visiontothedark · 7 years
Costuming F*#kery
Guys guys guys guys guys!!! (Tinfoil Hattery below!)
I just picked up the Blu Ray for Season 4 and I was watching some of the extras at the end of disk 2. Specifically, I was watching Mark’s video diary, Final Scenes.
Look at what he is wearing in this video diary!! 
(Sorry for the poor quality, my good TV is in the shop.)
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That is a grey suit. White stripe. PURPLE TIE. I know it’s hard to tell in these photos, but it’s the purple tie from TAB!! And the same exact suit.
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The tie.
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The striped pants.
He’s wearing it again here, a few minutes later in the video diary, when he shows us Eurus’s cell.
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 He also does a lovely Hannibal Lecter impression here. Can you believe this guy?? 
The thing is, this exact suit and tie combo does not appear anywhere in TFP, or anywhere else in the season. (I looked. Maybe I missed it, if anyone cares to look.)
He’s wearing the suit in the TFP scene in his home, but the tie is different. It’s maroon. (hard to tell by the photo, but check it out yourself if you like.)
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So why is he wearing the TAB suit/tie on set for Season 4??
Reasonable explanation or conspiracy?
Did they merely change ties or did they re-shoot some previous scenes where he was wearing that suit and tie?
Tagging tinfoil hatters.
@marathecactupus​ @k-s-morgan​ @the-7-percent-solution​ @sherlock-overflow-error​ @sherlockedmeta​ @gingerhermit​ @mycroftseyebrow​ @averybritishbumblebee​ @inevitably-johnlocked​ @just-sort-of-happened​ @melody-clark​ @hnm22705
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visiontothedark · 7 years
You think there’s a secret 4th episode. That’s GREAT. I agree, there were a lot of things that don’t make any sense in S4 and we could use some explaining. Don’t stop believing. 🌟
You don’t believe there’s a secret 4th episode. That is also GREAT. I agree Mofftiss are assholes and it’s hard to trust them. You don’t want to get your hopes up and get hurt again. 💖
Biggest reason for me to wish for a 4th ep: S4 lacked heart, was riddle with plot holes and I can’t believe they did that to the Three Garridebs
Biggest reason for me to not believe in a 4th ep: The horrible disappointment and Mofftiss themselves.
You think you’re a better fan because you’re in one camp or the other? Then fuck right off! We can believe in/hope for different things without being assholes to each other.
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visiontothedark · 7 years
Man and Woman: Share 20 seconds of screentime
Audience: These two are in love
Two Men: Die for each other, kill for each other, come back to life for each other, are the most important people in each others' lives
Audience: Bros. No homo. I'm gonna need a 100,000 word essay with referenced sources on why these two could possibly be the slightest bit romantic and I'm still not going to believe it. God, why does everything have to be gay?! Can't you accept that friendships exist?!?!?!
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visiontothedark · 7 years
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based on the tags here
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visiontothedark · 7 years
Who You Really Are 
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visiontothedark · 7 years
✨ Mental Health Starter Pack for Times of Change ✨
Change can be scary. It can be difficult, overwhelming, and affect our mental, physical, and emotional health in all sorts of ways. Whatever you’re feeling right now, you definitely don’t have to feel it alone. Below is a list of resources and self-care tips to help make life a little bit easier. And if you don’t need them right now, pass ‘em along to a friend who might.
Got more tips? Reblog and add your favorites to the bottom, or make your own post and tag it #postitforward so we all know where to look.
National Suicide Prevention Lifeline: Available 24/7 at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Crisis Text Line: Free, 24/7 support for anyone in crisis. Text START to 741741.
IMALIVE: Chat confidentially with a volunteer trained in crisis intervention.
7 Cups of Tea: Speak anonymously with a trained active listener.
NAMI: Dedicated to improving the lives of anyone living with mental illness. Free to chat at 1-800-950-6264.
Trans Lifeline: Dedicated to the well being of transgender people. USA: 1-877-565-8860. Canada: 1-877-330-6366.
The Trevor Project (@thetrevorproject): Confidential suicide hotline for LGBTQ young people. Available 24/7 at 1-866-488-7386.
The GLBT National Help Center: Provides LGBTQ people with free and confidential peer support at 1-888-843-4564. Youth Talkline: 1-800-246-7743.
It Gets Better Project (@itgetsbetterproject): Communicating to LGBTQ youth around the world that it gets better.
To Write Love On Her Arms (@twloha): Dedicated to helping people struggling with depression, addiction, self-injury, and suicide.
American Psychological Association: A resource for finding mental health care in your area.
NEDA: Help and support for people struggling with eating disorders. You can call 1-800-931-2237 or chat with them online.
Self-Care Tips
Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it.
Remember to be kind to others and yourself.
Drink plenty of water and don’t forget to eat.
Get enough sleep.
Have a movie or TV marathon.
Read a good book. Start a new series.
Read the #positivity and #postitforward tags on Tumblr.
Draw something or color in a picture.
Take a bath or long shower.
Write your thoughts down in a journal.
Turn your feelings into art. Make crafts.
Bake or cook something you like.
Go for a walk. Have a dance.
Watch a funny video.
Light your favorite candle(s).
Listen to your favorite music.
Take deep breaths. Try meditation.
Talk to a friend, a loved one, or someone you trust.
Make a list of things that bring you happiness. (This really works!)
Do some of those things! See those people!
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visiontothedark · 7 years
It’s not called the “Tinfoil Hat Club” for nothing.  
But where are the producers? Where are the writers? The actors? Why isn’t the BBC proud of that great groundbreaking, water-cooler moment of theirs? We know the scripts get approval before they’re given the budget – where are these people associated with this series and why aren’t they on their victory tour? This was their “shattering climax”, so where are they? 
Honestly, I don’t care if you all give up on this, I don’t blame you one bit, because after Sunday night/Monday morning I, too, will be giving up.  
“Dead in the car for a week” – “Cursed videotape, you die a week later” – “People always give up after three” - “The Lost Special” - “Might we expect a happy announcement by the end of the week?”
Look, we all have figured out a way that this series could be saved if this is how they’ve planned to do it all along. If we turn out to be better writers, marketing consultants, and storytellers than they are, so be it.  For me they’ve got a week from The Final Problem.  Why they’d wait longer than that, I have no idea. I said this four days ago and I’ll say it again: I’m in this conspiracy til Sunday. I don’t expect them to put the episode on TV – I was always hopeful, but as we said days ago, Apple Tree Yard IS a real show and it’s been in the works for over a year now.  A “leak” online of extra footage was one of our earlier theories for this Sunday, because it fits the theme of series 4. 
“The Lost Special” – which Moffat mentioned there not existing in Sherlock – does exist in Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s canon and it’s thought to be about Sherlock Holmes. Read it if you think it’ll give you any insight. 
I’m still having an obscene amount of fun, even if some of our early predictions haven’t come true.  That’s why we’re in The Tinfoil Hat Club.  
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visiontothedark · 7 years
BBC Sherlock, Gaslighting, & How Much I Love You (Yes *You*)
You’d think that I’d be all over TFP tinhatting.  I’ve been entranced by the “you can’t trust what you’re seeing” imagery in BBC Sherlock since I started watching it.  I even wrote a post, shortly before TFP, about how we as the fans are like John looking up at BBC Sherlock on the roof at Bart’s, watching him as he lies to us, trying to have faith. “Faith is a funny thing,” I wrote in that post.  “It’s not inherently good or bad.  To lose faith when it ought to be kept is a tragedy, but so is to keep faith when it ought to be cast aside.”
Like a lot of people, I’ve been flipping back and forth between two readings of TFP.  The first reading says, “BBC Sherlock is actually terrible.  All the things I thought I saw - the imagery, the clues, the characterization, the mirroring, the references - I must have just made up.  TFP is real, it has to be.”  The second reading says, “BBC Sherlock has gotten really, really meta.  TFP is fake, and they’re violating all sorts of norms about how television works in order to surprise everyone and make a point.  TFP is fake, it has to be.” 
These readings are in conflict, not just with each other but with me.  Believing either requires me to question my own reality.  If I accept that TFP is real I have to question my ability to read and understand stories.  If I accept that TFP is fake I have to question all sorts of norms about how the world works and how tv gets made.  
Neither feels tenable.  And I feel like, well:
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(Image by @livingthegifs)
I doubt I’m alone in this.  And the idea that anyone else in fandom feels like this, especially the younger fans, the other queer folks, the people who already deal with mental health issues – it breaks my heart.
So I want to be absolutely clear here:
Your perceptions of reality are not flawed.  You are not wrong to be deeply upset by TFP.  And you are not alone.
There are, more or less, three theories about TFP:
1)  We made up everything.  We took coincidences and concocted a false narrative in our heads.  Our predictions were wrong because our perception of the evidence was wrong.
2)  TFP is fake.  We’ve been right all along, and the creators are preparing a giant rug-pull, hopefully without realizing how much distress they’ve caused. Our predictions will be proved right because our perception of the evidence was right.
3)  TFP is real, and all the ‘evidence’ we thought we had was planted either to fuck with us or because the creators changed the story they were telling.  Our predictions were wrong, but our perception of the evidence was largely correct.
I am going to go ahead and eliminate #1 as impossible.  We did not make up everything.  We did not make up the ‘question reality’ imagery used over and over again in the show.  We did not make up the references to queer icons, including to Oscar Wilde and Freddie Mercury in TFP itself.  Much of the stuff we’ve pointed out in our metas may be coincidence but not all of it, and not all of it together.  
One of the other two options must then be the truth.  I can’t say which it is - obviously I’d prefer #2, but #3 is still possible.  But both imply two things:
* The creators are fucking with our sense of reality.
* Our sense of reality is just fine.
And this is what angers me so deeply.  Because gaslighting is awful.  It’s a textbook sign of abuse.  It’s something that multiple BBC Sherlock villains engage in – Culverton Smith most notably, but also Frankland in THoB and Moriarty in TRF.  And yes, yes, the writers are villains, the mystery writer is the criminal, but that’s symbolism, okay?  It doesn’t excuse gaslighting just like it wouldn’t excuse Moffat or Gatiss if they went out and actually murdered someone.  It’s still a shitty thing to do.  
And it’s a shitty thing to do at this particular moment in history, when we are all struggling so hard to figure out how to trust each other, how to build a shared and reliable reality.  I mean, f I want to be gaslit, I’ll go read my President-elect’s twitter.
Look, it’s good to question the stories you’re told.  Very good.  And it’s good to question the stories you tell yourself, occasionally, to keep an open mind and admit when you’re wrong.  But this type of questioning comes from a place of strength.  You question the stories you’re told because they violate your values or your knowledge.  You question yourself when something about what you’re doing or thinking feels out of line with who you are.  It’s hard to do that when you’re wracked with self-doubt and in pain.  
I love every last person in this fandom and I want you all to feel whole and strong.  I want that for your own sake, because you deserve it, but also, selfishly, because I need you.  I need you to help me fix all that’s wrong with this world - to help me fight Trump and the rise of fascism, to help me protect and nourish the next generation of LGBTQ folks, to help me build a better and kinder world.
So be good to yourself.  Throw yourself into analysis if that makes you happy, take a break if you want to, reach out to friends and family, do whatever it is you need to do to remind yourself that you’re okay.  And, if you can, help others to do that.  Share your love and your strength.  Don’t try to push your opinions about reality onto anyone else – we’ve had enough of that already.  Treat each other with gentleness.  Treat yourself with gentleness.
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(Gif from @livingthegifs again)
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visiontothedark · 7 years
I really don't know whether to be hopeful or crushed right now. The new video on the Sherlock YouTube channel seemed to almost confirm a fourth episode, but if there is one, I was convinced that they'd advertise it during the inauguration coverage. I just want some kind of solid confirmation or denial; this limbo state is driving me mad. 😕
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visiontothedark · 7 years
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So, um, this is from the official channel... (It's from TFP Reaction video.)
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visiontothedark · 7 years
If anyone else is terrified of the upcoming four years,
“Remember that all through history, there have been tyrants and murderers, and for a time, they seem invincible. But in the end, they always fall. Always.” - Mahatma Gandhi Don't let them shut you up. Don't let them tear you down. Be afraid if that's what you need to be, but let that fear make you stronger. Be kind to those who see the world differently than you; hateful speech only propagates hateful speech, and your messages will be dismissed without thought. Be patient with progress, because real change doesn't happen overnight, but never forget what you're fighting for, and never let discouragement stand in your way. Remember that you are part of communities forged in flame: You are of ethnic minorities. You are queer. You are trans. You believe in a so-called 'foreign' religion, or you do not believe at all. You are poor. You are disabled. You have struggled with mental or physical health issues, and have been denied the opportunity to seek treatment. You are immigrants. You are women. You are Americans, of every creed, color, gender, and background. We, and the communities to which we belong, are what make America great. And we do not flinch in the face of cowards.
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visiontothedark · 7 years
John wasn’t shot with a tranquilizer
There’s a goddamn gunshot sound at the end.
Also, “Oh… it’s making a funny face. I think I’ll put a hole in it.”
Tranquilizers… don’t… do that? I mean, a very TINY hole, maybe.
Someone who knows about guns will have to analyze the gun itself, but after some cursory research… looks like a straight up bullet-firing pistol to me. And the smoke? Just?
John was not tranquilized. He did not just fall asleep. He was shot.
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visiontothedark · 7 years
eurus: i want sherlock to come to my murder maze
also eurus: i want to meet jim moriarty, who wants to kill my brother literal years before the murder maze plan would come to light
also eurus: i want to put my brother in the line of culverton smith, who will kill him as he is a serial killer, not long before he is due to come to the murder maze
also eurus: i will put a grenade in sherlock's flat, sure to kill him literally just before coming to the murder maze
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visiontothedark · 7 years
Sherlock, EMP theory, and What Dreams May Come
[I have to preface this by making clear that I believe the BFI screening was fake – faker than it seems most people are considering. I don’t think they would give away any big reveals, including any of the following: TJLC, whether Mary or Moriarty are alive or dead, whether Mycroft was being strong-armed by Moriarty, whether Rosie was ever born, or whether EMP is the case. If EMP is the case, it’s intrinsically tied to Johnlock and all the rest so they have to film a separate plot. And yes, I do believe they would go so far as filming many scenes for a different plot line just to protect the reveal of all the big secrets they’ve kept for six years. For what it’s worth, out of all the things I listed this meta is almost entirely just dealing with Johnlock and EMP. So please don’t dismiss the parallels in this meta out of hand because of “spoilers” you may have heard.]
EMP theory (extended mind palace theory) argues that everything around the time Mary shot Sherlock through at least the beginning of TFP will have taken place in Sherlock’s mind while he lays dying in the hospital. Here is a link to the origins of the theory, which became an idea in January. I didn’t pay the theory much attention until T6T aired, when it suddenly seemed like the only explanation of all the facts.
In my opinion, one of the strongest arguments for EMP theory is the movie/novel What Dreams May Come. I haven’t read the novel so I’m doing this meta off the movie alone. 
To start:
Gatiss admires the writer, Richard Matheson, as @skulls-and-tea notes with this Tweet Gatiss made:
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What’s the plot of What Dreams May Come? The protagonist is a married guy. He dies in a brutal car accident, and goes to heaven… but his wife, in her grief, kills herself and goes to hell. The protagonist then goes to hell to save his spouse. 
Remember when Sherlock was in this heavenly room that we know is not what Ella’s office actually looks like, wondering what to do about John?
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And then, seemingly in answer to this question just afterwards, we see Sherlock watch the Miss Me? DVD, where Mary tells him what to do about John?
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And how does one do that?
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What exactly is hell, anyway? As @skulls-and-tea quotes Matheson in What Dreams May Come at the link above:
“Everyone’s Hell is different. It’s not all fire and pain. The real Hell is your life gone wrong.”
Sounds a lot like the plot of The Six Thatchers and The Lying Detective from Sherlock’s perspective: John clearly isn’t really into Mary and clearly wants to cheat with someone… but would rather be with anyone but Sherlock, even some rando from the bus; Sherlock can’t keep his vow to protect Mary or John; John blames Sherlock for failing to protect Mary and Sherlock thinks it’s deserved; Sherlock is so oblivious he fails to protect John from Sherlock’s own sister, etc.
Towards the beginning of What Dreams May Come, right before the car accident happens, the protagonist reflects in voice-over narration about the phone call he’d just had with his wife:
“I said, ‘I love you…’ I’ll always remember that. At least I got to say it.” 
But our story is a little different: Sherlock hasn’t gotten to tell John he loves him. If Sherlock were dying in a hospital, struggling to return back to the living to stop John from killing himself over Sherlock’s death, what thought just might wake Sherlock up?
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The parallels I’m about to describe between BBC Sherlock and What Dreams May Come are pretty specific and insane. 
Do I have your attention yet?
Keep reading
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visiontothedark · 7 years
I’m not over Sherlock breaking the fourth wall by LITERALLY BREAKING DOWN FOUR WALLS AROUND HIM.
And the little girl on the plane looking right into the camera while Moriarty announces “Welcome to The Final Problem” like a game show.
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visiontothedark · 7 years
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visiontothedark · 7 years
Does anyone know why the glass on Eurus’s cell warned visitors to stay “three feet away”? Like, couldn’t she still use her magical mind control powers from that distance? The glass doesn’t even fucking exist (in certain scenes, anyway), so even though we’ve apparently thrown away all logic in this show, wouldn’t it still stand that she could just walk up to the person even if they did stop that far away? Why three? Why not four or five?
(I’d also just like to rant for a moment that that’s not what psychiatric hospital rooms look like. Trust me, I’ve been on suicide watch in multiple different places; the rooms didn’t have glass walls and stone beds, or swiveling devices through which you could pass violins. Does poor Eurus even get a toilet?)
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