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Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, where do you live now, what do you do for a living?
My name is Candace Kim, and I am the founder of Selah. Selah is a sustainable brand that masters carefully curated handmade furniture, home accessories, and limited edition clothing from deadstock fabric.  I was adopted and raised by my beautiful grandmother here in Southern California. I love animals, which began during a part of my childhood where I lived a simple yet lovely life on a farm surrounded by goats, pigs, chickens, and dogs. Fast forward to present day, I have a pup named Titus who I rescued from a dog meat market and a rescued bunny named Stuart. And I would probably have a miniature pig, sheep and many more adopted creatures if my husband did not stop me!
Outside of running Selah, I value being an advocate for those who cannot stand for themselves. Being an animal lover and an adoptee, I am passionate about ending animal cruelty and helping orphans. A large part of the vision Selah was birthed out of  a desire to create a company that is a vocal and financial supporter of organizations that champion these important issues.
Aside from late night petition signing for these causes, I also love homemade Korean food and a good cup of Kona coffee!
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What does your typical workday look like and what are the biggest challenges you face?
In order to create a healthy balance between work and life, creating a morning ritual helps. Maintaining balance is honestly a daily challenge, requiring focus and boundaries. I start each morning before sunrise by taking care of myself through meditation, prayer, and nurturing my soul so that I will have energy, clarity, and expectancy for the day. After taking care of family, pets, and errands, I begin working on Selah.
I manage my business from home, so it’s crucial for my space to be functional. I have an office, showroom, and a home all in one space.  Being an entrepreneur, my work day involves putting on many different hats from designing and accounting to sewing and shipping.  It also means different location, whether customers visiting to peruse my collection, or myself making personal visits to stores that carry my products.  While for most people the sun setting indicates the end of the work day, for me it means the second part of my work day has just begun.  Communicating with my makers overseas requires late night calls and texts “pauses” to my dreams.  Fortunately, I  have an amazing employee named Joss who brings some calm to the whirlwind of tasks by helping with the marketing and communication aspects of Selah.  While each new day brings new opportunities and challenges, I have been blessed to meet amazing people along the way.  These experiences are priceless. 
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How do you stay motivated? What are some tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way?
No one told me that pursuing entrepreneurship could be so bipolar.  There are days where I feel extremely discouraged, and other days where I feel like I can conquer the world.  What helps me with the emotional rollercoaster is knowing that both are necessary parts of the journey.  I stay motivated by regularly feeding my whole being- physically, emotionally and spiritually, and constantly reminding myself of the WHY behind it all.  Practically this looks like personal care with meditation, prayer, exercise, healthy eating.  It looks like focusing on my vision,  listening to podcasts and testimonies of other creative pioneers, and being in genuine friendships with other entrepreneurs.   It also means practicing generosity, altruism and love as if you already made it.
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What advice do you have for someone thinking of launching a creative business?
Don’t let the demands and perceived expectations of the masses and social media rob you of your identity, nor allow comparison and envy to poison the fullness of what you are destined to create and release. Continuing in the passion of what you love to do requires regular contemplative pauses that will release thankfulness and will remind us of our “why.”
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Where do you hope to be in 5 years, on a personal and professional level?
My hope is for my brand to continue to steadily grow and to positively influence those that encounter our products.  More than the goal of success, my vision for Selah is to create financial resources for altruistic causes.  I hope that Selah can create foundations for animal sanctuaries and for providing orphaned children opportunities for healing and wholeness.  On a personal level, I hope to simply grow in kindness and love, and to be a good mom and wife:)
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How would you describe your personal style?
When I started Selah, I had a vision of bringing to life the simple, raw, and natural lifestyle inspired by my cultural and environmental upbringing. In terms of my personal fashion, I have often marched to the beat of my own drum by trusting my eye even when it does not align with the current trend.  This has been a blessing, allowing me to oftentimes be fashion forward.   I tend to stick to classic feminine silhouettes as they work best with my body frame.  I am also a stickler for endeavoring to  wear natural fibers such as linens, silks, bamboo, and hemp.
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 What role does denim play in your wardrobe? What do you look for in the perfect pair of jeans?
I believe denim is an essential wardrobe staple in any closet.  Outside of quality and beautiful washes, I am looking for that pair of jeans that gives me a nice perky butt!   Many of us Asians are not blessed with nice behinds, so denim can be a huge confidence builder as the right butt-hugging jeans can really do wonders.  My favorite style though currently are loose high waist girlfriend jeans as I can simply hide it all in there.
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What’s your skincare or beauty routine like? What are your top 5 products?
My skin care protocol has evolved to incorporate more natural products that work well and don’t use animal testing.  I start by using handmade bar soaps- currently I am using Fiddle Fish goat’s milk soap with lavender and poppy seeds.  I then use Son & Park toner followed by Sunday Riley Good Genes lactic acid, Sunday Riley Luna Sleeping Oil, Fresh Black Tea eye cream, and lastly, Laneige Sleeping Mask.
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We’re obsessed with podcasts. Do you listen? What are some favorites?
I also love podcasts!  When I need encouragement as a creative and entrepreneur, I listen to How I built This and Foundr. When I need a spiritual boost, I listen to Erwin McManus.
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Share with us your last online purchase + last article or book you read
Brene Brown is one of my favorite authors. She shares on the power of vulnerability, wholehearted living, cultivating creativity and letting go of comparison.  I just finished The Gift of Imperfection, and currently reading Daring Greatly.  These are absolute must reads! 
My last Amazon order included an Aobosi Slow Masticating Cold Pressed Juicer which is a great juicer for a great price.  I also ordered beeswax reusable food wraps to take another step towards full sustainability by reducing plastic use.
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Where can we find and follow your work?
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Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, where do you live now, what do you do for a living?
I am originally from Sacramento and now live in hilly Echo Park. I am an artist and co-founder of LC Studio Tutto. Together with my best friend & business partner, Hennessy, we transform quotidian spaces into imaginative experiences. Each of our collaborative large-scale artworks integrates layers of my studio paintings and her detailed drawings to introduce fine-art qualities to the public. Handmade textures, rich colors, site-specific story, and brushstrokes bring life to municipal water tanks, freeway overpasses and courtyards to name a few.
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What does your typical workday look like and what are the biggest challenges you face?
It changes so much depending on how many projects are happening at once, what phase they are in, and what medium I am working with. My typical day at the moment is waking up early, lingering in bed with coffee my cat and husband for a moment, working out, heading into my studio to paint, design, email, call, follow up, meet, site visit, create proposals, research, brainstorm on the phone with Hennessy, look for opportunities, etc. We are currently designing a lacey metal shade sculpture for a public park in LA, a native plant mural for a boutique hotel courtyard in central coast wine country, and an interactive site-specific sculpture that will directly engage with the surrounding landscape.
The biggest challenges for me are:
Finding ways to feel connected daily. Owning your own business allows for freedom but it also means a significant amount of time alone. Balancing creating art and pleasing your client. It’s not easy to deal with input from those who aren’t thinking in a creative way.
It’s a challenge to put my body through fabrication. When we paint a massive mural I can get really worn down physically. I had a physical therapist tell me that I have the shoulder of a 50-year-old. When we are fabricating our own work it can be very intense creative manual labor.
It’s difficult to work through awkward phases on a public art piece in front of the public. This is an important part of the process, but it takes a thick skin to teach people patience and appreciation for change.
As we continue to explore more mediums it’s difficult to trust that your big ideas will work, that they will be worth it. It takes a lot of ‘art faith’ and hard research.
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How do you stay motivated? What are some tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way?
I try to do a creative act every day, even when the business part of my business takes center stage. On those days, I try to draw, paint, write, play guitar - just tap into that for at least an hour. To access the feeling to stay reminded of why, and to play.
I surround myself with people that bravely share what they make.
I think about this quote: “The world reveals itself to those that travel on foot” by Werner Herzog. And so I walk as much as possible to see as much as possible in an open and moving state. Witnessing the world happening is motivating.
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What advice do you have for someone thinking of launching a creative business?
Think BIG and check into your path along the way. 
Save when times are flush so you can make it through the desert dry spells  
Ask for what makes you uncomfortable (even if you think you may not deserve it)
Avoid absorbing other people’s criticism unless you know it’s coming from a true and helpful place.
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Where do hope to be in 5 years, on a personal and professional level?
I hope to know my own voice. I hope to be able to distinguish between my motivations– are they pure or are they to please others? I hope to feel more comfortable in my skin. I hope to collaborate with creative thinkers from many different fields. I hope to feel like I am making a difference. I hope to experience closeness and warmth in my friendships, family, and marriage. I hope to find ways to really challenge myself in order to grow.
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How would you describe your personal style?
Like an earth-loving, color-obsessed person who is not afraid to make an entrance on occasion. I love wearing a vintage piece and imagining the individual who wore it before.
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What role does denim play in your wardrobe? What do you look for in the perfect pair of jeans?
I have many different denim pieces - tops, jackets, pants - it’s a perfect fabric for LA. I go for jeans that make me feel sexy, nonchalant and playful. I love jeans that highlight that feminine curve from the hip to the waist. I’m happy that cropped pants are happening, and as a six-footer I’m always looking for them to hit at just the right spot.
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What’s your skincare or beauty routine like? What are your top 5 products?
It’s pretty simple. I try to get a microderm facial every month. One thing I like to do regularly, out of my Mom’s playbook, is to squeeze a lemon into sugar and use it for a fine-grit exfoliation. I love licking my lips during that process.
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Top Five Products:
Epionce Renewal Facial Lotion. I knew I loved this when my skin never looked better after a month-long mural job, painting on site every day in the elements– I put it through the truest test.
MD SolarSciences Mineral Tinted Creme
RMS Beauty Champagne Rose Luminizer - aka fairy cheekbones
Peripera Lip Tint Water Gel– looks like you’ve been eating a watermelon popsicle
Benefit Precisely, My Brow Pencil - I actually don’t really have eyebrows and this tricks everyone
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We’re obsessed with podcasts. Do you listen? What are some favorites?
I’m into This American Life, Invisbilia, Hidden Brain, Ted Radio Hour, Where Should We Begin, Left Right & Center
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Share with us your last online purchase + last article or book you read + last song you listened to
My last online purchase was a pair of metallic slides. The last book I read was Slouching Towards Bethlehem by Didion and now I’m onto Free Play by Steven Nachmanovitch. The Last article I read was a Washington Post piece by my friend Kate Willsky about her fear of passing her eating disorder down to her daughter. I also read My Childhood in a Cult in this month's New Yorker. The Last song I listened to was BOA by Sam Gendel and Sam Wilkes.
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Where can we find and follow your work? 
@sofialacin and @lcstudiotutto on Instagram and our website is  www.lcstudiotutto.com
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The Box Gallery 
805 Traction Ave, Los Angeles, CA 90013 
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The Museum of Jurassic Technology 
9341 Venice Blvd, Culver City, CA 90232
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Hauser & Wirth
901-909 E 3rd St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 
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Venus LA 
601 S Anderson St, Los Angeles, CA 90023 
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A + D Architecture and Design Museum 
900 E 4th St, Los Angeles, CA 90013 
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Tell us about yourself. Where are you from, where do you live now, what do you do for a living?
Hello, nice to meet you! I live in Echo Park Los Angeles and work as a fashion photographer. I’m originally from San Francisco and then Brooklyn (I still spend a lot of time in NYC)
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What does your typical workday look like and what are the biggest challenges you face?
My typical workday is all over the place! Usually, I wake up and answer emails, look at my calendar and play with my kitten. If I am lucky my partner Eric and I have an hour together to get coffee or have breakfast together. By noon you can often find me in a scrap yard, parking lot or party supply store shooting for various brands, or in meetings. I then take a late lunch (usually at home) and get straight to editing. By evening I am usually researching and preparing for outreach. Honestly, it’s non stop but I love what I do. Keeping momentum and navigating setbacks are among the biggest challenges for sure.
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How do you stay motivated? What are some tips or tricks you’ve learned along the way?
One of the things I love most about being a photographer is the ultra collaborative nature of the business. I have gotten to a place where I often see the same faces. My community is my main motivation, we carry each other. Storytelling is the very close second- I studied directing in college and world building is something that I live for.
As far as tips go, make friends in your industry, and engage with their work. Ask them questions about their journey. Be a good listener. Remain curious and avoid envy at all costs.
Resilience is also very important. I’ve undergone so much rejection and stylistic confusion but then something clicked and the path got clearer. Of course, there were also millions of restaurant gigs, and boutiques I worked to support myself during this at the beginning. I didn’t always have endless time to experiment but I made a point to keep my discipline and make an effort no matter what. It is so important to note that it was those jobs that led me to some of my most important mentors and clients and collaborators. Every single experience you have can work in your favor if you have perspective and optimism. That’s why I always prioritize relationships. You never know what someone is capable of pulling off and therefore your most important connections can be standing right there in front of you at any given moment!
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What advice do you have for someone thinking of launching a creative business?
Do it! Don’t quit your day job just yet and always remember that every day you can get yourself closer to where you want to be. Save money, invest in yourself and lean into your impulses. If you can do it, travel as much as possible… oh! And learn to cook at home while you are starting out. Running a business is a vulnerable endeavor, so learn to protect yourself. On the flipside, go to every show/sample sale/book fair/meetup you can. Support your friends!
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Where do you see yourself in 5 years, on a personal and professional level?
I have no idea! I am on this boat leading to who knows where and I love it! If I’m still doing the same work I will be so happy! I would love to be traveling even more and perhaps picking up more skills in cinematography and directing.  I’d love to finish a feature film. On a personal level, Eric and I would love to live abroad.
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How would you describe your personal style?
Hahaha. I would say modern dance teacher meets 80’s New Yorker. I love uniforms, and often wear a black turtle-neck and a pair of easy relaxed jeans but punctuate it with insane patent leather boots or piles of jewelry. Because my job is surprisingly physical, I love to feel loose and free to move in my clothes but I still love a little glam. But don’t get me wrong – I also have an incredible collection of party dresses.
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What role does denim play in your wardrobe? What do you look for in the perfect pair of jeans?
Denim. Every. Day. I love a cropped pant and my go-to is either straight leg black denim or wide leg sailor pants. Right now I am wearing my Unpublished Greta jeans and cannot get over how much I love them:) To me, the perfect jeans give off an effortlessly cool vibe, so I never like to wear anything too tight or ultra-designed.
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What’s your skincare or beauty routine like? What are your top 5 products?
I don’t wear much makeup but when I do I’m all about dark black mascara (Maybelline and glossier) and red red lipstick (Kosas in Thrillest is my favorite)
My top 5 skincare products are Clean Bee Face Wash, Janet Sartin Gentle Cleanser and SPF moisturizer (my grandmother’s secret that I have been using since I was 20) Pai Rosehip Oil on my face throughout the day and Kiehl’s Midnight Recovery Oil at night.
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We’re obsessed with podcasts. Do you listen? What are some favorites?
No, I don’t! Where do I start!?
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Last thing you bought online + last article or book you read + last song you listened to:
Bought: 10 rolls of Portra 400 film from B&H
Book: This killer collection of interviews Aperture Magazine released. It features in-depth talks with so many incredible image makers. It’s really inspiring.
Song: Yves Tumor’s new album is on repeat in my studio <3
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