#c: hope
xtempestasx · 6 months
Hope's mind raced as she navigated the chaotic streets, the crackling of lightning illuminating the panic-stricken faces of those around her as they darted in the darkness. Faces upon faces passed her, but no one she was looking for could be found, and she was growing increasingly impatient with how little she knew about what the hell was going on. Turning down a dimly lit street that illuminated with each crack of lightning, Hope felt the presence of someone behind her just as a hand reached out to grab her shoulder. With lightning fast reflexes, she whirled around and stopped the intruder's hand mid-air, prepared for whatever threat that she may now face, her eyes meeting those of who had attempted to stop her.
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ofescapisms · 5 months
💭 Morgan @ Hope
“I just really hate you.”
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space-writes · 1 year
Happy STS! Here’s a summer themed ask for you:
All of your OCs are at the beach! What is each OC doing and what chaos ensues?
(Optional things for your OCs to be doing, there are no rules <3)
Which character is most at home in the water and has to be dragged out, and demands that the whole group play all the water games?
Which character full stop refuses to even touch the water (whether out of fear or another reason)?
Who has the bag full of snacks and is constantly yelling at people to drink water and put on sunscreen?
Which character is dunking people in the water, grabbing other people’s ankles, pulling dumb pranks, etc?
Which character is just there for the Instagram (or equivalent) pics?
Which character gleefully asks to be buried in the sand and realizes too late that they’ve made a horrible mistake?
Which character is the sandcastle captain making elaborate sand creations and who WILL FREAK OUT if you come within ten feet of their project?
Which character is Mx. Put on Way Too Much Sunscreen?
Which character didn’t put on ANY sunscreen and is now burnt to a crisp?
And finally: Which character is the reason that the group has to go home early?
for whichever and however many OCs you would like <3 answer whenever you want <3
Hi Anna! this is such a good ask, i’m gonna go wild with this, thank you~~
The main crew, aka Lucian and friends:
Quest is having the time of their life. They’re in and out of the water, starting every game under the sun, they have, apparently, limitless energy and as soon as one set of people get tired, they’ll go and bother another to do something else. Also come look at this cool crab they found—wait no, why are you running away!?
Zander is a) trying to prank people and b) look as cool as possible whilst doing it. He is not above using magic to dunk people in a wave, or send an army of tiny crabs after them. The second he gets in the water, though, Aliyne will dunk him, no magic needed, and then he spends the next few hour sulking and trying to fix his hair.
Leshanna is a Damiri elf, a snow elf, aka Miss Cannot Handle the Sun. She’s under a huge parasol, sweating profusely, trying to keep as much sun and sand away from her as physically possible. The only beach activity she is here for is reading on the beach, and she’d really rather be doing that anywhere else.
Lucian is happy to keep Leshanna company at first, and is probably building sandcastles—once he figures out what those are, anyway. He won’t go in the water, he doesn’t want his braids to come down, and unlike Zander, it’s not pure vanity, it's [redacted for plot reasons :p]. He is also the one who gets 100% tricked into letting the others bury him, only realising too late that he is now stuck…and then he starts actually panicking and everyone scrambles to get him out.
Aliyne alternates between fucking with Zander, keeping Lucian company, and sparring with Quest. She’d never say it, but by the end of the day she’s the one standing aside watching them all pack up to go home, trying to ignore the warm fuzzy feelings by pretending it’s heatstroke.
As for Vetuska K’zinla (+ Vren)…
K’zinla beach party! They’re the kind who are down there all day, until well into the night. They’ve thrown an enormous barbecue and started a massive bonfire (well, statistically probably Mayhem started the bonfire, and it probably wasn’t meant to be a bonfire initially…). There’s music and lots of drinking, and Aspiration managed to dunk Excellence three times before he stomped out of the water, sulking, and refused to take part any more.
Wit is convinced there are horrible sea monsters in the Valloroth sea, and refuses to go in until Mayhem puts them over her shoulder and just yeets them into an oncoming wave. Hope is floating nearby, chilling and enjoying the sun. She gives Wit a little pat on the head when they come up spluttering and cursing Mayhem's bloodline.
Sorrow spends a huge amount of time sunbathing, sipping magically chilled wine, and pretending he’s too chilled out to care, whilst actually keeping an eye on everyone and making sure they eat and drink and don’t accidentally kill each other. He’s also been waiting all day for Vren to take off his shirt and go swimming, but Vren is apparently content to sit and eat barbecue and stare at the ocean by himself.
And because the two groups are definitely at the same beach, at some point Aliyne does drag Vren into the water, and Sorrow is not hiding his appreciation for all that Mohaade muscle at all. Aspiration almost gets a tiny crab in his mouth before he shuts it.
(And if I’m being self-indulgent, and setting this post-story, Sorrow and Vren sneak off when everyone’s asleep and have ill-advised beach sex. And then spend the next day trying to get sand out of increasingly unlikely places)
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impurc-moved · 9 months
@devilsanddarlings continuing from here X
"Wh-" She doesn't have time to react to the situation and starts obligingly following her cousin in a sprint, in hopes that the werewolf does not catch them and bite them, herself especially. "That's it! Next time! I do the talking."
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turbuggie · 1 year
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oldmancable · 1 year
This was home for now. This time, with these people, experiencing their problems. Getting heavily involved was something he avoided if he could. Time travel made life more complicated in a way that most others couldn’t understand.
Hope wasn’t most others, though. Nate Summers wouldn’t usually be labeled as the father-type but it was always meant to be for him. Certain things were fixed, no matter how many time jumps were made. Hope was meant to be with Nate and he wouldn’t ever change that.
His daughter was tough, resilient, and brave— all necessary things for growing up in a post-apocalyptic world. They survived together. She could protect herself but it was a father’s natural instinct to want to protect their kids. Nate did the best he could, but always felt like it wasn’t enough. Cable was known to be dangerous, and he was— toughened and violent, surviving against all the odds against him ever since he was born. Shouldn’t that mean he could protect her whenever he needed to?
When she was taken into Pleasant Hill, there was nothing he could do. There were enough mutants rallying to march in and practically burn the place to the ground to get their people back— he didn’t need to be one of them. Before he knew it, they had gotten her out and killed her. It was a fast solution. It got the job done. But he was finding himself needing to bite his tongue around everyone who made that decision without him. Times like that reminded him why he preferred working on his own, making the hard calls on his terms. Not anyone else’s.
Now that Hope was back though, it was easier to let the anger and frustration fade. All that mattered was that she was okay.
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Nate entered the Hatchery and took slow steps, passing the pods as he looked for her. He caught a glimpse of red hair and let out a breath, turning to head towards her. “Hey, kid.” His greeting was soft as he approached, finding it hard to not smile. “You have no idea how good it is to see you.”
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wintcrstcrfall · 1 year
closed starter for @huntrcssqueen​ ( hope ) inspiration
His steps were almost silent. After spending as long as he did trapped in Limbo, Landon had gotten used to the absent of noise, to as little presence as possible. Somehow he thought he had gotten the hang of it after living in so many foster families and trying to be invisible but maybe there was always more in life. And he surely had gotten down in it, almost sinking to the very bottom. Just like he knew She was. “Hello, Hope”, the young man breathed, trying to smile, trying to seem like before, energetic and hopeful. But he wasn’t the Landon from before; she had simply killed him. “I knew I’d find you here.”
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dottir-royalty · 29 days
"Why don't we just kill him?" {Hope}
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".... Are you concussed or something? Uncle Klaus literally said that we cannot kill him because he still needs him to do something."
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nourfk · 6 months
When & Where: "Outside of The Rabbit Hole" ...midday!
🤩 @hopefms
It wasn't always a priority for Nour to set aside money for new clothes. If anything, it was (at least) the fourth thing on her list of financial priorities. Her main focus was always to send money back home, so when she came to realize there was some cash left over for that new coat she was eying at The Rabbit Hole, Nour knew she couldn't pass it up. It wasn't like her to pass the signs she looked for in life. She loved clothes, she loved fashion— even if that extra cash could've gone to something more productive, it'd be hard to convince her otherwise. All Nour could think about was styling that coat. She figured it'd look so great with both jeans and a maxi skirt, smiling to herself at the vision. However, just as she was about to enter the shop, she noticed someone a few feet away. There wasn't anything necessarily interesting about what she was doing— but Nour couldn't shake her curiosity. When she finally turned to show her face, her face dropped. Hope Harris? The Hope Harris? In Stillwater? Her excitement got ahead of her, moving towards the redhead before her conscience reminded her of what manners were. "...Hi, I'm sorry to bother you, but... are you Hope Harris?" she greets shyly.
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bunneis · 1 year
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21/05/23 edit: heres the full gifset
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sharkfinn · 18 days
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I love love love your character designs and art so so much throws this at you and runs away
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xtempestasx · 6 months
[ danielle rose russell | she/her ] Another face is seeking safety in New Orleans. Make sure to welcome HOPE MIKAELSON to the home of the resilient. Rumor has it that they are a 19/22 year old TRIBRID, who is one of the SACRIFICED but we’ll keep that a secret. They are said to be STUBBORN, but that’s all a façade to cover up their SELFLESS nature. We’ve heard that they can be found listening to TEENAGE DREAM by OLIVIA RODRIGO, which sums them up pretty well. Let’s hope that they can find a way to survive this harsh new world.
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Name: Hope Andrea Mikaelson Age: 19/22 Species: Tribrid Pronouns: She/Her Sexuality: Bisexual Parents: Hayley Marshall, Klaus Mikaelson Aunts: Freya Mikaelson, Rebekah Mikaelson Uncles: Elijah Mikaelson, Kol Mikaelson, Finn Mikaelson
After the events at the end of Legacies, Hope stayed on at the Salvatore School and finished her time as a student there. After she had graduated, Hope decided to stay on at the school guiding the supernatural students that continued to come through the doors of the school. When the OEA began to take over, Hope did all she could to protect the members of the supernatural community, but there was only so much she could do, and when they made their way into Mystic Falls the only thing she could thing of was to get everyone to New Orleans where she could protect people with the help of her family. In New Orleans Hope continued her efforts, making trips in and out of the city to escort terrified supernaturals to safety when the OEA had come knocking on their doors. When supernaturals began to go missing in the city, Hope took it upon herself to hunt them down, desperate to find answers. Months of searching, Hope found herself at the scene of another kidnapping. Attempting to save someone, Hope found herself sacrificed to the prison world by the witches behind what had been happening. Inside the prison world, Hope worked tirelessly amongst those trapped, and in doing so she and the witches were able to shatter their prison, and bring back those once lost. Wanted Connections TBA
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mienar · 9 months
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stillness in these waking hours
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space-writes · 1 year
are hope and aspiration siblings? also are there any other characters you're dying to talk about but couldnt include in the powerpoint? good luck on the writing! i cant wait to read about these disaster infernii
yes and no! so, they're not biologically related, but being in the same Zashi clan is basically like being family. they get on really well for the fact that Hope is one of the few Actually Vaguely Sensible K'zinla
(listen, Sorrow picks people and that man is very good at attracting unhinged weirdos)
i'm kinda sad i couldn't really fit House Fenthari on there without making it ridiculously long, because those assholes are terrible
there's Edmund and Elys, the twins, who can and do back each other up no matter how terrible the idea is (and it's usually Edmund's). Elys is a stuck-up little bitch and Edmund isn't much better.
Their older brother, Travick, is the infernii Prince equivalent of a party jock. Kelora is the prim-est, proper-est oldest sister. and Iolanthe is the shyest and the youngest and really doesn't deserve to be related to those four.
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impurc-moved · 7 months
@devilsanddarlings starter
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"Hope! Hurry up and finish putting on your costume! We need to start decorating for our party tonight!"
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turbuggie · 1 year
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Still style-testing. Liked this Hope!
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