w3ndyslvrr · 18 days
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erin ulmer!!! the silly
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w3ndyslvrr · 2 months
currently in love with them if i think about them for too long i start going feral and foaming at the mouth can we please have some alex x clear appreciation please please please please
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w3ndyslvrr · 3 months
happy birthday ian mckinley!!! you would’ve been 35 today
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w3ndyslvrr · 4 months
happy valentine’s day to the second best couple ever (first is me and my gf)
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w3ndyslvrr · 4 months
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w3ndyslvrr · 4 months
ian and erin headcanons
- they would watch south park together. erin loves kyle and ian loves cartman
- ian would get roblox just to bully children, erin would yell at him for it but then join in (modern day au)
- every year at christmas they take turns going to each others house (but they usually just end up at ian’s)
- for her birthday ian got erin a pink jellycat as a joke but she treats it like an actual animal and treasures it
- erin has a crippling phobia of soft play centres and ian tries to help her get over it but she will scream and cry and have a tantrum
- erin listens to paramore and blasts it at 3am
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w3ndyslvrr · 4 months
fav fd cgaracters and y?
all of them really, it’s hard to pick favourites 🥹
but my absolute favourites of all are erin simply because i love her personality, and i love her style, and i love her in general she’s so silly!!!
and wendy because like. it’s wendy. come on. self explanatory. everyone loves wendy and if you don’t like wendy then you’re lying because everyone loves wendy :3
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w3ndyslvrr · 5 months
Hey :) do you by chance have any Alex x Tod head cannons (I’m not sure I’ve asked or if someone else had)
Oh boy do I ever-
-Tod steals all of Alex’s clothes to the point that Alex had to borrow some of his dad’s. The sweater he wears in the beginning of the film is from Alex!
-They go 2 karaoke 2gether<333!!! Tod sounds good while Alex sounds like a dying cat lmao-
-ANGST TIME MOTHERFUCKERS (cw for suicide) After the plane explosion they call each other every hour, assuming the other killed themseleves
Angst time over :)
-They sleep together (not in that way u pervs) and in the morning they wake up in a heap of limbs, it’s fucking adorable!!!
-Tod will send Alex photos of weird animals and say “this looks like you”. Alex does not appreciate this (he totally does).
-Tod uses leet speak when talking to Alex online and it takes Alex a solid ten minutes to decipher what he’s saying.
-They at one point tried to be “kool kidz” by going to a rave and it went so bad! Alex had a panic attack and a massive fucking migraine, Tod got into a fight and broke his nose, and the night ended with them getting kicked out lmao-
Hope you liked this :) anyways I love these little loserboy gays so much (≧∇≦)
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w3ndyslvrr · 5 months
welcome to my blog!
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my name is erin
i am a demigirl and aspec lesbian
my pronouns are she/they
i am a MINOR, nsfw dni. 18+ dni. (even if sfw).
i am autistic and my posts will mainly be about my special interests and hyperfixations. if you have an issue with this, simply just block me (seriously guys it’s not that hard).
my special interest is history (subject) and final destination (movies), and my latest hyperfixation is danganronpa (thh, sdr2, drv3)
i will post mainly about final destination; my headcanons, fanfic/fanfic recs, or just random little thoughts.
dni list:
- basic dni criteria (racist, ableist, homophobic, etc.)
- isra3l supporters
- irl g0re blogs
- pr0sh1ppers
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