, as he charges straight for her and without stopping scoops her up and keeps going.
Aaarrrgghh cradles the girl against his chest, in his stone arms as he runs on, though holding her is slowing him down. He doesn't trust her enough to place her on his back like his Wingman so this will have to do.
Peeking down at her. His large green eyes looking apologetic he mumbles, " sorry, don't want eaten by goblins, isn't very nice."
(@monster-slayer-cartion )
the dark forests of Arcadia it is a dark and chilly night. The moon full but under the many trees of this place it is still dark. Dark enough to hide more than you’d think.
Walking threw the forest with barley a rustle, quite impressive considering his size, is a large green and grey Troll.
Aaarrrgghh is heading back to his home of trollmarket. Having dropped his wingman off home for the night the large troll is now heading to trollmarket to keep an eye on his many eyed friend Blinky.
There have been trolls disappearing recently and story’s of a hunter recently and Aaarrrgghh has become rather protective of his friends.
As he travels threw the shadows of the trees only the flickers of moonlight threw leaves show his presence, his green fur and rock skin even then would fool most. No humans would be out in the middle of the forest at this time of night though , would they?
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your-cave-too-small · 5 years
Walking threw the silence of the night Aaarrrgghh stops as he hears a sudden rustle come from behind him. His ears perking up at the sound they turn to the direction of the sound before his head follows, his eyes peeing curiously threw the dark shadows of the forest. Was that an animal? Can’t have been the wind. and Animals tend to avoid him, he was to big for them, scared them. Then what was that... Thankfully this Troll has rather good eyesight, only being able to go out at night and living underground tend to help with darkvision ( being a Krubera Troll helps a little to). Slowly scanning the area around him he doesn't spot anything obvious, He almost continues on his way but something catches his eye as he starts to turn... was that a shine? something catching the light? Or was it a someone?? now on alert Aaarrrgghh, feeling rather unsettled alone in the woods,grumbles gently to himself as he crouches himself down. Course this happens to him while hes alone on his way home. his night had started out so well as well (Tody gotten a new sushi game and had waited for him to try it out). Staying low to the damp ground the large troll takes deep, careful sniffs of the air.
Who is there.... did he imagine it? No longer towering over the forest plant-life doesn't help Aaarrrgghh look less intimidating unfortunately. Lowered on his strong arms, easily supporting his massive weight as he tries to catch a scent, he looks very like an attack dog looking for his target. That is if you ignore the careful fear and curiousity in his intelligent eyes. Then the wind changes, half way threw a long sniff the large troll freezes... ... He then looks straight at Cartion. There is suddenly movement,from the slow movements of his walk and his carful investigation the area seems shocked as the troll suddenly dashes. For a moment , as the moonlight catches the trolls eyes they almost seem to flash bright green. The the slow plodding movements of the troll turn into a bounding sprint in the opposite direction as he catches the scent, and he neatly exits the area threw the nearest large bush. For his size, like many trolls, Aaarrrgghh can really move when he wants to. All Aaarrrgghh can think as he runs from the human (smells of sweat, metal, goblins, flowery soap) and Hope Blinky isnt to mad he got spotted. he also hopes that this isnt the hunter, the one hurting the Trolls, she smelled to young...
(@monster-slayer-cartion )
the dark forests of Arcadia it is a dark and chilly night. The moon full but under the many trees of this place it is still dark. Dark enough to hide more than you’d think.
Walking threw the forest with barley a rustle, quite impressive considering his size, is a large green and grey Troll.
Aaarrrgghh is heading back to his home of trollmarket. Having dropped his wingman off home for the night the large troll is now heading to trollmarket to keep an eye on his many eyed friend Blinky.
There have been trolls disappearing recently and story’s of a hunter recently and Aaarrrgghh has become rather protective of his friends.
As he travels threw the shadows of the trees only the flickers of moonlight threw leaves show his presence, his green fur and rock skin even then would fool most. No humans would be out in the middle of the forest at this time of night though , would they?
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your-cave-too-small · 5 years
(@monster-slayer-cartion )
the dark forests of Arcadia it is a dark and chilly night. The moon full but under the many trees of this place it is still dark. Dark enough to hide more than you'd think.
Walking threw the forest with barley a rustle, quite impressive considering his size, is a large green and grey Troll.
Aaarrrgghh is heading back to his home of trollmarket. Having dropped his wingman off home for the night the large troll is now heading to trollmarket to keep an eye on his many eyed friend Blinky.
There have been trolls disappearing recently and story's of a hunter recently and Aaarrrgghh has become rather protective of his friends.
As he travels threw the shadows of the trees only the flickers of moonlight threw leaves show his presence, his green fur and rock skin even then would fool most. No humans would be out in the middle of the forest at this time of night though , would they?
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
It was a nice if slightly damp evening when Aaarrrgghh hears a crash and yell nearby suddenly. Aaarrrgghh had been taking a walk threw the forest alone, having some time alone to think in the cool evening air. Away from the human children and other trolls of Arcadia. The noise peaks the trolls interest however and though he knows it is probably from humans, and that he probably shouldn't go near it in case he is seen, Aaarrrgghh is also very curious. So of he goes, slipping threw the darkness of the trees to where the noise originated. What the large troll finds is a ditch near a road, and inside that ditch, one angry human boy. Crouched behind some large bushes Aaarrgghh is sure he is hidden in the leaves and the shadows, safe to watch the small human. Leaning forward threw the bush the large troll sniffs down at the human in interest but the damp ground gets away from him, slipping on one great arm Aaarrgghh balances himself and gets himself steady again in the bush. Then there is a loud crack that echos threw the area. a branch was under his heavy arm. Aaarrgghh freezes in his hiding place, oh he will be in trouble if the boy notices him.
Tripping Encounter- closed RP w/your-cave-too-small
Small town, old-school vibe, wide open space of nothing but woodlands, arcade building, and strange encounters/stories of the supernatural phenomenon–this town had everything that little George had always dreamed of wanting back in his hometown in San Antonio, TX. Although there were many spooky legends and ghost stories that still spread from person to person–much like the battle of the Alamo, and the death of a vengeful bride in the Menger Hotel–they couldn’t compare to the recent stories he had heard about in Arcadia. 
We’re not supposed to talk about it, but I swear to you, we were under attack by huge stone monsters from Hell–
That roamed around the little boy’s head ever since his 14 year old cousin told him the other night, when he asked on why there was a town-wide curfew at 8pm. He had seen first-hand on how anxious his mother’s sister and her brother-in-law were once they got to the house. All of the windows were completely sealed with speared window bars, and both the front and back door held numerous locks. He figured that his cousin’s place was burglarized previously, and she perhaps was metaphorically speaking that the house burglars were monsters. He may be into the supernatural phenomenon, but he was no fool to suddenly believe in something without any physical proof. Though whatever had scared the living daylights out of them, it must’ve been one crappy and sinister group. To make things more interesting–it seemed like they weren’t the only ones that were spooked. 
As the 10 year old rode down the street on his bicycle, his eyes wandered here and there at the many streets that were blocked due to construction. The areas didn’t really look like construction work, but more like destruction; as if the town was unfortunate enough to be a target of a meteor shower. Rubble and stone laid on the asphalt here and there, as the workers silently worked. It didn’t phase him the slightest though; they had probably demolished some old buildings in order to make room for the new ones. The town did need a bit of remodeling. He shrugged it off and continued to ride forward; his feet casually moving the petals to let the bike gently glide over the road. Given the time to at least sight-see, George figured the best place to go explore would be the woods. 
It wasn’t far from town, though with it almost being curfew in a couple of hours, he would have to get to his destination as quick as possible, and then skedaddle on home. With his mind continuously wandering out of reality, George didn’t give the time to check his bike before taking off. Without warning, a loud metal clank was heard from his gears. The gear cluster had come undone, causing the 10 year old to lose control of his bike while trying to turn the curve on the road. George ended up crashing down into the woods on the left side of the road, as he rolled downhill before landing hard on his right shoulder in a ditch. Thank God the boy was wearing a helmet, otherwise his injuries would have been major. He laid there for a brief moment, trying to collect himself from the sudden pain that inflicted on him, before slowly bringing his torso up from the ground. 
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George grunted from the pain in his shoulder; not even caring about the cut on his left knee. “Stupid bike–” 
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
//awesome, and of course! I brought back a character that I've been needing to develop lately, he'll be located in the "Friends" bio section in my blog. His name is George Roman, a 10 year old human, perhaps I can use him to interact with your muse (:
Mun: he looks good to me, kind, curious little boy, where would you like to rp?
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
//Hello dear, your blog was recommended to me so I thought I'd give it a shot! I really love how you portray Aaaarrrgh, it really feels as if people are actually talking to the real one! I have also read your rules, and was wondering if you would be interested in roleplaying with an OC blog? I do have guidelines and bios of different characters, and will be happy to answer any questions, if needed. If not, that's totally alright :)
mun: Hello thereI flattered that my blog has been recommended to you, here i thought it was pretty unknown about. I don’t mind rping with oc’s generally, is ther a specific oc or plot you’d like to rp with Aaarrrgghh?
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
Mun: Hello Trollhunter fans!  Recently myself and my good friend from @kissmymossybottom have been working together to write a little self indulgent story together. The Prologue has just been posted today :D  I’ll be posting on Archiveofourown (link above) and Miss Vendel (the mun) will be posting on Fanfiction.net at https://www.fanfiction.net/s/12949795/1/We-Nearly-Died
I’m very excited about this story so I hope some of you will give it a look and give us some feedback.
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
The six eyed, red haired, four armed troll looks at Aarghaumont with a happy face and is excited to visit Heartstone Trollmarket. "Why yes, I would be truly delighted to join you!", he says with a joyous tone. "Oh, my name is Xandar Claudius. A historian and enthusiast." He explains to the big Krubera.
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“Xander,” Aaarrrgghh tries out the name thoughtfully before nodding and giving the troll a smile,” sound like friend Blinky, he historian to.”As he speaks Aaaarrrgghh leads them deeper into Trollmarket towards the bar, the Trolls, familiar to his size, move out the way for him and his new companion.
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
Hello Aarghaumont, I am a troll traveler looking at different villages and staying for a few days by enjoying the sights. I was wondering if you know what the best place is to eat and drink? Also, was it just my imagination or did I see a human Trollhunter pass me by?
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“Yes is human Trollhunter, amulet chose,” Aaarrrgghh explains, much like he has to many other trolls,” is good Trolhunter, him Bular slayer,” He states proudly for his human friend.Looking about trollmarket Aarrgghh then thinks of were best to eat and drink before deciding on the troll bar that himself and Blinky enjoy,” Know good place fr eat and drink, can show, want come with?” he smiles in a friendly manner.
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
Hi Arggghh! X3 you’re so cute that I wanna cuddle you ❤️ - Naseem
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“Can come cuddle, but be careful, still made of stone,”
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
*still very awkward, but reaches out and pets* woah...
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“That nice” He hums
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
With the small whelp in his back Aaarrrggghh carefully gets up from the rock floor and heads towards the center of trollmarket. Poor thing seems to settle a little bit and he’s glad he could comfort her, even if only a little. As they walk Aaargghh is happy to be silent, not really a talkative troll, though he does peek round at his back every once and a while to make sure Phlox is ok.
As they get to the more populated areas of trollmarket Phlox would be able to see a lot, Aaarrrgghh’s shoulders clearing the heads of most trolls round them. “ You know were Draal is?” Aaarrgghh asks.
A tiny troll whelp tugs Aaarrrgghh's fur. Phlox is trying to pull moss off of a boulder, unaware that the boulder is a troll and the moss is not moss. She huffs. It's really stuck! But she is desperate for the stuff -- moss is a useful thing to have around, according to her late Ma. Good for wounds, kindling, and keeping water out of where it doesn't belong. It's a sort of must-have; except she doesn't have it. Growling, she decides to yank it off with her teeth. ~ @littlelostwhelp
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Aaarrrgghh feels the tugging at his fur and is rather confused for a moment. He had been resting at the edge of trollmarket, watching the heartstone calmly, and he had thought alone. Blinky was off busy with something so he was left to his own devices and now it seems he has company.
The little tugs don’t hurt the large Krubera, far to big for such a little tug to hurt him, even when little teeth are used. It does make him confused and curious though.
Hearing and feeling the little tugging thing on his back Aaarrrgh pushing himself up to lean on one large forearm as the other reaches behind him, trying to catch whatever it is.
( @littlelostwhelp )
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
Hello Aaarrrggghh! I was just curious if you've ever seen online that there's a plushy of you? There's ones of Blinky and Jim as well. (and Bular but I tend to ignore that one because seriously, Bular BEFORE Draal? C'mon!)
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“Have seen,” Aaarrrgghh admits, looking confused as he rubs his fuzzy chin,” Not know how human’s find out about us, but is weird having toy of self,” He hums thinking of what else he wants to say,” Is fun there tiny toy of Blinky and Jim though, look so small.”
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
“Parents and friends always with, watch over you cause love you,” Aaarrrgghh mutters as he holds the tiny whelp, petting her back gently with his large hand. Aaarrrgghh doesn’t really know what to do, he’s never had to comfort a whelp before, but he does want to help. No troll this young should be this upset. “Want go find Draal?” He asks carfully, not sure if it might just upset her more or not. Draal does seem to be the one looking after her though,”Can ride on back?”
A tiny troll whelp tugs Aaarrrgghh's fur. Phlox is trying to pull moss off of a boulder, unaware that the boulder is a troll and the moss is not moss. She huffs. It's really stuck! But she is desperate for the stuff -- moss is a useful thing to have around, according to her late Ma. Good for wounds, kindling, and keeping water out of where it doesn't belong. It's a sort of must-have; except she doesn't have it. Growling, she decides to yank it off with her teeth. ~ @littlelostwhelp
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Aaarrrgghh feels the tugging at his fur and is rather confused for a moment. He had been resting at the edge of trollmarket, watching the heartstone calmly, and he had thought alone. Blinky was off busy with something so he was left to his own devices and now it seems he has company.
The little tugs don’t hurt the large Krubera, far to big for such a little tug to hurt him, even when little teeth are used. It does make him confused and curious though.
Hearing and feeling the little tugging thing on his back Aaarrrgh pushing himself up to lean on one large forearm as the other reaches behind him, trying to catch whatever it is.
( @littlelostwhelp )
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
Hearing the poor Whelps tail Aaarrrgghh frowns. He doesn’t remember his own parents, having been to young when he was taken by Gunmar, But he has seen the familys in trollmarket, how the whelps viewed there parents. Phlox is still young... and Aaarrrgghh can tell its hit her heart deepily. Inching a little closer to the upset child Aaarrgghh loops a large arm round her, very slowly and gently picking her off the cold ground and bringing her to his warm stone and fur chest, rubbing her small back with a thumb. “Is ok sad, is bad thing, but them always with Phlox, always love.” Aaarrrgghh knows his words wont help much but he wants to try comfort the whelp. Since having the human children about, being a protector to Toby, support for Jim, Aaarrrgghh has come to be a lot more maternal than he had been. And Aaarrrgghh had always been a softy of a troll.
A tiny troll whelp tugs Aaarrrgghh's fur. Phlox is trying to pull moss off of a boulder, unaware that the boulder is a troll and the moss is not moss. She huffs. It's really stuck! But she is desperate for the stuff -- moss is a useful thing to have around, according to her late Ma. Good for wounds, kindling, and keeping water out of where it doesn't belong. It's a sort of must-have; except she doesn't have it. Growling, she decides to yank it off with her teeth. ~ @littlelostwhelp
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Aaarrrgghh feels the tugging at his fur and is rather confused for a moment. He had been resting at the edge of trollmarket, watching the heartstone calmly, and he had thought alone. Blinky was off busy with something so he was left to his own devices and now it seems he has company.
The little tugs don’t hurt the large Krubera, far to big for such a little tug to hurt him, even when little teeth are used. It does make him confused and curious though.
Hearing and feeling the little tugging thing on his back Aaarrrgh pushing himself up to lean on one large forearm as the other reaches behind him, trying to catch whatever it is.
( @littlelostwhelp )
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
U-umm..*shuffles awkwardly and can't seem to look the troll in the eye* t-this is a weird question...but...c-can I pet your fur?
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“Yes can pet, human’s seem like to, wingman does as well,”
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your-cave-too-small · 6 years
*very slowly walks over and gently boops the big troll* hello...
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Aaarrrgghh chuckles, his eyes closing as he’s booped on his nose, peeking an eye open as you greet him, “hello,” he reply's amused.
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