waldschlaf · 7 months
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waldschlaf · 10 months
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waldschlaf · 1 year
Aku pikir Hujan menjebak kenangan..
Mungkin.. suara buku dan aromanya, gemercik air di tempat cuci piring, rasa hangat selimut ketika badai, melodi dari tanah yang dingin, perasaan yang gagal tersampaikan,atau punggung ibu yang sedang tidur.
Ketika hujan turun rasanya masa lalu seperi hari kemarin. Dan Sebagian diriku ingin kembali.
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waldschlaf · 1 year
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Gumpalan hitam yang terpendam dalam awan lepas dan menurunkan bulir-bulir memory
Mungkin Ingatan samar-samar, lagu yang entah dari mana datangnya, rindu yang bergejolak, kopi hangat,indomie atau hanya sekedar kantuk selimut dan tempat tidur..
Teringat puisi yang dulu waktu SMP pernahku baca dari komik bleach, inoe berkata;
"Lalu jika aku hujan ..
Akan kah aku dapat terhubung dengan hati seseorang ??
Seperti langit dan bumi yang terhubung tanpa pernah menyatu.."
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waldschlaf · 2 years
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Di bawah cahaya
matamu masih saja berkelana mencari biru
Sepetak tanah gersang
tidak mampu menyerap sebagian pilu yang lama terbendung di bahu
Wajah-wajah ceria
Menyembunyikan tangisan di ruang hampa
Tidak merambat, tidak terdengar
Hitam , tanpa adanya bintang yang bisa di jadikan sebagai sandaran atau petunjuk.
Kotamobagu, 8 Juli 2022
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waldschlaf · 2 years
Terima kasih mas aan mansyur untuk karyanya 😇
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waldschlaf · 2 years
Gubuk tua kesepian Dan Ke khawatiran, hanyalah musafir yang singgah berteduh
Aroma Jalanan basah selepas hujan
perpaduan kolase ingatan yang abstrak dan biru..
Bahasa untuk tetap tinggal
Tidak pernah berhasil melewati kerongkongan..
Lalu senyum mu adalah Tembok yang di bangun berdasarkan reruntuhan masa lalu. .
Berlindung di baliknya. .
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Stars Make Firework Supplies!
The next time you see fireworks, take a moment to celebrate the cosmic pyrotechnics that made them possible. From the oxygen and potassium that help fireworks burn to the aluminum that makes sparklers sparkle, most of the elements in the universe wouldn’t be here without stars.
From the time the universe was only a few minutes old until it was about 400 million years old, the cosmos was made of just hydrogen, helium and a teensy bit of lithium. It took some stellar activity to produce the rest of the elements!
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Stars are element factories
Even after more than 13 billion years, the hydrogen and helium that formed soon after the big bang still make up over 90 percent of the atoms in the cosmos. Most of the other elements come from stars.
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Stars began popping into the universe about 400 million years after the big bang. That sounds like a long time, but it’s only about 3% of the universe’s current age!
Our Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope will study the universe’s early days to help us learn more about how we went from a hot, soupy sea of atoms to the bigger cosmic structures we see today. We know hydrogen and helium atoms gravitated together to form stars, where atoms could fuse together to make new elements, but we're not sure when it began happening. Roman will help us find out.
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The central parts of atoms, called nuclei, are super antisocial – it takes a lot of heat and pressure to force them close together. Strong gravity in the fiery cores of the first stars provided just the right conditions for hydrogen and helium atoms to combine to form more elements and generate energy. The same process continues today in stars like our Sun and provides some special firework supplies.
Carbon makes fireworks explode, helps launch them into the sky, and is even an ingredient in the “black snakes” that seem to grow out of tiny pellets. Fireworks glow pink with help from the element lithium. Both of these elements are created by average, Sun-like stars as they cycle from normal stars to red giants to white dwarfs.
Eventually stars release their elements into the cosmos, where they can be recycled into later generations of stars and planets. Sometimes they encounter cosmic rays, which are nuclei that have been boosted to high speed by the most energetic events in the universe. When cosmic rays collide with atoms, the impact can break them apart, forming simpler elements. That’s how we get boron, which can make fireworks green, and beryllium, which can make them silver or white!
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Since massive stars have even stronger gravity in their cores, they can fuse more elements – all the way up to iron. (The process stops there because instead of producing energy, fusing iron is so hard to do that it uses up energy.)
That means the sodium that makes fireworks yellow, the aluminum that produces silver sparks (like in sparklers), and even the oxygen that helps fireworks ignite were all first made in stars, too! A lot of these more complex elements that we take for granted are actually pretty rare throughout the cosmos, adding up to less than 10 percent of the atoms in the universe combined!
Fusion in stars only got us through iron on the periodic table, so where do the rest of our elements come from? It’s what happens next in massive stars that produces some of the even more exotic elements.
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Dying stars make elements too!
Once a star many times the Sun’s mass burns through its fuel, gravity is no longer held in check, and its core collapses under its own weight. There, atoms are crushed extremely close together – and they don’t like that! Eventually it reaches a breaking point and the star explodes as a brilliant supernova. Talk about fireworks! These exploding stars make elements like copper, which makes fireworks blue, and zinc, which creates a smoky effect.
Something similar can happen when a white dwarf star – the small, dense core left behind after a Sun-like star runs out of fuel – steals material from a neighboring star. These white dwarfs can explode as supernovae too, spewing elements like the calcium that makes fireworks orange into the cosmos.
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When stars collide
White dwarfs aren’t the only “dead” stars that can shower their surroundings with new elements. Stars that are too massive to leave behind white dwarfs but not massive enough to create black holes end up as neutron stars.
If two of these extremely dense stellar skeletons collide, they can produce all kinds of elements, including the barium that makes fireworks bright green and the antimony that creates a glitter effect. Reading this on a phone or computer? You can thank crashing dead stars for some of the metals that make up your device, too!
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As for most of the remaining elements we know of, we've only seen them in labs on Earth so far.
Sounds like we’ve got it all figured out, right? But there are still lots of open questions. Our Roman Space Telescope will help us learn more about how elements were created and distributed throughout galaxies. That’s important because the right materials had to come together to form the air we breathe, our bodies, the planet we live on, and yes – even fireworks!
So when you’re watching fireworks, think about their cosmic origins!
Learn more about the Roman Space Telescope at: https://roman.gsfc.nasa.gov/
Make sure to follow us on Tumblr for your regular dose of space: http://nasa.tumblr.com
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Dalam hitam, langit-langit rumah adalah pintu menuju masa lalu
Dalam hitam, prasangka selalu menyesatkan
Dalam hitam, setiap tetes air mata ada kalimat yang tidak pernah berhasil melewati kerongkongan
Dalam hitam, aku Merapal letak kening mu dipundak ku dulu
Dalam hitam, Suara piring yang dicuci ibu adalah hal yang paling menenangkan
Dalam hitam..
Tidak ada yang benar-benar gelap
Dan Dalam hitam, suara hujan adalah lagu tidur terbaik.
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waldschlaf · 3 years
If you feel like you‘re losing everything, remember that trees lose their leaves every year and they still stand tall and wait for better days to come.
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Dahulu kala namamu rimbun di kedua tangan
Lalu kesunyian adalah saksi bagaimana debit kata Menjadi sungai Doa yang bermuara ke pada dirimu
Tidak ada permintaan agar kita tetap bersama
Yang aku harap Tuhan akan membuatmu Mencintai dirimu jauh.. melebihi yang aku lakukan kepadamu
Pic by @valliantpeacockhideout
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Kita tidak punya manifestasi rasa
Dan mimpi mimpi bukan lagi rumah yang layak untuk dihuni
di lembah yang dingin, api yang Sulut membakar sisa nafas dan langkah-langkah menuju tempat mu
Tidak ada kompas
Utara hanya jarum yang berputar di kegelapan
Aku ingin pulang di keningmu
Tapi Jalan setapak hanya mampu membawa ke persimpangan.
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Di horizon kulihat langit dan laut seakan menyatu, tapi nyatanya tidak begitu
Karena keterbatasan indra manusia
Terkadang Yang kita lakukan hanyalah berspekulasi
kita Membenarkan sesuatu yang ingin kita percayai walaupun itu sebenarnya salah,
Walau itu sesuatu hal yang masih samar-samar.
Dari dulu aku sadar akan hal itu
Dan sejak dahulu kala
aku menipu diriku..
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waldschlaf · 3 years
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waldschlaf · 3 years
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Mengintip pelangi dari kaca yang retak
Dimana kita menemukan sesuatu yang hangat untuk di lewati.
Laut biru dan matamu ,masih saja mencari daratan untuk di jadikan alasan
Menjadikan lembah yang asing sebagai tempat untuk bersembunyi dan menyembuhkan diri
Kabut mulai terbuka
Dan langkah kaki yang dingin masih mencari kehangatan di teras rumahmu
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waldschlaf · 3 years
Badai lambat berlalu
Dan peluk mu seperti karang yang tak mempedulikan ombak..
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