witchygemini · 3 years
Basto Cemetery Experience & Haunting
So I live close to this cemetery https://www.findagrave.com/cemetery/1617305/batsto-pleasant-mills-cemetery  I heard of this cemetery through a friend who had gone to it with a group and experienced some crazy supernatural stuff such as someone being shoved, someone being scratched, and something communicating through a spirit box. Me, being curious and wanting to see this, went to the cemetery with my friend P. We had stayed for a few hours and as the sunset half way through our stay I had saw a shadow on the ground of something above/behind me and when I turned around nothing was there. I had asked my friend if she saw anything and she did not so I moved on. I have seen shadows before but I didn’t have much reason to think it was anything bad. As it got dark small things started to happen such as lights in the cemetery turning on and off and such but it was all small things that could easily be explained. After we left the cemetery I was driving and all day I had been joking with my friend, asking her when deer season ended, so she finally decided to google it. While she was looking down at her phone googling, I had looked to the left of us as we were passing the historic Basto village. In that moment she said she felt like something was telling her to look up and I saw her arms move and I knew she was bracing so I stepped on my brake and looked forward and that is when I saw a deer running slow as hell in front of my car. I must have missed the deer by a foot or two. After that my friend said she had a bad feeling and we both talked about how it was weird that this happened after we left the cemetery, while she was googling when deer season ended, and just when we both looked away. It could still be a coincidence but to me it felt like an omen or something trying to show itself or its power. After we got home my friend didn't have a bad gut feeling anymore but I kept having bad luck since then. I have a witch coworker who then read cards for me and they said I needed help and she used another deck and pulled the only card that holds the ritual to get rid of a haunting so for both of us we felt it was clear I needed to do this ritual to get rid of whatever was following me or attached to me. I also got yelled at by my manager for ‘messing with spirits’ since she believes I have clairvoyance and that is why I have the experiences that I do which I am starting to believe and try and embrace. I found myself getting hurt a lot and just generally struggling. I did the ritual to unhaunt myself within the past week and I felt like I did something  but it is just hard for me to tell right now because I am going through a lot. I think it helped me release anything that has been following me but I still have a lot of negative energy in my life and not adequate protection.
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witchygemini · 3 years
About me
I am a baby witch.
I was interested in practicing wicca and witch craft in high school but now as an adult I have finally adopted it as my religion.
I made this tumblr to blog about the experiences I have been having as I have been hearing and seeing people, been drawn to places, and have had very coincidental experiences. I think they are interesting and hopefully by sharing my experiences others can relate or help me make sense of some of the things that have been happening to me or will happen to me. 
I also want to share that I do not feel I have been picked by any dieties yet so I was hoping maybe others can point out symbols or signs I miss within my experiences and what not. 
I also want to warn that I feel I have a chaotic approach to magik and spiritualism so I tend to do ‘dumb’ things like visit a graveyard I know it haunted and accidentally get a spirit attached to me. :) 
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witchygemini · 3 years
💎Some Crystals and their meaning in Witchcraft💎
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Recently I am a huge - like really huge - fan of crystals. That’s why I thought that I will try to write a detailed list about crystals and what they are good for. I hope this little list  may be useful for others too.
Anxiety: amazonite, amber, agate, emerald, herkimer quartz, jasper, lepidolite, lodestone, obsidian, quartz, rose quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Balancing/Stability: amethyst, desert rose, jasper, pearl, quartz, red jasper, sodalite, turquoise
Banish fear: banded agate, bloodstone, sodalite
Banish negative energy: amethyst, black onyx, black tourmaline, danburite, lepidolite, malachite, onyx, quartz, smokey quartz, tourmaline
Calming: amatonite, herkimer quartz, howlite
Clarity: azurite, citrine, fluorite, hematite, magnetite, obsidian, pietersite, quartz sapphire, smoky quartz
Cleansing: amber, obsidian
Courage: carnelian, hermatite, turquoise
Creativity: amazonite, ametrine, apatite, aventurine, carnelian, celestite, chalcedony, citrine, flourite (blue), lolite, jasper, kunzite, opal, sunstone, tiger’s eye, lapiz lazuli
Divination: bloodstone, obsidian, turquoise
Empathy: aquamarine, blue aventurine, chrome diopside, rose quartz, malachite
Faith: emerald, imperial golden topaz, labradorite, onyx, sodalite, variscite
Friendship: ruby fuchsite, rhodonite, turquoise
Forgivness: rhodonite, rose quartz
Happiness: amazonite, amber, citrine, red goldstone
Harmony: moonstone, rose quartz, sodalite
Healing: amber, angelite, jasper, kyanite, malachite, quartz, rose quartz, turquoise
Help in focuse: banded agate, citrine, lodestone
Hope: blue aventurine
Indivituality: malachite
Inspiration: amazonite,amethyst, ametrine, blue chalgebony, blue goldstone, carnelian, citrine, garnet, orange calcite, quartz
Joy: amazonite, citrine, labradorite
Love: angelite, citrine, desert rose, dragon blood jasper, garnet, jade, opal, quartz, rose quartz, ruby, turquoise
Loyalty: dalmatian stone, turquoise
Luck: amazonite, amber, apache tears, aventurine, sapphire, turquoise
Meditation: emerald, herkimer quartz, quartz, sodalite, turquoise
Mind: pyrite, sodalite
Passion: carnelian, garnet, ruby
Peace: amazonite, amethyst, emerald, larimar, lepidolite, rose quartz, selenite, sodalite
Positive energy: amber, apache tears, calicite, citrine
Protection: amethyst, black tourmaline, hag stone, kunzite, obsidian, smoky quartz, tiger’s eye, tourmaline, turquoise
Prosperity: amazonite, aventurine, citrine, jade, moss gate, pyrite, ruby , tiger’s eye
Psyche: black tourmaline, calcite, emerald, labradorite, tuquoise
Psychic: chalcedony, unakite
Relieve stress: blue calcite, herkimer quartz, lepidolite, quartz, sodalite
Self-confidence/Self-esteem: amazonite, amber, ametrine, black tourmaline, chrysocolla, garnet, larimar, pearl, prehnite, rhodonie, rose quartz
Serenity: emerald, lepidolite
Sleep: amethyst, emerald, howlite, ledestone, sodalite
Strenght: amber, hermatite, red jasper
Success: amazonite, pyrite
Tranquility: emerald, lepidolite
Trust: onyx, ruby fuchsite, sodalite, turquoise, variscite
Vitality: carnelian, garnet, orange calcite, red agate, ruby, ruby zoisite, sunstone,
Wisdom: tiger’s eye, sodalite
Wealth: aventurine, citrine, green calcite, jade,malachite, pyrite, tiger’s eye, tree agate
In the future I’ll expand the list when I find enough new and useful information. I hope this little post will help someone. 😊
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witchygemini · 3 years
Hello Witches of Tumblr
Idk if anyone is gonna see this but I am a baby witch sending my introduction out into the Tumblr universe.
I am a Gemini, Student, Part-time Worker, Wiccan, Chaos/Electic witch looking for friends. 
I would like to meet people to share info with, ask and answer questions for, and be friends with. 
DM me to chat, I use snapchat the most so don't hesitate to ask. Be warned, I will not hesitate to block anyone who gives me back vibes.
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witchygemini · 3 years
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