wizards-tower · 2 years
Have you decided on where you're going yet?
No, just give me a moment you can't rush these things.
I've been giving you a moment for the last three hours!
Well I'm sorry but this is a big decision! Are you done already?
Of course, It took me all of five minutes.
Then why are you still here? Just get a kick out of seeing me struggle?
I wanna make sure you actually end up somewhere! You would probably just spend eternity in this same spot. I'm not leaving until you make your choice.
Well...I'm not the most decisive person in the universe.
Ha! You're telling me. I've known you for how long now!? Do you remember how we meet?
You literally tell anyone who asks how long we've known each other.
Well it's a good story, can you blame me?
Shut up! I'm gonna choose...eventually.
Yeah after you spend eternity weighing the pros and cons.
Well I just want to make sure I choose the right place
Uh newsflash dude there isn't a "right" place, you just have to go with your gut.
Last time I went with my gut I got frosted tips that was terrible
Oh man! I completely forgot about that! It was hilarious.
See, I can't listen to my gut! Where are you going? I'm sure that would be good enough for me too. Maybe we could even be friends again?
You know I can't tell you, if I influence your choice they might just override my decision and pick a spot at random
Yeah I know...hey wait.
But seriously how is your curiosity not overriding your indecisiveness? Imagine a whole new start, I mean look at that map! That's nothing like where we grew up.
Hold on I have-
Who knows how long we've even been here. Come on you gotta have at least some idea of somewhe-
I said wait! I think...I think I have an idea.
Oh! Did you finally decide?
No, and I'm not going to.
What does that mean? Don't tell me your choice is to stay here cause I'll hit you, you know I'll do it
You would yes, but no, a sort of compromise...I'm gonna leave it all up to chance. I'm gonna close my eyes and spin around until I get dizzy. Then you're gonna count down and I'll point, wherever I land that's where I'll go immediately.
So you're completely taking your indecisiveness out of the equation?
I can't overthink something if I don't know what to overthink right?
Well....you got me there. That's smart, even if you had chosen you would of mulled over every aspect of it anyway.
Hey there's no shame in an analytical mind!
Yeah right remember the time it took you 45 minutes to choose a dipping sauce for your food.
Hey that was an important choice especially with how bad the fries we're it made it slightly more palatable.
Because they got cold! Cold fries are gross fries! If you had spent less time choosing and more time eating you would of gotten to taste them in their prime golden deliciousness!
Alright just shut up! I'm not having this argument again, can you please just give me a countdown?
Yeah I can, but you better stick with whatever you land on. No backing out if you don't like it.
I'm gonna keep my eyes closed the entire time! As soon as I choose I'll cover my ears and confirm. It'll be total mystery, I mean except to you.
Ok fine I'm in let's do this. Ready 10..9..8-!
No wait! Start from 3!
You cannot be serious right now! What difference does it make?!
I mean it's my favorite number. Please just give this to me.
Ugh the things I do for you! Ok fine! Ready and 3...2...1!
See you later! Thanks for the fun this time around!
Good luck dude!
.........Did you really have to pick the opposite side of the world though.
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wizards-tower · 2 years
Love i think to me is just a word we place to actions. But it doesn't have to be love that we feel or say. The feeling it conveys has an array of intensities. From picking up a piece of litter, to getting a treat you enjoy, to spending hours or days or weeks or years with someone.
It does not need to be love. For many of us do these things not out of love but for something different but no less worthy. Love does not make us human just as lovelessness does not make us inhuman
Even those who shout about the inherit love we must share do not love everything. They hate as well they despise and they hurt.
To love does not make you any holier or any less thorny.
To not love is equal there is no loss as it was never required. There is no need to love. It will not prevent you from living as you do already.
To me love is trying to make things a little nicer than they we're before for me or for anyone
But any word would fit just as well
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wizards-tower · 4 years
Children of The Stars Pt.1: Space Mermaids
I feel the heaviness on my body, looking around to so many different kinds of weights in so many varying shapes. If I had the energy I would of found something much more stylish than my usual weighted shoes and bracelets. But it's hard enough keeping the want at bay. The little voice in the back of my head telling me to let go, to be free, to float, that we all have and must ignore. The almost daily stories of people giving in. Finally taking off the weights and floating like we were designed to. And the aftermath of them either being lassoed down, or caught by a net. But the few who float to far keep going like we're all warned about. Up and up and up until they're just a speck in the sky who we'll never see again.
The warnings ingrained in us since childhood should be good enough. Yes we float but we can't control it, and yet every person feels that yearning to do it a constant presence. No one knows why we're the only things in this world that ignore gravity. It hasn't made things any easier unless you get properly licensed. But I've heard that only makes the want grow more.
Humans are designed to float, but our flaw is we keep going. For a home that doesn't move with us we had to come up with some solution. The weight and tethering system were created centuries ago.
But in our heart of hearts we just want to be free. And that's what I think as I stand in the field far away from anything that could stop me.
Surrounded by so many different people who could no longer supress the want like myself. Young and old, light and heavily weighted we all know why we're here. The oldest looking man goes first and removes a heavy collar dropping it on the ground with a satisfying thud.
His eyes so dull before are now shining with unshed tears as he begins to float cries of joy sound out as our most basic instinct is fulfilled. More and more join him the cries grow louder...and then I join them.
We soar like we always wanted and we float towards an unending sky. Who knows what will happen when we reach the heavens. But I don't care I am free.
As I look down at an ever disappearing place that we once called home my mind wanders to mere moments ago when I was shackled to it.
How I wish all could feel what we felt as we laugh towards the unknown. But many will never risk what we have already deemed unfulfilling enough to pursue, no what we have decided is to frightening to reach for.
We breach the horizon and hit the atmosphere and this is where our journey ends. According to the stories told back down there. But those rules no longer apply and we keep going. Past the sky into the neverending depths of space.
But there is no fear only joy as we become what we were always meant to be. Our bodies shift torsos growing longer, legs and fingers fusing, fins sprouting as we once again make ourselves known in our real home.
We know what we are and we keep going knowing we are free. Never to be weighed down again. We float and float but this time we have control. And we swim in the stars exploring and laughing and weightless.
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wizards-tower · 5 years
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