tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
Kazuhiro Nakaya voice acting both Ichiban and Nishiki at the same time!
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tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
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ughhhhh you said we were going to mcdonald’s
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tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
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Hehehehehe  I made a bunch of Ykz-related Valentines just for shits and giggles bc I love Valentine’s Day and I love Yakuza!!!!!
If you’re interested in getting some for yourself or the object of your desire this Valentine’s Day you can grab em here!!
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tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
You so fucking precious when you smile meme feat. Nishiki
Inspired by birdtirex ver. Majima
Green screen template credits
Well basically the title is what I want to say to Nishiki
Nishiki appreciation video A.K.A Nishiki fancam
I tried not to use too much Kiwami Nishiki cuz Kiwami Nishiki is evil lol
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tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
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tsuki-panic-room · 3 years
Well today is Yakuza 15th anniversary, congratulations!!!!
I guess I have nothing to post but a WIP drawing it is unfinished-
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I planned to draw like every character in the yakuza series, then I realize it is impossible, there's just way too many (lol the hostess and substory characters or even the masters, etc)
Soooo even if I cut down the number of characters to draw it still takes me much more time than I expected and I haven't finish even half of it.
I may resume to it later. Hope that I can finish it before 2021 lol
Lesson learnt : Don't try challenging yourself to draw every single characters in a series. Just don't.
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
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Some screenshots throughout my journey through Yakuza Dead Souls. Since my other trips were well received I figured let’s take a look at my time through this adventure. As always it’s great to look at these without any context.
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
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錦, お誕生日おめでとう!
Happy Birthday to Nishiki!!
He is the best koi boiiii, and I love how he smiles!! ( ´∀`)
Give love to Nishikiiiiii
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
桐生さん, お誕生日おめでとう!
Ayay happy birthday to Kiryu-San! (17th June) He really need to rest after y6 (;_;) Stop making him jumping out and to save the city againnnn
Anyway, I really like how Kiryu can be serious and funny at the same time lol. Kiryu himself is a meme.
Music: Mayim Mayim
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
真島さん, お誕生日おめでとう!!!
Happy birthday to Majima-San! (May 14th)
Heh heh a gift for Majima. Basically this video is about Majima shouting Kiryu-Chan for a whole minute. It is his 56th birthday, just like his name Goro(56)~
Song: Mojipittan - On and on (Inspired by Akari Akari Akari)
PS: Sega please make Majima happy.
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
Wait wait that's not called abandoning. For real Park do the abortion without telling Majima and he totally know nothing about it. If you know the (spoilers) plot of Yakuza 5, Park was a idol before, and the public didn't even know that she was married with Majima as she had never mentioned about their relationship. She did the abortion in order to maintain her reputation as an idol. Soooooo she cares more about her image as an idol or the future of her career than her relationship with Majima. Um Majima didn't abandon her, he just leaves in order to protect her (like what he did to Makoto as to keep her away from the Yakuza world) by maintaining her idol image and like Majima is always the one getting hurt as he is the one who quits in a relationship as to protect the one he loves, so why is he being blamed?? Let's be honest, Park doesn't deserve Majima, like how would a person not even discussing or telling her husband about her having an abortion??? (Majima is way too good for her) (hope that I am not being too emotional lol)
so r not gonna talk about how in y5 majima had ms parks as his wife but divorced n abandoned her due to an abortion? i love him but HUH
Now, anon don’t think I am mad at you because I am not and I understand that finding out about this can be a bit destabilizing, and it’s totally valid but it’s a thing I noticed a lot on Twitter and makes me laught… but like because I don’t wanna cry.
There is something that even I, self proclaimed princess of teeth rottingly cute imagines and avid searcher of even the smallest glimpse of good in people cannot understand when talking about rgg in general.
Yakuza characters are criminals. It’s pretty obvious to me that they aren’t saints and their morals will never be 100% good. Why do people get scandalized when they discover their fave has done something that for a normal person would be wrong? They aren’t supposed to be role models, or at least not totally and I sometimes feel like me and some more popular creators haven’t played the same game because they protray their faves as saints and it feels so out of character (which I try my best to make a conscious effort to avoid and still keep the crime factor there).
Sorry for the little vent but it needed to be said, if you don’t vibe with that it’s totally okay and we can be friends like before, no hard feelings.
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
Remember the All Star Version of Haruka And the four dads singing So Much More? So biscally I am trying to make/edit a version with more people (lt may not make any sense but I want to add Majima, Tanimura, Nishiki, Mine and etc) screaming cheering. I know I should go get a life but whatever.
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tsuki-panic-room · 4 years
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“Otomeiro My Life 3-2-1 Go!”
I made a fanart for Haruka!! I haven’t tried drawing in this art style so it is a bitttt difficult.
Haruka doing karaoke is soo cute! I really like her singing Otomeiro My Life ^^ And Kiryu’s cheering is just legend.
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