witchy-businesss · 4 years
awesome for beginners!
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Basic Tools of the Craft
There are tools that are essential to every religion. And they are usually ceremonial tools that aid in a practitioner’s spiritual journey. Buddhists have their bells, while Christians have their cross. While not a requirement to each one practicing a religion, having the tools strengthen your dedication.
Witchcraft has a wide range of tools, and most are usually those that are placed on an altar, and each almost always represents an element.
What you decide to procure will really depend on your beliefs and what you are comfortable with. It is also important to know that your tools should be treated with respect and reverence since each represents a divine element.
Here are just some of the tools a witch could have at his or her person or altar:
THE ATHAME An Athame is a dagger traditionally with a black handle that is used to cast a circle. It should never be used for cutting or to cause physical harm. The athame represents masculine energy and the element of fire.
THE CHALICE The chalice witches use can come in a goblet styles, or simply any mug and cup, and is used to hold water or wine, which is to be drank after a ritual. The chalice on your altar also represents the element of water.
THE WAND The wand that you use can come in any material that you feel a connection to: wood, bone, or metal. A witch’s wand is very personal, so much so that many Wiccans prefer to fashion themselves their own wand that suits their taste and represents their personality or character. Another option is to buy a Magic Wand. The wand is used to direct energies during a ritual, and represents the element of air.
THE PENTACLE The pentacle is a very powerful and protective symbol in Wicca. On an altar, it can come in the form of either a pendant or a platen. The pentacle represents earth, and is used to cleanse yourself, your surroundings, and all other items on your altar.
You can also use a Pentacle necklace on your altar.
THE CAULDRON Like the chalice, the cauldron represents the element of water. A cauldron can hold many things like water, herbs, incense, and candles, and is very useful when it comes to rituals involving burning and creating small fires. The preferred material for the pot-bellied cauldrons is cast iron. This is mainly due to the fact that cast iron cauldrons can take the heat and don’t crack under high temperatures.
THE BELLS Bells are used to mark passages in a ritual. Try taking a look at spells, you’ll notice most require you to ring a bell once or twice, and also ask you to ring your bell to mark the beginning and the end of a ritual.
THE CANDLES Candles represent the element of fire. A pair of candles also symbolizes the God and the Goddess.
THE BOWLS Having a bowl on your altar represents the element of earth. A bowl can hold water, sea salt, and oils. It is important to have a bowl that can hold sea salt, since a small bowl of sea salt on your altar can cleanse your other tools for magick, and also any possession you have that you feel is holding negative energy.
Smudging bowls are essential for magickal working.
Incense symbolizes the element of air. It is used to clear energy, cleanse, and call in energies.
THE CRYSTALS Each crystal holds a different energy. Crystals enhance the power of your spells, and keeping a variety of crystals on your altar will help you in various rituals.
THE BROOM A broom is very symbolic of sweeping energy and keeping negative and unwanted energies out of your space.
There are so many more tools in Witchcraft that you can use to enhance your spiritual journey and your magickal workings. What I mentioned are just the essentials, and you can add to them as you progress in your journey.
Before you begin using each tool, it is important that you clear and cleanse it. And make sure that you treat each with respect and care, as it represents a divine element. Some witches, including myself, don’t allow others to touch their tools and crystals and supplies to prevent any unwanted energy from absorbing into these things. You can make the choice yourself for your items obviously, but keep in mind that you should keep your tools and supplies full of light energies!
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witchy-businesss · 4 years
☆Witch Tip☆
When using candles to represent oneself use a purple candle and inscribe your name into it or make the candle yourself! The colour purple corresponds with the spirit element and will work more effectively for spell work aimed at yourself!
Blessed be! ~ Quinn (I wrote about this tip on my old blog so if you see it on @callmekingblaze I didn’t steal it!)
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
*snorts a line of lavender *
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
✨Tarot Card Decor ✨
I’ve seen it popular lately for people to tape tarot cards on their walls as the ‘witchy/goth’ modern decorations I was curious on everyones thoughts on that?
It gives me bad vibes every time I see it, but I’m just missing something. 😅😬
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
Tarot in Spells
this is a list of magical associations for every tarot card, they can be added into spells to amplify your intentions and strengthen your manifestations
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Wands are connected with the Fire element and is centered around movement, direction, energy, passion
Swords deal with thinking, communication, perception, and issues dealing with truth, connected to the air element
Cups are connected with water, and the full spectrum of emotions. every emotion imaginable is covered in the cup’s suit.
Pentacles are connected with Earth and are symbolic of manifestation, rewards,  material wealth and material abundance.
The Fool creates new beginnings and can be paired with other cards. ex: the fool + the lovers for new romance, the fool + pentacles for new opportunities, etc.
The Magician increases your power and capability on all levels, willpower, emotional security, balance within yourself, etc.
The High Priestess increases your psychic abilities, mediumship abilities, and intuition
The Empress will help you with creativity and creative endeavors
The Emperor establishes order, structure, and command
The Hierophant can be used in a lot of ways, my favorites are 1. Pairing it with the fool to attract a new mentor, 2. Using it to summon a spirit guide or ascended master
The Lovers help invoke and attract love, partnership, mutual relationships, and passion
The Chariot is amazing for success, and triumph. I always use this in success spells for exams, tests, and projects. The Chariot will help the best possible outcome for a situation to arise
Strength will help you master your emotions
The Hermit is good for rituals and meditations based going within and gaining a better understanding of your own self, and life purpose.
The Wheel of Fortune can be used for luck, change, and getting a desired situation moving
Justice is great for truth, legal matters, and justice 
The Hanged Man buys you time for a situation you aren’t ready to face, delays events
The Death card works well for ending situations, closing doors, gaining closure, and new beginnings
Temperance will restore balance and serenity to any situation
The Tower is best used for hexing and cursing, brings misfortune, unhappiness and chaos
The Star card is good for when you are casting spells focused on gaining something, The Star card is centered around healing, openness, and hope
The Moon helps develops intuitive abilities and can be used to send bad dreams
The Sun is used in spells for summoning happiness, success, and health
Judgement will help clear confusion and help you with understanding your life mission similar to the Hermit in that aspect
The World invokes wholeness and completion
Page of Wands: works with communication, messages, action, and passion
Page of Cups: boosts creativity, taps into your spiritual nature to bring out new creativity
Page of Swords: amplifies ingenuity and creativity, helps deliver messages from one person to another, can be used to attract someone’s attention to yourself
Page of Pentacles: good for grounding and centering spell work
Knight of Wands: speeds up any workings involving passion, love, and creativity
Knight of Cups: speeds up workings dealing with emotions, psychic development, inner strength
Knight of Swords: speeds up workings involving communication, balance, and thinking
Knight of Pentacles: speeds up workings dealing with manifesting abundance, material wealth, prosperity, and creativity
King of Wands: associated with leadership, command, can help you gain authority
King of Cups: associated with personal feelings, can help you resolve personal conflicts and inner turmoil
King of Swords: aids in strengthening your communication and speaking skills
King of Pentacles: invokes luxury, great card for business success
Queen of Wands: establishes a sense of self security and sufficiency
Queen of Cups: develops your psychic abilities, also helps with understanding/controlling your emotions
Queen of Swords: helps you develop stronger focus
Queen of Pentacles: abundance, creativity, fertility
Aces: used for new beginnings based on the energy represented in that suit
Two of Wands: positive progress in any situation whether it be romance, health, career, etc.
Three of Wands: business prosperity
Four of Wands: strengthens any type of relationship
Five of Wands: used in hexes and curses to invoke conflict, and arguments
Six of Wands: manifests recognition, success,
Seven of Wands: use this card when you’re in a tough situation, it will help you succeed and come out of it stronger
Eight of Wands: directs energy and intentions towards a specific goal or purpose, helps to speed up workings 
Nine of Wands: use this card when you come face to face with a difficult task, this card will keep you brave and strong
Ten of Wands: can either be used to achieve something great, or it can be used in a hex or curse to manifest burdens
Two of Cups: union, strengthens romantic relationships
Three of Cups: strengthens a friendship
Four of Cups: dissatisfaction with surroundings
Five of Cups: causes despair and sadness
Six of Cups: lifts your mood when you’re feeling down
Seven of Cups: illusions and deceptions
Eight of Cups: used to help you move on from the past
Nine of Cups: make a wish and use this card’s power to grant your wish, invokes happiness 
Ten of Cups: brings happiness to relationships of all kinds, friends, family, romantic, etc.
Two of Swords: used in curses and hexes to cause someone to have a limiting mindset
Three of Swords: heartbreak and emotional strife
Four of Swords: used in healing spells, sleeping aid
Five of Swords: manifests conflict, and failed success
Six of Swords: this card will aid you when you face a difficult change, helps you to move on and move forward
Seven of Swords: causes betrayal
Eight of Swords: powerful energy that causes isolation
Nine of Swords: sends nightmares and anxieties 
Ten of Swords: defeat and betrayal
Two of Pentacles: brings balance
Three of Pentacles: strengthens business connections
Four of Pentacles: manifests financial stability
Five of Pentacles: financial problem
Six of Pentacles: prosperity
Seven of Pentacles: material abundance
Eight of Pentacles: if you’ve worked hard this card ensures you that your efforts will be rewarded
Nine of Pentacles: success, luxury, accomplishment
Ten of Pentacles: success, wealth
Negative aspects of the cards can be used for hexing and cursing
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
I feel attacked
Me: “I’m a witch”
Also me:
*hasn’t done a spell in a month*
*forgets what moon phase it is*
*loses most of my crystals*
*has a collection of three (3) herbs*
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
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Apple: spirit work, offerings, love, healing, beauty, wisdom, harvest
Blueberry: protection, banishment, curses
Basil: protection, grounding, happiness, peace, money, love, luck
Black (general): strength, cleansing, rid of negativity, protection
Cornflower:  femininity, fae, acceptance, health, beauty, protection
Catmint:   healing, animal magic, relaxation, calmness, happiness, psychic ability, love, wishes, meditation
Cinnamon: safety, calmness, love, happiness, money, blessing, protection, healing
Cranberry: holidays, blood magic, spirit work
Clover: money, prosperity, luck, happiness, spirit work, fae, protection, healing
Chai Spice: love, money, luck, witchcraft, psychic ability
Chrysanthemum - healing, samhain, ancestral work
Chamomile - calmness, money, love, peace, cleansing, love, meditation
Dandelion: wishes, dreams, psychic ability, lunar magic
Elderberry: healing, protection, blessing, banishing, cursing, cleansing
Earl Grey: peace, happiness, relationships
Ginger: energy, speeding things along, passion, travel, healing
Ginseng: love, fertility, beauty, healing, strength
Green (general): healing, sexuality, energy, peace, witchcraft
Honeysuckle:  sexuality, fertility, love, luck, prosperity, sweetness
Herbal (general): peace, serenity, health
Kombucha (general): sexuality, health, luck
Lavender:  calmness, cleansing, love, happiness, fertility
Lilac: love, protection, fortune, new love, banishing
Lemon Balm: cleansing, confidence, overcoming challenges, relaxation
Lemongrass: psychic ability, divination, cleansing, communication, protection, love, luck, jobs
Lemon: cleansing, purification, protection, curse breaking
Lime: cleansing, protection, love
Lychee: love, self love, femininity, beauty
Mint: communication, energy, money, spirit work, cleansing
Mugwort: healing, divination, astral projection, dreams, psychic ability, cleansing, protection
Matcha: energy, alertness
Nettle: spirit work, protection, curse breaking
Oolong: love, difination, serenity, peace
Peppermint: healing, cleansing, sleep, love, money
Passion fruit: lust, love, passion
Pomegranate: offerings, blood magic, fertility, divination, spell work
Peach: fertility, love, happiness, spirit work
Rose (general):  love, beauty, attraction, fertility
Raspberry: love, dreams, health
Raspberry leaf: fertility, femininity, menstrual cycle, lunar magic, love, creativity, protection
Sage: cleansing, protection, spirit work, smoke cleansing, wisdom, wishes, funerals
White (general): happiness, lunar magic, protection, cleansing
Yarrow:  love, divination, dreams, psychic ability, marriage, courage, communication, focus
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
💫💫witch tip💫💫
Need some color magick in a cheap way? Use food dye in sugar! Sugar is great for spells because it sweetens them and deters negativity, and you can mix food dyes to get the right color! Add the drops and shake the sugar in a jar for one minute and boom you got color sugar!😙❤
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
This is such a good resource for new and old witches!
Master Post for Beginner Witches
Remember that you don’t have to do anything you aren’t comfortable with, and this list isn’t a requirement for witchcraft, just suggestions. Don’t let ANYONE invalidate you as a witch. Whether you have been doing this for 5 mins or 50 years, you are still a witch. Special love, energy, and snaps sent to all the people responsible for these amazing posts: ♥
Basic Information/Anthology etc.
• Good things to research when you don’t know where to research (START HERE)
• Types of Witches & Witchcraft
• The Boring but IMPORTANT Basics of Witchcraft
• Beginner Witchcraft
• Crystals to Have on Your Altar (Altars aren’t required but if you do use one, this may be helpful)
• Familiars (The Who What Hows)
• The Goddess and the God (If following a Wicca Path, and just remember you need to find the path just for you. No one else can tell you how/who to worship)
Spell/Ritual Work
• Ways to Cleanse
• Magick of the Moon Phases (Familiarize yourself with this, many witches use the phases of the moon for spells, rituals, etc)
• Spirit Work for beginners 
• Crystal Cleansing (Important if you are going to work with crystals)
• Salt & Witchcraft (You know witches love their salt)
• Spell Writing Tips for Beginners
• Divination Tips for Beginners
• Spell Loopholes (A Must Read)
• Reading a Candle
• Color Magick (Lots of great ideas on how to include color witchcraft in your daily routine)
• Simple beginner Spells 
• 50 simple Charms
Stock Up & Set Up! (Materials, meanings, etc.)
• Basic Herbs List
• Magical Correspondence and foods
• Cleansing and Charging Items
• Some Crystals for Beginners
• Crystals/Stones Grouped by Use
• Witchcraft Basics plants
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witchy-businesss · 5 years
for any one doing third eye practice/research!
Seeing with your Third Eye:
I’ve spent the past several years developing my skill in how to see the other planes/through the veil and now I feel as though I can provide advice on how to do so, yourself.
1) Do not try to see, simply watch.
- a huge issue people run into is that they are trying too hard. When you want to do something really badly, you tense up and force things that aren’t there. You need to learn to allow things to happen instead of making them happen. There isn’t always something to be seen anyways. Practicing mindfulness will help with this.
2) Do not rely on your physical vision.
- one of the things that took me the longest to realize is that (for most people) you’re not going to see things with your physical eyes. Most of what you’ll be perceiving is with your mind’s eye.
3) Do not expect the other planes to look like anything in particular.
- each time I’ve been to the other planes it has looked different. I’ve seen mystical purple forests with glowing amethyst leaves, grassy fields with a lake in the distance, a street in a neighborhood I’ve never been to, another part of the town I live in, indescribable settings where buildings fluctuated in and out of sight. It can, and will, look like anything. Even if it doesn’t seem quite magical.
4) You will know when it’s real.
- sometimes it’s hard to know when you’ve succeeded. But once you have your first true experience, you will know. You will feel that it wasn’t just your imagination. It’s unmistakable.
5) Do not try to define your experience.
- a lot happens in the other planes. Defining your experience will only hinder your perception of it. What happens is not “bad” or “good”. It simply is.
6) Trust yourself.
- do not be afraid. Fear will block out your vision and potentially even leave you exposed to danger. You are in full control of your presence even if you can’t feel it. Stand your ground. Wield your energy. You are a force.
It takes time to learn. Do not give up. It’s worth it to try.
- The Sterling Witch
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witchy-businesss · 6 years
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witchy-businesss · 6 years
Can we please get a movie about a witch…
…but like, they aren’t evil or weird? Like their friends go to them to get a tarot reading on how their midterms will go. They’re always asking their friends if they can run to the store to grab some herbs. They’re always forgetting to blow out the candles on their altar and their parents keep warning them about fire safety.
Just an everyday witch. None of “the weird girl” or “my friends can never find out”. I WANT SOME REPRESENTATION!
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witchy-businesss · 6 years
Quick spell from my grandma that was passed onto her from her mum and however many generations…
Lost something?
Stick a pin in your sofa and it’ll return to you.
Why does this shit work? No clue, fam. But mum and grandma swear by it and I’ll be damned if it didn’t work for me today
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witchy-businesss · 6 years
Witch Tip
Don’t force yourself to believe anything. If you can’t get evidence of a spell working (like seeing your intended results manifest in a timely manner), try another spell. If you don’t believe crystals hold certain innate energies and have never found enough evidence otherwise, don’t force yourself to use them.
Contrary to popular opinion, there is a right and a wrong way to practice witchcraft. However, what is “right” and what is “wrong” depends on the individual witch instead of it being a universal rule. If certain spells are “wrong” for you, don’t force yourself to believe them just because they’re “right” for someone else. And don’t try to convince others that they are wrong when they’re doing something that is right for them.
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witchy-businesss · 6 years
Please remember this, sometimes we fall out of our practice and we do the minimum but that’s okay!
sometimes the only witchcraft you can do is some breathing exercises for grounding,
or tracing a sigil on yourself,
or wearing something matching with colour magick
or drinking more water than you normally would
or cleansing yourself by brushing your hair
and thats ok
doing ‘less’ witchcraft does not make you less of a witch
no matter how little or how much you practice it, magick runs through you
you are a witch
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