xuanlw · 1 year
plots f/f especialmente desejados
i. okay but, f/f costars on a tv show who are super cute and close friends off screen, but it slowly develops into more and actual feelings. then having to deal with questioning from the media about their quote on quote ‘close friendship’, backlash from management, maybe even pr dating thrown in (with other people, shock horror). but then also cute mornings after they’ve stayed in each others hotel rooms, and sneaking kisses between shoots once it develops to that, movie marathons spent all cuddled up on the couch, giggling as they fool around, and just!! (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ (source)
ii. duas concubinas de um mesmo homem que acabam se aliando e se apaixonando uma pela outra
iii. (tw para diferença de idade, traição e alusão a relacionamento tóxico, mas o ship em si não é pra ser tóxico!!) em que muse a é esposa de algum rico escroto em um casamento infeliz, mas ela foi criada pra ter uma família nuclear/pra ser dona de casa/trophy wife/mãe de família. enter muse b, uma mulher mais jovem e segura da própria sexualidade, que acaba entrando na vida de muse a de alguma forma (seja trabalhando pra muse a ou em um evento ou algo assim) e faíscas rolam entre elas
(update) iv. algum plot fã/idol baseado naquela fancam viral da bibi em best lover e/ou nesse post aqui
v. um (childhood) best friends to lovers baseado nesse tweet aqui
vi. (nsfw) feeling like having one of those cliché plots in which muse a approaches muse b asking them for help on how to win over their crush because muse b is known by everyone as… kind of a slut tbh, so surely they know a thing or too about attracting people. except muse a and muse b end up falling for each other instead, but muse a won’t even admit their feelings to themself because everyone claims muse b is such a heartbreaker, no matter the fact muse b has proven themself to be so much nicer than muse a thought… and yeah gimme little ‘dates’ behind the façade of lessons, and how to kiss 101 (with practice) (but it’s just for science), and muse b’s yearning + heartbreak over muse a still judging them over hearsay :’)
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xuanlw · 1 year
for once again. two devastating earthquakes happened in turkey and people need your help. it's been 3 days and there are still people buried alive and about to die any minute but you can save them.
1. DON'T DONATE to kızılay.org (red cross) > why? because although they're a legit government organization, they've been pocketing donations and earthquake taxes since 1999 gölcük earthquake. there are thousands of articles about them on the internet and every turkish people asks the same question: "what happened to the earthquake special taxes in turkey?"
Ahbap Charity (charity of Turkish singer and philanthropist Haluk Levent, very reliable person) > https://ahbap.org/disasters-turkey
Haytap Animal Rights Federation (for animals affected by the earthquake) > https://fonzip.com/haytap/bagis
AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency) > https://en.afad.gov.tr/earthquake-donation-accounts
1 dollar = 18 liras / 1 euro = 20 liras
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xuanlw · 1 year
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Hey guys, just a warning because I feel like this bot is targeting LGBT tagged items. If you get a message like this one, you won’t be able to view the post if you click because it will send you to an endless log in screen or tell you you need to follow the person to see their stuff. It’s a dummy account.
The message is designed to be upsetting so you will want to click it and see the contents.
I was upset enough to click but luckily I was in the app so i knew it didn’t make sense to ask me to log in again. I then looked CLOSELY at the log in page and realized the url is fake. This is a phishing attempt and I don’t want any other lgbt people to be taken in by it. Be careful out there.
(People are saying that if you do indeed click and give your password, your account may be used to spread the virus, so be cautious of that as well)
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xuanlw · 1 year
PLEASE do not donate to kızılay.org because they are literally frauds and they don't use the donations for victims and they pocket the money! instead donate to https://ahbap.org/bagisci-ol
their swift code for payment from abroad: “ISBKTRIS”
p.s. i know kızılay is a government agency but our government officials are frauds and ahbap.org is a charity of haluk levent, a turkish singer and philanthropist and every turkish people knows that he's a good person.
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xuanlw · 1 year
hey everyone. turkey has been struck by a very strong earthquake around four am. even now, many regions are being struck still. the weather is cold and snowy and people had to leave their homes. many people have lost their lives (edit: it’s been reported that the number is 1004 now) and there are many people who are stuck under the wrecks. it has been reported that around two thousand buildings have collapsed and keep collapsing. turkey has declared a fourth level alert state. the ‘’level 4’’ alarm condition includes an international call for help. if you can and would like to, this is the most reliable organization you can donate to:
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how to donate:
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xuanlw · 1 year
i never should’ve learned like and literally
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xuanlw · 1 year
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xuanlw · 1 year
ask meme pro 1x1!
um ask meme divertido pra enviar para partners e mutuals!
faça um fmk com os meus personagens. (personagens da pessoa que enviou a ask)
faça um fmk com os seus personagens. (personagens da pessoa que recebeu a ask)
qual dos nossos ships casariam antes dos 25?
qual dos nossos ships acabariam perdidos numa ilha deserta?
qual dos nossos ships acabariam presos? por que?
qual dos nossos ships viralizariam na internet? por que?
qual dos nossos ships têm cara de quem vão ter cinco filhos ou mais?
qual dos nossos ships se dariam bem num reality show? e qual reality show?
qual dos nossos ships poderia estrelar uma série do netflix? como seria a série?
qual dos nossos ships se daria bem no apocalipse zumbi?
qual dos nossos ships se daria bem numa invasão alienígena?
qual dos nossos ships brigaria feio por algum motivo bobo e qual seria o motivo? (ex: nossos muses brigariam por causa de frozen)
qual dos nossos ships participaria de uma convenção de cosplay? e eles fariam cosplay de quê?
qual dos nossos ships viveriam um dia “se eu fosse você” (no corpo um do outro)? e como seria?
me conte um fato aleatório sobre um dos seus personagens.
me conte um headcanon angst que você tem sobre o nosso ship.
me conte um headcanon soft que você tem sobre o nosso ship.
não vale roubar! pense num ship. agora vá no aleatório da sua biblioteca de músicas e diga em qual música caiu. vai ser a música tema do nosso próximo turno.
não vale roubar! pense num filme. o primeiro que vier na cabeça. agora responda com um ship seu que se encaixa perfeitamente nesse filme! 
não vale roubar! digite @ e veja a primeira pessoa que apareceu (que seja partner ou mutual). agora marque ela num gifset aleatório na dash. não diga nada, não taggeia nenhum ship ou personagem. apenas marque pra ela aparecer confusa.
me diga um fc que você quer muito jogar contra (wanted opposite).
me diga um fc que você quer muito usar (most wanted).
me diga um ship canon que você quer muito jogar.
liste alguns wanted plots que você quer.
o que você costuma fazer para ajudar no seu writer’s block?
qual foi o último ship (mais recente) que você fez no 1x1? fale sobre ele.
você lembra qual foi seu primeiro ship de 1x1? fale sobre ele.
há quanto tempo você joga 1x1? o quê mudou na sua maneira de jogar do dia que você começou até agora?
1x1, nxn ou rp de grupo? justifique sua resposta. (brinks)
você gosta de criar personagens NPCs para ajudar a desenvolver seus plots de 1x1? fale sobre um dos seus NPCs!
você gosta de jogar com personagens canon? (de filmes, séries, livros…) conte alguns que você tem, se quiser!
qual seu tipo de AU favorito? você costuma fazer AUs para os seus ships?
qual a sua temática de rp favorita? e qual temática você não gosta tanto assim?
você gosta mais de plots real life ou sobrenaturais/fantasia?
sonserina, corvinal, grifinória e lufa-lufa. quais foram os primeiros personagens que apareceram na sua cabeça para cada casa?
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xuanlw · 1 year
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writing and recording the guide of “amino acid”
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xuanlw · 1 year
i will admit i have looked upon men with a lustful gaze in my time
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xuanlw · 1 year
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cat on ice
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xuanlw · 1 year
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xuanlw · 1 year
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Chungha ✨ Sparkling (220724)
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xuanlw · 1 year
daily mantra for overwhelmed role players:
i am allowed to take breaks.
i am allowed to say no.
i am allowed to delete asks and threads.
i am allowed to retire characters.
i am allowed to breathe.
repeat those words. taste those words. remind yourself of your position and right. role play is not your job. role play is supposed to be your hobby. don’t let your hobby become a toxic obligation. it will burn you out. you are allowed to be a person. 
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xuanlw · 1 year
onde muse a e muse b são, além de atores, ex namorados. após um término conturbado, achavam que nunca mais iriam se ver — isto é, até se encontrarem em um teste de elenco para uma nova peça, dirigida pelo diretor favorito de ambos. escolhidos como o casal de protagonistas, agora devem aprender a separar seus sentimentos dos sentimentos dos personagens que estão interpretando — ou, pelo menos, tentar.
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xuanlw · 1 year
anxiety is so weird like why is my mental illness in my stomach
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xuanlw · 1 year
it's okay if you get confused easily. it's okay if you forget things easily. it's okay if you lose track during conversation easily. it's okay if you have to ask for clarification often. it's okay if you struggle to parse information or sensory unit. you're not "playing dumb" or "doing it on purpose". it's okay to be disabled, some people just refuse to be accommodating.
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