This may sound mean, but...
If you send me an ask containing links to Good Omens fan fiction you think I should read, I'll delete it. Do it again and I'll (regretfully) block you. This is a general blanket sort of thing -- I don't want to read it, legally I can't read it, no I won't make it into the next series, and, no matter how pure your motives, it's crossing a line.
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Oh look, what a little bobble 😊
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@marauderswolf22 have you tried this already? 😊
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uquiz & picrew
Wanted to do this because @thejudiciousneurotic did!! (I really am a lovable idiot)
No pressure tags!! @sweetadonisbutbetter @spongejuice @vixezn @zxphy + anyone else/open tag!
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You know what? I don't know about the fish (except for the reference to Banana Fish that doesn't want to make space for anything else in my head), but I'm reading Neil's The graveyard book, and there's a mention of a snake stone. Now, googling snake stones puts the enormous diamond in a whole different light...
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I am actually absolutely extatic to have found a corner of the internet with people whose brains not only are willing to understand such pinball thinking, but actually publish their own crazy meta theories, based on a work of the founding fathers of bonkers, and one of them is even actually here too. I feel like I've been wandering around in a fog my whole life and somehow made it to the bonkers dreamland. Unreal!
how ridiculous we are walking around saying shit like "supreme archangel" "the metatron" "bildad the shuhite" "memory tampering" "demon army" and "nazi zombies" like we're discussing the weather
but then we have to out bonkers ourselves with
"well, because they used this particular filter, when crowley's sideburns were at this particular length, and based on the fact that the sidewalks are dry, and you can hear something breaking in the background, and that person in the hawaiian shirt has been standing there a little too long, but what is "too long" anyway when the hour hand and the minute hand on the georgian era long case moonphase clock are switched?, never even MIND that aziraphale only had the bullet in his mouth when he took the bullet out of his mouth, combined with the fact that there are runes in heaven, when examined within the context of a song and a film from the 1940s... it is clear that...something very odd is going on."
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Good Omens in Chronological Order
Youtube link
Link to original post with notes document
With specific thanks to @zevzen & @rivercass for their help with making sure everything worked on the Youtube side of things.
Thank you to everyone that interacted with the many posts of mine about Good Omens in Chronological Order and made it be seen by more people.
I would also say, I chose each of the thumbnails specifically. They may look random but they aren’t.
Yes, this will (hopefully) be updated when S3 eventually comes out.
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Rest and fun are the productivest activities.
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Something I made while dealing with my own stuff and hoping drawing this would pick me up somehow. Maybe it worked.
FT my cat. His name is Mischief
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I'm not gonna directly @ people or respond to the post because I know NG doesn't need backup at all and OP is probably getting enough hate as it is (I've gotta assume ignorance here - I'm sure OP had the best of intentions - plus this is all fun and games anyway - absolutely no ill will I promise)
but. yALL. this is SO NOT COOL! This was (imo) one of the better theories. Now it probably won't happen. Even if it *was* the plan, it isn't now. Maybe it was never going to happen, sure, but STILL. NOW YOU HAVE GONE AND RUINED IT. YOU HAVE OPENED SCHRODINGER'S BOX.
Your question was whether or not this is true, or whether it will happen? Congratulations, now you know. The very act of sending it to NG has now guaranteed that it won't.
Look, am I too emotionally invested in this show? Yes. But like. Come on, man. These kinds of asks absolutely ruin my day/week, no joke. I feel like I've been putting together a puzzle or watching someone else put together a puzzle. and some random person shows up and takes away all the pieces that one person was working on. and then they go sacrificially burn them in order to ask God if they were in the right order. like?? wow thanks so helpful?? just let us put together the damn puzzle???????
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Not to be dramatic or anything
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A whole new perspective
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Is this legal?
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And once again thanks for the tag 😘
I'll be so Polish to say pierogi ruskie filling 😅
Weeping willow. Best for climbing.
I don't really keep record, but maybe 'wobbly'?
Marine biology, for practical reasons
Oh, a lot of things... Mostly a detective, a translator and a mom.
I am physically unable to come up with a question 🤷🏽‍♀️
Leaving the tags open for anyone willing 💛
I've made a few tag games, but they've never had questions so let's start one.
You answer these, but at the end you write one more question that only people you tagged answer. every person answers the previous question and creates a new one (so when the tagged person taggs someone, they stick only to the latest one). you tag anyone you want to.
Your favourite smell connected with baking/food in general?
Your favourite type of tree?
A silly word you use on a daily basis?
Marine biology or dinosaurs - which is more interesting?
Who you wanted to be 'when you grow up' as a child?
your question!
and my answers bc I want to: i think vanilla sugar, Im basic with it but I find oaks really cozy? sort of?, I find the polish word 'kalosze' silly (wellingtons), marine biology, I wanted to be an astronaut
tagging: @vellichorius @brokendoor16 @captainspectrumreportingforduty @unabashedlyshadowynightmare @crikey01 have fun!!
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Thank you for the tag! I've been a little ill and have some catching up to do 😁
These are both so cool, I loved doing them! I'm a little disappointed with how little chaotic I turned out, I feel more chaotic than good 😅
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Inviting @imasfnek, @justpretendygood, @lickthecowhappy if you wish ❤️
Tag game! Thank you for the tag @localcanadiancryptid22, I hope it's okay I restarted the thread, it was really long!
Do this quiz, and this picrew, and tag people if you want! Open to everyone, though! (Also, this is arguably THE coolest picrew I have EVER SEEN and it is CRIMINAL that I haven't seen it before.)
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Tagging! @brokendoor16 @asteriskoops @axemanliar-blog @lvndrlondonfog @verysexyseagull @rainecantswim @honeysucklethornsandalligtrhorns @hisshiss-bitch @the-stars-are-ineffable
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This man is an angel on screen and off. I feel like I need to hear these words every day. I feel like my friends need to hear these words every day. We are all working so hard to be good and kind and whole. It's so important to stop and take stock and just be thankful, proud, hurt, real... in the moment.
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And SID RAT is the numberplate of Arthur Young's car
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That's exactly how I see it 🥺
I just had a thought (maybe other people had it already, but I didn't see it)
This scene :
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At first it's funny, of course, but in fact it's quite heartbreaking.
Not because Crowley doesn't remember Furfur, no. But because Crowley was silly as an angel.
Do you really see Crowley doind that now? Even smiling like AngelCrowley seems foreign to us. But he was absolutely innocent and playful too.
The fall took all of that from Crowley.
Do you think that it's what Aziraphale heard, too ?
Do you think he see another glimpse of an happier Crowley with this simple sentence?
Do you think that it's what he wanted to give back to Crowley when he asked him to come with him to heaven?
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*taking my pillow and blanket, getting comfortable*
I'll wait here
If Crowley was an archangel (a lot of fans headcanon him as one before the fall) it could mean that he had helped bulid the heaven's system
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