ulysseswept · 3 years
In a soft, lover boy mood I wanna whisper seductively to a cute boy: "Mon amour, ma petit déjeuner" while making out
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ulysseswept · 3 years
What do you mean I don't have 20 cute boys drooling over me at my dms after posting "hhh...gay boy I love cute h"
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ulysseswept · 3 years
My dms are open if any cute boy wants to talk about literature, art, philosophy or helplessly get enamoured
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ulysseswept · 3 years
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Reenactor throws a spear at a drone
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ulysseswept · 3 years
Anyone who says you can’t give flowers to boys clearly hasn’t tried it. Seriously, give a boy some roses, they get adorably flustered and go all red. It’s the most precious thing.
Give more boys flowers. 🌹🌼🌻🌸🌷🌺💐
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ulysseswept · 3 years
i luv boyz. i love how they can still look hot lounging in sweats all day. i love how they run their hand through their hair and smile a big smile and how their eyes crinkle and their teeth show. i love when they wear soft hoodies and tight jeans. i love the smell of aftershave on them in the morning. i love leather jackets boys and snapbacks boys and boys who are feminine and boys who are masculine. i love boys who wear soft shades of lipgloss and boys who paint their nails dark colors. i love metal boys and pop boys. loud boys and quiet boys. i just love boys so much!!!!!
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ulysseswept · 3 years
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Beautiful illustration by @elisegravel
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ulysseswept · 3 years
Gentle boys deserve so much love. Boys who speak softly. Boys who get frightened easily. Boys who aren’t good at standing up for themselves. Boys who get bullied for having traditionally ‘feminine’ hobbies or mannerisms. Boys who get told they’re not ‘macho’ enough.
You’re all amazing and never forget that
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ulysseswept · 3 years
david byrne: HUEH ……… huh,…. bngfmhbnfhg .. HA……hitme on the head and i gotHOOOOOOOOooOOOOO
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ulysseswept · 3 years
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Time transfixed via Rene Magritte
Size: 146x97 cm Medium: oil, canvas
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ulysseswept · 3 years
I’m so hungry for a shy boy in bed… I want to tie his hands to my bed posts, strip him off his pants and see him turn crimson red in the face when I look at his body like it’s the most delicious meal I’ve ever seen. I want him to moan and squirm when I touch his hard cock the first time… begging me to stop but his body language will tell me otherwise.. slight thrust against my palm and later in my mouth. I want him to whimper and sigh, be noisy and desperate. I’m hungry for the look on his face when I slide his throbbing cock inside my pussy and feel him all the way in. When he tries to hide his face or bites his lips to muffle the moans I just part his lips with two fingers and force his mouth open, make him unable to suppress all the sweet sounds he makes while I ride him. What I want is a boy stripped off all the worries and thoughts that make him think he has to act cool. Act ‘manly’. I want him to lose a fight against boundaries and give in to the pleasure I cause. And I want to hear him cry my name as he cums.
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ulysseswept · 3 years
things i love about boys (mannerism edition)
you guys loved the last one so much - i'm going to make this a series!
laughter. listen, i'm a simple lad. i hear a boy laugh, and i suddenly forget how to act like a person. something made him so happy, or he found a half-baked meme on iFunny that made him do the half-smile-blowing-air-out-your-nose thing. one of the best sounds, A+.
hugs. boy's hugs. hugs from boys. they're always so warm and soft... and you can just feel his outer shell melt away. sometimes, he'll stroke your hair and whisper things in your ear as he hugs you. they range from a soft, "i love you" or a silly inside joke that cracks you up.
jumps. they are very hoppy ones, why is this? when he sees a door frame, it is inevitably smacked. when he sees another boy, and they get excited, they hop? it is very adorable and confusing, 10/10.
singing. the number one way to make me melt into a very gay puddle on the floor. they hum under their breath when doing homework or doing chores - and half the time, they won't even know what song it is. they enjoy singing in the shower as loud and obnoxiously as possible - but only when you're around to hear him. too adorable.
sleeping. how are boys so adorable when they're literally doing nothing? picture your boyfriend/crush sleeping next to you. he makes little sounds. he roll. he flip over. sometimes, he'll steal your blanket. and sometimes he'll GIVE YOU HUGS IN HIS SLEEP. HELP.
reading. nothing is softer than a boy with a book in front of his face. pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose when they slide down. turning pages quickly, and literally tapping his foot when it gets suspenseful. throwing the book across the room when the dog dies-
passions. i will cry. he waves his hands around excitedly over the nerdiest things. when you start talking about one of his special interests, he lights up like a christmas tree, and starts talking at 2x speed. he is so excited to show you the things that he loves. let him.
soft interactions. boys playing fetch with a puppy, but he ends up doing all the fetching. boys falling asleep with a kitten curled up on their chests. boys running around with little kids, and having the most adorable and nonsensical conversations. boys... marry me.
clumsiness. the cute dumbass trope in general. when they try to high-five a buddy and totally miss. when they try to impress someone and end up tripping over a potted plant. accidentally ignoring wet floor signs and literally falling down a flight of stairs-
comfort. boys wearing the biggest, fluffiest hoodies. whining when you get out the bed to make breakfast because bABE YOU'RE LEAVING THE COMFYNESS?? their annoyed tired groans when they eventually have to wake up and join the world.
please comment and/or reblog with some more mannerisms that you love about boys!
(this post is directed toward mlm and nblm folks!)
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ulysseswept · 3 years
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do you ever wake up in the middle of the night and just…. Yearn..?
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ulysseswept · 3 years
I love when you kiss a man for the first time and he kisses you back and means it, he actually wants you, and you want him, and it’s not shameful or hesitant its just pure affection and it’s so good and the plastic film separating you is gone and you can be yourselves together
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ulysseswept · 3 years
Short men are so fruity. What are you short for? To be held by other men? To be picked up and carried hmmm? To be gently cradled in a man's arms?
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ulysseswept · 3 years
wishing for a man to bring the light into my day and fill up my heart with joy everytime he walks into the room and one who will drink coffee with me while we watch the sunrise. to have someone to comfort me to sleep and let me know that it will be alright despite my worries that keep me awake
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ulysseswept · 3 years
Shout out to all the notes-app poems, love letters, secrets, novels, diary entries, bucket lists and lyrics that were hurredly typed into people’s phones at 3am and then hidden from the world and forgotten. Maybe one day you’ll open the app and laugh at how pretentious you were, or maybe you’ll smile at that part of yourself that noone else saw
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