umaburo · 4 months
宮崎県のブランド牛である宮崎牛。柔らかくて旨味が最高の宮崎牛をリーズナブル価格で食べられると評判の人気店。「平家の郷 大塚本館」は、和牛100%のハンバーグや宮崎牛のステーキが超人気。いつ来ても美味しいというハンバーグは必食の旨さです!
Miyazaki beef is a branded beef from Miyazaki prefecture. This popular restaurant is known for serving Miyazaki beef, which is tender and has the best flavor, at a reasonable price. ``Heike no Sato Otsuka Honkan'' is extremely popular for its 100% Wagyu beef hamburgers and Miyazaki beef steaks. The hamburgers are always delicious and a must-try!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2321/0
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umaburo · 5 months
北陸地方で有名なラーメンチェーン店が『8番ラーメン』。全国や海外にも展開しており、200店舗を超える大型ラーメンチェーン店の本店が加賀市にある。「8番らーめん 本店」は、ボリュームたっぷりで、旨い上に野菜たっぷりで健康的な野菜ラーメンが人気です!
``8th Ramen'' is a famous ramen chain restaurant in the Hokuriku region. The main branch of a large ramen chain with over 200 stores is located in Kaga City, with operations nationwide and overseas. ``No. 8 Ramen Honten'' is popular for its hearty, delicious and healthy vegetable ramen!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2278/0
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umaburo · 5 months
福岡県と言えば豚骨ラーメンが有名。国内外で圧倒手にリピーターから支持を受ける日本を代表するラーメン店。「一風堂 大名本店」は、究極的な博多豚骨ラーメンの旨さを味わわえます!
Fukuoka Prefecture is famous for its tonkotsu ramen. A ramen shop representing Japan that enjoys overwhelming support from repeat customers both domestically and internationally. At Ippudo Daimyo Main Store, you can enjoy the ultimate taste of Hakata tonkotsu ramen!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2316/0
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umaburo · 5 months
バスケットの街としても有名な秋田県能代市。ここを聖地とする人気のラーメンが「味とのれんを大切にする店 吾作ラーメン」。「吾作ラーメン 能代本店」は、シンプルなメニューで、飽きの来ないラーメンが人気です!
Noshiro City, Akita Prefecture is also famous as a basketball town. Gosaku Ramen, a restaurant that values ​​taste and goodwill, is a popular ramen restaurant that treats this place as a sacred place. "Agosaku Ramen Noshiro Main Branch" has a simple menu and is popular for its ramen that you will never get tired of!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2237/0
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umaburo · 5 months
宮崎県と言えば朝からうどんを食べる程、うどん文化が根付いた地域。宮崎県北部で展開する激安うどんチェーン店で、地元民から愛される超人気うどん店。「天領うどん 新生町店」は、昭和41年から創業するうどん店で、激安で旨い釜揚げうどんが名物です!
Miyazaki Prefecture is a region where udon culture is so deeply rooted that people eat udon in the morning. A very popular udon restaurant chain located in the northern part of Miyazaki Prefecture that is loved by the locals. “Tenryo Udon Shinseicho Branch” is an udon restaurant that was founded in 1966, and is famous for its extremely cheap and delicious kamaage udon!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2320/0
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umaburo · 5 months
生卵とすき焼き風の徳島ラーメン。数ある名店の中でも重鎮的存在の「ラーメン東大 大道本店」が運営するセカンドブランド店。「徳島ラーメン 麺王 徳島駅前本店」は、超リーズナブル価格で提供する鬼旨の徳島ラーメンが食べれます!
Tokushima ramen with raw eggs and sukiyaki style. This is a second brand store operated by Ramen Todai Daido Honten, which is one of the most important stores among the many famous stores. At "Tokushima Ramen Menou Tokushima Ekimae Main Branch", you can enjoy delicious Tokushima ramen served at a super reasonable price!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2333/0
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umaburo · 6 months
ハンバーグ激戦地でもある福岡県久留米市。超爆速で爆旨のハンバーグ、箸で手頃に食べられる美味しいハンバーグ店として有名なハンバーグチェーン店の本店。「ミスタージョージ 東合川本店」は、提供最速で10秒とも言われる爆速な提供と箸で簡単に切れる超柔らかく旨いハンバーグが食べられます!
Kurume City, Fukuoka Prefecture is also a battleground for hamburgers. This is the main branch of a hamburger chain restaurant that is famous for its super-fast and delicious hamburgers that can be eaten with chopsticks at a reasonable price. At "Mr. George Higashiaikawa Main Branch", you can enjoy super-soft and delicious hamburgers that are served extremely fast, in as little as 10 seconds, and can be easily cut with chopsticks!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2311/0
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umaburo · 6 months
京王電鉄グループが運営する「カレーショップC&C」の1号店が新宿にある。立ち食いカレー店としても有名な東京新宿の名店。「カレーショップ C&C 新宿本店」は、28種類のスパイスをブレンドして作られた新宿カレーが味わえます!
The first ``Curry Shop C&C'' operated by the Keio Electric Railway Group is located in Shinjuku. A famous restaurant in Shinjuku, Tokyo that is also famous as a stand-up curry restaurant. At "Curry Shop C&C Shinjuku Main Branch", you can enjoy Shinjuku curry made with a blend of 28 types of spices!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2268/0
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umaburo · 6 months
久留米市と言えば久留米ラーメン。映画「ラーメン侍」のモデルになった名店で、釜(鍋)を空にすることなく継ぎ足し煮込む「呼び戻しスープ」発祥店としても有名なラーメン店。「大砲ラーメン 本店」は、呼び戻しスープが旨い無増しラーメンが人気です!
Speaking of Kurume City, it is Kurume Ramen. This ramen shop was the model for the movie ``Ramen Samurai,'' and is also famous as the birthplace of ``Imokabosu Soup,'' which is made by refilling the pot without emptying it. “Taihou Ramen Honten” is popular for its no-additional ramen with delicious call back soup!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2312/0
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umaburo · 6 months
男子の食べたいグルメで外せないカレーと餃子。カレーならココイチ、餃子なら餃子の王将…。しかし、どちらも食べたい食のサガ…。北海道札幌市にある餃子とカレーが同時に味わえる大人気のチェーン店。「みよしのさっぽろ 狸小路店」は、餃子とカレーが同時に味わえる人気店。超激安で旨い餃子とカレーが同時に味わえます!
Curry and gyoza are must-try gourmet foods for boys. For curry, go to Cocoichi, and for gyoza, go to Gyoza King... However, there is a saga of food that I want to eat both... A very popular chain restaurant in Sapporo, Hokkaido where you can enjoy gyoza and curry at the same time. Miyoshino Sapporo Tanukikoji branch is a popular restaurant where you can enjoy gyoza and curry at the same time. You can enjoy delicious gyoza and curry at the same time at a super cheap price.
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2234/0
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umaburo · 6 months
全国を代表するカレーの聖地でもある石川県。金沢カレーはあまりにも有名で全国区のご当地カレーです。深い歴史と複雑な経緯がある中でも金沢カレーを生み出した元祖店。「ターバンカレー 総本店」は、濃厚で特徴ある金沢カレーの総元祖。濃厚なカレールーと豊富なメニューで人気です!
Ishikawa Prefecture is also a mecca for curry that represents the nation. Kanazawa curry is so famous that it is a local curry throughout the country. The original restaurant that created Kanazawa curry, which has a deep history and complicated history. "Turban Curry Souhonten" is the originator of rich and distinctive Kanazawa curry. Popular for its rich curry roux and rich menu!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2277/0
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umaburo · 6 months
ちゃんぽんと言えば長崎県を思い浮かべますが、佐賀県にも有名なちゃんぽんが存在します。昭和24年創業の名店で、戦後に疎開先の炭鉱夫から絶大な支持を受けた名店。「井手ちゃんぽん 本店」!は、超具沢山の野菜が特徴的なちゃんぽんです!
When you think of Champon, you think of Nagasaki Prefecture, but Saga Prefecture also has famous Champon. This is a famous store that was founded in 1945 and received tremendous support from coal miners who were evacuated after the war. “Ide Champon main store”! is Champon, which is characterized by a lot of vegetables!
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umaburo · 6 months
日本人なら誰もが大好きなトンカツ。山形県民なら誰もが知るトンカツチェーン店「とん八」の本店。「とん八 本店」は、上質な豚肉を使ったとんかつ各種が人気。創作的メニューも必見です!
Tonkatsu is a favorite among all Japanese people. This is the main branch of Tonpachi, a tonkatsu chain restaurant that everyone in Yamagata Prefecture knows. ``Tonpachi Honten'' is popular for its variety of pork cutlets made with high-quality pork. The creative menu is also a must-see!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2239/0
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umaburo · 7 months
静岡県民の子供は、昔からおやつとして食べられている静岡おでん。串に刺さっていることと、だし粉をかけて食べる静岡おでんは、真っ黒いつゆも特徴的。「天神屋 曲金店」は、セルフスタイルで気軽に静岡おでんが食べられる人気店。激安のモーニングも必見です!
Shizuoka Oden has been eaten by children in Shizuoka Prefecture as a snack since ancient times. Shizuoka Oden is unique because it is served on a skewer and eaten with dashi powder, and the black soup is also characteristic. ``Tenjin-ya Magagane'' is a popular restaurant where you can easily enjoy Shizuoka Oden in a self-styled manner. The super cheap breakfast is also a must-see!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2289/0
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umaburo · 7 months
京都を代表するパン「カルネ」は、京都府民なら誰もが知る鬼旨なパンなんです。京都府で20店舗を展開する超有名なパン屋。「志津屋 本店」では、ハムとオニオン、マーガリンのシンプルな具材ながらも超絶な旨さを誇るカルネが人気です!
Kyoto's representative bread ``Carnet'' is a delicious bread that every Kyoto resident knows. A very famous bakery with 20 stores in Kyoto Prefecture. At Shizuya Main Store, the popular carne is simple ingredients such as ham, onion, and margarine, but it is incredibly delicious!
続きはこちら( Click here for more )⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2305/0
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umaburo · 7 months
世界で最も有名なラーメンと言っても過言でない「味仙ラーメン」日本では90店舗ほどだが、海外では15か国で700店舗以上もある。熊本市にある本店。「味千拉麺 本店」は、世界で最も有名な味千ラーメンの総本山。海外で最も人気のラーメンが味わえます!
It is no exaggeration to say that ``Ajisen Ramen'' is the most famous ramen in the world.There are about 90 stores in Japan, but there are over 700 stores in 15 countries overseas. The main store is located in Kumamoto City. “Ajisen Ramen Honten” is the headquarters of Ajisen Ramen, the most famous restaurant in the world. You can taste the most popular ramen overseas!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2319/0
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umaburo · 7 months
鹿児島のラーメンと言えばざぼんラーメンという程に約80年も前から食べられてきたラーメン。 鹿児島ラーメンの代表的な店としても有名な人気店でざぼんラーメンの元祖店。「ざぼんラーメン 与次郎店」では鹿児島名物のラーメンであるざぼんラーメンが食べられます!
Zabon ramen is a type of ramen that has been eaten in Kagoshima for about 80 years. It is a popular restaurant that is famous as a typical Kagoshima ramen restaurant, and is the originator of Zabon ramen. At "Zabon Ramen Yojiro Branch", you can enjoy Kagoshima's specialty ramen, Zabon Ramen!
続きはこちら(Click here for more)⇒https://fanblogs.jp/souguru/archive/2323/0
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