whumperfest · 8 months
That slow build up. That anticipatory period of just knowing.
Like knowing a migraine is going to start or a meltdown is imminent, but all the whumpee can do is prepare and hope it isn't too bad.
Maybe their friends know the signs and help or maybe they're just confused until the inevitable happens.
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whumperfest · 10 months
Someone who isolates when they don't feel well mentally or physically.
They're just suffering quietly and when they finally need help either they're trying so so hard to hide it and slowly failing to do so or they're completely alone and can't move to get help.
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whumperfest · 2 years
a character is asleep, being watched over after a stressful event, and someone comments “they look so small” with a sad look in their eyes
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the asleep character has a habit of trying to make themselves the strong one of the group that can handle anything
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the character is short/tiny and the other person’s words holds even more weight because how can someone small look even smaller?
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whumperfest · 2 years
Just… faint and feverish whumpees who need to be guided back to bed
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whumperfest · 2 years
Okay, but like, bear with me here, more fantasy beings in whump.
A merman captured into a much too tiny tank, experimented on, poked, prodded, maimed via sample taking?
A faun, caught in a bear trap, her leg bleeding, panicking as the hunter starts climbing through the undergrowth?
A centaur, getting lassoed and dragged because they're far too big to be carried?
A harpy, feathers torn out for various crafts, stuck in a cage?
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whumperfest · 3 years
thoughts on healer whumpee/whumpee who has to hide their wounds in the group so they could tend to others who are hurt? and they’re so tense because they’re trying to be the pillar of stability when no one else is but the pain keeps draining them like OOOOOO
Yes!!! That sounds amazing!
Like they're trying to hide their sounds of their pain. Their hands are shaking as they desperately try to hold them steady while they work. If they slip even the smallest amount someone will notice or they'll injure their teammate even worse.
Maybe dizziness hits, their knees wobble, they force themself to keep standing, keep working on their team.
They can't let them down.
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whumperfest · 3 years
Hot coals are an under used concept.
Can you imagine someone having to hold one or face worse punishment.
Maybe they're stuck in a hole and the whumper just casually keeps chucking coals down on them, burning hot and searing their skin upon impact.
Maybe they have to move a load of burning coals, but were not given the supplies to do so and must do it manually.
Maybe one gets put in their mouth.
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whumperfest · 3 years
Hear me out, a whumpee who's forced to whump themself.
Maybe like, their friends are caught and in danger and the only way to keep them safe is to rip their own fingernails off with a set of pliers.
Or maybe they have to burn themself over and over again. Like they're given metal rods and a way to heat them and the only instructions they given are to "paint a pretty picture, don't mess up."
Maybe they have to nail their own hand to a board. Pull out their own teeth or sacrifice an eye.
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whumperfest · 3 years
A whumper who is also the caretaker. Just quietly keeping their precious whumpee close using either stealthy methods or just outright being obvious about it.
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whumperfest · 4 years
Whumpees who can't talk and are tortured for hours, their captors not realizing this isn't a really tough nut to crack, just someone who cannot beg them to stop.
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whumperfest · 4 years
The whumpee laying down to get a good night's rest for the first time in a long time, but when they wake up, it's to the taste of stale blood in their throat and blood smeared all over their face and pillow.
It was just a bloody nose that happened in their sleep, but it still triggers a deep fear, a reminder of a much much less peaceful time.
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whumperfest · 4 years
Boosting a stream here that's raising money for The Survivor's Trust over in the UK.
The Suvivor's trust works with other charities to provide support to sexual assault suvivors more info here:
And the stream is going to raise £1000 for the cause. The stream is here:
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whumperfest · 4 years
Not whump, but you ever just revisit an old game from your past for comfort reasons and like, the graphics are awful, the gameplay is clunky, and the whole thing is terrible plot and character-wise, but you love it and wouldn't have it any other way because you used to play it with someone you love and those warm feelings come back?
Me neither.
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whumperfest · 4 years
What about a whumpee who's decided they've had way more than enough? They grab the whumper's hand mid-strike, eyes alight with fire once more and then they give the whumper everything back and more.
Role-reversal, make that sweet bean a mean bean.
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whumperfest · 4 years
I accidentally hung out with a spider for a few hours today and I realized... Spiderbite references!
In the US there are two truly dangerous types of spider bites.
The brown recluse doesn't often cause major issues for most people. Common signs of a brown recluse bite is just inflammation.
But for about 10% of people the area will sink down as the venom destroys the network of capillaries around the bite area. The skin in that area will also start dying. The bite might also develop a bull's-eye mark that has a blue center surrounded by a ring of white, then a ring of red.
Some people will experience nausea, vomiting, a rash over their body, fevers, chills, and joint stiffness anywhere from 24-72 hours after the bite occurs.
Treatment would involve putting ice on the bite and then seeking medical help for antibiotics.
However if the person's urine turns orange or cola colored, medical help is immediately advised as this is the venom destroying red blood cells.
Then there's the good old classic, Black Widows. These are characterized by a black body and a red hourglass like shape. They are more common in western and southern states.
(There's also a Northern Black Widow, but it has a row of red spots down the middle of its abdomen.)
Most of the time, people complain of flu-like symptoms from the bite. However sometimes there is severe pain involved; severe enough that people believe they have appendicitis or are experiencing a heart attack.
The pain is intense muscle cramping and pain that radiates from the bite up the limb of the bite site. There's sweating, either on the whole body or part of a limb.
Furrher symptoms include light sensitivity, headache, anxiety, nausea, vomiting, heavy salivation including drooling, dizziness, difficulty breathing, stiffness, tremors, severe weakness, a rash, and even swollen eyelids.
A cool compress or ice is recommended at this point as well as medical attention. For the most part, this involves pain relievers and muscle relaxers and then little to no chance of a hospital stay. However instead of antibiotics, an antivenom may be used for more severe cases. Antivenom isn't used as much due to the high side effect rate.
You see where I'm going with this.
Antivenom treatments for a black widow bite can require monitoring for nearly 8-12 days by a doctor.
Allergic reactions, muscle cramps, and potential Serum Sickness.
Serum Sickness is kind of like an allergic reaction. The body sees the antivenom and believes a protein in it is a foreign entity attack on the body.
Serum sickness can develop 7-21 days after a medicine is taken. Some people can also develop symptoms in as little as 1-3 days.
Symptoms include: fever, rash, a general ill-feeling, hives, itching, joint pain, a rash, and swollen lymph nodes.
Treatment for serum sickness just involves stopping the medication causing it and treating the symptoms.
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whumperfest · 4 years
Quick update: Didn't lose my house, but now we're talking disability for me. This process is exhausting and I'm just chugging through it the best I can.
I'm okay and I'll be okay, I'm just taking some more time for me.
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whumperfest · 4 years
So I may go radio silent for a long time again.
I'm at an impasse in some really personal stuff and I don't know if I have to leave my house as a result.
I won't be out of a home, maybe moving into an apartment. Either way, I'm safe, I'm not okay, but I will be.
Thanks everyone, have a good day!
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