unv3iled · 4 years
@unv3iled​ liked for an event starter!!
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Holiday cheer fills the air. And she, too, feels it. Akamatsu’s cheerier than she usually is. It might not be Christmastime in the way she’s used to it, but she can’t deny that she loves this time of year. (On Earth, at least.) The starry sky reflects upon the ice and plenty of other attractions can be seen from their location. It’s peaceful, quaint. Romantic. Most importantly, she’s with good company.
“Saihara-kun, are you ready?”
She straightens up after checking the laces to her skates. Admittedly, she’s a bit worried. The first time she met the detective? He sort of… kind of… fell out of a locker. She doesn’t want him to get hurt, when they’re going to have fun. Anyway, ignore the pinkness of her cheeks. It’s definitely, absolutely because it’s cold.
Taking in the festive spirit that Koi has to offer, Saihara feels himself relaxing significantly more than he has in a while. With so many mysteries constantly surrounding their situation, the detective often finds it difficult to let go of those questions, even for one day or night. Now, however, he’d agreed to go ice skating with Akamatsu, and he doesn’t regret his decision so far in the slightest. Everything here is... beautiful.
...The festivities and winter cheer, of course. A gaze that had drifted towards neither of the aforementioned refocuses on his skates, tying the laces properly and straightening himself up.
“I... think so.”
Admittedly, his words do not inspire confidence, but they are honest. Though he hasn’t had the chance to go ice skating before, surely it'll be a breeze in comparison to the climbing around mountains and swimming up rivers he’d had to do in order to find that pet alligator, right?
Well, they’ll soon find out. Hesitation overcomes him for a split second. Then, he holds out a hand towards Akamatsu.
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“...Shall we?”
A light blush dusts his cheeks. It is also certainly, irrefutably because of the cold weather.
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unv3iled · 4 years
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He’s… definitely not one of the people she’s thinking of. No way. Where had Saihara-kun even come from? Akamatsu’s not had any time to even contain her blushing. Geez, what’s she getting so flustered about?
“Hey, Saihara-kun!” she hums cheerily. A bright smile, tinged pink by the warmth of her cheeks.
“Do you… want some?”
And what is Saihara so flustered about? It’s a mystery. One he knows the answer to, but it isn’t as simple as acknowledging and admitting to that certain truth, is it?
What is truly a mystery to Saihara is how Akamatsu’s cheeks appear to be pink as well. He’s a bit too caught up in his own embarrassment to really question it, but it certainly doesn’t escape his notice.
At the question, his heart skips a beat. Akamatsu-san... does only mean sharing a box together, doesn’t she...?
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“I... um— is that... okay?”
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unv3iled · 4 years
well— amami had never imagined himself to be roommates with an angel, either. infact— he’d have thought that angels, should they exist, wouldn’t show themselves to him— he was just too much of a free soul, and had a knack for getting into morally ambiguous situations.
peeking around the shower curtain, amami laughs a bit. the clothes he had been wearing are neatly folded near the door, and the fangs he was wearing lay plastic on the counter. they’re bloodstained.
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“no, thank you. this is enough. bit… extra of a request, wasn’t it?”
a warm smile, as he gulps it down… it’s a little better. he swishes it around his mouth a little.
“can’t express my gratitude enough, saved my life. will be out soon. sorry for keeping you from your turn. must be tiring, yeah?”
With his eyes averted, it’s now that he notices the fangs lying on the counter—especially the blood on them. That’s from the blood supplied by the city, isn’t it? Amami-kun hasn’t been taking any blood directly from humans or other costumed people, has he...?
Wings flutter nervously behind him. He doesn’t like this. He doesn’t like suspecting his friends... thinking of them as beings capable of harm more than simply themselves. Yet, the need to protect and encourage lawful, good actions feels ingrained within him.
He spares a glance towards Amami as he speaks.
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“Ah, no, i-it’s...” A brief pause to clear his throat after the stutter.  Nervousness? Embarrassment? Yes. “It’s fine. It must be... difficult for you right now, but even so... I’m here for you, Amami-kun. I’m not in any rush to use the shower either. It’s okay.”
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unv3iled · 4 years
█* ✦ STARTER FOR @unv3iled​
█* ✦ How was he suppose to feel. He remembers the feeling of death overcoming him in more than one way. Poison riddling his body and causing unbearable pain and then … the pressure and then nothing. The next thing he knows he is waking up in an unfamiliar city like he just overslept and boy does he feel like h was hit by a truck right now ! Maybe that was all a dream ? Or maybe … this was the afterlife ! Aha, that must be it - Though he is shocked he isn’t in some form of hell, or maybe this is hell … if so, then that’s unique. 
█* ✦ Exploring was easy, leave the house and just walk. Arms behind his head as he walked, his eyes taking in all the sights, a few “Ooh ~” as he walked, when seeing things he found interesting. Mental notes were being put everywhere and that is when a familiar figure came into few. Eyes wide for a second before a smile spread across his face.
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       ❛ Saihara-chan ~ Wouldn’ta know ! We are both here, Neehehe ~ Did you die too ? Is this the hell ?! It’s so cool ! I bet Harukawa-chan is here too – Oh oh, and Akamatsu-san too ~ But then why would you be here … ? I never took you for a bad apple ❜
Ever since arriving in Koi, Saihara has come across many faces and voices— both familiar and unfamiliar. Beyond his search for the truth, there are other questions that frequently come to mind. With every familiar face he sees, he wonders who will be next as well. Will everyone eventually find their way here? Could they truly begin anew here, as the friends they’d never had the chance to be?
A voice interrupts any such thoughts flowing through his mind. A familiar voice, at that. Looking towards the voice, a familiar face greets him too.
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Wide eyes stare for a moment, only just managing to take in the words spoken his way. It takes another moment for those words to actually process in his brain, all thoughts slowing— overwhelmed by seeing another of the 53rd killing game’s victims alive before him.
There’s a lot he could say. There’s a lot he wants to say. But, first of all, he feels the need to address the situation itself, knowing how confusing it’s likely to be for the other.
“This... isn’t hell, and I didn’t die. I know it must be a lot to take in... None of us quite know why we suddenly found ourselves here either, but... you’re alive here.”
Carefully dodging the mention of Harukawa and Akamatsu. If this was hell, he’s certain they wouldn’t be here, but the fact that they are here isn’t something he’ll mention just yet. He has every intention to detail as much of the situation as Ouma wants to hear, but he doesn’t want to overwhelm him by saying it all at once.
“...I’m glad to see you again, Ouma-kun.” 
His smile is small and a little sad, feeling a stab of guilt at the very pit of his stomach. Even so, his words are genuine.
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unv3iled · 4 years
     Despite the chaos that the city seemed to be in due to everyone wearing costumes (whether it be willingly or unwillingly - Akira himself falls into the latter category, thanks to a certain detective; then again he only has himself to blame considering he’s the one that dragged him out here in the first place), it not the easiest to tell who’s what exactly. Some are more subtle with how they’re dressed and then there’s some where it’s easy to tell right away what they are.
     Like the angel that catches his eye from where he stands near the Belladonna Cider stall.
     It’s not like Akira has anything against the other the moment he spots them but there’s something within him that says he shouldn’t like him. Probably because the two of them are considered enemies. Is the now devil thief annoyed at the other’s presence? Yes, but it’s only because of the costume he tells himself, considering who else he’s seen as an angel around here.
     Still he can’t help but stare at the other, almost glaring at him as he turns to him, noting the upright wings behind the other. Might as well have some fun with this, he thinks.
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     “Isn’t it obvious,” he all but spits out at the other, considering the horns on his head. “A devil. And what you do think that means angel boy?”
Tension remains, eyes narrowing. Though natural instincts fill him with nothing but disgust and disdain towards the beings known for their evil ways, he tries to maintain a neutral facade. He only partially succeeds, words coming out a little more scathing than intended.
“I know what you are. I’m asking who you are.” 
With a small sigh, mainly at himself for letting the devil get under his skin, he pauses for a moment. Then, he extends a hand toward the demon, offering a civil handshake.
“I... know that we’re supposed to be enemies, but it’s only our costumes, isn’t it? Even though I’m an angel right now, I’m... usually more of a detective.”
Although it’s impossible to completely separate who they are now from who they are, costumes aside, his angelic traits also lend a hand in attempting a more peaceful approach.
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“I’m Shuichi Saihara. It’s... I hope we can get along.”
...Well, it’s an attempt, even if he had quickly reworded his sentence from the usual ‘it’s nice to meet you’. It would be better for an angel to not outright lie, wouldn’t it?
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unv3iled · 4 years
A secondary investigation? Akechi supposes it can be useful to make sure nothing got missed in the initial combing of the scene. Still, it would be nice to feel like there was enough time to search a place more than once. He supposes it’s his fault for getting started in his digging a little late–well, at least, he feels like he started late.
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“Ah?” Oh, he’s being asked a question. About what he’s been able to find. He laughs a little, more to fill the silence than anything else.
“Oh. I haven’t been here very long, yet. I’m sure you’ve already flipped through what I’ve found.” He takes out his phone to snap a few photos of the interesting pages of the document.
He realizes his reply was vague and unhelpful. 
“This document seems to discuss the galaxy coordinates, as well as other miscellaneous information that I don’t quite understand. I’ll have to take the information back to research further later.”  If he takes photos, others can stumble upon the documents, as well.
“Could I ask what you were able to learn?”
Confirmation that the other has indeed been reading those documents leads to many thoughts and anxieties rising within Saihara’s mind again. Knowing he has to prioritise finding the truth here above all else, however, he tries his best to focus on the facts that lie before them first.
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“I see... I was able to learn the same. The coordinates... the claim that we’re... there instead of on Earth...”
His voice only trails off for the slightest moment before returning.
“I was investigating alongside a friend. He... was known as the best astronaut where we came from, but even he didn’t recognise the galaxy.”
It wouldn’t be too strange, of course. These documents claim the galaxy is millions of light years away from Earth. Perhaps it’s simply that it’s an undiscovered galaxy, too far beyond the reach of current Earth technology. Even so, his internal conflict doesn’t ease up. The fact that it could make sense— that he could believe it is precisely what makes him feel quite so unsettled.
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unv3iled · 4 years
     She’s…surprised that she’s able to recognize the detective considering all that had been happening since she put on her costume. Maybe the effects were starting to wear off? That was a good thing wasn’t it? That this was all coming to an end and she wouldn’t have to deal with this anymore.
     Then again, that means having to deal with what had been happening since all this chaos began and…Maki wasn’t sure if she was ready to deal with that. Ready to deal with what emotions were going to come with that, and the realization of how she had been acting for the past few weeks.
     It couldn’t be worse than what had happened when she arrived here after all.
     At least she ran into a familiar face despite all that’s happened. And while she can’t say she’s surprised at what he’s wearing, she does have to admit that it suits him. Literally.
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     “So you got dragged into this as well…I guess it could’ve been worse. How have you been holding up?”
Wings flutter behind him, hearing his name called out—
Ah. He’d already recognised and identified her by voice alone, but Harukawa is addressing him. Not only that, but he believes he has a good idea of what she’d decided to dress up as for Halloween. She’s... a vampire, isn’t she? Well, Harukawa is his friend first and foremost, thus he greets her with a small smile.
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“Harukawa-san... Aha, I did. A lot has happened, but even so... I’m okay.”
Somehow, a lot feels like a complete understatement. Surely the same must hold true for everyone here. This isn’t a scenario any of them had anticipated, as far as he’s aware.
“How have you been, Harukawa-san? I can imagine things must have been... difficult, but... I understand. You can talk to me.”
After all, Amami had been the same, if his deductions of exactly what Harukawa is dressed as are indeed correct. It’s... a tricky subject, where humans are involved. Even trickier for an angel. There’s no instinctive hatred, unlike towards demons, but there has been a certain wariness towards those he’d otherwise consider friends. Thankfully, the effects do seem to be wearing off now though.
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unv3iled · 5 years
Send “What about” and a person and my muse will say their honest feelings/thoughts about them.
No matter what they may be, my muse will spill all.
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unv3iled · 5 years
real or fake— amami knows by now his talent isn’t exactly real at the same time it was— he might be in the unique position where he was the only one in the group where their talent was based off some sort of reality.
ultimate survivor. living proof that danganronpa had been a game that repeated itself, over and over. amami sometimes wonders if that’s a lie too— despite the relevant facts working itself out far too neatly. how cruel!
the mayor had twisted that knife against him too easily. it’s not exactly a good feeling..
saihara steps closer, and amami feels defensive, small. after that announcement… he really just wants to be alone.
“… haha. won’t question why you’re around here.”
his words sound too kind for someone who’d just been hurt, but maybe that was just part of who he was.
he can see saihara’s concern, and by the way saihara looks around, he was either looking for nearby threats or a place to sit.
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“… don’t mind. think we can sit a bit by the edge of the island if we walk a little to the south following the …”
gesturing at the place where sea would usually meet sand—
“… shore. “
the edge of the world drops off into a brilliant blue, no sea and all sky. it makes him feel homesick.
Whether even Amami’s role as the Ultimate Survivor had been something fabricated isn’t a question he can answer. It isn’t a question anybody can answer— not here, at least. Not now. Likely not ever, but moving forward nonetheless is all they can do.
Technically, he doesn’t need to be here. Perhaps the other would prefer some alone time. Yet, he is here, because Amami is a friend. On top of that, Saihara’s taken it upon himself to help shine a light and extend a hand towards everyone to help them move to that future— a future with no regard for previous truths and lies. A new future in a new location. A new chance for them all to live on as friends.
Though he still wouldn’t consider himself a leader, he tries to lead the way. And, with another small smile and nod, he decides to do so rather literally, walking towards the edge of the island and sitting down. The lack of shore on a floating island despite Amami’s words is noted, but he doesn’t say anything.
After a moment spent looking out at the sky, he turns to Amami.
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“It’s... quite the sight, isn’t it? I haven’t seen anything like it before.”
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unv3iled · 5 years
          quite frankly, he should be scared. he should feel terrified and no one would be able to call him stupid because that’s a perfectly normal feeling for someone in this kind of situation. everything has happened so fast ─ his ‘ reawakening ’ in an unfamiliar city and the subsequent events now terrorizing it ;; he should be scared and so should everyone else. but … he’s not. saihara’s at his side and together they’re investigating again, as hero and sidekick ─ no, as partners ─ and kaito feels at ease. 
there’s a noise in the distance that causes kaito to jump. okay, so maybe he’s not completely at ease, but, hey !! anyone would jump at that!
he’s staring quizzically at a shelf of books, brows pinched together, as if he’ll be stuck with an epiphany of knowledge at any moment. but that epiphany never comes. instead. he’s drawn to saihara’s voice that breaks the silence. he smiles and turns on his heels, scattering various papers as he practically prances to the detective’s side. just like old times! except, well, less killing. that’s good, right?
❝ … huh? ❞  confusion is his initial reaction. his brows knit together once more as he leans over saihara’s shoulders, squinting at the paper in his partner’s ( trembling? why’s he nervous? ) hands. it takes a few moments to process it all, and immediately, the astronaught’s shoulders slump. it’s gotta be a lie, or a joke, or something.
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❝ well, uh, ❞  he clears his throat,  ❝ no. there’s no records of anythin’ like that, anywhere. ❞  kaito searches his memories and his training, but nothing comes to mind. it’s frustrating. just as none of the constellations at the academy matched with anything familiar, the coordinates of their supposed location have no meaning. at least, not to kaito. or, if it does, he’s not sure he wants to believe it.
❝ hey, what do you think that means? aren’t we just … on some random island? you know, on earth. ❞
Once upon a time, Saihara might have been easily distracted by any noises in the distance, or at the very least, fear would have led him to hesitation. However, not only does the reassurance of investigating alongside Momota help to calm his nerves, but his personal growth is evident in moments like this. It’s the simple moments that reflect his development best. Moments where even when face with overwhelming doubts and fear, he can still find it within himself to move forward— he can still face it in the first place.
Why had he even decided to hide under that hat for so long...? He can’t recall.
And he certainly does feel fear. With Momota’s confirmation that there isn’t any record of the HXR 27H galaxy, too many possibilities swirl around Saihara’s mind. Disbelief and belief clash as he attempts to shift focus from thoughts to review the facts, before any emotions have the chance to overwhelm and cloud his logic. He’s only partially successful. Fear still lingers, and doubts still pile up. Instead of finding answers here, they’ve been thrown even more questions.
“...I see.”
He doesn’t. Not really. It’s a simple acknowledgement of Momota’s response, and as for what he thinks it means... he hasn’t the slightest idea. There are far too many things this could mean. The natural first step would be to muse some of those possibilities aloud, he supposes.
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“I... don’t know what it means, Momota-kun. There’s no reason to doubt this information, but I— I don’t doubt your knowledge either.”
No, it’s not quite Momota’s knowledge that he doubts. If anything, it’s the world that knowledge came from itself.
Even then, he has no basis to believe any information would be fabricated here nor there. Not information such as this, at least. What purpose would it serve? There surely would have been no reason to back then, but now...?
“As confusing as it is... as much as it might be to suddenly read... I... can’t entirely rule out the possibility that it’s the truth either. We might be... on an undiscovered planet known as Achilia. Millions and... millions of light years away from the Milky Way... from Earth.”
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unv3iled · 5 years
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The loose grasp she has on the straps of her book bag… falters. The bag crashes to the ground with a dull thud. The impact coincides with her forgetting to breathe. She’s rehearsed this moment, over and over. After all, if she’s alive… if she’s been brought here, it wouldn’t be impossible for the others to come around.
Even so… Akamatsu hasn’t thought it through. Imagination can only go so far. Guessing how he might react and how he will react are two entirely separate matters. The last time she saw him…
An outstretched hand reaching toward hers. That look of fear and horror as she was dragged away to her death… Though she had held his hand only hours prior to that… those last minutes haunt her.
The boy in front of her… There’s no mistaking it. Shuichi Saihara.
“So, you… really took your hat off, huh?”
He’s changed, hasn’t he? He’s stronger somehow. She can tell. He’s not hiding from the truth. Of course, she wanted to see what he looked like without it. She wanted him to face the truth, without turning away. But… he shouldn’t have to see her. He counted on her back then. She knew that. She knew it and turned a plan he couldn’t carry out on his own into a murder plot. She used his trust in her to try to play hero.
Like Icarus, she flew too close to the sun.
“I guess… you’re…. facing forward, right, Saihara-kun? I’m really glad, you know…”
She smiles faintly. The light doesn’t reach her eyes. Rather, her smile looks exhausted. She looks worn out. It’s not something she wants to admit, especially not to him. She can’t tell what he’s thinking. However, his question goes unanswered. Even if she wants to, Akamatsu has no answers.
“I… didn’t expect to see you here though.”
Of all the songs he’d listened to since Akamatsu’s execution, a familiar melody restarts in his heart once more, yet the tune is off— interrupted by the thud of the bag hitting ground.
It resonates with him. His last memories of Akamatsu alive... emotions that still feel heavy, pain that feels fresh even to this day... everything lingers, etched in his memory, heart, mind— his very being.
At the same time, everything feels as though it happened so very long ago. All the truths and lies that had followed, the path he’d chosen to lead towards the end of Danganronpa itself...
Despite not understanding this truth, this lie— whatever it may be... Kaede Akamatsu stands before him, and he cannot— will not deny her existence, nor will he shield his eyes from her. Jumping to conclusions and immediate doubt isn’t the line of logic he wishes to pursue here, and so he addresses her in kind.
“I... I did, and I am. I... didn’t expect to see you here either, Akamatsu-san...”
Hands shake, his own smile small and weak. Tears threaten to well up in his eyes. Regardless of any truth— of any lie here, this interaction is one he’d longed for ever since her passing. A chance to show Akamatsu how far he’d come. How he’d kept that promise made alone in a room with naught but a piano by his side.
Thinking back to that scene in his mind, in spite of how the peaceful tune is equally muddied by a sense of anguish and mourning...
It’s his turn now, isn’t it? Though he’d been passed over the score back then, it’s his turn to make this dissonant tune fall back in place. To harmonise— to not let his internal conflict weigh down what would, under any other circumstances, be a confused but joyous reunion.
Thus, he offers a few notes, wondering if it will reach her or be lost somewhere in the... complicated air that surrounds them.
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“...You were right. Ah— about... Clair de Lune. It’s... a beautiful piece, isn’t it?”
Like the moon’s reflection on water.
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unv3iled · 5 years
Shuichi-chan, Your face is still all red Fufufu ~ Do you have a fever ? Or maybe you are cold, So would you like wrapped up in my tails ~ ? Fufufu, I'll stop teasing you ~ I just wanted to know what you named the child I gave you - Yukinokami
Though he could blame the cold for his reddened complexion, he isn’t one to needlessly lie. Despite that, he can’t quite bring himself to outright say the truth either— ah, but she’s only teasing him, isn’t she?
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…Knowing that doesn’t help his embarrassment. Awkwardly clearing his throat, he redirects his attention the question posed his way.
“I was thinking of naming them… Merry.”
Christmas and a happy new year.
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unv3iled · 5 years
( saihara is a good boy and i love him a lot and i have absolutely loved writing with your saihara from the beginning... he's gone through a lot and he's trying his best to deal with that and move forward as best he can and he's just super ic and considering i've rped this boy before i know it when i see it. he's trying real hard to learn what he can and trust this place and i just love it all esp all the v3 threads... just keep it up bc i love him and you jade!!! )
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
aaa thank you! he is trying very hard to move forward despite all the truths and lies of the past. he just wants to figure out what the situation here is, but So Many Things keep happening. more questions keep being raised with every new truth to be discovered, and there’s a lot of internal conflict, especially because of the impact past events had on him. he’s still trying to recover from that. it’s all very fun and interesting to write, and i’m glad to hear that i seem to be conveying it properly! i can’t wait to write more, especially all those v3 threads too. i love him too. and maki. and you, emily!!
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unv3iled · 5 years
I... I really like him a lot! I don't know, something about the way you roleplay him makes me soft!! Maybe it's the tone? It's just very ic!
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
thank you! i’m really glad!! i feel like saihara’s general demeanour tends to be very... well, soft! and i try my best to reflect that in my writing. there are ofc moments where he Can be intense, but it doesn’t look like he’s run into any like that here.... Yet.
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unv3iled · 5 years
chef kiss. maki friend good. i like how you write his detective insights. like he notices things. i honestly don't know how to write that without coming off as "and they just KNEW" but you have him reason it out nicely and it's fun to riddle it out with him
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
thank you so much!! it can definitely be pretty difficult to write those kind of detective insights bc saihara has... many brain cells and i’m out here clinging onto my singular brain cell for dear life! so, i’m relieved to hear that i can still make it work in a realistic fashion. thank you...
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unv3iled · 5 years
Jade, are you sure you're not Saihara? The way your get him always amazes me. His pain, his strength, his courage, his flaws, his love for his friends... you give such nuance and love to his every thought and action. You just capture him effortlessly. I love him and I love You. Always.
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
i’m definitely not saihara, cola! but i do find that i can relate to him a lot and he’s quickly become a Big comfort character to me. i try my best writing him and i put a lot of heart into his portrayal, so i’m really glad that shows!! thank you so much for all the kind words. i love him too. and i love kaede. and i love You! always.
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unv3iled · 5 years
ta-ha! that's a lie! in all seriousness, i love your portrayal so much! and i think you've heard me gush about your saihara so many times that you might be tired of it. i love his firmness and hesitance at the same time, and whenever i read him i feel like he's just jumped out of the game. you manage to capture him so well even in the most absurdest of moments, where it's so easy to go ooc and say hey, fuck it. but you don't! if you said you wrote saihara in the game, i would believe you.
tell me your honest opinion of my portrayal | accepting!
jay… thank you so much…. i get very nervous abt my canon portrayal sometimes bc i’m used to our 1000000 aus and saihara can be… very different in those, depending on the verse! so, i’m really glad to hear this. i Wish i wrote him in the game. actually, i just wish i wrote the game. or if they at least let me write an official au. where’s the ch1 investigation trio we deserved! where!! 
anyway, i could never get tired of your validation and it means a lot! thank you.
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