tylerollins · 8 years
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tylerollins · 8 years
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tylerollins · 8 years
that moment when you forget you have memes to do
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tylerollins · 8 years
Don’t you ever fucking talk about her like that! 
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Tyler managed to dodge the brunt of the punch, immediately jumping to action and shoving the other guy against the wall, his forearm against pressed against his neck. "Don't you ever touch me again, you piece of shit. You are not the only guy on this campus who knows how to throw a punch. Now I highly suggest you run back to your girlfriend like the little bitch you are, otherwise she will be coming to visit you at the hospital, got it?"
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tylerollins · 8 years
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“And someone who is planning on getting just as wasted as you.”
“Bottoms up?”
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tylerollins · 8 years
“Why would I ever go out of my way to be mean? Besides everyone deserves flowers.”
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"You know those people who think there's some alternate universe where someone is your complete opposite? You are that for me."
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tylerollins · 8 years
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“Thinking about adulting is stressing me out,” she admitted - flying her hand up in the air just a bit to wave away the obvious sentimental value that was coming across in their conversation. Knowing Tyler, he’d want to stop it sooner than later anyway. “But instead!” and suddenly, an idea hit her. The same hand that had just waved attempted to wave down the bartender. “Two shots of tequila, please!” she explained, flashing the male her signature giggly smile.
"That happens when you get old. I guess we are officially getting old." And part of Tyler hated that realization more than anything. He was getting dangerously close to living a life of boredom, doing his father's bidding and just hoping for a large chunk of the estate when the old man kicked the bucket. More reason to get shit-faced. He shook his head, but a smirk found his lips nonetheless. "Tequila? That's a dangerous route to take for you, isn't it?"
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tylerollins · 8 years
maya chuckles, “i don’t want to tame you, rollins. that’s way too much effort & time that i don’t have.”
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"Then accept the rejection and move on."
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tylerollins · 8 years
“Fine. I will accept that, and merely state that I tend to use that to my advantage. Debate over.”
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"Ah, a manipulation tool. I should have made that leap."
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tylerollins · 8 years
“Rollins I’m sure you’re great at fooling everyone else, but I know that game like the back of my hand. But sure- let’s pretend you are a total dick with no type of emotion at all. I’ll go along with your little facade. Also, i highly doubt you have a heart of gold, I’m just saying- I know your type.” She scrunched her nose, “Stop insulting me, I’m not even being rude- there’s no fucking need to keep telling me I’m not clever or not bright enough to grasp things. This started out as a completely normal conversation, a joke here and there, a laugh at the fact that you hit some kid with a water bottle, but I make a sarcastic comment about not wanting to sleep with you and you start insulting me. You’re hot, but I’m not just going to be gung-ho to just say I’d love to get dicked down by you- if that makes me stupid, not clever, and unattractively sarcastic then fuck you. Get a grip.”
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"It's no act, though I appreciate the free psychoanalysis, Dr. Phil. You don't know my type. The fact of the matter is I don't believe in bullshit. I don't fuck around, and I don't see the point in investing in things that are never worth it in the end. If you think you can find meaning for every asshole's nature, you are naive as fuck. I can admit that I tried the whole having a heart thing. Bit me in the ass, so I refuse to go there again." He shrugged. "You're right - you're attempts at being rude are failing miserably. You can't pull it off." Tyler chuckled to himself. "You think this is about you not wanting to sleep with me? That is rich. I literally insult every single person I come into contact with. I didn't earn the nickname King of the Underworld by selectively choosing my victims." He shook his head. "And on that note, this mentally-tolling conversation is over."
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tylerollins · 8 years
“Well you need to loosen up.” She gently pushed a shot glass towards him. 
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"I have no desire to be the life of the party," he told her, already ordering another drink.
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tylerollins · 8 years
Her hair was falling out of her bun, reclaiming it’s position against her neck. Wren didn’t bother fixing her hair, she quite liked how it gave the impression of relaxation. At the moment, she was trying to open her water bottle, the cap seemed to be practically glued on. After a few failed attempts, Wren gave up and turned around. That’s when she noticed him walk towards her. His words confused her, temporarily. Did she know him from somewhere? Maybe he was in one of her classes. As he drew nearer, the feeling of familiarity became too strong for Wren to handle. “-you.” she said, blinking a few times. A soft smile settled on her tired features. “I didn’t know you went to school here-” she said, before trailing off. Of course she didn’t. It wasn’t like they were close or anything. 
The look on her face made it obvious that she didn't recognize him, which caused him to hold back and put on his defenses. He hated being that person, the one who made something more out of a situation than the other. She smiled at him, but he didn't return it. "It's a big school." They were total strangers, and that point was now blatantly obvious to him than it had been when he saw her from across the room. The rush of nostalgia had overtaken his natural instincts, and now he was beginning to regret it. "I guess I was just surprised to see you. This was the last place I expected to see you again." And now all he could think about was how to escape. "Guess I'll see you around."
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tylerollins · 8 years
text | oliver
Oliver: Technical Man will be my superhero name. You can be T-Boy, my sidekick.
Oliver: It doesn't hurt to try. Can't you open up even a wee bit?
Oliver: Kind insults only. It's what friends do.
Oliver: She's really cool, though. I think you'd like her.
Oliver: But I can do optimism for the both of us, I'll be the light in your life.
Oliver: We should shake on it. With spit. Or blood. Lets just do a wiccan ritual while we're at it.
Tyler: I only play villains, not sidekicks
Tyler: No.
Tyler: I think Dr. Oxymoron is a better superhero name for you
Tyler: I don't like many people
Tyler: Just what I always wanted.
Tyler: If this means a human sacrifice, count me in.
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tylerollins · 8 years
“I’m just trying to be nice. I–I’m sorry if I was overstepping.”
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"Me and nice don't mix, even coming from somebody else."
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tylerollins · 8 years
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“Yeah, you and me? That was a fake face, I guess I’m very good at mimicking it.” It was obviously a lie, which made Arya giggle like a little girl. “Oh, fuck! I knew that, I’m dumb. I guess that’s why I felt like it fit you because well, it did. But you should pros and con it, Texas isn’t that bad once you try it out.” 
"You're a bad liar," he told her, not the least bit insulted by her claims. "You do have her moments," he said, agreeing with her. "I can't imagine myself getting along with cowboys and farmers." Tyler shrugged. "My father is opening a new London branch this spring. I've always liked Europe." He took a drink. "Anywhere but here, honestly."
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tylerollins · 8 years
“No I’ll still give you flowers, I’d feel mean if I didn’t, but you wouldn’t be able to probably appreciate them considering the circumstances.”
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"God forbid you ever feel mean. Well then I guess I should do my best to avoid that situation."
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tylerollins · 8 years
“Secretly being an asshole? I am not hiding behind you or Dante with a false halo over my goddamn head, I just tend to opt for ignoring people altogether more often than exposing myself to the idiocy of others in the process of reminding them of said idiocy.”
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Tyler put his hands up. "Calm down, there. I was not suggesting any such thing. Just that your ignoring idiocy rather than engaging it may make you a little more popular than either of us."
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